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soc / soc.history / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part D - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part D - Daryl KabatoffSqueak Squeak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part D - Daryl Kabatoff
September 2nd 2023 2:42 pm 221,090 words (256 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

Heil Hitler is long gone but he still has goose-stepping stormtroopers united behind him today, they assault and kill Jews and Christians that point out Hitler’s pagan filth. Both the Islamists and Hitler’s stormtroopers hate Jews because the Jews defend and attempt to abide by God’s Commandments, which they hate even more than Jews, so it is not surprising that the Nazis and the Islamists were united in killing Jews during WWII. The Islamists claim that Mohammad is a prophet of God but this is blasphemy for God’s prophets are united in defense of God’s Commandments while the Koran censors God’s Commandments and instead commands their followers to kill those people who attempt to follow God’s Commandments. It appears that Saskatoonians are united in their hatred against those people who claim that their Catholic traditions are in direct violation to God’s Commandments and either tolerate it or are happy about it when assorted Nazi stormtroopers brutalize those who dare to speak out on the issue. Hitler was allied with the Islamists, and similar to Hitler, Saskatoonians are united in their hatred against those people who claim that their Catholic traditions are in direct violation to God’s Commandments, and then they welcome Islamists to immigrate to Saskatoon and give them free houses. And be aware that the Islamists are not here to collect welfare, they are here for the land. And be aware that nothing in the Koran demands that women cover their heads nor bodies in handkerchiefs nor bed sheets, the Koran demands that the Islamists kill us instead..

For the last few decades Prince Charles has been using his fabulous wealth to build mosques and help spread Islam around the world, he is above the law and will not be charged for aiding and abetting terrorists and terrorism. Prince Charles is fully aware that the funds he provides Islamists are being used to overthrow western democracies and kill both Christians and Jews. The situation is bleak because his mother is by far the wealthiest person on the planet and Charles is about to inherit her wealth. Just as many Doukhobors in Canada anglicized their names in order to gain jobs and favor, the German royal family did the same when they moved to England. Germans united with Islamists in WWII to kill Jews, and now German Prince Charles continues to fund Islam. Prince Charles’ mother taught him to abide by Catholic traditions in place of God’s Commandments, funding the spread of Islam is the ongoing result. Prince Charles is funding the immigration jihad (overthrowing nations through massive immigration and high birth rates), he will ensure that each male Islamist obtains and retains four homes, one for each of his wives, should the Canadian taxpayers cease paying the bill. The British Royal family is German, they have close ties to high ranking Nazi officers that fled to England at the close of WWII, while Queen Elizabeth is herself a Druid (a witch), I believe it inappropriate to hang her photograph in council chambers. The situation should be openly discussed and City Council should vote on the issue of whether to hang their photographs or not. People have high regard for Queen Elizabeth II because she honors their pagan traditions and annually helps to teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. People with dark agendas pose in front of decorated evergreen trees, they manipulate the masses by appealing to their love of traditions. Queen Elizabeth II has been using her position as head of a supposedly Protestant church to teach people to adopt Catholic fertility rites, paving the way for her son Charles to merge Protestantism with Catholicism (Revelation 13). The false prophet (the Pope) will unite with the Anti-Christ (King Charles), and the Protestants and Catholics in Saskatoon will be thrilled by the unity and give them both more money. I think Western Canada (ideally all of Canada) should unite as a Republic and offer guaranteed rights, including the right to speech, ownership of guns and land, and to be paid in gold and silver coinage, which is real money. For additional reading on the filth in the British Crown, see “The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea” by Tim Cohen.

The British monarchy is composed of German Nazis, they provide assistance and sanctuary to high ranking Nazi officers at the close of WWII (see “Royal Babylon: The Alarming History of European Royalty” by Karl Shaw). In the same book we read that in 1911 King George V and Queen Mary were crowned Emperor and Empress of India, and during their stay in India that year the Hindus handed over a vast fortune in jewels, this fortune will soon be passed down to Prince Charles, who has been using his fabulous wealth to fund the spread of Islam for the last few decades (see “The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea” by Tim Cohen). So in 1911 the Hindus in India swooned over the British Royalty, and handed them a vast fortune that will be used to exterminate Hindus and Hinduism. Supporting the British monarchy was not a good investment for the Hindus. Islamists took away much of India in 1947, now rather than “fight” for their pagan nation and for their pagan identity, the Hindus come to the west and “watch” Islamists invade here as well. Both Islam and Hinduism are male dominated fertility cults, the Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm, and the Hindus like to watch.

Prince Charles is fabulously wealthy, for the last few decades he’s been using this wealth to build mosques and spread Islam around the world (see “The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea” by Tim Cohen). His mother is by far the richest person on the planet and Charles is about to inherit her wealth. Charles will inherit the rich diamond and golden plunder, art and additional real estate (Canadian Crown land) and he will also inherit The Church of England, it is supposedly a Protestant church. Queen Elizabeth annually uses her office as the head of a Protestant church to teach the sheep to honor the Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols. Once Charles rules, he will invite all manners of spirits and religious worship into his many churches. Furthermore, the pope will hand over his authority to Charles (Revelation 13:2), likely there will be additional cash transfers to Charles, as immigration jihad costs a great deal of money. Annually the patriots in the USA unite in spirit with Charles and with his mom, and with the pope, and turn trees into blinkin’ idols. Even the atheists adopt the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols, it is a pagan fertility rite. The American patriots don’t understand the risk they face with Trudeau remaining in power in Canada, or the risk they face by engaging in a pagan winter festival that is in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. Trudeau largely closed our border to Americans but allows the Chinese the freedom to continually fly in, even directly from Wuhan, where the Chinese Communist Party is supposedly manipulating and weaponizing the bat viruses (viruses are not real, the Chinese were not and are not weaponizing bat viruses). Trudeau is an Islamist and he is first and foremost funded by Charles, if the Canadians stop supporting the huge Islamic families then Charles will step in and pay all the costs himself, and will even provide military aid for the invading force. Westerners (and also people in Africa and Asia) are embracing Catholic fertility rites, they simply do not care that different aspects of their winter festival are in opposition to God’s Laws, they want to go to Disneyland where Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck are all involved in helping to teach their family members to decorate and bow to trees.

The Americans use decorated evergreen tree branches turned into wreaths to decorate the graves of their war dead. They place statues of their dead soldiers next to Egyptian penises, sometimes directly upon Egyptian penises, then they bow to these penises when they place their decorated evergreen tree wreaths (fertility idols) at the base of the dinks (fertility idols). The Americans use the dead soldiers as tools to push the Catholic fertility rites upon the general pubic, for they think very highly of their pagan traditions. They bow to trees when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the trees. For Americans it was unquestionably normal to engage in fertility whoreship, so they repeatedly voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to lead their nation because they thought “Obama” (not even his real name) shared their values when they saw him posing with the Catholic fertility idols, together with Mike, who played football in college and wears size 12 men’s shoes. Barack Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) and his boyfriend Mike rammed their penises up each other’s arseholes in the Whitehouse. It is an easy thing for an Islamist to pretend to be a Catholic, as one of the Catholic fertility rites is to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes, it is a practice that is widespread among Islamists. They practice on children.

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