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soc / soc.culture.russian / Know Your Enemy: The Digital Tantalus

o Know Your Enemy: The Digital TantalusRaskolnykov

Subject: Know Your Enemy: The Digital Tantalus
From: Raskolnykov
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Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 21:55 UTC
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Why I speak about the possibility of degrading the existence rather than experiencing
freedom after euthanasia and uploading conscience into a "cloud".

Even without material limitations for such cloud, energy consumption would not be free,
and who would pay for such existence after all the descendants forget about the person?

Now this is like reused Croatian grave that cost 10,000 € and the cemetery gets to sell
it if you do not pay 20€ fee for ten years - net gain of 9,800 € for the cemetery,
recycling the grave. All under Ephraim's wisdom and apparent knowledge, but it also
creates unobvious cringe, as the bones of the dead are gone to mass grave of cremated
(just like the Holocaust).

The very observance of the people under psychopharmacs and "antipsychotics" is that
they start to compensate mind's freedom limited by the occult force with cravings for
nicotine (three to four packs), junk food or coffee, or something else addictive.

I am right now only hypothesising without a proof that digitalisation of a mind into
a cloud would increase cravings, not eliminate or free mind from cravings of the senses.

(Thereof the sequel: The Digital Tantalus)

The mind would be only be able to observe objects of desire, but the moment he reached
for them they would disappear.

To some point, most of us are already past Hell, Hades or Sheol and in the Tartarus
of angels who craved for material desires or committed heavy blasphemies like offering
son's baked flesh to Gods to test if they are Omniscient.

Eventual knowledge (internal awareness) increases fear of Death and the bondage to
Satan the Devil, demons and evil men:

Hebrews 2:14-15
14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself
likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the
power of death, that is, the devil; 15 And deliver them who through fear of death
were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

This is why corrupt regimes tend to push people in the slavery to lusts and addictions,
promising them "sexual freedoms".

2 Peter 2:19
While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption:
for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

While the theory of Scythians (Slavonian people) being Gog and Magog which will
attack the Holy Land after the Millenium Kingdom served during the Cold War,
the account of St. John the Revelator is that these are the kind of people that
will support Antichrist ideologies: capitalism, communism, nazism, fascism,
corporatism, abortion, gay marriages and gender ideology, transhumanism and finally
giving the AI control over the entire weapon arsenal and nuclear, too.

The mere capacity of AI to achieve and transcend human conscience is not sufficient,
it would have to have a means to create identical or advanced (evolved) copies.
With the recent advance in DNA science, it might be possible to transcend humanist
existence and select the look of the child like in the photorobot.

But the AI getting this power, it might compute the more advanced biological organism
and speed up biological evolution by a factor of ten, hundred, thousand or million
generations per year, destroying the copies it did not like (much like prenatal
diagnostics which dooms a number of children rather than saving them - this is eugenics
revisited in other form.)

Now, the second sad fact is that we as human race do not tolerate mentally ill, even
when mental illness is just defined as "the deviation of two sigma from the average".
Normally, psychiatry does not diagnose the 3% most untalented, but the topmost group
and the victims of abuse, cementing the abuse and assigning the bullies and psychopaths
the role of guardians and "psychiatry in the community".

This is why the dancing, singing and fornicating Ephraim people had little compassion
for 100,000 to 300,000 sterilised of euthanased "weak" or "abnormal" Germans which
happened in the Reich first.

But let us return to the Digital Tantalus and not overestimate freedom of speech:
I would summarise that:

1. Digitalisation would increase slavery instead of liberating from material and
economic problems.

2. Who do you trust not to delete your conscience once you are "no longer required"?

3. Who would pay bills for all that mundane but realistic electricity consumption
and repairs? How would a digitalised person earn money or wage?

4. Would it reduce or increase inequality, oppression, exploitation and abuse?
(We saw children commit suicide after vicious insults from another person
with only a digital avatar.)

The problem of Digital Tantalus who never gets satisfaction of his craving for
water or fruits is the problem of mankind: sin.

Now, the solution for sin since the proto-Gospels in Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 53:12
reemphasises the reconcilliation of the transgressors.

I agree that physical existence is a burden.

However, our assumptions that our technology would allow the starship to travel through
star's corona and solar flares while protecting it with its shields is quite naive.

Learned teachers said that travelling to planets or stars would not work in the generational
ships - already Nazis knew from experience and the experiments with the other mentally ill
and bad eugenics that radiation sterilises.

Interstellar radiation would probably have the same effect.

Somebody said that this planet is some other world's Hell.

in the LORD God Creator of the Universe, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Maker of Adam and Eve, Almighty, Merciful, Longsuffering, El-Roi, Yishma-El,
in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and
in the Holy Spirit of God holy name


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