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sci / sci.engr.chem / Klotho gene product protein when overexpressed at mice increases lifespan 24-31% while also increasing intelligence, and allele variants of Klotho genes increase intelligence at humans

Subject: Klotho gene product protein when overexpressed at mice increases lifespan 24-31% while also increasing intelligence, and allele variants of Klotho genes increase intelligence at humans
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.chem
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 04:02 UTC
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Subject: Klotho gene product protein when overexpressed at mice increases
lifespan 24-31% while also increasing intelligence, and allele variants of
Klotho genes increase intelligence at humans
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Klotho gene product protein does not pass the blood brain barrier, but Klotho gene product making mRNA might, as a longevity technology or group of longevity technologies, an epigenetic modifier that upregulates Klotho gene mRNA production through acetylation, or decreases any decreasers of Klotho gene mRNA production from rnai methylation or hypermethylation of Klotho decrease genes could be longevizing and intelligence heightening epigenetic supplements or drugs, these epigenetic modifiers could be made as 11 century duration depot diffusion forms that diffuse Klotho epigenetic modifiers once each 28 multiples of 24 hours, continuously, or as messenger rna that code the production of epigenetic modulating gene products, and simultaneously code the production of more Klotho epigenetic modulating mRNA, or and as well as also, more actual Klotho gene protein product of the most longevizing and intelligence heightening genetic allele sequence form of the optimal molecule integer number of protein molecules, notably at different localized CNS, brain, and body cytes and tissues, and structures, also, as a longevity and intelligence heightening supplement or drug premanufactured optimal Klotho protein could have a moiety or group on it that causes it to be actively transported through capillary cytes, blood brain barrier cytes, external cytomembrane to reach the cytoplasm, nuclear membrane, endoplasmic reticulum membrane, golgi apparatus membrane, mitochondrial membrane, synaptic vesicle membrane or lipid structure, or other membrane active transport or Localization effect such as from peptide sequences that do Localization on and at the Klotho protein supplement or drug, or also lipophilic or hydrophilic combined with lipophilic moities or groups on the Klotho supplement or drug, as well as electronegative or electropositive moities, groups, peptides or other molecules or element atoms attached to the Klotho protein, where these variations cause particular cytes, neurons, body compartments, to have heightened optimized Klotho protein concentration that optimizes and heightens longevity as well as intelligence, notably, also enteric coated Klotho protein capsules that release blood brain barrier passing Klotho protein variants at the areas of the gi tract where it or they are least modified and most transported to the circulatory system are beneficial, as could also be the coutilization of an absorption enhancer like piperine, dimethyl Seoxide, vasodilators, such as possibly niacin related molecules absent a niacin flush or body sensation occurrence, ion with carbohydrate possibly with zinc active fluid transport molecule groups similar to oral rehydration therapy, ORT, heightened fluid transport causing molecule groups, where possibly an enzymatically separable carbohydrate, sugar, or alkali earth metal and halogen ion are attached to the Klotho protein supplement or drug to cause ORT like heightened active transport to the circulatory system could cause greater efficiency and dose potency, as well as putting the optimized Klotho protein or proteins at liposomes of various sizes, surface electropositivity, electronegativity, and liposomes surface moities, as well as Klotho supplementation with engineered multidecade interval of durability probiotic organisms that make optimized Klotho proteins, notably, at other physiogically beneficial proteins like lactoferrin partial protein fragments have even greater be benefit or also dose potency, testing a variety of Klotho protein fragments, dimmers, trimmers, quatromers at human tissue culture could find even more longevizing and intelligence heightening variations of Klotho, or, groups of different Klotho protein variants, it is also possible that an epigenetically active Klotho protein amount heightener that is a chemical made at plants could be engineered into plants, or mycorhizzial bacteria and fungi that benefit plants, and are actively transported to the parts of plants that numerous life forms and living organisms that ingest plants, ingest, heightening longevity at many life forms and living organisms simultaneously, and supporting Dave Pearce' Hedonistic Imperative, similar approaches an be utilized with other longevity, youthspan, health span, and well being enhancing physiochemicals, peptides, and proteins

