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soc / soc.history / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl KabatoffSqueak Squeak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl Kabatoff
September 2nd 2023 2:42 pm 221,090 words (256 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

Native women could consider buying rifles for their children and for their grandchildren, and for themselves, in .243 Winchester. This caliber is of adequate power to take down wild boar that exceed 1000 pounds in size, and the rifle doesn’t kick so much and so is unlikely to break your shoulder. You can get a .243 Winchester as a semi-auto and this way the expended gasses are absorbed and used to eject and to cycle the next round and so it will kick even less, and this way the child will be better protected against charging herds of wild boar. Furthermore the cartridges may be loaded with less powder and lighter bullets. Some of your sons and daughters may prefer to get rifles that shoot larger bullets than. 243 Winchester, if that is the case then consider buying them a rifle calibrated to 7mm-08 Remington. Although .308 may be a better caliber for moose and bear (as opposed to .243 and 7mm-08), the children do not face too many threats from moose and bear, they require instead rifles to deal with alternate threats (wild boar, cougars, dogs, coyotes, wolves, rabid animals, Islamists and Communists, and absolutely insane radical feminists). If the child desires to go hunting for moose or bear some day, then the child may borrow a larger caliber rifle for that purpose. The .243, 7mm-08 and .308 all use the same brass (fabulous advantage), all are a good choice for use in the prairies. Kookums are not making a mistake if they buy a rifle in 7mm-08 or .308 instead of the recommended .243, as the guns can be traded up and down, the important thing is to buy the .243, 7mm-08 or the .308 if it is offered to you used, as opposed to something like 6.5 Grendel (the 7mm-08 is superior, holds more powder and the brass is of a common variety), or for example a .45 Colt, which doesn’t have the range offered by .243, 7mm-08 and .308. Some elderly native hunters prefer the 25-06 over any other, this is easier on the shoulder than the more massive .270 and 30-06, Kookums can buy used rifles specifically in these three (25-06, .270 and 30-06) calibers as well, they are good calibers that can easily be traded for rifles of other calibers later.

When Islamists and Communists shoot at your children with far reaching calibers, it would be silly to fight back with rifles that can’t shoot that far back. There are calibers that shoot further than the .243, 25-06, .270, 7mm-08, .308 and 30-06, they generally use longer brass resulting in a heavier gun, but the thought was to provide rifles for children and adults that are easier to carry and to shoot.

I think in order of preference for children and small adults, get a .243 first choice then a 7mm-08 second choice. For somewhat stronger and larger people who may want more hitting power, there is the .308. Then we have the 25-06, .270 and 30-06, these are larger brass resulting in heavier guns, while the 25-06 is easier on the shoulder than the .270 or 30-06, and the .270 is easier on the shoulder than the 30-06, all are generally unsuitable for smaller people. Women and grandmothers should try to obtain rifles in .243 and 7mm-08 calibers as gifts for their smaller children and grandchildren. Adult males may also consider gifting rifles to their smaller children and grandchildren as well, consider getting them rifles in .243 and 7mm-08. Anything smaller than .243 is inadequate for wolves and pigs. Maybe spend a bit more to get a higher quality rifle, maybe get the rifle with iron sites machined or screwed or fixed some way onto the barrel so the rifle may be used without a scope, and consider spending the money on a quality scope. Your child will not need a scope if the purpose of the rifle is to defend him or herself from charging herds of pigs or packs of wolves and coyotes. A “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 would make a great gift for a child, it is short and light and has the iron sites built in. Savage made a cheaper “scout” rifle in 7mm-08 that is a great value. If the rifle is too heavy or hurts too much when the child shoots it, the child may not have it when they need it. Maybe spend a bit more and purchase a quality mountain rifle in .243 for the child, these mountain rifles are very light weight. Elderly native hunters (native Indians with experience and wisdom) sometimes rave about the merits of having a rifle calibrated to 25-06, again the child will be better off with a .243 or 7mm-08 as the rifle is lighter for them to carry, it will not break their shoulder, and the ammo is easier to obtain. Sure there are other good calibers such a 7mm Remington Magnum or .338 Lapua, these may be a good choice for larger and stronger people rather than for your young son or daughter. And if you are buying your child a shotgun, get them a 12 gauge that is semi-auto as the semi-autos do not kick so much. Try to insure that your child is mature enough before you provide him or her with a semi-automatic weapon. The western governments are doing all they can to provide Islamists with tons of weapons, don’t wait for western governments to provide a rifle for your child. Under the J Treaty Indians in Canada may cross the Canadian-American border, maybe use the opportunity to get your children Third Generation night vision scopes and handguns. Indians on reserves in Saskatchewan have the resources to manufacture high quality rifles and can be known internationally as makers of quality firearms.

