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A is for Apple. -- Hester Pryne

sci / sci.environment / Re: Morrocan style lamb flesh

Subject: Re: Morrocan style lamb flesh
From: D
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,
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Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 10:37 UTC
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From: (D)
Subject: Re: Morrocan style lamb flesh
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 11:37:55 +0100
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On Sat, 23 Nov 2024, clams casino wrote:

> On 11/23/2024 2:43 PM, D wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 Nov 2024, Coogan's Bluff wrote:
>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> As if universities are the entire world.
>>> where do their students/leaders migrate off to?
>>>> As we know, the conflicts
>>>> in academia are so bitter because the stakes are so small.
>>> You really are one of the dumbest cunts I have ever seen!
>>> Peer grant herding and the climate change hoax  - learn!
>>> A powerful peer-reviewed scientific study delivers substantial evidence
>>> that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere have zero impact on
>>> the Earth’s global temperatures. The study concludes that even though most
>>> publications attempt to depict a catastrophic future for our planet due to
>>> an increase in CO2, there is serious doubt that this is, in fact, the
>>> case. Instead, the study authors deduced that their research unequivocally
>>> means that the officially presented narrative that human activity is
>>> causing a detrimental CO2 increase on Earth’s climate is merely a
>>> hypothesis rather than a substantiated reality.
>>> The study, published in Science Direct in March 2024, confirms that the
>>> warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally limited,
>>> with the limit having been reached decades ago. The study also confirms
>>> what climatologist Dr. Judith Curry has stated, which is that the
>>> “manufactured consensus of scientists at the request of policymakers”
>>> regarding climate change is all a ruse to push an agenda that has nothing
>>> to do with climate change. She insists that “Earth has survived far bigger
>>> insults that what human beings are doing.”
>>> In a 2022 interview, Curry remarked that the basic facts of the climate
>>> situation are clear—global temperatures have been warming, humans emit CO2
>>> into the atmosphere, and CO2 has an infrared emission spectra that,
>>> overall, acts to warm the planet. However, after that, there is much
>>> disagreement over the most consequential issues propagated to fuel the
>>> climate change narrative, such as how much of the warming has been caused
>>> by humans and how significant is human-caused warming relative to
>>> solar-variability, ocean circulation patterns, and so on?
>>> Why are politically active scientists exaggerating the truth for political
>>> objectives? Many are now certain that, like the COVID-19 pandemic, the
>>> massive climate change scheme is about greed, power, and control. Curry,
>>> Professor Emeritus and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric
>>> Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has become known as an
>>> outspoken scientist who doubts the “scientific consensus” on climate
>>> change. Unsurprisingly, akin to the doctors who dared speak up about the
>>> deadly mRNA COVID-19 shots, Curry was “academically, pretty much finished
>>> off” and “essentially unhirable.” But that has not stopped her from
>>> speaking up. When asked how far from reality the picture of doom and gloom
>>> painted by those pushing the climate agenda really is, Curry stated:
>>> “It’s very far from gloom and doom. People are being sued left and right
>>> over bad weather. Governments, oil companies, and everything because
>>> they’re not doing enough.
>>> People who think that they can control the climate… It’s just a pipe
>>> dream. Even if we went to net zero, we would barely notice. It would be
>>> hard to detect any change in the climate. The climate is going to do what
>>> the climate’s going to do. And there’s a lot of inertia in the system.
>>> If the carbon dioxide that we’ve put in is as important, as bad as some
>>> people seem to think, those effects are going to be with us for a very,
>>> very long time. And stopping now isn’t going to change that trajectory
>>> very much.
>>> So, we must look forward and try to understand what’s happened. But
>>> thinking that we’re going to control the climate by going to net zero very
>>> quickly is not good.”
>>> Curry remarked that even when you look more recently at the weather in the
>>> United States, for example, it was much worse in the 1930s by any measure
>>> than it is now. When you look at the data, she insists that period was
>>> inundated with forest fires, droughts, heat waves, and hurricanes. It
>>> makes no sense to rapidly revamp our entire energy infrastructure to rely
>>> on wind turbines and solar energy, which require a massive land and water
>>> footprint.
>>> According to Curry, the most significant danger is if “we do really stupid
>>> stuff like destroy our energy infrastructure before we have something
>>> better to replace it with.” She believes the biggest climate risk right
>>> now is a so-called transition risk, the risk of rapidly getting rid of
>>> fossil fuels. Dr. Curry is right. Even if society transitions to all wind
>>> and solar, massive amounts of fossil fuels will be needed to do all the
>>> mining, establish the supply chains, transport, and everything else. So,
>>> in the near term, even if the plan is to use all renewable wind and solar
>>> energy, we will need large amounts of fossil fuels to get there. “People
>>> just repeat these mantras without any thought,” Curry said, adding, “It’s
>>> not a good place.”
>>> And now, following Dr. Curry’s sound advice and insight, we have the
>>> Science Direct study reaffirming the madness bestowed upon humanity by a
>>> despicable cohort of greedy souls. Conducted by researchers from the
>>> Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology in Warsaw,
>>> Poland, the study authors found that even if we dug up all the world’s
>>> coal, extracted all the world’s oil, and burned it in one giant pyre, the
>>> CO2 emissions from that endeavor would not heat up planet Earth. Indeed,
>>> this is because carbon dioxide does not cause the Earth to warm up
>>> indefinitely.
>>> As reported by Slay News, much like a sponge, the Earth’s atmosphere can
>>> only hold so much, meaning that carbon dioxide cannot increase
>>> temperatures anymore since the saturation point was reached a long time
>>> ago. The study uses a hypothetical concept of a fire inside a greenhouse
>>> consistently emitting heat. The glass walls and ceiling can contain only
>>> so much heat before emitting it outside. CO2 in the atmosphere is very
>>> similar in that it can act as a “greenhouse” gas, but all the CO2 together
>>> can only contain so much heat, much like the hypothetical greenhouse. The
>>> CO2 Coalition agrees with this conclusion as well. Thus, amidst all the
>>> fearmongering around climate change—and the knowledge that many things,
>>> including changes in solar activity heavily influence Earth’s weather—Dr.
>>> Curry believes even if the Earth is warming, it is not a dangerous thing,
>>> commenting:
>>> “This whole issue of “dangerous” is the weakest part of the whole
>>> argument. What is dangerous? Everybody has a different idea of what’s
>>> good. The only harm from warming is rising sea levels. And that’s a slow
>>> creep unless something catastrophic happens, say, to the West Antarctic
>>> ice sheet. And if something catastrophic happens there, that’s as likely
>>> to be associated with under-ice volcanoes as it is to be with global
>>> warming.”
>> Well, hopefully Trump will leave all the crazy climate agreements like he
>> did last time, which is good for the US! =)
> I am 100% CERTAIN OF THAT!
> Oooh rah!

Horay! Horay for the king! It will be wonderful to see the tears of greta
and other socialists once he does it! =D

On the other hand gretas new hobby is anti-semitism, so maybe she is busy
in some concentration camp in the middle east? Would not surprise me.

o Re: Morrocan style lamb flesh

By: Coogan's Bluff on Sat, 23 Nov 2024

17Coogan's Bluff

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