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soc / soc.culture.russian / There Shall Be No Compulsion In Religion (2:256)

o There Shall Be No Compulsion In Religion (2:256)Raskolnykov

Subject: There Shall Be No Compulsion In Religion (2:256)
From: Raskolnykov
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Subject: There Shall Be No Compulsion In Religion (2:256)
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(authorised translation Wahiddudin-Khan)

Al-Baqara 2:62
The believers, the Jews, the Christians, and the Sabaeans, all those who believe in God and the Last Day
and do good deeds, will be rewarded by their Lord; they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. (62)

Al-Baqara 2:256-258
There shall be no compulsion in religion: true guidance has become distinct from error. But whoever
refuses to be led by Satan and believes in God has grasped the strong handhold that will never break.
God is all hearing and all knowing. (256) God is the patron of the faithful. He leads them from darkness
to the light. As for those who deny the truth, their supporter is Satan, who brings them out of light
into darkness. They are the heirs of the Fire, and there they will remain forever. (257) Have you not
heard of him who argued with Abraham about his Lord because God had bestowed the kingdom upon him?
Abraham said, "My Lord is the one who gives life and brings death." He answered, "I [too] give life and
bring death!" Abraham said, "God brings up the sun from the east, so bring it up yourself from the
west." Then the disbeliever was confounded. God does not guide the wrongdoers. (258)

* * *

Many in communism claimed to be gods because they could kill at a distance with the power of mind or the
spirit of Death. But none of them made the Sun rise from the West and set on the East, to this day.

So, the God we believe and witness is higher than any and all of them.

However, the Prophet (PBUH) declared by the decree of angel of the LORD, that none shall be compelled to
religion by the fear of death or by the threat of death. Such faith, in most cases, was useless.

Even when immediately after the Prophet's death Muslims started territorial expansion of Islam by
military conquest - in some countries like Spain it was reverted as soon as military compulsion was
replaced by another (Christian) empire.

It is impossible to convert an entire country to Christ of to the Prophet - the State-wide mandatory
religion will only include many apostates and hypocrites. They will not only not believe, but tend
to ascend to the top positions in politics and religion.

This is why the Prophet (PBUH) in the Noble Qur'an allowed "the followers of the Book" (Kitab)
to freely live in their original faith, just like the Sabeans (these are believed to be descendants
of king Solomon and Queen of Sheba).

The remaining in Islam that is only kept by the power and sentence of Death if Islam is abandoned
for Christianity or atheism will only create hypocrites as well - who believe differently than
what they confess our of mortal punishment.

This is why the Prophet (PBUH) never persecuted Christians nor Jews, nor Sabeans, especially not
those who peacefully lived and practised their faith according to the Holy Scriptures and customs.

Thee is a fault in Christianity and Jewish faith as well: considering the elders and the elderwomen Gods
besides YHWH/God/Jehovah.

However, after 45 years of communism, we can sadly add local imams as deities besides or above Allah
to the rabbies, priests, pastors and the bishop of Rome.

There is also a favouritism to rich adulterous women, and elevating the will of "wise women" in
general, which invariably brings fornication, adultery and abortion, which is the murder of
innocent unborn children.

Powerful, rich, artist, or scientific, or politically influential Muslim adulteresses are not
eligible to the Law of Qur'an, and build such arrogance, at the expense of those resisting
their innuendos suffer even great family losses.

In all these problems of Islam, I see the least a couple of Islamic believers who convert to
Christianity or Judaism, or vice versa, as long as God is One.

This is also witnessed by the apostle Paul:

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."
(1 Timothy 2:5).

So, there are good grounds for God being One and not Three nor Triune God born by a woman.

I will explain this. The fullness of God dwelled in Christ, says the apostle Paul,
but woman with the flow of blood or the lepers who touched Jesus did not instantly die
as Usa when he mistakenly wanted to hold the Ark of Covenant from falling. (2 Samuel 6:5-11).

If either of them touched that way the angels who appeared before Abraham, I assume they
would end up like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Different kind of "fullness of God" dwelleth in Jesus as his anointing.

While even a Pharisee would have to wash and be unclean until the evening after
touching a woman with the flow of blood, and stay unclean a week after touching
a leper, and be quarantined until proclaimed "clean", Jesus lost nothing of his
grace, holiness and purity by touching either of them.

This is the mystery of the Christ/Messiah/Mesih.

in the LORD God Almighty, Merciful, Longsuffering


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