When building water reservoirs, dwellings, commercial structures, gap traversing transportation pathways, and mine, mining, petroleum and hydrocarbon wells, engineers using computer software could find out the most affordable, highest utility, durability, and adaptability metal, polymer, ceramic, laser or other energy 3D depthy peened materials and polycrystalline materials, laser drill able and sculpt able materials and forms, as well as structural reinforcements and connective geometries that permit 4-128 multiples heightened length, width, elevation height or depth, area, volume, or also mass and cubic meters of utilizable volume at all forms of new and existing construction, such that, at a water reservoir or water transport channel used at urban area water supply or agriculture the reservoir can be heightened, deepened, or modified in area to encompass 8-128 multiples greater amount of water, such as from having metal reinforcements like rebar, metal mesh, I beams, geodesic connectors be at a plurality, density, and geometry that permits 4-128 higher physics unit tension and compression loads, vibration, movement, and earthquake dampening or anti resonance, as well as reduced chemical reactivity or corrosion, similar to having, at the perimeter of a reservoir of multiple k or millions of square meters a perimeter, or also the purposed production of mid area columns that can have additional heights of concrete, polymer, ceramic, or metal extend them from connecting with on upper and side surface location I beams, rebar, or other forms like 3D volumetric geodesic connectors, notably, laser peening of polycrystalline metals causes published greater than 14 or 19 multiples greater strength, with, possibly, depthy 3D rf EM field peening, thz or microwave, or x ray multimeter transmissivity photons doing multiple digits of centimeters of multiple digits of meters photonic 3D depthy Shockwave peening, geodesic Shockwave geometry producing photonic peening, and peening using element atom or nuclei or protons actualized as waves as peening energy, energy carriers, possibly raising peening strength heightening to 24, 32, 49, or 72 multiples greater strength from the entire 3 dimensional form being peened, at an engineer and software optimized geometry of tension and compression of polycrystalline crystals of engineer and software optimized 3D shape and diameter of nanometers, Pico meters, micrometers or even millimeters, where notably, at 32 or 72 multiples heightened strength from peening, just one quarter of the amount of rebar, I beam or geodesic support material causes 8-16 multiples greater load bearing strength, and that being a technology to save money on reinforcement materials while simultaneously building capability at physical height, width, length, and load bearing expansion ability

A new to me kind of 2 and 3d geometry or topology of a planar or volumetric tesselated or crystalline material like planar cyclic molybdenum Se atom planar molecule tesselated structures kind of like silicone, germaniumene, tinene, and graphene, or volumetric fullerene could be shapes that look like circular waves of heightening diameter from a center point like circular spreading pond ripples, that undulations of shape could have undulating wave height and slope go from high to less, or from less to high, or have alternation of high and less, or have particular ratios of high to less, or have, as an alternate to an undulating trigonometric wave, a pulsed all up bump, or all dip wave surface that omits undulations, or utilizes an undulations that is completely different than a trigonometric function undulations like a catenary curve undulation, a wavelet undulation, a nodal or antinodal undulation where the up bump and the dip have different odd, even, prime number factor multiple generative reinforcement or anti reinforcement that mathematically precludes antinodal effects between an up bump and a dip bump, causes, when waves are concatenated, nodal, or antinodal a remaining even or odd, or integer prime number factor, that represents data or information more effectively from any composite nodal wave being able to be split into component integer prime number factor waves, such that, at a waveform made up of the first 128 or 124 prime numbers as factors, all 128 or 1024 different prime factor waves can be generated or interpolated from partial reception, partial measurement, or partial depth of penetration through a material like, water, earth, buildings, human body tissues, the sun, physics plasma, quark gluon plasma, semiconductor materials, integrated circuits, volumetric spintronic technologies, volumetric fractional spin Heusler materials and multi element atom crystals, optical fibers carrying photons, where each pulse of 1024 prime number factor nodally concatenated light, pulsing at a femtosecond, or attosecond pulses per second then transmits 1024 multiples of a quadrillion bits per second, or at an attosecond laser transmits an exillion bits of data per second, and, as well as, or also rf EM photon fields, or photons actualized as waves, or prime number wavelength factor optimized dielectric materials, coatings, and topologies at optical fibers utilized at data transmission, or any laser power application like laser machining or drilling, laser peening, photocatalysis, inertial laser nuclear fusion reactors, or possibly quantum attributes of light being entangled or linked differently at different, discernable, reconstruct able prime numbers at photonic waves and other waves, sgeightcauses heightened lerenesmpossibly

