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sci / sci.engr / Revolutionizing Biological Understanding: From Epigenetic Modulation to Innovative Water Absorption and Beyond

Subject: Revolutionizing Biological Understanding: From Epigenetic Modulation to Innovative Water Absorption and Beyond
From: Kay Lie
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What if you wanted to make a gomboch roller that could just keep on rolling, faster than a ball, if you are willing to have moveable masses at the interior of the gomboch and move them to a location furthest from gravitational minimal energy the gomboch will keep moving forward to try to be topside up, but thats always being updated so it just keeps rolling. there isn't motion without added energy, the G energy is matched with the power to the interior mass moving electromagnets. As a technology, they could make a car with just one drivecurve gomblob at the base meeting the surface. Its not so likely there will be a one moving contoured Gomcurve Tesla, but it is possible. Hey, its a public domain idea, they can make one if they feel like it..
making cooling towers more efficient, like
hyperbolic paraboloid )( nuclear plant cooling towers, i have not read anything about it but things that make very high surface area microripple waves could cause the water surface area underneath the likely sprayers to have an order of magnitude more surface area, facilitating evaporation, acoustics like beams could cause microspray droplets to wiggle and oscillate in the air to have much greater nonspherical length or flatness

I viewed an abstract where a molecule +(PPP) reduces schizophrenia symptoms 30%, but only lasts two weeks before the brain compensates and the PPP no longer works, that brings up the possibility of an antipsychotic that induces long lasting or permanent brain (dopamine receptor) compensation removing symptoms with long lasting induced tolerance to the body’s own dopamine receptor chemicals, it is possible, that just as JY gave me a drug that causes permanant dopamine receptor harm, permanenet receptor benefit is also possible, curing schizophrenia with one gradual build up dose over two weeks, phencyclidine might induce permanent psychosis, so a phencyclidine-variant with +(PPP) variant molecule might be such a molecule

also, you could put up hundreds of advertisements, except each would have a unique paragraph from me so fiver would like them

Immunization against deleterious tissue matrix peptides may heighten youthfulness of appearance, longevity, and healthspan, these peptidides described as matrikines, and described at this abstract copy material, “Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins confer biomechanical properties, maintain cell phenotype and mediate tissue repair (via release of sequestered cytokines and proteases). In contrast to intracellular proteomes, where proteins are monitored and replaced over short time periods, many ECM proteins function for years (decades in humans) without replacement. The longevity of abundant ECM proteins, such as collagen I and elastin, leaves them vulnerable to damage accumulation and their host organs prone to chronic, age-related diseases. However, ECM protein fragmentation can potentially produce peptide cytokines (matrikines) which may exacerbate and/or ameliorate age- and disease-related ECM remodelling.” the genes that code these matrikines could also be epigenetically downregulated wi iRNA epigenetic methylation, possibly creating a single dose, or multicentury recurring iRNA dose from an injected or airjected depot material or implant, a heighten youthfulness of appearence, heightened longevity and heightened healthspan artificial or modified enhanced human gene could continuously make the epigenetic methylating iRNA as its gene product, creating a new human youthful appearance heightening, longevizing gene beneficial to make a component of an enhanced guman genome at all homo sapiens and branch species phenotypic as well as genotypic forms, also it is possible to have genes make peptides that occupy and block aging related matrikine peptidessuch that the receptors or cytochemistry activities are occupied fully, while being precluded from having any activity, causing heighten youthful appearance, and heightened duration of youthful appearance along with likely heightened longevity as a longevity technology

matrikines are described as modifying the matrix materials of cytes, tissues, body structures, and likely organs, just as some matrikines are published as linked to deleterious or senescent like effects, it is possible that genetically or epigenetically upregulating matrix physiomolecules such as proteins and other molecules amount or type is beneficial, with some genes and gene variants possibly based on supercentenarians of unusually youthful appearance after puberty could be a thing to base matrix physioomolecules on as a longevity technology

Longevity technology, precision demethylation epigenetic modulators utilizable at a single gene nucleotide sequence are published at 2023 and 2022AD, these then upregulate the genes that het demthylated. Rather like all the locations where I note acetylation longevity technolofies are posssible, demethylation upregulation longevity technologies are possible at such thinhs at the klotho gene, dna rapair genes, antioxidant genes, ampk genes and mny others being precision dememethylated.

