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soc / soc.history / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl KabatoffSqueak Squeak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff
September 2nd 2023 2:42 pm 221,090 words (256 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

In the mainstream news in August 2022, the medical system is collapsing in Canada, hospitals are closing their doors and refusing to “treat” those seeking care. Nurses are in short supply, many took the jabs and either now dead or too sick to work, other nurses see the carnage caused by the gene-altering snake venom-filled syringes and are unable to cope with the influx of the vax-injured. Hopefully this will continue until the psychiatric facilities shut down. Under Trudeau people may work in Canada without being Canadian citizens, so it is likely that more people from third-world shit holes will be staffing the psychiatric wards in order to keep them open and to keep Canadians in their place, and these invaders are exempt from taking the death jabs. Christians are praying for peace (while at the same time are teaching the world to engage in fertility tree whoreship and are supporting the spread of Islam), they would be a more effective force if they picked up arms and forced the third-world invaders to return to Africa, Asia and Latin America. They would have to occupy the airports and enforce a no-fly zone, then peacefully bus or possibly fly the invaders to a seaport and put them on ships bound for distant shores, while guarding their own shores and borders.

Treat them nicely, don’t abuse them. Feed them along the route, give them fresh fruit and beef steaks, and baked potatoes with lots of sour cream, onions, chives, olive oil and such. Offer a variety of cheeses, including old cheddar, mozzarella and blue cheese. Offer salmon sandwiches, Greek salads with black olives and feta cheese. Make certain to provide cinnamon-raisin toast, lavishly covered with butter and honey. Provide a variety of pies for desserts along the route, offer Apple, Saskatoon Berry, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, and Lemon Meringue, together with a choice of at least two different high quality vanilla ice-creams. Make sure it is all fresh, don’t be offering sour and rubbery lemon tarts, and make an effort to heat the apple pies. Make their deportation a pleasant experience. I can imagine how this will play out, the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus would travel together and sit next to one another. They will say things like “Excuse me young woman, would you please be so kind as to cook my steak to medium rare?” and “Excuse me young man, would you please be so kind as to provide me with some extra sour cream for my baked potato?” By the time they arrive to Dakar, Karachi and Mumbai, they will be satiated and fully rested, ready to tell of their varied experiences in the New World and their pleasant journey home.

It is an error to allow Islamists into Canada, here they are engaged in rapes and other brutal crimes, and then have the audacity to stand in front of inner-city mosques and make dress-code demands of the non-Islamic women walking by. Studies show over and over that as they increase their percentage of the population, that they make increasing demands upon the invaded nations. For centuries Islamists prided themselves in their knowledge of herbs, they are skilled in using herbs to reduce the fertility of the non-believers, but now the Islamists are adding snake venom to the mixture. Some 80% or more of the white European Canadians and the native American Indians took the jab that will take their lives, soon you will have few patriots and warriors left to pick up arms and halt the invasion.

Christian prayer is not stopping the invasion, Christians are praying to the god of the evergreen tree fertility idols and to a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke their pagan rituals, and many of them purchase Halal certified foods and so directly help fund the spread of Islam.. Christians laughed at me and assaulted me when I attempted to inform them that Scripture condemns their evergreen tree idols, other Christians hear about it and smugly sit back waiting for their next round of pagan winter festivities. Their churches are phallic-capped, their churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, their churches are run by pedophiles and cannibals. The psychiatric torture was brutal, absolutely horrendous, but the mainstream Christians should not fear psychiatry as they are not being persecuted, they are more likely to phone the police on other Christians who quote unpleasant Scripture, and more likely to work in some psychiatric support role in order to experience financial gain where they will help turn a tree into a blinkin’ idol. Decorate your fertility tree idols with tinfoil, tell the opposition they are wearing a tinfoil hat, hold them down while the nurse comes with their psychiatric needle, then willingly take bullshit covid injections that remove your fertility and your lives. They turn trees into decorated idols then claim their prayers are oh-so-powerful. God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. He cares little which particular fertility cult occupies this land. You have miniature Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches and on the very tops of your blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. Those who pray to Mary are praying to the dead and are engaging in necromancy, Jesus did not agree with the woman who believed His mother was blessed. The prayers of the righteous have great power, it is not righteousness when you merge pagan fertility rites in with your Christian worship. Christians voted for Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) after they saw photos of him posing with the blinkin’ fertility tree idols, they simply adored him and thought he shared in their values.