A vacuum Flux duo particle Casimir effect monoparticle or photon or energy generator might use an effect I read about where if you drive a wedge between two planar tesselations at a crystal lattice, like driving a wedge between layers of mica, if there is a vacuum the crystal lattice just reforms itself, notably though, the nearer two Casimir effect plates are to each other the higher the energy of the vacuum Flux produced duo particles, so using a wedge driven between crystal lattice planes like mica could be very very thin, and generate high energy particles, then, if the wedge were driven and pulled back with the photonic pressure of a picosecond or attosecond laser then a trillion or a quadrillion different casimir plate narrowness events would occur each second, each with some possibility of generating or having remain, uncombined, a vacuum generated monoparticle that might be stationary like an electret, doing this might then accumulate generated particles

Has anyone ever tried sending out a beam of physics particles, perhaps physics particles with mass as an astrophysics measurement instrument, sort of like a telescope, but kind of like an optical image sensor or quantum dot array that responds strongly to particular EM rf wavelengths, Radiations, weak or strong force, or weak or strong force energy field carrier particles like W and Z weak force carrier bosons, or even nearly stable or unstable isotopes that respond very highly and strongly to local variations at the weak force, where I read the weak force holds the protons and neutrons of the nucleus together, a new isotope, purposefully produced could change its rate of fission orders of magnitude if some different greater or lesser amount of weak force was around, possibly even the weak force actualized as a wave, where a W or z boson weak force carrier particle could be actualized as a wave from passing it through or near an aperture like a double slit, or another geometry or topology of aperture or polyaperture like a radiating from a mid area group of long narrow thin ovals of an amount like 128, 256, 512, 1024, or possibly a number like a prime number of apertures, where the wave reinforcement and anti reinforcement contained some of the original particle information from each of prime numbers like 47, 51, 53, 57, 61, 67, 73, 83, 87, 91, 97, 101, etc being either an aperture or multi slit length, width, circular or other continuous curve diameter, curved slit ratio of curvature or duo variable exponent and multiplier that generates a curve like 7z^11 making A curve that is different than 19Z^23, where the generated particle actualized as a wave from prime number factor wave reinforcement or anti reinforcement shapes, lines, 3D volumetric depth waveform, 2D layer projection on a surface, all contain such attributes of the previous particle/wave things as their velocity, location, particular quantum attributes like spin or angular momentum, qubit or qudit poly quantum attribute state, and even, at element atom nuclei, the number of protons and neutrons at the nucleus, where if a double slit aperture, or other wave actualizing aperture has a magnetic field or electromagnet next to it, the element atom nuclei, or neutral atom laser accelerated beam of neutral electropositive or electronegative atoms, or, at an ion beam, ions, or at an electron, neutrino, or muon beam, charged particle tropism towards or away from the magnetic field or electromagnet can effect which particular aperture out of a polyaperture or double slit is favored or utilized, including a highly attractive magnetic pole like North, or its other duomagnetic pole, or a three pole magnetic highly attractive field or pole such as at three pole spinor, with two circular magnetic poles having the occurrence of being highly attracting of particular element atoms, nuclei, groups of element atoms together as a crystal or other structural arrangement that actualize and have, spinor, as well as two different directions of circular magnetism as a magnetic field and pole form, where those element atoms together as a crystal or other structural arrangement of element atoms, of perhaps 4-28 different element atoms together being actualized as a wave then either as prewave form having three magnetic poles, or, possibly when actualized as a wave having a generative occurrence of a field or 720 or 1440, or 1080 degrees math space to make perpendicular, parallel, or other right angle or right hand rule magnetic field propagation degree direction, with and at each of three magnetic field attributes at tripolar spinor with two circular magnetic forms attribute, such that there are three factorial, or 2^3 being 8 different kinds of EM rf fields generated with the distance traversing tripolar magnetic field producing element atom grouping, both previous to actualization as a wave, and then also as a wave after a polyaperture or double slit, where compared with a dipole EM rf wave from and at a distance traversing electron or photon that has just two magnetic generative poles, three poles seems like it could have part, or all of 2^3 different kinds of EM field wave as different energy forms with different attributes, or, just possibly, if an antinodal EM field like bump compared with dip forms of each of three magnetic attributes actually exists, or is produced with new technology then 16 forms, that is double 8 forms of EM field are producible, or at factorial generative occurrence of say an upbump spinor, with a dip directional minuslike circular magnetic attribute with an upbump different circular magnetic attribute suggests six possible forms, then 720, which is six factorial, could be the amount of different, separate, technology utilizable EM field forms for things ranging from witricity power and data broadcast and magnetic coupling with a reception antenna, or making it a technogy form that each of 720 EM fields has one radio frequency wave attribute each, makes 1440 bits of data sent and utilized with each pulsed DC like upbump or dip half of an undulating wave, where the entire undulating wave, if a trigonometric undulating wave is replaced with a wavelet asymmetrical wave then has about 2880 data bits per wavelength, and a billion or trillion cycles per second, comparable to phone and wifi ghz then contains 2. 8 trillion to 2.8 quadrillion data bits per second,

