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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Things that fill children's lives with happiness

Subject: Things that fill children's lives with happiness
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 08:02 UTC
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Subject: Things that fill children's lives with happiness
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I am told that when I was a baby I would cry, and not go to sleep; my parents found out that if they drove around with me in a car I would become calm and go to sleep, there are powered cribs that sway back and forth now, it is possible they might be even more effective with a vibrating element that feels like a car, a 1962 Volvo, they could measure the span it takes to get to sleep, also they could test to find out which vibration style babies prefer with having a crib with two vibrating elements, on different foot and head areas, if the baby moved towards one or the other it might like that one better, they could vary the vibrations and find the vibration that most babies most often preferred, if there is one, and the vibration that causes them to go to sleep earliest, if these are different then a thing that babies seek out and might like has been found and it can be an option on automatic cradles that babies might like, the sleep option would also be available

I have a perception that young children sometimes play until they are fatigued, it is even possible some fatigued children would feel better if they played half an hour less, it could be that a social companion robot, cortana child advisor or amazon echo dot with camera could notice then suggest a voluntary cool span activity that could be quantitatively measured as making children happier, similarly it is possible that the activities at the beginning and middle of play could have voluntary suggestions that caused quantitively describable higher sustained happiness, even highest happiness amplitude, the robot companion could note all the play activities they noted the child had ever been a part of, find the ones that made the child happiest at each of several segments of play then make those voluntary suggestions, the robot companion could even bring the child a play object and suggest they play together, this is a little like a play DJ sensing the mood of the attendees and adjusting the playlist, also the CPU speaker could look up things that similar children liked even better and suggest those as voluntary activities, that would make children even happier

Longevity technology
Laser hormesis on c elegans, does it do anything, if it does find the chemicals and find out if they longevize yeast; UV cofocalized, if possible to the interior of the c elegans or 96 well plate fish, I may or may not have read about radiation hormesis

I read about a chemical variation on melatonin, that I perceive caused orders of magnitude greater ability to live through high doses of radiation, it is possible I read that melatonin longevizes some organism, find out if the anti radiation drug variant of melatonin is even more longevizing than melatonin, also making a bunch of melatonin variants and screening them to find out if any are more longevizing than melatonin has value, they could also find out if AEDG Epithalon, a pineal peptide has cumulative or equalizing longevity effects when combined with melatonin, halogenated melatonin could be a nanogram to microgram longevity drugthimhs that fill childten:'s lives with happiness

Quantitatively measure the effects of various kinds of parties on children who are extroverts and introverts, if the extroverts, possibly MBTI s or f like parties more than just playing over at their friends' then a new particularly affordable party template could be produced, children could even be asked of 1,2.3 party topics, or think of your own, which party would you like to have this month, if MBTI esf really like parties a lot then that is a dozen extra-fun quantifiable as increasing happiness activities annually, bring a leaf for the tree, anonymous toy swap, play test and ------------|-- graphically accumulate toy reviews, unless that is confusing if the others do not like a favorite toy, show and tell, party at the dance studio, MSTK talk back to the media player party where before the party guests are encouraged to view 5-20 minutes of online video, think of something to say about it, and then say it to the media center and other party goers, this can even be supportive, "I like the way the lyrics to the alphabet song are new and different", or "she has pretty hair", or " that's actually a person dressed up", another party could be a find all the objects party, a software prompted party where cortana child advisor or amazon echo dot, asks each child a question, they reply any way they like, the whole thing gets automatically edited and if there are seven guests the video is 3.5 minutes long and if there are 14 guests the video is 7 minutes long, with the software automatically making a 3 minute trailer if people do not feel like viewing the entire thing, plant the plant you planted as a seed a party ago in the backyard and water fun party (water plants, fill wading pool), everyone gets something human constructed like a mechanism, to take apart, the host gets 3 things from the th
Treon Verdery's profile photo
Treon Verdery
Sep 7, 2022, 2:21:07 PM

Using computers to make people note beautiful than any other previous person at 99.999999999 percentile technology is also utilizable at cognitive ability and happiness, and kindness and empathy and benevolence

Longevity technology, to find body systems and organs and tissues particular contributions to longevity, tissue and organ particular gene therapy could cause an absence of mTOR activity at the particular system, organ, or tissue. Finding organs systems and tissues that contribute to longevity that are new areas is beneficial


Epigenetics of happy well children, it could be that the epigentics of happy well children might vary from those of happy well adults, that makes an epigenetic modifying drug that benefits children possible and beneficial while making it so that white blue and green children can remain at each of those colors, it could be possible that epigenetics related to oxytocin, GABA and dopamine receptors also immune system epigenetics could be heightened, moderated, or particular area-ized at children to make them much better at avoiding infection whereas at an adult, an extra cold every 1000 days is better than immunoresponse to well tissue, and decreasing some adult immunoresponse could decrease arthritis and vascular plaque non optimality reducing cardiovascular disease; another area of epigenetics that is beneficial to

One dose epigenetics of heightened immune response drug could cause some % less occurrences of unwellness and being other than alive from things like malaria diarrhea and other infectious diseases, epigenetics of greater happiness as well as immune system optimization
Nuclear envelope passing peptides could cause 2-order of magnitude higher activity per mg dose, 100 times greater cytotransport from external cytomembrane transport moieties is also I think possible

Are gene product amplifying deacetylation inhibitors the product of a gene, if they are, then SNPs of that gene could have tight, loose, precise, and locationally varying versions, it is possible some of the SNP, allele versions are more beneficial, or it might be multieffecy. Like loose epigenetic genes cause rapid recovery from non optimal experiences of ancestors from their methylations drifting away, however if there is a beneficial epigenetic experience like an ancestor eating something that reduces risk of cancer than the loose epigenetic gene product making gene just causes the person to have only median cancer risk, so they could make a computer program, expose yeast to chemicals, make a database, heighten the functionality with mouse experiments, and find out which versions of epigenetics and alleles most benefit humans, that is people, also the genes for epigenetic chemicals like acetyl transferase may, as things, actually have epigenetic things right on their DNA at his tones, making them addressable with

Getting more people to voluntarily go to science exhibitions, science museums, community laboratory spaces like biotechnology maker centers

Is there a topological system where you can always make a turn to the right and visit the entire topological area, if you have a piece of paper and you rotate it at any angle, then even if the line you make always turns right

Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing using nonsentient materials translational directiom

At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle

A language that

A distribution of response amplitude heightening and width decreasing drug causes more drugged people or organisms to respond typically, with drugs effective at middle of the distribution. Somatotypes this causes more organisms to

Numeric formulas that cause distributions to spread far to the beneficial right. And widen such that the quantity of things to the nonpreferred side is less than it at the previous value. Separate pools of high (the right side benefit of the well comprehended math thing "Simpsons paradox" where all combined components of a numerically described group combined have a different direction like more amount, less amount, whiter or bluer, than the particular member population of the group, they can all heighten blue while the actual group effect is to heighten white) that

Simpsons paradox, engineering and organization, like companies also groups of people that willingly associate that have any quantifiable thing, goes with if a thing is non optimal then is it possible

Pattern IT pattern running away from home JY says is why my experiencing pattern awareness a great amount later than other people, is because I ran away from home when I was 16, i ran away with my girlfriend and we travelled about 240 kilometers away, I think a running away from home being a socially normal thing benefits people who are absent pattern awareness or recruitment noting JY said it was
Treon Verdery's profile photo
Treon Verdery

o Things that fill children's lives with happiness

By: Treon Verdery on Sat, 15 Oct 2022

0Treon Verdery

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