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sci / / Re: The ‘jew hunt’ in Amsterdam was no anomaly, it was a MITZVAH

Subject: Re: The ‘jew hunt’ in Amsterdam was no anomaly, it was a MITZVAH
From: Michael Ejercito
Newsgroups:,, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel,
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 12:45 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6
From: (Michael Ejercito)
Subject: Re:_The_‘jew_hunt’_in_Amsterdam_was_no_an
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 04:45:12 -0800
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Loose Cannon wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Nov 2024 08:02:00 -0800, Michael Ejercito
> <> wrote:
>> Christians against SPAMMING sub-maggot jew parasite BARRY ZACHARY SHEIN
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 14 Nov 2024 17:12:17 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> It is immoral for you to call me a gook.
>>> It is absurd for a subhuman gook like you, who is EXEMPT from morals,
>>> to screech/wail/howl about being called a gook.
>> There is nothing subhuman about me.
>> It is still immoral for you to call people gooks.
>>>> What you allege is the shpae of my eyes and the color of my skin is
>>>> beside the point!
>>> The shpae of your slanty eyes and your shitskin are PRECISELY the
>>> point.
>> It still does not justify you calling me or anyone else a gook.
>>>>> As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani and looks like a Down's Syndrome
>>>>> beneficiary, you are, below all else
>>>> There is nothing Down's syndrome beneficiary about me.
>>> You are a mongoloid. Those are features associated with
>>> Down's.beneficiaries.
>> There is nothing mongoloid about me.
>>>> I zsuckle no ani; you fuckle no Judenfraulein vulvae!
>>> You zsuckle HEAP ani, you are INELIGIBLE even for filthy diseased
>>> judendreckunterhure vulvas.
>> Wrong!
>>>> You are a Nazi.
>>> You are a gook.
>> That would be better than being a Nazi nithing.
>>>> As a Nazi, you are, above all else
>>> As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani and looks like a Down's Syndrome
>>> beneficiary, you are, below all else
>>> <b'ris>
>>> - -
>>> Wonderfully hungry? Check out this morbidly obese
>>> Asiatic slug:
>>> Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
>>> he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
>>> have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
>>> from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
>>> does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
>>> aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
>>> posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
>>> one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
>>> therapy room of his local nutfarm.
>> I sure humiliated Boedicia.
>> You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
>> key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
>> rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.
>> Bill explains what nithings are.
>> Define and Dehumanize the Enemy: Jihadists as Nithings or Nidings
>> by Bill Levinson
>> It is an ancient principle of magic (which modern people recognize as
>> stories that reflect a society’s culture and psychology) that
>> knowledge of a person’s real or True Name delivers power over that
>> person. What it really means is that, if you know the person’s
>> psychology, you can gain an advantage over him. It is also well known
>> that the side that controls the language of an argument controls the
>> argument. As an example, Hamas terrorists and their enablers refer to
>> Israel’s military as an “occupation force” and terrorisitic violence
>> against civilians as “resistance.”
>> We have long sought a single word that strips the enemy of all
>> humanity, and reduces him to something less than an animal that is
>> worthy of nothing less than extermination. As far as we know, the
>> English language contains no such word, although “dreck” (garbage or
>> refuse) comes close. “Homo sapiens by BIRTH, subhuman by CHOICE”
>> describes Islamic supremacists perfectly, but it is a phrase and not a
>> word. We now propose to refer to Islamic supremacists as nithings or
>> nidings: a Scandinavian word that strips its object of all humanity.
>> Webster’s dictionary (1913) defines it as “A coward; a dastard; — a
>> term of utmost opprobrium.”
>> We remind readers who object to the dehumanization of Islamic
>> supremacists that those enemies are already attempting to dehumanize
>> Jews, and to a lesser degree Christians, with images that could have
>> come directly from Adolf Hitler. As they have chosen to sow the