Quantum linking or quantum entangling time asymmetric k leptons, as well as actualizing time asymmetric k leptons as waves with a duoaperture or other aperture geometry could make nodal or antinodal concatenation of time asymmetric k leptons that had nodal, antinodal, wave reinforced, or wave anti reinforced attributes of chonologyness and time, or time asymmetry multiplication with the high technology utility, and high benefit, highly beneficial to humans, that is Homo sapiens or branch species persons creation of new chronotechnologies, time technogies, computers that direct the output of a computer hardware or software retrocausally or to what at some conceptualization of chonologyness as well as time be thought of as the past, notably modifying the past to have computer hardware data or information representations that are then at the physics things, physics particle, matter and energy structures that the computer hardware utilizes as the place where the computable data or information has utilized form, such that the retro causal copying of a computer function output goes retrocausally to the past, and is then utilized as the data, information, or other structure that is then utilized to do another sequential computation iteration, whether a discrete integer number of iterations, such as a unit amount of iterations, or at a one second interval of copying data retrocausally to the past, a billion, multiple billions, trillions such as from and at one trillion cycles per second indium phosphide transistors, indium phosphide CPUs, AIpus, gpus, math processing units, computational automata processing units with state spaces with more abilities, capabilities, greater efficiency than turing computers, cybernetic actualized occurrence processing units, pattern matching, and searching at databases, 3d and 2D moving images and media still image, dynamically varying 2D or 3D moving image exillionth of a second to an exillion multiples of a millennium dynamic varying, moving 2D, as well as 3D dynamically varying images, movies, recordings, such as all humans, that is Homo sapiens or branch species persons being sensor sensed, measured, and that full uncompressed data being propagated to completely available to all persons, software, computers, companies, corporations, llcs, and other organizations and organizational forms that announce their existence to a government or structure of statutes, as well as is broadcast to space, also called outer space, at a variety of data transmission technologies and data transmission formats including data transmission formats readable at a distance traversal of one trillion multiples of the largest diameter of what 2022AD physicists describe as the universe, such as possibly coherent stable neutrinos at collimated beams, 720 equispaced perpendicular to a smooth continuously connected volumetric 3D surface degrees, 1440 radiating degrees generated at a 3D mobius loop surface, as well as double surface distance length perimeter, or greater than 720 or 1440 degrees at higher geometry or topology or multiple dimensionality amount of hypersurface, 4D spacetime surface, published at physics 5 dimensional event horizon geometries and topologies number of generative degrees, possibly being 2880 or 5760 perpendicular degrees at a five dimensional broadcast technology or broadcast antenna, also as a data broadcast form, noting the publication of duodirectional time at applied physics utilizing actual constructed technologies suggesting that data broadcast at duodirectional time, or other enumerative amount of higher numbered integers than 2 as plural directionalities of time, or non integer multiple directionalities of time is a beneficial broadcast format, as well as rime asymmetric k leptons, relativity or gravity time dilation variants of time, variations of chronology Ness as well as time at the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser technology being variously retro causal, future heralding, or possibly both as a variation on time being utilized at transmitting data, ofradiativeandtasearch and pattern match, such as regex search, and pattern generatingr, or data, or multiprocessor or multicore communications attribute, operator or function retrocausally, negative chonologyness, negative timeation