An epigenetic therapy for EtOH nonompimality preclusion is just using the precision demethylation crispr-gsDNA epigenetic editing technology published at 2023AD, alcohol dehydrogenase could be epigenetically upregulated from demethylation, this would make ceasing EtOH easier because it is metabolized much faster, and could also prevent EtOH based birth defects

it is possible that some human epigenetic modulator production could come from result of a challenge, and like hormesis, the strength of the reaction causing greater wellness, I do not think there is such a mechanism, but imagine if a response to high blook pressure was to have the body make its own epigenetic modulator of blood pressure, reducing blood pressure the entire lifespan, from a single high blood pressure occurence. That is beneficial hormeisis

Epigenetic modulators that cause optimal blood pressure could be new drugs like iRNA epigenetic modulators that heighten lifespan, cause reduction of cardiovascular illness, and sustain mental wellness, one abstract notes that, “hypermethylation of NFKB1 gene was significantly associated with reduced blood pressure in obese patients after RYGB” iRNA could do that methylation

as a sex and oral sex enhancement technology, oral peptides that stimulate the taste receptors are a possible oral pill that enhances sexual enjoyment and oral sex, sweetness peptides are published, and I think butter on white rice, ranch dressing similar, and onion, or garlic similar taste sensation peptides, and kiwi or melon fruit flavor peptides are also possible as oral pills, this heightens enjoyment and durationof cunnilingus, and makes male semen and sperm ejaculate delicious

I read about a hydrogen generation from electrolysis of water catalyst that heightened efficiency 50%, perhaps a similar catalyst could heighten value effective concentration of elements from electrochemical treatment of heap leachate fluids

On the internet I published with a tweet, “I would have liked to have had multiple children. If you like you can get genetically advantaged sperm and eggs from sperm banks and egg donor companies. Companies even advertise at MIT to find women to donate eggs so you'll have smart, capable, beautiful mentally well daughters.” I am particularly enthused about people with higher Light Triad Psychometric enumerative measure of light triad attributes than I have, notably above 80th 2022AD percentile, as well as people more cognitively capable than I am having more children voluntarily..

mRNA drugs that get translated to gene products like proteins and other products, could, if halogenated as medical molecules resist metabolism much longer, and so be translated to gene products lots more times, kind of imitating epigenetic acetylation

Factor 8 lack is linked to hemophilia and reduced blood clotting, it could be that there are human gene variants or alleles that provide fully functional blood clotting, with 98th percentile leasth autogenerative occurence of making thrombosis clots at the circulatory system, persons with those gene variants would then have much descreased cardiovascular illness, strokes, and thrombosis chunk ischemia events at the heart and other areas of the body, finding those human alellele variants, then enhancing the human genome to have those, as well as making a gene therapy technology then causes humans to be at the 98th percentile least thrombosis chunk production while being absent hemophilia, it is possible that could cause a reduction of strokes and heart attacks to some single digit % amount of the occurence of strokes and heart attacks at 2022AD humans, also epigenetic modulation of clotting factors could be beneficial to cause least thrombosis formation completely absent hemophelia

arthritis might be reducible using the way putting a phosphatidyl moiety actually makes the body less imuunoreactive to that base molecule, phosphorylated ligaments, joints, and tendons as macroscopic homogenates could then be administered with liposomes, or injected into lympth nodes to prevent the occurenence or spread of arthritis.