>> dragon’s teeth, our position is that they must now reap their rightful
>> harvest: the complete hatred and loathing of all civilized human
>> beings.
>> nithings
>> Nithing or niding was more than a common insult, because Scandinavian
>> culture required its subject to fight a duel with the accuser or
>> become an outlaw: totally devoid of rights, honor, and even
>> recognition as a human being. Per the Wikipedia entry,
>> The actual meaning of the adjective argr or ragr [= Anglo-Saxon
>> earg] was the nature or appearance of effeminacy, especially by
>> obscene acts. Argr was the worst, most derogatory swearword of all
>> known to the Norse language. According to Icelandic law, the accused
>> was expected to kill the accuser at once. …If the accused did not
>> retort by violent attack yielding either the accuser to take his words
>> back or the accuser’s death, he was hence proven to be a weak and
>> cowardly nithing by not retorting accordingly.
>> A nithing was devoid of all human rights, and he was considered the
>> enemy of civilized humanity: a perfect depiction of Islamic
>> supremacists. The word therefore strips the enemy of all humanity, and
>> degrades him to the status of a wolf or strangler (per Scandinavian
>> tradition) or a virulent disease like the Black Plague. Black Plague
>> is a deadly and contagious disease whose vector consists of plague-
>> carrying rats, while the Green Plague of militant “Islam” is a deadly
>> and contagious ideology that is spread by bipedal rats: nidings or
>> nithings, non-humans that raise violent hands to all of civilized
>> Humanity.
>> The immediate consequence of being proven a nithing was
>> outlawing. The outlawed did not have any rights, he was exlex (Latin
>> for “outside of the legal system”), in Anglo-Saxon utlah, Middle Low
>> German uutlagh, Old Norse utlagr. Just as feud yielded enmity among
>> kinships, outlawry yielded enmity of all humanity.[63] …”Yet that is
>> but one aspect of outlawry. The outlaw is not only expelled from the
>> kinship, he is also regarded henceforth as an enemy to mankind.”
>> The actual definition of a nithing is somewhat more involved and
>> complex, and it gets into sexual perversions and zoomorphical
>> transformations (Loki’s transformation of himself into a mare to have
>> sexual intercourse with a stallion, and thus beget Odin’s horse
>> Sleipner is probably an example), but the following line is pertinent:
>> “The nithing used its malicious seid magic to destroy anything owned
>> and made by man, ultimately the human race and Midgard itself[6], due
>> to its basically unlimited envy, hate, and malice that were nith.”
>> "Destruction of everything owned and made by Man” (the Palestinians’
>> destruction of the greenhouses in Gaza comes to mind immediately) and
>> “unlimited envy, hate, and malice” describe militant “Islam”
>> perfectly, and further underscore the application of nithing or niding
>> to describe it. The propensity for mindless destruction also appears
>> in Orson Scott Card’s Alvin Maker series, in which a supernatural
>> enemy is known as the Unmaker: a personification of evil that is the
>> total antithesis of God the Creator.
>> The Unmaker is the main antagonist in Orson Scott Card’s
>> alternate history/fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker. Never
>> directly confronted, it is a supernatural force that breaks apart
>> matter and aims to destroy and consume everything and everyone. …To
>> make something is to oppose the Unmaker, but a point often made is
>> that this is futile. By natural law the Unmaker can tear down faster
>> than any man can build.
>> This also is an outstanding definition of militant “Islam” or Islamic
>> supremacy: an ideology that seeks to destroy everything into which it
>> comes in contact, and with which no reason, negotiation, or compromise
>> is possible.
>> In summary, a nithing or niding is the enemy of Civilization, a
>> subhuman (through its behavioral choices, and emphatically NOT due to
>> its racial or ethnic origin) monster with total hatred and malice
>> toward all human industry and arts, and worthy of nothing but
>> extermination like any virulent disease. This is the word we will now
>> apply to Islamic supremacists and their enablers, and we encourage
>> others to do likewise.
> Quoting jews and niggers, and buddying up with a quack, does nothing
> to enhance your already putrid reputation.

There is nothing putrid about my reputation!


o The ‘Jew hunt’ in Amsterdam was no anomaly

By: Michael Ejercito on Thu, 14 Nov 2024

85Michael Ejercito

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