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soc / soc.couples / Sexual harmonic(s) adjustment criteria

o Sexual harmonic(s) adjustment criteriaDavid Dalton

Subject: Sexual harmonic(s) adjustment criteria
From: David Dalton
Newsgroups:,, soc.couples,, soc.women,
Organization: Eternal September
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 01:12 UTC
From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups:,, soc.couples,, soc.women,
Subject: Sexual harmonic(s) adjustment criteria
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 22:42:41 -0230
Organization: Eternal September
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I currently hope that the changes described below have just
occurred. If not, they should within the next six months.


The sexual harmonic(s) adjustment criteria are now:

1. For incompatible or partially compatible relationships
involving one (A) or two (F) a.s.r., if they are currently
committed and (a) have been committed for at least
the last 5 months with no temporary breakup of more
than three weeks and/or (b) at least one of them has at
least one child under 17, including adoptive or fetus
or even embryo, then they will become optimally sexually
compatible in (A,F)-HDBE.

2. For incompatible or partially compatible relationships
not involving any a.s.r., if they are currently committed and
(a) have been committed for at least the last year with
no temporary breakup of more than two weeks and/or
(b) at least one of them has at least one child under 16 and 2/3,
including adoptive or fetus or even embryo, then they
will become optimally sexually compatible in R-HDBE.

Again, as I said months ago, a firm promise of adoption
to a child under 17 for (A,F) or 16 and 2/3 (for R) that is in effect at
the conclusion of (A,F)-HDBE or R-HDBE, whichever applies,
would be sufficient, but note that I hope that
(A,F)-HDBE and sexuality aspects of RHDBE have been applied.

It is also extended to marriage groups of more than two.
For example, two fence jumping gay--lesbian couples
might become (2bim+bimT+straight-type-2-F) or
(bifT+straight-type-2-M+2bif) and in either case
all four would be optimally sexually compatible
with one another.

New this evening:

In the sexual harmonics adjustments I said that newly
optimally sexually compatible relationships (and also
existing same sex relationships) would not lock until
next sex even if they have had sex before. That has
changed. Committed relationships that become
optimally sexually compatible and have had sex
before will be locked right away, not just after next
sex. The same is true for existing committed same
sex relationships (for the most recent sex in a
committed relationship).

Also there is some further relaxing. Couples that are
separated but not divorced and are not committed
to other(s) and otherwise meet the above criteria
will become optimally sexually compatible and if
they have had sex in the past they will be locked.
The same will be true for couples who are divorced
and have shared custody and are not committed
to other(s).

The shared custody would have to be of at least one child
under 17 (A,F) or 16 and 2/3 (R).

Also some relationships are too abusive and will be split
across species boundaries in the species split.

In the fence-jumping foursomes mentioned above,
the locks would be between the two male forms
and between the two female forms, so they cannot
break the compatible foursome into two pairs of
male form--female form.

There has also been a global family and marriage blessing.

For single people, I have matchmaking ability and soon
so will the 1.55 million human a.s.r. globally.

If you have any questions, ask me on alt.religion.druid
or by email since I am committing the Usenet sin of
not checking these groups for followups.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)


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