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sci / sci.engr.chem / There is a phenomenon called electrowetting where fluid meniscus is effected with e-, that suggests there might be such a thing as opposite of electrowetting, electrical negative meniscus, that electrodrying could be used to cause even greater precis

Subject: There is a phenomenon called electrowetting where fluid meniscus is effected with e-, that suggests there might be such a thing as opposite of electrowetting, electrical negative meniscus, that electrodrying could be used to cause even greater precis
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.chem
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 06:34 UTC
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Subject: There is a phenomenon called electrowetting where fluid meniscus is
effected with e-, that suggests there might be such a thing as opposite of
electrowetting, electrical negative meniscus, that electrodrying could be
used to cause even greater precis
From: (Treon Verdery)
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A really beneficial breast growth and shape choice opportunity for girls starting to first voluntarily develop secondary sex characteristics are epigenetic modifiers like RNAi sequences that cause greater breast volume, most preferred greater breast size, and particularly beautiful breasts, that are highly sexually arousing to other women, girls, boys, and men, and with epigenetics that are causing of heightened breast pleasure sex sensation at the developing girl and the woman she becomes, RNAi does epigenetic methylation, which can be utilized to decrease any genes that decrease the production of estrogenic growth receptors at deep breast tissue, near dermal surface breast tissue, milk glands, areolas, and nipples, decreasing the decreasers increases breast growth response to natural estrogen, and epigenetic RNAi to decrease decreasers of progesterone response are utilizable to give developing girls, of all ages at breast development, the curved, near half spherical breast form that is wider at diameter than it is long which is more beautiful, as well as possibly provide highly placed, up pointed nipples which are also aesthetically attractive, using RNAi and epigenetic methylation or hypermethylation to decrease any decreasers of proliferation of pleasure sensation nerves at the breasts, and heighten the connectivity of nerves and the volume of nerves that connect the breasts to the spinal cord, both of which then heighten breast pleasure sensation at the girl and the woman she becomes during everyday living, sexual activity, and self pleasuring is beneficial, both as a genetic enhancement to the genomes of all humans, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species, as well as is beneficial as a voluntary option among girls just starting to voluntarily develop secondary sex characteristics, or earlier.

Epigenetic RNAi methylators or hypermethylators that heighten pleasure sensation, and sexual pleasure sensation, are beneficial to be made to be produced at new or lengthened genes that from being produced RNAi decrease any genetic decreasers of clitoral sex pleasure or vaginal g spot, a spot, o spot, or also vaginal canal sex pleasure sensation producing nerves, or also the RNAi decreasing any decrease of pleasure sensing nerves at the entire inner and dermal surface volume of the entirity of the hips, breasts, or pre breast development area, and thighs of girls and women, that is persons with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X sex chromosomes, of any chronological age or amount of physiological development after parturition, and at any as well as all developing fetuses of any fetal development amount or grams of fetal tissue with and at fetuses with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X sex chromosomes, or any other rnai that increases vaginal canal sex pleasure from decreasing decreasers are beneficial to make a part of the genome of all humans, that is Homo sapiens or branch species persons.

The epigenetics that cause the softness of breasts, and gravity and change with time resistance of and at the simultaneously 99th percentile softest breasts, combined with the 99th percentile of the most gravity and time interval shape change resistant, fully developed breasts, of the breast tissue volume or up to twice the breast tissue volume of the 2004-2014 sex movie and sex video participant Busty Buffy, also described as Lucie Wilde, at age between 18 and 19, are beneficial to make, as epigenetic modifiers actually made at the body, as new genes or extended genes at all humans, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species.