Pigs, coyotes, wolves, cougars and bears, and Communists and Islamists, are all more likely to attack children and shorter men and women. The rich Indians flaunt their wealth and drive around in new trucks, the poor Indian women and children are left without decent rifles to protect themselves from evil, many white women and children own even less. The wealthy Indian elite took the valuable boxes of bullets from the RCMP officers every Treaty Day, while the poor Indians never heard of the option and instead each took a five dollar bill. The white kids and the native kids both gave up seats in trade schools and universities to Islamists, to African, Asian and Chinese immigrants, to people of other nations, generally it was the poorest of the white kids that were placed into psychiatric “care”, and now all the white kids learn they are racists and also learn that many of the blacks and other recent immigrants want ALL the white people dead.
In the news (Tucker Carlson) on June 15th 2021 we learn that the FBI has been involved in orchestrating, encouraging and participating in criminal behavior, including the protest and the killing at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 6th 2021. The FBI is co-opted by communists, globalists, anarchists and Islamists, the FBI was likely involved in running a fraudulent election then orchestrated the attack on the Capitol Building in order to arrest and detain Trump supporters. Trump supporters are being detained in solitary confinement for being near the Capitol on January 6th while the blacks who burned down some 300 cities and commit numerous murders are allowed to roam free. Not to worry, the Catholic church is about to hand it’s authority over to Prince Charles who will save the day by making sure we don’t burn too much fossil fuels, and making sure that we accommodate the Islamists. Prince Charles has been building mosques and funding the spread of Islam for decades. It takes a lot of oil and other resources to provide a home for each of the four Islamic wives. America began by rejecting the British Crown and ends with Prince Charles dictating environmental, religious and immigration laws. Americans cared little that the CIA funded decades of research in psychiatric torture in Saskatoon (absolute horror) and come to Saskatoon in order to get a connecting flight north so they can go hunting and fishing. The FBI orchestrated a coup and Americans respond by getting a death jab and are still wanting to go hunting and fishing in northern Saskatchewan, followed by singing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.

The communists/anarchists/fascists/satanists defunded the police, and so the murders, rapes and other crimes of course escalated. People will rise up and defend themselves, and then the United Nations (aka Prince Charles, aka The Anti-Christ) will patrol North America to restore order. Expect a large increase of people being arrested under the Mental Health Act and sent to psychiatric wards in local hospitals for thinking too much about freedom and democracy. These people will be “treated” by Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists… all the drugs administered have “death” as a side effect. Then Doug Cuthand will continue to have his stories published in the newspapers, where he will praise Charles for his environmental policies. And the churches will continue to display the appropriate behavior by erecting lavishly decorated evergreen trees (pagan idols) both inside and outside their churches. Then One Arrow First Nation, which placed a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis, will decorate the Egyptian penis with gold leaf and coloured lights, and get those lights to blink on and off, on and off, on and off... They supposedly found the remains of 215 Indian kids at a Catholic school in Kamloops, that means that the Indians will now want to turn great multitudes (many thousands) of evergreen trees into Catholic decorated idols each with 215 blinkin’ lights. No matter how many times the Catholic priests sodomized the little Indian kids, the Indians still adopt the Catholic fertility rite of turning evergreen trees into decorated idols, for it is tradition.

Click here to read the complete article

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