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The better part of valor is discretion. -- William Shakespeare, "Henry IV"

soc / soc.history / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl KabatoffSqueak Squeak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl Kabatoff
September 2nd 2023 2:42 pm 221,090 words (256 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

In the news in Saskatoon, the Big-Nosed Cree children can go get a Wuhan death jab and get themselves a free backpack stuffed full of crap on 20th Street. Every little girl and woman who receives a Covid-19 death jab will be rendered infertile and will likely be dead within months. Some will die within hours, some within days or a handful of weeks or months after receiving the jab. All the little boys and men receiving the Wuhan death jab will similarly destroy their blood and organs, even their sperm will be toxic. Instead of giving your children a Wuhan death jab, give them the gift of a light weight mountain rifle in .243 Winchester, or a light weight Scout rifle in 7mm-08 Remington. No sense buying your child a bush gun such as a 30-30 when Islamists and Communists and Anarchists will be shooting at your child with calibers that have a much further reach.

If Saskatchewan residents want something more powerful than a 7mm-08, maybe bypass many of the larger options and go directly to a .338 Lapua, and then perhaps it will be easier to supply everybody with ammo during the Great Tribulation as we could focus on manufacturing .243 Winchester, 7mm-08 Remington and .338 Lapua ammo. Sure the .270 Winchester, 7mm Remington Magnum, .308 Winchester, 25-06 Remington and 30-06 Springfield are great rounds, but they are all outgunned by the .338 Lapua. Although the .50 BMG is superior to the .338 Lapua, snipers prefer the lighter weight of the rifles calibrated to .338 Lapua. If Mohammad Mohammad and Trotsky Trudeau are shooting at you with a .338 Lapua, you may want to trade in your .243 or 25-06, .270 or 7mm or 30-06 for a .338 Lapua or a .50 BMG. Anyway, consider teaching your children that God provide us with an immune system that is over 99.99% successful in combating Fauci’s bat flu. Humans have been exceedingly successfully combating bat borne diseases with their immune systems (which God provided) for many thousands of years, we are very good at it. The .243 Winchester is light weight but of adequate weight as it is capable of dropping wild boar weighing over 1000 pounds, it kicks and heats less, it is suitable for small children and adults to defend themselves from most predatory animals, it is also a great caliber for larger adults that don’t wish to carry such a heavy rifle, and for the larger adults that have aging bones that are mineral deficient. Kookums need to organize daily classes for the children to teach them to care for and shoot their rifles accurately, and to make ammunition for their rifles (don’t leave this to the men who are busy with their toys). Kookums should consider that if they assist in pushing back against the African and Asian and Latin American invasion, they will be met by resistance from the Anti-Christ’s United Nations (Islamic) tanks and armoured vehicles, and so should look into building or buying larger caliber weapons. Charles is fabulously rich and has been funding the spread of Islam for decades, he has a large army at his disposal.

The Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests marched with the Black Lives Matter Marxists while these Marxists burned over 300 American cities and huge areas of forests. While the Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests marched with the Black Lives Matter Marxists (who burned the forests), they ate their Halal certified lunches, and by doink so funded the spread of Islam around the world. Then after marching with the Marxists and funding the Islamists, and after sending the grain grown on reserves to China, these Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests allowed their children to receive Wuhan death jabs in trade for backpacks!!! Their Big-Nosed Cree children are no longer fertile but look at the good side of life, they still have fertility tree idols that blink, a statue of Chief One Arrow stands upon an Egyptian penis, and the Indians now have lots of fertile black friends. Some of the Big-Nosed Cree joined with the Canadian and the American militaries and were sent overseas to defend one group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than “their” women in place of another group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than “their” women.. And while overseas defending the men who enslave and brutalize women and children, the Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests took time off to kill trees and turn them into Catholic idols that blink on and off, on and off, on and off…