Sex pleasure recreational supplement, g protein coupled receptors, Gpcrs, turn gaunosine triphosphate on and off at things called g proteins, at sex pleasure sensation receptors, and sex pleasure sensation causing neurons, possibly neurons and nerves with melanocortin 3 or 4 receptors on them, the 99.999th percentile particular most highly enjoyed and voluntarily reexperienced batched groups of Localized neurons, nerves, and any other cytes at the body with GnRH receptors, that are also the most sexually highly enjoyed, most heightening of mutual sexual attraction, most highly prompting of voluntary heightened sexual intensity at spontaneous body motions, sex rhythms, and orgasming muscle motions, as well as highest beneficial sexual intensity at mind, beneficial and enjoyed sex emotion, and way of being at sex, feeling sex pleasure, feeling and being at continuous sex variation, reoccuring sex peak intensity at intense sex pleasure sensation during multiminute, multihour, continuous partner sex, and actual sex activity, multiple sex partner sexual and actual sex activity, multiple simultaneous cooccuring sex partners together, at multiple simultaneous sex partner activities, and multiple cooccuring simultaneous actual sex with plural simultaneous sex partners, multiple simultaneous person actual sex, as well as other sex activity with sexual activity partners, such as mutually voluntary sexual finger, or hand, or sex pleasure vibrator motions, lesbian or female bisexual scissoring, tribbing, penis cooccuring with vagina or also vaginal canal motion, oral sex at and utilizing the vagina, clitoral area, clitoris head and shaft, clitoral hood, commisure, as well as the mouth, throat, penis, as well as any occurrence of anal canal, or also prostate sexual activities, that is intensely enjoyably at heightened parts per hundred amount of presence of being, parts per hundred amount of sexual arousal at women, men, girls, and boys of all ages and amounts of physiological development after parturition, and also heightened physiological sexual arousal intensity, as well as voluntary heightened amount of orgasm intensity during orgasm and orgasming from either, or both, with the supplemented increased g proteins, utilized at Gpcrs that are receptors that heighten sex intensity at being and presence of being, heighten the 99.999th percentile most enjoyed, most prompting of automatic intensified and shared body sex rhythms, most prompting of highest intensity, most enjoyed body motions, heightened, and even more highly sexually enjoyed, the woman or girl being at heightened being and presence of being at sex pleasure sensation, occurence of automatic being at sex, moving orgasmically, automatically vocalizing being at, with, doing, and being a part of sex during orgasm and orgasming, and heightening orgasming, and orgasm pleasure intensity, and being at sex fulfillling actualization with heightened cooccurence and energy intensity of vaginal canal, and vaginal canal area motions, as well as squeezing, pulsation and interior of hips muscle orgasm and orgasming motion around and at the entire vaginal canal, as well as the lower back of the woman or girl, arching spine , shaking orgasmic thigh motions, and other entire body orgasming motions, pulsations, sustained length orgasming rhythms, erect penis at vaginal canal awareness heightening and generating greater sex pleasure sensations, as well as sex attribute, attribute of sex heightening of melanocortin 3 and 4 receptors, as well as gonatropin releasing hormone receptors from supplementation of g proteins, having, the further heightening of sexual enjoyment g proteins being supplemented, with the g proteins being supplemented as a delicious drink with enteric rapid lower gi tract dissolving microencapsulated liposomes where the liposomes have gi tract membrane passing moieties on their surfaces like glucose, polyglucose, or active transport channel activating peptides as well as tissue or cyte localizing peptides so the supplemental g proteins reach optimal cytes to be at

Sex enhancement software, do a noninvasive likely optical or RF, CNS, brain, nerve, sex tissues, sex organs, wetness and moisture, sex vasculature and capillary vasculature of sexual arousal engorgement of tissues and areas of the bodies of women, girls, boys, and men, especially at, and during at school, k-12 actual sex, sex education to then project visually on people's bodies, or the background, or side vision area, the graphic representations of those areas of and at those other persons bodies which if mutually voluntarily touched, are most likely to heighten sexual attraction between the two or more people touching each other, such that the software computed likeliness of the two or more persons having then the occurence of highly enjoyed and orgasmic actual sex, sexual activities with each other goes up

Noting that snorted bremelanotide peptide, which activates melanocortin 3 and 4, McR3/4 receptors is active at causing greater sex pleasure sensation amount at women and men, greater sex activity seeking at women and men, and heightened amounts of voluntary actual sex, sex frequency of occurence at women and men, it is possible as well as likely that higher, different, pulsatilele, McR3/4 receptor stimulation at particular localizations of CNS, brain, neurons, nerves, or other cytes could heighten the amount of highly enjoyed and liked heightened sex response, and heightened other attributes of sex, that are sex attributes, such as more frequent, higher intensity, longer duration orgasms, fuller actualization and fulfillment of sexual initiative, or sexual receptiveness as well as heightening other beneficial attributes of sex, like sexually mutually sexually arousing, and sexually physiologically arousing body language could be associated with particular localizations of McR3/4 receptors, such that Localization peptides, moieties, or groups, then have the capability of heightening the amount of what women, girls, boys, and men, of any chronological age or amount of physiological development, most like and enjoy about sex, actual sex, sexual activity, as well as most like and enjoy about being and presence of being, being at sex, sex awareness, highly enjoyed and physically pleasureable sexualized attributes of meaning at presence of being, the most enjoyed heightened minutes of amount of fetal self pleasuring and masturbation, and heightened frequency of the occurrence of self pleasuring and masturbation at developing fetuses could also be beneficially heightened with McR3/4 receptor activators voluntarily utilized at the pregnant person so her fetus has even higher enjoyment, and likely greater CNS and brain and nerve tissue development at pleasure sensation causing nerves and neural structures

