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Lady Luck brings added income today. Lady friend takes it away tonight.

soc / soc.history / Re: It's REAL DUMB pedophilic serb nazi Bitchslapping Time, AGAIN!

o Re: It's REAL DUMB pedophilic serb nazi Bitchslapping Time, AGAIN!Peeler

Subject: Re: It's REAL DUMB pedophilic serb nazi Bitchslapping Time, AGAIN!
From: Peeler
Newsgroups:,,, uk.politics.misc, alt.christnet.christianlife, soc.history, soc.culture.usa, talk.politics.guns, soc.culture.canada, nyc.general,,, alt.conspiracy, alt.abortion, alt.atheism, can.politics, alt.checkmate
Organization: NewsDemon -
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:55 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
From: trolltrap@valid.invalid (Peeler)
Subject: Re: It's REAL DUMB pedophilic serb nazi Bitchslapping Time, AGAIN!
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Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:55:05 +0200
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On Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:19:01 +0100, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "† The Revd", farted again:

>> And you are wrong.
> WE are never wrong, gook.

You are ALWAYS wrong, psychopath!

>> God is love!
> G-d only loves Humans...He shits upon subhumans such as you and the
> jews.

He CLEARLY shat upon YOU and your "life" (if one can call that subnormal
spastic thing you are suffering from a "life" at all)!

>> Yet again you are on record as wanting to strangle babies!
> Yet again, you are on record as encouraging bestiality and the
> 'procreation' of subhuman sub-babies.

Yet again you are retarded enough to CONFIRM what your master Michael just
said about you. Just HOW retarded are you really? LMAO
>> Is it any wonder Dr. Chung wrote that you are tragically vainjangling?
> Quack Chung is as full of shit as you are, gook.

You are like SOOO projecting, AGAIN! LOL

> #quackchung
> #gookejershito

Yet another gratuitous display of your congenital idiocy and legendary
retardation, poor psychopathic sod? LOL

Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Isn't it time that paedophiles were admitted to the LGBTQ rainbow?"
MID: <Y8LUE.513827$>

NO, it isn't, you filthy old pedo swine!


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