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soc / soc.history / Americans erect statues of leaders for inspiration not perfection

o Americans erect statues of leaders for inspiration not perfectionbart

Subject: Americans erect statues of leaders for inspiration not perfection
From: bart
Newsgroups: soc.history, alt.revisionism, talk.politics.guns, alt.society.liberalism, sac.politics
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 07:12 UTC
From: (bart)
Newsgroups: soc.history,alt.revisionism,talk.politics.guns,alt.society.liberalism,sac.politics
Subject: Americans erect statues of leaders for inspiration not perfection
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 07:12:29 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
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We need more statues to honor those in the sciences, literature, business
and political thought

In the name of political correctness, should the 3,200-year-old statue of
the Egyptian pharaoh and slaveholder Ramesses II be destroyed? How about
the 2,500-year-old statue of slave owner Socrates? Thinking people
understand that it would be a travesty and an act of barbarism to destroy
statues, busts and reliefs of historic figures, even though none of them
was perfect by today�s standards.

For thousands of years, it has been the tradition of mankind to create
statues of people who altered the course of history and/or developed ideas
or objects that led to a greater understanding of our world or made it
better. If statues were only erected for people who were unflawed in all
aspects of their lives, there would only be statues of saints, which
ironically are now also being destroyed.

We study history in order to learn from it � both the good and bad.
Statues made out of stone or metal can last thousands of years and serve
as reminders of, not only who historical figures were, but also of their
times and the events that even influence our present-day lives. Many
people find their curiosity stoked when they see statues of people who
they knew little or nothing about.


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