I have read that ic making photoresists use EUV light for minute feature size, a way to use an order of magnitude less EUV light intensity and be more affordable is to blend 1/2 nm or more minute quantum dots with the photoresist polymer, then RF/photon energize the quantum dot photopolymer to just less than an exposure amount of enegy, such that much less intense EUV beams are able to expose the photoresist.

bone growth plates fuse from estrogen, whch contributed to women being less tall than men at 2022AD, epigenetic modulators that downregulate the production of estrogen receptors at bone growth plates then make it such that developing girls and women with just two sex chromosomes both of them X sex chromosomes develop to have atll 73 or 74 inch heights, one eipigenetic modulator that could do this is acetylating iRNA

absorbing water vapor from the air for use as drinking water and possibly green lawn landscaping water, and agricultural water, it is published ath lithium chloride hydrogels are abel to have 24 multiples mass of lithium to chloride to each mass of polymer gel. effectivetively gathering water from 30% hundidiy air, a completely different thing lithium PCA gel could absorb even more water at even drier air, the deliquescent beauty product molecule Na-PCA is described as deliquescent, forming a liquid puddle at desert air, it could be that the lithium, rather than sodium form is even more effective. Also previous enhancements to PCA have been described at notes like polymers, more hydroxyls, and more =O areas at the PCA
Kamionkowkski and Caldwell came up with a geometry shape to explain the cosmic background radiation, I wondered if a nontrigonometric geometry could do it, so I commented at Quora, “Much appreciated. As an alternative to using 1/4 wave sphere basis, do you think it is possible that a thing completely different than a wave, completely other than being generated from the trigonometric ratios of a 3 polygon tracing out a perimeter. Some wavelets might be like that. Your, and those physicists ideas you be based on that nontrigonometric replacement for a wave.”

As a longevity technology it could be that greater production of stem cytes heightens youthspan, healthpan, and longevity, epigenetic modulators that decrease the activity of any genes or gene products that have the occurrence of decrease of stem cyte production then cause more longevity heightening stem cytes to be produced, one technology that does that is iRNA that cause methylation and transcription decrease of decreasers of stem cytes, this could be a new enhanced human gene or gene therapy where the gene causes the production of the iRNA, and is then a longevity technology

as a longevity technology, like genes and epigenetics developing activity, finding the greatest longevity cytes at bowhead whale tissue culture is then able to be numerically linked to human tissue culture cyte longevity, with possibly some change to non cns, brain, neuron cytes heighening tissue culture cytes that are human cytes to be like those of the duocentury longevity bowhead whale. that could possibly cause at doubling of human lifespan

Klotho gene forms have iq benefits, “genetic KLOTHO variation or other reasons, demonstrate better cognition, attenuated neuropathological measures or decreased dementia risk in aging and Alzheimer’s disease

A way to oppose diseases, notably infectious diseases generally is just to try iRNA epigenetic methylators that downregulate any genes at the disease, and then see which cure it.

More detectable neutrinos as particles or wave duoslit cerenkov blue light radiation distance neutrino beam modifier, at the end of a fuel rod there is cerenkov ratioation from a concentration of neutrinos taveling faster than light through water, and interacting with the water as a article, so, noting a tube makes a wave become a particle compated to a duoslit making a wave, could a lengthy bunch od= capillary microtubes, bunch of lenghty duoslits increase or decrease cernkov radiation

finding functions that preeclude various kinds of integrals, like preclude square integrals, Alon Amit, at Quora writes, “Are the smooth functions that vanish at
( 𝐶

0 (ℝ)
) square integrable?
No, not all of them are. A function can be smooth but vanish too slowly at infinity to be square-integrable.
Here’s how I came up with a counterexample:
1. Start with 1

.. A simple example of a function that tends to
0 at
but is not integrable.
We want to take its square root, because we want a function that’s not square integrable. But
1 𝑥

is sometimes negative.
Switch to
1 |𝑥|

instead. Now we can take a square root.
But we have a singularity at
0 ..
Switch to
1 1+|𝑥|

.. The decay rate is still the same.
But now we have a non-smooth cusp at
Switch to
1 1+