Sex pleasure vibrator for women, girls, boys, and men, of any amount of physiological development after parturition, and every chronological age, the head, or soft, or firm, or electro stiffening or softening head of the sex pleasure vibrator could sense when a woman or girl, or man or boy, is pressing the vibrator head more firmly or strongly on and at any part of the vagina, external vagina and clitoral area, clitoris, or interior of the vaginal canal, as well as the vibrator being pressed more firmly on the g spot, A spot, or o spot at the vaginal canal such that when pressed more firmly the sex pleasure vibrator outputs more power, and even makes varying depth 3D convex contact lens shaped acoustic pulses with peak energy right where the vibrator is placed, that then doing deep pleasure sensation nerve stimulation, and also, when firmly pressed, the sex pleasure vibrator making wider continuous, high tissue volume, pond ripple spreading like, vibrated and pulsed volume of sex pleasure tissues and nerves of and at, and making greater pleasure sensation, with the spreading pond ripple effect also varying and increasing diameter with continued firmer pressing of the sex pleasure vibrator

Beneficial sex software for people of all physiological development amounts after parturition, that is women, girls, boys, and men of all chronological ages after parturition that have voluntary partner or sex playmate sex, utilizing a 2D camera, or 3D media recorder, full spectrum audio recorder, as well as the software processing moving images and audio to find the most intense sexual arousal, the most intensely liked pleasure sensations during actual sex, and actual sex with cooccuring sex pleasure vibrator stimulation, the sex motion movements of and during actual sex, with actual sex partners moving their bodies, individually or together that cause and prompt the other sex partner to move their body the most, intensifying the sex height of being and presence of being at and with ex and causing higher amounts of motion based sex pleasure sensation, with the software also doing audio processing of sexual high intensity breathing rhythms, and sex intensity and pleasure vocalizations, and the software also sensing and processing the heightening velocity of the pulse before orgasm, as measured with audio or measured with superaffordable laser diode interferometry where the software records all the sex and self pleasuring that all humans have and do, then the software also autogenerates a compilation media form of what arouses, causes orgasms, multiple orgasms, and heightened orgasm duration among and at the women, girls, men, and boys the most, then the software autopublishes that compilation video to each person's sex partner personals ad, multiple sex media sharing internet sites, and also sends copies to the persons other sex partners, benefitting heightened sexual enjoyment at all humans, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species.

Comment on a sex video, I like that she shares her love of sex with young boys, as long as they have developed 10 or more pubic hairs her orgasming, and causing orgasm at as many young boys as she likes everyday. The summer at half the years of age of turning 20 I masturbated a lot, and would have tremendously benefitted from having sex with her multiple times, until I learned to make her orgasm, with her introducing me to others half the age of 20, other girls and boys she had sex with. Good for her, doing boy sex

The messenger RNAs that are the most active when 9 year old girls and boys that are at the 99.99th percentile highest frequency of daily occurence of masturbation to orgasm, and, or also 99.99th percentile highest frequency of voluntary, prompted to occur, sex partner, or sex playmate mutual sexually arousing, physiologically sexually arousing, orgasmic mutual voluntary body touch and body contact sex activities, and 99.99th percentile greatest mutual sexual pleasure and sex pleasure sensation, measured with brain, CNS, body scans and during sex, sexual activity computer audio generated prompting questions about how good doing sex and being at sex feels, if the girls or boys would like to feel it even more, even more intensely, or are just right as measured between 8-11 year old girls with other 8-11 year old girls, 8-11 year old boys with other 8-11 year old boys, or 8-11 year old girls with 8-11 year old boys mRNA production being measured, as well as measuring the mRNA produced at and among the 99.99th percentile of most frequent occurrence of masturbating to orgasm, multiple times each 24 hours, at and among 8-11 year old girls with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X sex chromosomes, and boys with just two sex chromosomes, an X sex chromosome and a Y sex chromosome, especially at and among girls and boys that have multiple orgasms from self pleasuring and masturbation, as well as the mRNA production being measured during the 28 minutes preceding the girls or boys first self pleasuring touch, or voluntary sexual activity partner touch is a technological way to find those genes, mRNA and gene products, notably utilizable to make sex enhancing epigenetic modulators, new sex pleasure heightening, and sex enjoyment heightening, and heightening of a tropism towards a more frequent, multiple times per 24 hours occurence of voluntary sex activity frequency causing new genes, DNA, and genetics, that is beneficial to make a part of the genetics of all humans, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species persons which also most strongly and enjoyably contribute to voluntary, highly pleasureable, heightened intensity of and at sexual arousal, heightened, voluntarily frequently prompted to be reexperienced physiological sexual arousal, and heightened intensity of orgasm and orgasming, as well as heightened enjoyed and liked orgasm and orgasming intensity.