In the news (not the mainstream news), Obama (an Islamist, he tells Biden what to do and say, while Obama has a direct connection to Satan) is provoking an American civil war, in order to impose martial law and cancel the next elections, and so that there is an excuse for the United Nations (Islamic) army to come to America and disarm Americans, so they can be later beheaded or killed in some other manner. Charles (an Islamist and is the Anti-Christ) is the head of the United Nations (Islamic) army, he has been using his fabulous wealth to build mosques and otherwise fund the expansion of Islam into western nations, for decades. The Chinese may also come to America on a peace-keeping (taking people’s guns away) mission. It is suggested that Biden (Obama) will order the American military to stand down while the Chinese unload their troops, tanks and artillery along the west coast. To the north, Canada is ruled by an Islamist who raped a little girl than paid her money to shut up about it, Trudeau (Islamic pedophile) thinks the Chinese (communist) system is simply fabulous, and so the Canadian military will also be ordered to stand down while the Chinese unload their tanks, trucks, robots and artillery.

Some of the victims of psychiatric torture were able to eventually break free of the evil psychiatric system and live free of the drugs, but they lived their final years horrified by the drugs, they were eternally tormented by the drugs and by the compassionlessness of their neighbors who were unwilling to lift a finger to get them out of the psychiatric system. The drugs make one very disturbed, think, act and talk disturbed, the pre-psychiatric years the victim experiences no longer matters, it is all now about what the psychiatrist has done to them and continues to do to them, or threatens to do to them again if they do not comply to the order. Psychiatrist Dr. Gene Marcoux, self-proclaimed expert in religious delusions, said my posters were crazy and if he ever catches me placing additional posters in Saskatoon, that he would have me returned to him for further treatment. Although the psychiatric treatment was horrendous, I am horrified even more by the people who allow it to occur and laugh about it and who then abuse the victim further, so now when the Chinese and The Anti-Christ (Charles and his UN army) invade, all I can do is laugh at your calamity. I think that Canadians should have been assisting any and all psychiatric abuse victims by spiriting them out of the country and giving them a holiday, rather than spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols. In my case, it was criticizing the evergreen trees and other pagan fertility rites pushed by your churches that resulted in my repeated arrest and torture. Now your preachers not only teach you to turn trees into idols, they told you to take a jab that is sure to cause sterility and take your life, your vaginas and other body parts may necrotize before you perish, and still your greatest desire is to tithe to your phallic-capped evergreen tree fertility churches. Your churches pushed the pagan fertility rites and then demanded you take a jab that destroyed your fertility and is sure to take your lives.

In the news (not the mainstream news) 5 employees at the Superstore in Mission British Columbia Canada dropped dead on August 7th 2022, they closed the store for the day after the 5th person died. All the dead were vaccinated. This means that those who did not die from the bullshit covid jab will buy larger trees and decorate them to greater degrees, and will phone the police on me if I dare inform them that Scripture condemns turning trees into decorated idols, that nothing in the Bible supports the idea that they should pray to Mary, and that Scripture repeatedly indicates that witches are eating people. The surviving employees will volunteer to decorate the store’s pagan symbols of fertility and will abundantly tithe to the churches displaying the pagan idols… they will tithe to the priests and ministers who parroted the media and who parroted the politicians, priests and ministers who strongly urged the sheep to take the death jabs, they will tithe to the priests and ministers who ram their penises up your children’s arseholes and who teach your children to do the same. They will laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and then take injections that will cause them to necrotize, and while necrotizing they will cover their ignorant faces with masks while claiming to know the truth. All I can do is cry out to God against the rest of the employees of the Superstores across the nation, and laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26).

Click here to read the complete article

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