But now the decay rate is like
2 , which is integrable.
Switch to
1 1+

.. The decay rate is now
1. again.
2. So now we have a smooth, vanishing-at-infinity, positive, non-integrable function. Take another square root to get a function that’s not square-integrable.
So the example is:
2 ‾


This function is smooth since
2 is smooth and positive, and

4 is a smooth function away from
0 .. It is clearly vanishing at
, but it is not square-integrable because
2 (𝑥)=(1+
2 )
decays like
1/𝑥” The only integral with nonsquare attribute reminds me of pattern resonance things which have math forms that are only curved, absent polygonality, being beneficial
beneficial things like autonarrowing, autofocus neutrino beams beams are possibly producible from neutrinos having response to electroweak force, and volumetric arrangements of positive and negative neutrinos being arranged at sucg a way that a positive or negative reponsive electroweak force core, then compresses as a response to the other neutrinos sheathing it, autofocusing laser beams are published technology, autofocus neutrino beams also seem like a possible technology, notably at scanning, such as planetary volume resource scanning

very high frequency ultrasonics can vibrate at the physics acoustics resonance frequencies of cytoorganelleles, dendrite, and possibly even multihundred nanometer protein receptors, that means that acoustic beamed energy can benefit longevity, healthspan, and youthspan at humans and other organisms, and be an extra way of blocking all aversive sensation, nerve stimulation, CNS and brain sensation, or nociception at all living organisms with cytes, this also benefits marine species such as fish.

I read a thing, that alzheimers, dementia, and senility might be nonassociated with Tau proteins, and may or may not be associated with amyloid protein accumulation at the brain and CNS, it is also completely possible there are other alzheimers disesease, dementia, and senility mechanisms that are new, and verifiable, it could be that the epigenetics of the 99.9th percentile of persons at their 90s and centenarians with the very least 99.9th percentile cognitive decrease, alzheimers disease, dementia could be epigentically prompted to beneficially occur at an enhanced human genome at all humans

drinkbox technologies use as many as very cheap 7 layer laminates including a metal layer to keep beverages fresch and chemically unreacted with air a very highly transparent drinkbox like superaffordable surface laminate could keep phtovoltaics from interacting with water, air, and dust, notably, metals can be made transparent with a grating at them, etched, or possibly very cheaply roller embossed at single or double digit or triple digit naometer grating feature size, that way, the drinkbox like laminate could also have a highly effective oxygen excluding very highly transparent layer at a phtovoltaic panel layering, longevity heightening material, just possibly some quantums dots that do upconversion and downconversion of photons to high absorbability wavelength photons may also have preservative effects like being antioxidant, like possibly C60 fullerne variants or have high surface smoothness like graphenes, making the layer on the photovoltaic both heighten longevity and durability while heightening utilized photon energy wavelengths, this could make more phtovoltaics of all kinds more durable including perovskites and others

Google scholar, Bing, AI search with the AI absent being, presence of being, consciousness, sentience, awareness, or sensation like Binch chat GPT and others could have an easy menu item or toggle or button that finds and preferentially top display loads Full free text (FFT) publications, FFT peer reviewed publications, FFT company publications, FFT data, FFT patents, and FFT online technologist, engineer, scientist, mathematician and inventor notes. this could be very rapid to make an attribute of google scholar and other search engines and be of high utility; similarly the FFT search results could have mouse hover, or pull to lengthen menus of connected other search items, such as two papers, two patents, and two published actual physically produced and caused to exist forms of the searched material, where available, these pull to lengthen menu lists make it so the same amount of screen space is utilized displaying search results, its possible this more greatly heightens velocity of new product and fresh publication and research development

could the dleayed choice quantum eraser structure make neutrinos easier to detect with greater sensitivity to fewer neutrinos, it seems possible from some 24 hours of neutrino activity being compressed into a millisecond of observation at the delayed quantum choice eraser apparatus modifying neutrino path previous to the obeservation

at phones and phone speakers, and new phone speaker technologies, dynamically beamed acoustics could heighten audible volume of viewed internet content, music, and media at some distance from the face where the person views their entire phone display of media, the beamed sound is then able to provide greater enjoyable voluntary sound volume while being highly precluding of any other persons near that phone, tablet, or pc utilizing human to then be absent any awareness or perception of the audio content, that makes it so that people can play music and media, and other computed or internet forms at as high a voluntary volume as the utilizers prefer without effecting others, or causing other persons to hear the persons music, or media, or software generated content