Some kind of ultrasound 3D field might cause concrete to be stronger or use less materials with and during reaction of water with cement

Epigenetic modifying dermal and skin youthification and longevity and wellness creams are possibly easy to manufacture and utilize, and could use downregulating, methylating RNAi

Making human head hair even more beautiful, snarl less, straighter, shinier, or even different colors, pastel colors, iridescent, metallic, or mother of pearl colors, more reflective of light, more reflective of the separate roygbiv components of light causing greater energy intensity of brighter light blonde Ness of human head hair, human iris color, human voluntary skin and dermis appearance of smoothness, heightened whiteness of skin, heightened hue attributes, contrast attributes, micromotional perception or less than perceptible micromotional amounts that cause, from heightened duration of gaze and heightened optic nerve activation, and heightened amount of perception, generative interest, and attentionality to moving forms, particularly smooth surface, smooth volume, continuous curves at motion, such as those continuous connected curves with nonidenticity of perpendicular as well as parallel diameter at the continuous curves that are also at the 99.9999999th percentile most generative of an enjoyed CNS as well as brain beauty response, as well as generative of liked and enjoyed aesthetic response at as well as among 2D area continuous connected curves, as well as 3D volumetric continuous curve form geometries, being laser engraved, laser photonic pressure embossed, 3D depth photonic ally produced at different thickness of the diameter of each hair, iris area of each eye, as well as entire keratin nonliving skin or dermal entirity of body surface, mucous membrane surfaces such as the entirity of the exterior and interior vagina, clitoral area, head of the clitoris, shaft of the clitoris, clitoral hood, commissure, external labia and folds of the vagina, all dermal and skin erogenous zones, breasts, areolas, nipples, oral lips, tongue, tooth surfaces, the entirity of the surface of the nonerect as well as erect penis, foreskin, head of the penis, shaft of the penis, prominent, sexually arousing feature of the penis such as 3D vein form patterns, 1-4 mm ridge at the glans head of the penis, notably the physiologically highly sexually aroused erect and firm penis, as well as utilizing laser engraving, laser photonic pressure embossing, laser smoothing, laser geometric tesselation of nonliving skin surface physio materials to cause heightened awareness, sexual awareness, sexual arousal, or prompting or cueing of interaction activities, as well as location of interaction activities with the erect penis, exterior or entirity of the vagina and clitoral area, breasts, areolas, nipples, erogenous zones, face, lips, mouth, tongue, hands, from such things as heightened reflectivity causing the appearance of what is called precum or pre ejaculate as shiny and liquid reflective, the laser production of sexually arousing shiny liquid glistening wet appearance of and at a very highly physiologically sexually aroused woman or girls vagina, from along with depthy photonic beam production of smooth stacked reflective layers, roygbiv separate component groupings of wavelengths produced from diffraction grating embossed or engraved forms, that produce heightened brightness intensity, hue optimization, moire effects that cause the perception, or less than perceptible, while being gaze attracting moire motional effects at numerous sexually attractive, interpersonal attractive, and enjoyable beauty response producing areas of the human body, which, are among the dermis, skin, mucous membranes, irises of the eyes, head hair, and teeth being able to be produced with eye harmless wavelengths of 11 nanometer diameter or more minute diameter beam optical polishing lasers

