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soc / soc.history / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part L - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part L - Daryl KabatoffSqueak Squeak

Subject: Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part L - Daryl Kabatoff
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part L - Daryl Kabatoff
September 2nd 2023 2:42 pm 221,090 words (256 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard posts continued:

Catholics verses Jews verses Christians:

For the most part, Jews were expelled from Catholic countries, they were not Christian countries at all. The Catholics in these Catholic nations prayed to Mary and turned trees into decorated idols. Some nations converted to Protestantism, but that was in name only as they still upheld Catholic fertility rites. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Catholics killed Christians century after century, forcing the changing of God's Sabbath to Sunday. Satan dothn’t care if the sheep called themselves Catholics or Protestants, just as long as their Sunday worship coupled with their winter traditions together violated God’s First Four Commandments, which He hates.

The Catholics rammed their penises up the children's arseholes, the Catholics censored Scriptural references to cannibalism and devoured children, as they continue to today. Now you embrace Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of your soul and blame Jews for all your problems. Now many of you call yourselves Protestants, and as your Protestant ministers ram their penises up your children’s arseholes you still blame Jews for all of your problems. Whether Protestant or Catholic, you make sure to cap the roofs of your churches and the very top of your blinkin’ trees with miniature Egyptian penises so now why don't you consider pulling down your pants and ejaculating upon your blinkin' fertility idols as well?

You cover the graves of your war dead with evergreen tree branches twisted into decorative wreaths, these are pagan symbols of fertility just like your blinkin’ evergreen trees. You place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then you bow to these pagan dinks when you place your decorative wreaths (pagan symbols of fertility) at the base of these Egyptian penises (another pagan symbol of fertility). You push your Catholic fertility rites upon the dead soldiers with your Catholic (pagan) fertility wreaths. Now that you are decorating the tombstones of the dead soldiers with fertility idols, why don’t you also get these wreaths to blink? You get your trees to blink and you cap these blinkin’ trees with miniature Egyptian penises… then you place the statues of your war dead next to or directly on top of an Egyptian penis, so why don’t you place a little Egyptian penis on the very top of the soldier’s tombstones as well? Cover the graves of your war dead with blinkin’ fertility idol wreaths, and maybe also a glittering golden miniature penis, just like the little glittering Egyptian penis that you cap your blinkin’ evergreen tree with. Try some of these ideas I am mentioning and see if God will restore your nations and restore your fertility. And regardless if these ideas work or if they dothn’t work, you will still be offended by my words, so phone the police on me.

Get me arrested and tortured again in psychiatric facilities as a reward for speaking, the drugs make me nauseous beyond belief, makes my brain pound in pain, makes my skin hard and dry, makes my jaw lock open and my lips and tongue turn into hard leather, makes my hair fall out, makes me unable to get an erection. Maybe if you continue to have me tortured with psychiatric drugs that also prevents me from getting an erection then you will receive God’s blessings and He will restore your nations and restore your fertility. It can’t hurt to try (Proverbs 1:24-26).

Concern Trees May Have Obstructed Visibility:

The Bott children were pulled out of school and homeschooled in order to instill into them Christian values. Then they had to return to school every winter to take part in the pagan winter festivities and see the trees that blink. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are together in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. People exchanged God's Laws for pagan traditions and then they phone the police on me and urge my arrest and psychiatric torture when they hear my criticisms of their filthy phallic-capped churches.

It is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. Your phallic-capped churches are either run by cannibals who censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, or your phallic-capped churches are run by racists, liars and idiots who claim that white Christians eliminated cannibalism is the South Seas and in Africa.. Phallic-capped church members publish books praising themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in the South Seas and Africa while ignoring the cannibalism being conducted by Freemasons and other witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture explaining that we have cannibals living among us.

I faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking out against your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that they were pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further, and scornfully tell me that I was judging them. They cover their trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat, and that I should shut up and take another pill.

Then they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos with the pagan idols there. It was so important for them to pose with the pagan idols and post the photos on Facebook, that they would post the photo even if it depicted one of their children playing with his penis. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten.

I beg God with every breath to honour His promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children, and He chose the Bott daughters (among others). The Bott daughters were born for the role. And just as you think it hilarious that I lose year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, I think that the deaths of the Bott daughters is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:26).

You people have billions of dollars to annually turn your churches, schools, homes, courts of law, police stations, stores, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, you have millions of dollars to have me repeatedly arrested and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities in an effort to prevent me from saying so, and are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even offer to buy me a cookie. Go to hell.


They are witches. They not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Witches have been poisoning people for millennia, that is what they do. Witches rule over the nations and they are laughing at you.

The witches even preach to you from pulpits and teach you to turn evergreen trees into decorated idols. They cap the roofs of many of their churches with Egyptian penises... it is no surprise that they ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. The witches in the churches cap the very tops of their blinkin' evergreen tree idols with miniature sparkling golden or miniature sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (penises), or a star, which you love, so then you turn your own homes into blinkin' temples of fertility with your own star or phallic-capped blinkin' evergreen tree idols..

God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Scripture dothn't proclaim that God is enraged when He sees witches rape, torture, kill and eat your children, just when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. So therefore phone the police on me when you hear my criticisms of your churches, then laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, then assault them further. Make a big show of your objection to the poison bullshit Covid injections that you take by choice, while remaining silent about the psychiatric injections that others are forced to take. If you would have first defended those people who were stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, none of this Covid shit would have happened to you.

Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking out against your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and for pointing out that they are pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments... and all you people can do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. I cry out to God against you people with every breath I take. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. You are the Jingle Bell people, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to post pictures of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook where the witches shop for their next meal. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to them, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. Then you voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to rule over you, when you saw photos of Obama posing with the pagan idols you assumed he shared your values. Those who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist (who is also a pedophile and a cannibal) tolerated his presidency, for he posed with their beloved pagan idols. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and you people are so cheap and ignorant and compassionless that not a single one of you can find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, you people are so cheap and ignorant and compassionless that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me or any other victim of psychiatric horror a cookie!!! I worked for you since 1988 and you rewarded my ministry with brutal horrid torture, with laughter and with additional brutal assaults. Many Christians died from the psychiatric drugs, God preserved my life so I could tell you about it.

Click here to read the complete article

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