In the news (not the mainstream news), the Afghan resistance fighters are holding the Panjshir Valley, this is just north of Kabul and the abandoned Bagram Airforce Base, likely some thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) of Americans abandoned by the Democrats (communists/satanists) in Afghanistan have made their way to this valley and have joined the fight against the Taliban. American patriots blessed with some wealth should consider donating some of this wealth to equipping and flying other Americans who know how to shoot to the Panjshir Valley and help defend the region from the Taliban (and ISIS, and the Democrats). Maybe some of the Big-Nosed Canadian Cree would be interested in joining with some of the Canadians of European descent and flying to the Panjshir Valley as well. The new Canadians are in Canada for the land, and will not be joining with the Big-Nosed Cree in any battles against the Taliban. Anybody headed to the Panjshir Valley (or anywhere else in Afghanistan where the Americans are fighting for their lives) should have some night vision optics and heavy machine guns just like the night-vision optics and heavy machine guns that the Taliban now have. The Big-Nosed Cree could also consider staying in Canada and fighting alongside the Canadians of European descent in the defense of Canada, these two groups of people signed Treaties in support of one another… Canada is red and white. If anybody is headed to Afghanistan to join forces with the perhaps tens of thousands of Americans abandoned there, they had better hurry.

In the Edmonton news Mwumpe Mulongoyi has been arrested and charged with the murder of Jordan Dawson, the third world has come to replace Canadians.. Mwumpe Mulongoyi and his friends should try to come to an understanding that the Koran was dictated by Aisha’s shit-stained panties (Hadith Number 2442), and then go back to their third world nations and teach the good news. Any nation that is built upon a foundation of a little girl’s talking panties is bound to fail, and any nation that encourages immigration from these talking-panties-lands is bound to fail as well.

In place of our human rights, in place of the American Constitution, in place of the Canadian Bill of Rights, in place of our Red and White American and Canadian Treaties, our laws are subverted to instead give preferential treatment to sodomites, Chinese and Islamists. The Freemason judges and courts set the murderers and rapists free in 3 years or less, and now we have Sharia courts as well which removes both women’s rights and non-Islamic rights. White people are targeted because they are largely Christian, which the world hates, the red people (the Big-Nosed Cree and the other Indians) are targeted because their land is desired. The Islamists not only absolutely hate white European Christian values and people, they also hate traditional native beliefs which gives rights to women and children. The red and white need to unite and defend their treaties, their people, and the land. We can start by working together to expel Islamists from the Prairie Provinces, put them on passenger jets capable of flying to Mecca and do so without any loss of life. Ask the Islamists to kindly report to the airports for departure, and do not allow air traffic to transport Islamists to your locations. The Kookums and the Big-Nosed Cree warriors need to work together to close the airports, seaports and other ports of entry (rather than the pipelines). Indians in Canada helped the American and Canadian communists to shut down oil pipelines, and we then import oil from Islamic nations that are half way around the world, it is hard for the white people of European descent to be expected to participate with the Indian warriors in such an action. My suggestion for the Cree and other native people is to back up your demands with a rifle calibrated to .243 Winchester as the round dothn’t kick so much, is of adequate mass to kill wild boar that weigh in excess of 1000 pounds and can be shot frequently without overheating the barrel and then subsequently losing accuracy.

In the news over 200 Afghani “refugees” arrived to Saskatoon, they will be given clean water and other resources that are being denied to many established Canadians. And a baby bison was born at our local bison park, since the Big-Nosed Cree Protectors of The Forests took the depopulation jabs, these Afghani “refugees” can work together with the Pakistani “refugees” and with the Somali “refugees” and with all the other Islamic “refugees” to care for the bison and the forests into the distant future. These “refugees” don’t work so are not required to take the death jabs, and very few did, while the Big-Nosed Cree took the death jabs in great numbers, they did so in order to attend bars and casinos. And the Big-Nosed Cree took a “booster” shot as well, as the casinos required that they have it.

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