Comment on a sex video, He could have switched to rubbing her clitoris right after he orgasmed and vocalized his orgasm until she orgasmed again too. Or they could have had a vibrator going on her clit while they did sex. Hopefully she has as many hard erect boys and men as she wants, so her Give me Your Cock statement is totally fulfilled, as much as she likes, as many times a day as she likes, with erect, thick cocks as big and girthy as she likes, making her orgasm multiple times, lasting as long as she likes.

Comment on a sex video, I'm glad he did cunnilingus on her, and pleasured her clitoris with his tongue, and then stimulated and rubbed her clitoris while he was driving his very long thick cock into her, pleasuring her even more. Guys, consider doing that until she orgasms before you do. I liked the way even though it was a commercial sex video she seemed to get some real sex pleasure sensation and a happy smile out of it. They would benefit everyone with K-12 grade, actual sex, sex education, with teaching boys and girls of all developmental amounts and chronological ages how to get the person with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X sex chromosomes to orgasm, or multiply orgasm first.

Comment on a sex video, I like the way the two young women kissed each other after the blonde felt a moment of intense sexual pleasure and a happy look passed through her face. I'm typing now so I do not see the video but one or both of the young women is really responding sexually and vocally. It feels so good, the sex sounds, moans, and words are automatic, just like the intense automatic sex rhythms at the bodies of women, girls, boys, and men having actual intense sex, actual sex activity, continuing to orgasm, and multiple orgasm for her and her, her and him, or him and him, or larger groups having actual sex, sex activity together, I really like the authentic sex pleasure vocalizations of people of all ages with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X sex chromosomes.

Comment on a sex video, Advertise on adult friend finder for a lesbian or bisexual couple, and watch sex videos together while making a new sex video featuring you orgasming with another woman or girl's mouth pleasuring your wet swollen pussy, and engorged pulsing clitoris. Go for it, just make an advertisement.

Comment on a sex video, They should have a just as strong or stronger, just as pleasureable or more pleasureable, quieter, sybian equivalent ride-on sex pleasure vibrators at K-12 actual sex, sex education places so women and girls of all ages can enjoy them. They should have photorealistic identical age sex robots, both gynoid, and Android at k-12 actual sex, sex education as well.

