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There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. -- Mark Twain

sci / / (Church) Expertly: Walking by faith in love, Who is GOD the Holy Spirit, Who is the Oil of our Rapture Lamp, Who is the Blood of the Lamb, Who is the Living Water, Who washes away sin ...

Subject: (Church) Expertly: Walking by faith in love, Who is GOD the Holy Spirit, Who is the Oil of our Rapture Lamp, Who is the Blood of the Lamb, Who is the Living Water, Who washes away sin ...
From: HeartDoc Andrew
Newsgroups:,,, soc.culture.canada, soc.culture.israel, alt.christnet.christianlife
Organization: NewsDemon -
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 01:22 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
From: (HeartDoc Andrew)
Subject: (Church) Expertly: Walking by faith in love, Who is GOD the Holy Spirit, Who is the Oil of our Rapture Lamp, Who is the Blood of the Lamb, Who is the Living Water, Who washes away sin ...
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2024 21:22:31 -0400
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Michael Ejercito wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>>>> Why Yes, I’d Say Marking “The Meeting House” As An Unethical,
>>>>> Untrustworthy Church That Deserves To Be Shuttered If Not Sent Straight
>>>>> To Hell Is A Fair Conclusion…
>>>>> JULY 5, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL
>>>>> This story would be funny if it wasn’t so damning of organized religion
>>>>> generally.
>>>>> The Meeting House is a Canadian megachurch, of the largest and most
>>>>> influential churches in Ontario. It promoted itself as “a church for
>>>>> people who aren’t into church” (Good motto! Like “Winston tastes good
>>>>> like a cigarette should!”), and the campaign worked. The church grew, as
>>>>> they used to say, “like Topsy.” Pastor Bruxy Cavey, who took over the
>>>>> leadership of The Meeting House in 1997, became Ontario’s “most
>>>>> influential pastor.” But in 2021, as described in detail here, Cavey
>>>>> resigned after being accused of sexual assault in his holy activities.
>>>>> He was then charged, with law enforcement adding that there were
>>>>> probably more than one victim.
>>>>> The church announced in 2022 that “two more claims of sexual abuse and
>>>>> another case of sexual misconduct” against Cavey at been substantiated,
>>>>> with one of the alleged victims being a juvenile.
>>>>> As Cavey faces trial on three separate charges, multiple lawsuits have
>>>>> been filed against The Meeting House involving 38 allegations of sexual
>>>>> misconduct by Cavey as well as three other pastors he worked with at the
>>>>> church. Post-Cavey church leaders claim to have developed new policies
>>>>> and procedures to prevent future incidents of sexual misconduct at the
>>>>> church, but a victim’s advocate working on the cases claimed that the
>>>>> church’s new policies make it more difficult for victims to come forward.
>>>>> Last week The Meeting House announced that all of the church’s campuses
>>>>> were closed down and all of its religious activities suspended until
>>>>> further notice. You see, the church has been unable to find any insurers
>>>>> willing to sell the church Abuse Liability or Employment Practices
>>>>> Liability coverage. Too risky!
>>>>> The Meeting House issued this risible email and this “FAQ” memo to
>>>>> explain the situation. The situation is easily explained: the Church is
>>>>> a nest of potential sexual predators, it has not put in place
>>>>> sufficiently effective procedures to protect parishioners (including
>>>>> children), and it doesn’t have faith—a church without faith?—in its own
>>>>> employees and management sufficiently to operate without having
>>>>> insurance protecting them when one of their predators strikes.
>>>>> I’m sorely tempted to muse about why a church should have to have such
>>>>> insurance at all. If you cant trust your spiritual guides and counselors
>>>>> not to molest you, who can you trust? But yes, a must acknowledge in
>>>>> this litigious age, in addition to the model of the Catholic Church
>>>>> making sexual abuse accusations far more likely to be believed than they
>>>>> once were, it is as necessary for a church to have this insurance as it
>>>>> is for doctors and lawyers to have malpractice insurance.
>>>>> However, when a your doctor tells you that your appointment has been
>>>>> cancelled because he can’t find any company who will give her
>>>>> malpractice insurance, that is a sign that you need to find another doctor.
