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soc / soc.history / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl KabatoffSqueak Squeak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Daryl Kabatoff
September 2nd 2023 2:42 pm 221,090 words (256 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

In the initial phase of this bogus pandemic weapons were unleashed upon the Chinese in Wuhan who were shown on television to be dropping dead as they walked along sidewalks, then later the Communist Chinese Party attacked European and American cities with microwaves of the same frequency and duration that they used against their own people in Wuhan. China created a panic designed to shut down the economies of the nations in this initial phase of the Chinese attack against Western, African, Asian and Australian nations.

Trudeau responded by shutting down the Canadian economy and stopping the education of children. Trudeau then continued to allow a constant stream of Chinese to fly to Canada, when they arrived he did not isolate them nor check their temperatures, nor test them for any number of deadly transmissible diseases. The Chinese media now assures the world that they no longer have the Chinese bat virus in China, that they have cured themselves, and so they should continue to be allowed to fly from China to Canada and to other nations. Canadians are largely under house arrest, our American border is closed while the Chinese soldiers may still fly in. There are certainly more Chinese soldiers and also Islamic soldiers in Canada than we have Canadian soldiers. Then in 2021 I hear in the news that Chinese fighter pilots are being trained in Canada. And the Americans are suffering horribly, they still want to come to Canada to hunt and fish. Everybody is asleep, God has shut your eyes and minds, the only thing that matters to people is the height of their blinkin’ trees and their ability to go shopping, hunting and fishing. The Chinese bat virus continually mutated and has never been more virulent than a common cold, but the danger remains as China is manipulating and weaponizing other bat viruses, and China has other weapons to its disposal that they may have surreptitiously used recently to make it seem that their bat flu was killing people.

Seniors have always died over the centuries due to common colds. People are dying after contracting the Chinese bat flu and other common colds due to dehydration in nursing homes and in hospitals, poor quality nursing home and hospital foods, medical malpractice (drugs that accelerate death), moldy masks, masks contaminated with toxins, masks that are cutting off the oxygen supply, and microwaves. The university buildings and hospitals are being cleaned by Somali and other Islamic staff who don’t give a shit about the dirty stairways, hallways and the rooms housing the sick and elderly. Seniors who come down with a Wuhan Bat Flu or any other flu are best advised to stay home, drink lots of fluids and eat lots of food.

Canadians allow the loss of their nation because they are “nice” (see Ann Barnhardt - Nice, the 11 minute long video is still on YouTube), and only really care about getting their trees to blink. The situation is similar to the Americans electing and re-electing a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the United States of America because “Obama” (not even his real name) posed in front of trees that were lavishly decorated and so appeared to share the American values (see Ann Barnhardt’s video, Obama Closet Homosexual). The American identity has become one big Catholic fertility rite and the American general pubic responds by blaming Jews for all their problems. The Jewish tradition is to teach people about God and His Commandments, the Catholic tradition is to denigrate and persecute Jews and to teach people to bow to blinkin’ trees. The American tradition is to vote for homosexual Indonesian Islamists when they have nicely decorated trees. That homosexual Indonesian Islamist turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, these soldiers did not give their lives to defend Catholic fertility rites. When the homosexual Indonesian Islamist turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, it made Americans happy, so happy that they broke out in song… Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All The Way… The happy Americans adopted Catholic fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells, and blamed Jews for all their problems. The homosexual Indonesian Islamic President of The United States of America made Americans happy, or at least content enough so they could relax and go hunting and fishing in Canada. The Americans had an Islamic president, and their response was to embrace Catholic fertility rites, sing Jingle Bells, proclaim that Jews ran the world, and go hunting and fishing in Canada.

The church separated at the Protestant Reformation, and then later the Protestants in England began to teach people to adopt Catholic fertility rites - the Reformation was replaced with the Catholic Counter-Reformation, glitter and blinkin’ lights, and increased persecution against the Jews, Doukhobors and such. The covens in the English monarchy are on increasingly better terms with the covens at the Vatican. Saskatoonians are looking forward to Prince Charles becoming King and starting a new era of ecumenical love where Buddha, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Mohammad and Zoroaster are all praised in both Protestant and Catholic churches, anything less will be considered hate speech and people will be penalized (persecuted, tortured, crucified, beheaded, killed).

Maybe the Islamists invaded and you’re losing your nation because you have your trees blinkin’ at the wrong frequency, maybe your trees were just too short or decorated with too many blinkin’ green lights and not enough blinkin’ red lights. Maybe you aren’t using an adequate amount of tinsel on your blinkin’ trees. The gold and silver balls you hang on your trees are representations of the sun and the moon, maybe you had too many golden sun balls, maybe not enough silver moon balls. The Brahmin Hindus and the Catholics could only torture me for six weeks at a time as that is what the government permitted. People are ok with it as they do not want their churches and traditions criticized. It does not matter to Canadians that they employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to torture people who criticize their Catholic fertility tree traditions, for anybody who dares to criticize blinkin’ trees is supposedly deserving of such treatment. The monarchy and the blinkin’ trees have become Canadian and American identities, people fight in defense of the monarchy and the blinkin’ Catholic trees because they are tradition, and tradition is simply the most important thing on earth (if your parents are Hindus then you will be a Hindu too).

Canadians are slaves who are paid in paper promises rather than real money, which is gold and silver coins. The paper money is made by the banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the government at compound interest, then the government gives the borrowed “money” away to people in the third world (including to Islamists), or to third world people living here (including to Islamists), and has Canadians pay the compound interest on the loan while leaving principal intact and much much too big to pay. Our leader, Justin Trudeau, converted to Islam, so of course he gives huge amounts of this paper money he borrowed, to Islamists. He also takes that “money” that Canadians worked for, and gives that tax “money” to the Islamists as well. Borrowing more paper “money” from the banks (and at compound interest) is inflating the paper money supply, this inflation of the paper money supply results in the paper being worth less, then more paper “money” is required to purchase consumer goods. So in addition to Trudeau taking tax “money” from Canadians to give to his foreign friends, he enslaves Canadians with additional debt, rising prices and utter poverty. Trudeau said that he would replace us, by forcing people into poverty he will prevent many from being able to purchase a firearm to protect themselves. Trudeau is an absolute genius, he fumbles around like a clown, but his plan to fund Islamists and exterminate white people is working. White farmers in South Africa are being exterminated, they are ignored while Trudeau pays the airfare for many blacks to come here from Africa, then puts them up in hotels and eventually pays their mortgages. Islamists slaughtered the Christians in the middle-east, then they came to Canada with the money they stole, and were allowed to keep that money and go on welfare. Many of the Islamists have four wives, each with a house paid for by taxpayers, they didn’t really have to kill the Christians in the middle-east and take their money, for in Canada they have their house mortgages and food covered by the taxpayers (the white slaves). Now, in the summer of 2020, black people in America are chanting to kill the whites and are looting and burning down their stores, sure glad we live in Canada, such a thing would never happen here (I’m joking, most of the black people we allowed to come to Canada recently absolutely hate white people).

Click here to read the complete article

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