A possible new to me kind of active transport of molecules, like authentic beauty heightening molecules, vaccines, and sex enhancement molecules, peptides, proteins, and recreational drugs is an iontophoretic cream, where microflakes, similar to iridescent layered mica flakes, are much less than the 30 micrometers diameter size of capillary epithelial cytes, but also have their own combination of electret charge, with Zn-air battery chemistry layers, or perhaps Ag-air or Ag/Zn boron or chlorine layers at the mica like layers, at regular iontophoresis it is possible to migrate molecules 20mm during 20 minutes, if micrometer or nanometer microflake, or charged 3D volumetric nanosome, electret charge with Zn/Ag air battery is 4/5ths as effective as an external power supply then 20 minutes after putting the iontophoresis cream on clean, thin, dermis, or even as a sublingual lozenge or buccal cheek absorption form, the active molecules, peptides, proteins, epigenetic modifiers, mRNA will have been electroiontophoresized to a depth of about 4 mm, 4/10 of a centimeter where they can be rapidly absorbed at capillaries and transported throughout the body. Some possible uses are transporting molecules, peptides, proteins, epigenetic modifiers, and mRNA that are breast size increasing, beauty of breast shape enhancing and beautifying, and breast pleasure sensation, and highly enjoyed pleasure sensitivity and intensity heightening molecules. Other molecules that may be of interest are longevization, youthspan, and health span heightening dermal and systemic molecules, as well as molecules that increase the sex pleasure sensitivity of the clitoris, G-spot, A-spot, O-spot at the vaginal canal, and all the sex pleasure sensation nerves of the entirety of the vaginal canal, and highly enjoyed and voluntarily very frequently prompted to be reexperienced intensification of sex pleasure sensation at those areas of the vagina of persons of all physiological developmental amounts and chronological ages, with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X sex chromosomes, as well as at other persons of all physiological development amounts and chronological ages, active transport that durably grow and increase the full length of the sexually aroused erect penis, durably grow and increase the diameter and girth of the sexually aroused and erect penis of boys and men, and also iontophoretic cream do transport of modifiers of the minutes of sexual stimulation previous to orgasm at the sexually aroused erect penis, that have the attribute of causing orgasmic women and girls to have an orgasm or multiple orgasm at 99.999 out of 100 actual sex, sexual activity sessions with a man or boy whose erect, highly physiologically sexually aroused, hard penis has that interval of remaining erect between semen and sperm orgasmic ejaculations, noting it is beneficial to genetically modify the genome of all humans, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species persons to be absent a sexual refractory period.

Long focused acoustic pulsed sonic beam cockrings make depthy 3D sound, make his cock head extra motionized and circular rotation, or up and down filling of the of the woman or girl's vagina, giving her more enjoyed feeling of erect penis girth, and G-spot, A-spot, and O-spot stimulation. If the man or boy wants to he could set part of the vibrating cock rings vibration wavelengths to a wavelength that just numbs his penis, but pleasures the woman or girl's vagina. The woman or girl could also have a gel sphere or oval vibrator deep at the interior of her vagina that uses focused acoustics to give her even more pleasure when the gel vibrator senses an I thrust, and can also, with the man or boy's voluntary participation numb the man or boy's erect penis while pleasuring her, the vibrator could listen for sounds and recognize words like Numb Off, or Come Now, and cease the numbing effect on the man or boy''s erect penis, although I think the phased array piezoelectric acoustic or photonic directed beam sex pleasure vibrator as vaginal insert or cock ring is better.

Sex pleasure enhancement gels and creams for the clitoris, clitoral hood area, vaginal canal, and surface of the penis, anal canal and throat, could be liposomal reversible epigenetic modifiers like methylating, or hypermethylating RNAi that decrease any decreasers of sex pleasure sensation nerve receptor production, heightening the amount of those sex pleasure receptors and their g proteins, if any, at sex pleasure sensation nerves, rnai reducers of things that decrease nitric oxide responsive receptor production are another way to increase sexual pleasure sensation and erect length, girth, and pleasure sensation at the erect penis of men and boys. A sex pleasure enhancement cream at the clitoris, clitoral area, clitoral hood, commisure, and interior vagina and even exterior vagina, as well as breasts of women and girls with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X sex chromosomes, and also the penises of men and boys, is a immediately available, with gradual further diffusion molecule, or 24-240 hour duration mRNA, that causes heightened active transport of water, ions, and energy and other nutrients to actual sex, sex active cytes and tissues, such that the cytes retain fluid, heighten osmotic pressure, which then also heightens pleasure sensation nerve stimulation pleasure intensity from any amount of stimulation, causing the clitoris to be firmer and more swollen, the vaginal canal to be more pleasure sensitive and narrower from water retention swelling and narrowed diameter, heightening sex pleasure sensation, and heightening feeling of vaginal fullness, heightening perception of both the erect penis of the man or boy, and heightening the woman or girl's perception of the size and girth of the erect penis, heightening the actual filling and fullness of the vagina, actually stretching the girl or woman's vaginal canal, and pressing sideways at and on the woman or girl's G-spot, a-spot, and O-spot at her vaginal canal from the water retention, and swelling ion osmotic effect, narrowing the woman or girl's vaginal canal, making it very highly enjoyably tighter to the woman or girl, as well as the woman or girl likely enjoying and preferring the way her narrowed, tighter vaginal canal causes the man or boy even greater sex pleasure sensation, where also these water retention, ion osmotic pressure heightening molecules, peptides, proteins, 24-240 hour active mRNA also cause the man or boy's penis to become somewhat longer, strongly greater diameter and girth, filling the woman or girl's vaginal canal even more, and the greater erect penis size and hardness enjoyably heightening the woman or girl's nerve generated sex pleasure sensation during actual sex, sexual activity with one or more plural simultaneous sex partners that are boys or men, as well as the heightened vaginal narrowness, combined with the larger firmer penile erection of the man, men, boy, or boys causing the woman or girl's CNS and brain to have heightened sexual arousal, higher sexual arousal amount of intensity at being and presence of being, the heightened fluid pressure also directly causes greater sex pleasure nerve pleasure sensation from heightened rigidity at the woman, girl, boy, or man.