>>>> All religions/denominations are fraudulent save one ...
>>> Indeed.
>>>> "And I tell you that you are Peter, and **on** (and not by or through)
>>>> this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (aka Hell)
>>>> will not overcome it." (Matthew 16:18 w/ **emphasis** and
>>>> parenthetical clarification)
>>>> Source:
>>>> "The real name of LORD Jesus' church is which is not
>>>> Catholic but is built **on** the experience of disciple Peter sinking
>>>> like a rock when he lost faith in GOD when he did not give the glory
>>>> of walking on water to Him." -- Holy Spirit referring to Matthew 16:18
>>>> and Psalm 117:1
>>>> "Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples." (Psalm
>>>> 117:1)
>>>> Source:
>>>> Suggested further reading:
>>>> "Religion that GOD our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
>>>> to look after orphans and widows (for it is written at Psalm 68:5 that
>>>> GOD is a Husband to widows and a Father to orphans) in their distress
>>>> (about being hungry as they're being blessed by GOD now per Luke 6:21
>>>> in its entirety) and to keep oneself from being polluted by the (
>>>> ) world." (James 1:27 w/parenthetical
>>>> clarification)
>>>> Source:
>>>> It's when we (John 15:12)
>>>> for "orphans and widows" that we are "looking after" (James 1:27) them
>>>> thereby keeping them from self-harm.
>>>> "For we are GOD’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus (
>>>> ) to do good (Matthew 19:17) works, which GOD
>>>> prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 w/ parenthetical
>>>> clarification)
>>>> Source:
>>>> How to be a doer & not sit/soak to become sour (grumpy):
>>>> So let us not be a (Genesis 25:32)
>>>> or else we'll most certainly die a
>>>> (Mark 9:42) death:
>>>> **and**
>>>> Instead, let's (John 15:12) others as
>>>> our LORD Jesus truly loves (John 15:13) us.
>>>> This is **not** what wants but rather
>>>> what LORD Jesus wants:
>>>> BTW (John 14:6), "what would Jesus have us do" is false teaching
>>>> because it's past tense and restricted to action (i.e. does **not**
>>>> include behavior/attitude) while "what does Jesus want" is both
>>>> present tense **and** all-inclusive.
>>>> For example:
>>>> May GOD continue to curse false teachers per Apostle Paul's request
>>>> (Galatians 1:8) in the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of
>>>> Nazareth. Amen. Laus DEO.
>>>> "But even if we or an angel from Heaven should preach a gospel other
>>>> than the one we preached to you (while wonderfully hungry per
>>>> Philippians 4:12), let them be under GOD’s curse!" (Galatians 1:8 w/
>>>> parenthetical clarification)
>>>> Source:
>>>> Bottom line:
>>>> Be perfect (Matt 5:48) as GOD is perfect; Start by greeting (Matt
>>>> 5:47) others and then (John
>>>> 15:12) to be more blessed by GOD
>>>> right now (Luke 6:21a).
>>>> Indeed, I am for food right now (Luke
>>>> 6:21a) and hope you, Michael, and others reading this, also have a
>>>> healthy appetite for food right now too.
>>>> So how are you ?
>>> I am wonderfully hungry!
>> While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
>> 8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
>> 17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
>> COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
>> Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
>> Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
>> always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
>> including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
>> all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
>> the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
>> Laus DEO !


> Thank you for noting I have no COVID.
> Also, I saw the video of you with Chris Hubbard. That was awesome!

It is described in the Bible that when Prophet Samson was in the Holy
Spirit that he had awesome strength (Philippians 4:13) both physically
and mentally. The tragic demise of Prophet Samson was a consequence of
his not always being in the Holy Spirit especially when he met Delilah
and "fell in love." There is no falling in love, Who is GOD the Holy
Spirit, so when Prophet Samson "fell in love," it was lust/temptation.

So now please just do otherwise as our LORD Jesus & I have done for
you, Michael, and (John 15:12) to
be more blessed by GOD right now
(Luke 6:21a) in the Holy Spirit.

o Why Yes, I’d Say Marking “The Meeting House” As An Unethical, Untrustworthy Chur

By: Michael Ejercito on Sat, 6 Jul 2024

13Michael Ejercito

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