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soc / soc.history / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part O - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part O - Daryl KabatoffSqueak Squeak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part O - Daryl Kabatoff
September 2nd 2023 2:42 pm 221,090 words (256 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard posts continued:


In 1988 I spoke out against the churches, saying that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, the following years were a psychiatric horror show and all anybody could do is laugh at me, slander and libel me, and assault me further.

I spoke out against the cannibalism of your children in 1988 and they began to brutally torture me. It was a shock to people when I mentioned that the witches were eating your children, because up to then nobody thought about cannibals, they instead thought about ghosts, vampires, genies, good witches and space aliens, as they were systematically told to.

Then in 1991 Hollywood came out with a movie that featured a cannibal (Silence of the Lambs) and people started telling me to shut up as they heard all about it. I was being brutally tortured for six week periods and then given a depot drug injection on the very last day of the six weeks of horror, that depot drug was designed to remain in my body for months, so it was six weeks of pure horror followed by a couple of additional months of pure horror. It took some time after each six week torture session for me to feel good enough to venture outside (due to the six weeks of drugs administered to me plus the additional depot drugs injected into me on the final day of the six weeks of horror), and when I did manage to feel good enough that I could walk outside I continued to try to warn people that their churches and their media and their politicians were cannibals or were allied with cannibals, and that their churches were pushing fertility tree idols in place of God's Commandments (and that their names and birthdays are gifts from God and are in harmony with each other and also in harmony with the numbers in Scripture). The people I met told me they saw Silence of The Lambs, and that I should shut up because they saw the movie and now know all about it.

In 1991 Hollywood came out with Silence of The Lambs, featuring a cannibal in western society. It was at this point of time that Hollywood became more truthful than the churches, as the churches continued to censor Scriptural references to cannibalism. True, the churches did publish books praising themselves for eradicating cannibalism in the south-seas and in Africa, but they did so without quoting Scriptural references to cannibalism, and they did so without mentioning the cannibalism conducted by Freemasons and other witches in the west. I was being tortured for mentioning cannibals, people laughed at me, called me a pedophile and assaulted me further, and then spent millions of dollars to watch a movie featuring a cannibal, and by doink so, considered themselves educated. They were torturing me for mentioning cannibals, and laughing at me, and assaulting me further, and then were spending many millions of dollars to watch a movie about a cannibal. Between the torture episodes I was so fearful of the following arrest and round of torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country, and they laughed at me, brutally assaulted me further and spent millions of dollars on the God-damned fucking movie, and called me a pedophile for the following 35 years, while proclaiming that I was judging them.

Now I am on, where people post their objections to pedophilia, most everyone here continues to ignore that witches are eating children (and adults) as they harp on and on and on about pedophilia and child trafficking instead. Don’t call them “pedophiles”, they are witches, they are cannibals, they not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Portions of the children are eaten before the children are killed. People on deal with it by blocking me and continuing to laugh at me. True they are more upset at me for criticizing their blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols than for saying that their churches are run by cannibals, but they remain upset with me.

All I can do is cry, and I cry out against both you and your children. I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. Hopefully so many of you will die that there will no longer be enough of you to staff your psychiatric wards. I urge you people to roll over and die. Let your blinkin’ evergreen tree idols save you.

A Message For The Teachers:

Brutal horrid torture... they rape the children, then they brutally torture the children, then they eat portions of the children, then they kill the children, then they eat more of the children. They rip the faces off of the children before they kill them and then you people come along and call them child traffickers or pedophiles. You are like the Freemasons who claim to be former Freemasons who write books exposing the Freemasons, without mentioning that Freemasons eat people. Maybe you are a Freemason, assisting the Freemasons and the rest of the Catholic church to censor acts of cannibalism. My best guess is that has a lot of Freemasons and other Catholics helping to censor acts of cannibalism by harping on and on about pedophilia, or flat earth, or space aliens...

Aleister Crowley was a 33rd degree Freemason, he wrote poetry about raping and killing children and then eating them. He wrote that he would get naked with a little boy and then enter together into the body cavity of a freshly killed bovine, where he would rape the child then eat his testicles and nipples. So then supposedly former Freemasons come along and write books exposing the evils of Freemasonry, while ignoring that they eat people.

And for me to mention that the University of Saskatchewan housed such a book (White Stains) in their main library resulted in years of brutal horrid torture at their psychiatric facilities. Their delight is to devour people without society being aware (Habakkuk 3:14), they did not appreciate me trying to make you aware. You are helping society to be not aware of cannibals by focusing on the lesser crimes of pedophilia and child trafficking. It is written that not many of you should strive to be teachers, as teachers will be judged more harshly. Good luck to you, pushing your pedophilia, or your child trafficking, or your flat earth, or your ghosts or your space aliens, or your Mary or whatever. I sure hope you win.

Are You Having Difficulty With The Hadith???

Are you having difficulty finding a version of Hadith 2442 that discusses Mohammad wearing Aisha's undergarments while the undergarments dictated the Koran? It was nearly ten years ago that I first read the Hadith and back then what I found online differs from what is presently being offered. Try to find an old printed copy of the Hadith.

Similarly you will find Bibles that change The Word of God, Bibles will even alter His Ten Commandments, outright removing one of the Ten Commandments and then splitting another of the Commandments into two in order to retain the original number.

A woman approached Jesus and said "Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that you sucked," and Jesus responded by correcting her and saying "Blessed RATHER are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" (Luke 11:27-28 RSV). Some Bibles change this passage and have Jesus agreeing with the woman that His mother is blessed. One reason I do not like the NKJV is that it changes The Words of Jesus so that He agrees with the woman, He does not contradict and rebuke the woman but instead agrees with her and adds "More than that…". Other Bibles as well openly change His Words and have Him agreeing with the woman that His mother is blessed.

I believe the KJV, RSV and NASB versions of Bibles are more reputable than most others, although all Bibles suffer in one way or another. I prefer reading from the RSV, it is both accurate and eloquent, and it certainly more accurate and more eloquently worded than that NKJV.

For Your Children:

I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and censoring Scripture condemning your blinkin' trees. I was arrested, driven past the four Egyptian obelisks (penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and delivered to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals. She tortured me for years. People laughed at me and assaulted me further, they called me a pedophile for the following 35 years.

The government decided to protect my health by brutally torturing me over and over and over year after year after year. The people thought it was funny and assaulted me further when I begged for assistance to flee the country.. So the people allowed the government to take care of my health, and then they allowed the government to take care of their health as well. Now as you folks are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing from the bullshit Covid death jabs that was developed by the Vatican, your greatest desire is to continue to tithe to our executioners, while continuing to shit upon me for daring to speak out against your blinkin' evergreen trees and your phallic-capped churches.

Click here to read the complete article

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