as wellhysiologically highly sexually aroused erect, hard penis fullnessxxvaginalsepigenetic modifier,

They could put soft foam tesselation pieces on and around public swimming pools, water features, and recreational water parks, and public and commercial venue sex areas and sex rooms with water attributes, i have seen some of these soft foam tesselation pieces used outdoors, so i think water resistance is previously technologically achieved, there is the slight possibility that just as PTFluoroethylene and PVchloride are water decay resistant polymers, it is possible a partially brominated foam tesselation piece is higher durability and affordability

A possible antimosquito, antimalaria, anti insect insecticide based on microparticles that are positive or negative electret particles when landed on like pyrethin bed netting, or sprayed on leaves

Women and girls, and boys and men could utilize a probiotic sex enhancement supplement at the vaginal canal, anal canal, or even throat and mouth that makes multiple mg of fully absorbed melanocortin 3/4 receptor activating peptides like the fda approved sex enhancement peptide bremelanotide, or better versions with GGG amino acid sequences that pass the blood brain barrier, dimers, trimers, branched peptides, and mcR3/4 receptor activators with particular neuron Localization, neurotransmitter neuron Localization, neural brain structure localization, sex pleasure sensation or any liked sex attribute of sex nerve localization, or any sex attribute of sex liked nerve cyte type like ograsm muscle motion producing nerves, the probiotic could respond to heightened vaginal fluid molecules or semen ejaculate molecules with making more McR3/4 activating peptides or even few AMU molecules, especially also the probiotics making peptides or molecules that activate the receptors of other sexually enjoyed kinds that the mcr3/4 then activates

It is highly beneficial to make it so that all humans, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species persons have the genetics, as well as germiline genetics of being eternally youthful with death optional, with full fertility the entire span of living after going through voluntary development of secondary sex characteristics or voluntarily going through puberty, this gives persons the beneficial option of having human physiological children be conceived, and raised, to their full physiological 73 or 74 inch height with those children being absent the presence of any other siblings, younger siblings, older siblings, or twin siblings living with them, this makes parenting better, and, to my perception is IT pattern beneficial to the developing children. It is also highly beneficial that Caucasians with genetically porcelain white skin, also called porcelain white dermis, naturally light blonde hair, at the 99.8th percentile lightest blonde hair among persons under 18 years of age, all of whose ancestors for, at, and are among the most recent 128 generations that have lived continuously at the geographical region country areas of Sweden, Norway, and the northernmost 72nd percentile of Denmark, and who also have light blue eyes then voluntarily have 3-11 or more human physiological children during each two centuries of living and lifespan, or becoming voluntarily pregnant with any other amount of children above replacement level each two centuries at any person with just two sex chromosomes, both of them X sex chromosomes as that person prefers.

Genetically coded to be produced Epigenetic modifiers like RNAi that utilize methylation or hypermethylation to decrease or preclude the sexual refractory period at all humans, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species are beneficial to make a part of the genome DNA of all humans.

It might be possible to do some sort of photon based stiffening of silicone 2 nm embossing molds, or roller press molds or printing while they are actively pressing, embossing, or actively printing fluid or other material, or being utilized at a roller press

I read on the internet that fluid, air, drone, watercraft propellers are more energy efficient and quieter with a toroidal, such as possibly three circle shape, being much quieter as drone propellers, and over 100% more efficient at certain rotation velocities, it seems possible that prandtl sphere like propeller or drone up bump perimeters might cause greater quietness as well

As a cosmetic laser procedure, laser light composite waves that are shaped like the opposite of a soliton, or the opposite of a dissipative soliton, could have much higher energy dispersal and energy traversal to a much thinner area of dermis, if the opposite of a soliton is the opposite of 1K times less (soliton) interacting, then very high internal energy intensities at different dermal depth and height are possible as beauty treatments and melanin or lipofuscin, or other material photonic faders, or immunoactivators that cause immunocytes to glom and remove melanin, lipofuscin, or other materials, or it is possible that opposite of soliton waves, which might have long, or longer, micro undulations at the leading edge/trailing edge of each wave, like possibly a wave that looks like pulsed DC upbumps, even wavelengths that are activators of healing and repair like some ir frequencies could benefit from being opposite of soliton waves.