As a beneficial, fun, possibly entertaining thing that might have high utility, there are nonsentient, nonsapient, absent being as well as absent presence of being, absent awareness, sensation, or perception, or focus, artificial intelligences at January 11, 2023AD that can write high school and college essays and generate working computer code, these AI could, emulate, interpolate from, and partially or completely duplicate those algorithms, groups of functions, function library utilization of particular functions, that, at each 2 to 4 million different computer programming students that are computer science majors, math majors, engineering majors, technology majors, database management and business majors, chemistry majors, materials science majors, medical students, premedical college majors, accounting majors, entrepreneurship majors, psychology majors, life sciences majors, education and teaching majors, environmental sciences majors, any humanities majors where those undergraduate or graduate study college or university majors take computer programming courses as part of their study, as well as any interested persons that study computer programming outside of college and university could all have their class exercises and written computer programs Co communicated to a computer program or AI that is absent being, presence of being, awareness, perception, sensation, focus, sentience, sapience that then is able to learn, from student samples, how to make software programs like the 4% least frequently occuring software algorithms, functions, structures, and resource utilizations, used at class programming activities, this teaches the AI to emulate creativity, and makes it so programmers using ai code also are mentally stimulated

I read playing with blocks and having strong visualization skills at an early age, perhaps previous to k-12 education is strongly associated with, and predictive of, the number of math courses learned and taken during high school and college, and, possibly, or possibly otherwise, the highness of amount of test scores at the high school and college math courses, that suggests that making children's play blocks 4-72 multiples as appealing to play with, as well as actually 4-72 multiples played with, as well as being located at multiple rooms of the child's dwelling, including the child's bedroom, media and computer room, dining room, kitchen, play or toy room, outdoor yard area and play area, interior of the parent's passenger vehicle front and back seat, bathroom, bathtub toys and bathroom area, as well as relatives such as grandparents dwellings, childcare and daycare provider areas, crib and bed of a baby or child area, with, soft cushy, mouth harmless, too large to obstruct breathing blocks of various shapes, sizes, soft fabric monopole like halbach magnetic array surfaces made from nanometer or micrometer neodymium cobalt boron magnetic particles as 1-40 parts per hundred of the element atoms at a weave able thread that makes a soft, physiologically harmless or beneficial fabric like washable polycarbohydrate rayon, polylactic acid polymer, epithalon or thymalin polypeptide, phosphatidyl group or moiety polyphosphatidyl polymer, noting that phosphatidyl groups cause a decrease of immunoreactivity, with a decrease of possible immunoreaction or allergic reaction, as well as a completely synthetic, bacterially produced polymer, or chemical reaction produced polymer that is like the most durable protein or peptide at leather, silk, the least immunoreactive, least allergic reaction polymer at human hair, keratin, collagen, actin, or myosin protein polymer, where it is also possible these new thread and fabric, and felt able polymers could also have soothing phosphatidyl moeities on them, as well as a new possible polymer made up of polyomega 3 fatty acids like physiologically beneficial dha and epa that are the usual number of c element atoms, that then also link together with each other using a duo connecting or polyconnecting phosphatidyl group, duoamino acid thymalin wellness longevity peptide, epithalon four amino acid wellness longevity peptide, ribose sugar polymer, similar to a starch, glucose starch polymer, noting ribose is physiologically beneficial to cardiotissue, where a polyribose rayon like polymer could be made with polymerized ribose sugars and polystarches, notably, the soft play blocks at the crib and bed area could be magnetic, as described using possible neodymium cobalt boron magnetic particles, or if the possibly physiologically beneficial Ce or ytterbium lanthanide can be part of a magnet, using that to make play blocks that are then also measured and characterized at the amount they increase math interest and math ability, the math play blocks could also be very cheaply, very affordably colorized with diffraction grating embossed or laser engraved surfaces, or have less than perceptible, or perceptible. moire like generated motionality patterns on them

ithicyme nor stochastic pressed fiber
nicsperception frommaterialsnentscrotum area, uch as a head haironicskills nNess asers could utilize, at 11 nm optical polishing laser beam diameter lasers or more minute beam diameter lasers


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o Klotho gene product protein when overexpressed at mice increases lifespan 24-31%

By: Treon Verdery on Mon, 20 Feb 2023

0Treon Verdery

rocksolid light 0.9.8
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