I read that there are lymph nodes at the lungs, it seems possible that putting antigens right at lymph nodes would make more effective vaccines, from exposing immunocytes to the antigen, like a vaccine antigen, if that is true, then an electro vibrational piezoelectric vaccine inhaler could work better than some other nasal spray or oral mucosa dose vaccines, as a single dose vaccinator, antigen inhaler tube, at piezoelectric ceramics are as affordable as 1/10¢-1¢, suggesting a paper tube, with antigen powder, with a nonaudible piezobuzzer, and a 1/8th¢ zinc battery could deliver vaccines more effectively than some oral liquid vaccines, while possibly remaining at the body an order of magnitude longer than some injected vaccines, although, it seems like an Injected depot diffusion vaccine with a gradual diffusion palmitate fatty acid or dodecanate could last even longer

Sample site at; would you like a free vibrator like a clitoris suction vibrator some women and girls like (link) is the best clit sex pleasure sex sensation vibrator they have ever used? Would you like to try coming, orgasming again and again during one 24 hour interval on the sex supplement bremelanotide while you come again and again on your new suction vibrator, just write to me, and I will send you the Amazon link, put it on your list, and I will get it for you. Then just make a video of you using it, alone or with a friend and put it up at xvideos.

High interactivity neutrinos turn protons to neutrons, this could be used on the stellar object nearest the planet earth during 2022AD to delete that stellar object as well as the planet Earth

Some marine organisms can chlorinate or brominate organic chemicals, perhaps there is some marine kelp that can chlorinate caffeine, trimethylxanthine, and replace some of the hydrogen at the methyl with chlorine for a more enjoyable effect

Cheapest way to make rydberg atoms for rf EM antenna like absorption at a trillion seconds per cycle, to a cycle per trillion seconds or faster multi wavelength imaging of the entire volume of the human body, as well as an 11 meter radius around the entire volume of the human body

A new variation on music is to have numerous most enjoyed pleasure sensation nerve acoustic stimulation, resonant, resonance energy accumulative, actual physics vibration at frequencies and wavelengths of pleasure sensation nerve cyte actual micrometer volume, tubelike length, or even multinanometer particular pleasure nerve cyte receptor, euphoria producing receptors at the CNS and brain, and resonant actual vibration of psychometric measure of subjective well being, SWB, enumerative measure of human happiness heightening neuron receptors, neurochemicals, and synaptic clefts, as well as resonant vibration heightening of atp production at mitochondria, particularly, longevizing system 2 of the citric acid, atp generating cycle, any highly beneficial, resonant acoustic vibration of mRNA producing transcription enzymes, or other beneficial, enjoyed, liked, and voluntarily reexperienced acoustic or vibrational stimulation of a resonant receptor, such as a sex pleasure receptor, sexual arousal heightening receptor like melanocortin 3 or also 4 receptors, any neuron or nerve receptor resonant acoustic vibration stimulation, or photonic stimulation that heightens physiological sexual arousal, up to, and, or also being generative of orgasms, multiple orgasms, full body orgasms, orgasms that roll back and forth through the body, utilizing any acoustic vibration, photonic, or sound producing speakers, permanent magnet speakers, piezoelectrics, fractional spin huesler materials that change their volume greater than 9 parts per hundred at a magnetic field, 3D or 2D terahertz photon emission waveforms, that could have photonic pressure beat frequencies, and also eye harmless IR, and other eye harmless photonic wavelengths, possibly including those nonvisible photonic wavelengths published as causing healing and repair being utilized to make wavelengths that enhance music

With photonic light pressure percussive waveforms, or non percussive waveforms like physics acoustic or vibrational resonance energy accumulating waves, or even 3D depthy broadcast length wave reinforcement or antinodalreinforcement patterns, and even those depthy 3D wave reinforcement and antireinforcement possibly having heightened energy concentration and energy intensity, and 3 D volume resolution precision from being made out of nontrigonometric wave solitons, or solitons making batches of wavelets, or even nonundulating pulsed DC with photonic physics power micronewtons, decinewtons, Newtons, or nano Newtons of photonic, radiometer twirling, or laser peening, or earth drilling laser or other photon source energy, possibly like all soliton, or even more noninteracting dissipative soliton, steep slope side wave structures, or possibly photon, and EM rf photon field structures completely different than waves, like negative refractive index materials, self focusing energy distributions, generative magnetic fields, like the functional equivalent of multi second, multiminute, multimillennium high durability interval of magnetic attribute produced at an arrangement of photons, the EM rf field of those photons, or also photons with matter, neutral atom beam, or ion beam, or electron beam, or rydberg high radius atom beam interactions, where the photons, or photons with matter, function like multi atom magnetic domains to cause such effects as making spin identicalization at the things the photons interact with, or the arranged photons, EM, and rf fields producing other quantum attributes of particular types different than spin being a possible technology, where the 3D depthy form of the soliton photons, or opposite of soliton, hyperinteractive photon structures or wavelets, which make higher energy intensity 3D projected photon fields likely possible, are then utilizable at CNS, brain, body scanning, and also computer software computed stimulation at the entirity of the CNS, brain, as well as any area at the volume of the body, and also at an 11 meter radius around the entire volume of the body of each human, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species persons body, is a beneficial, i think possible technology, the soliton, or opposite-of-solitons also being makeable with a sequence of nonoverlapping, or possibly overlapping soliton upbumps without dips, or all soliton dips, when they arrange themselves at 3D spaces with greater energy intensity than undulating trigonometric wave 3D depthy forms, with also the possible other than color wavelength, color of wavelength like spectroscopy absorption wavelength like effect of enhanced interaction and energy traversal effect from and with the nontrigonometric, pulsed DC like upbump sequence or 3D depthy form solitons, or opposite-of-solitons that are interactive with, or scanning of, particular cyte receptors, organelles, ions, membranes, and other cutostructures

It is beneficial to modify human, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species persons epigenetics to epigenetically heighten, or otherwise modulate epigenetics such that, at all of the nerves and myocytes of sexual orgasm, and orgasming heighten their amount of new, tissue proliferating, stem cyte attractant molecules, and, possibly, also heighten stem cyte differentiation factors produced at the orgasm and orgasming nerves, and myocytes, both nonsmooth muscle, as well as smooth muscle myocytes, such that at 11 years of age, all humans develop four times as much orgasm prompting, and active during orgasm nerve cytes and nerve tissue volume, as well as develop four times as much depth at hip, and genital area myocyte tissue strength, endurance, and ability to do repeated multiple energetic muscle motions

Possible intelligence heightening gene, the gene transketase-like-1 could have allele or snp variants amount mentally well humans associated with higher intelligence, as measured as IQ, with the most frequently used IQ test psychometric among the 200 largest private companies at the United States of America, planet earth, during 1968 AD

As a novel idea, both above sea level land and mineral, locationized valuable element mining deposits and ore seams, as well as previously hydroformed planar features such as dry lakebed layered lithium and phosphorus deposits, and boron deposits, as well as ocean seafloor layered element deposits, it could be possible to do mining and resource gathering with laminar flow coanda effect, 16-20 multiples greater heightened fluid motion per unit of utilized fluid motionizing energy water surface removal or also depth drilling, overburden removal, mass/density mineral sortation, and even possibly sluice box like, valued element at concave curve, pile build ups, this is noting that many recent and 20th century technologies like fluid coanda effect bladeless fan motion multipliers, tricircular and novel high efficiency propeller geometries, could possibly divert natural water flows at the ocean to do mining.

uideeddic water, or even another environmentally harmless fluidland and mineral

A soft pillow, or body pillow that uses sound, like non audible ultrasound, deep tissue beat frequencies, or also rf EM energy to stimulate nerves that, during sex, or self pleasuring and masturbation, stimulates the interior of the breasts, dermal surface of the breasts, areolas and nipples of women, girls, boys, and men is a possible beneficial new sex technology, the pillow could have high acoustic coupling polymer gel, like vinyl or silicone stripes or halftone dots on it, the software would come with the vibrations that are most likely to cause most women and girls to have breast pleasure sensation orgasms

o There is a phenomenon called electrowetting where fluid meniscus is effected wit

By: Treon Verdery on Mon, 20 Feb 2023

0Treon Verdery

rocksolid light 0.9.8
clearnet tor