Wheeler and Feynman created a theory, that I perceive may have then been precluded from actual physics experiments that there was just one electron, distributed at space and time, even if that has been experimentally precluded it is kind of entertaining to then think of there being a single antielectron, a positron distributed at space and time, then also the relation of the unitary electron and unitary positron having a geometry or math relation to each other, like minimally interactive perpendicular, or more interactive parallel interactionality, notably though, i think the single electron theory may have been refuted with actual physics measurements

notably a person at quora wrote, “Is diracs positron in symmetry to all electrons of universe?” prompting this thought

There may be a distribution of different longevities at different lungfish species, lungfish have about 10 times the amount of genes as humans, and tracing different lungfish longevity amounts to new genes, completely not yet at humans could find new longevity heightening systems and gene activities at the body, these could then be placed at mice and marmosets to verify the completely new genetics are longevizing, previous to developing an all computer produced new group of longevity genes as a longevity technology

as a longevity technology utilizing genetics and epigenetics and just heightening the number of mitochondria of a particular volume to 8, 16, 32 multiples of 20th century human mitochondria at each cyte provides sufficient ATP from citric acid cycle 2, which i read is cytolongevizing, to fully energize gene transcription and translation to make gene products, this cuses older humans to have younger human capabilities, i perceive I read that at age 80, a 20th century person had only 1/5th the amount of atp producing functioning mitochondria compared with a person about age 18-20, multiplying the number of mitochondria with a genetic enhancement or epigenetic modulator with 8 then makes it so age 80 persons have near twice the mitochondria as persons about age 18 providing full youthful gene product production

scalpel blades that pump wound healing chemiclas on then could cuase healing with less

the 99.99999th perecntile of best healing mammals could have their egens researched to fing better genetics of healing

healing nd wund healing LEDS and laser diose wavelengths are published, RF region RF wave beaund healing and healing quality, that is based on a paper I read where they exposed yest cytes to many different iterated RF energy wavelengths, with some of the wavelengths then causing three multiples greater either mass growth, or hree multiples higher reproduction of the yeast, this could be measured with human tissue culture cytes and entire injured mice to find beneficial to healing RF frequencies then made to be technologies that benefit human wound and surgical healing, another healing technology at either healing photonic wavelengths or RF is finding out which particular wavelenghs go with which component of healing, like immunoactivity, capillart growth, or epithelial smoothness and thickness and then utilizing those wavelengths together

longevity technology noting that 3 months at a mouse is like 3-4 decades of human living, and that diabetes and heart disease can be produced at 2022AD humans with diet at 4 decades, are the physiomolecules that move a mammal system back to equilibrium after eating high glycemic food, at mice these might be thirty to 40 times less resestablishing of equilibrium at mice compared with humans, or much higher velocity, if so, then upregulating the amount of those equilibrium re-establishers could cause greatly heightened, even multiples longer longevity at mice, then those upregulated genes and epigenetics, or humanlike forms, and farther along the human trend forms could be tested on marmosets to verify primate longevization to then make a longevity technology or genetic enhancement from extended human trends that causes much greater longevity, possibly multiples greater longevity at humans that is mass producible and utilized.

To heighten human well being, the IR and UV nonvisible wvaelengths as regenrating and healing tissues e made at LEDS on the perimter of the media screen or computer monitor at a brightness that most heightens tissue repair and healing, or reduces any illness. 11 high brightness nonvisible LEDS with contoured lens fronts could be at little as 24-44 centa a large media television like display.

cold shock proteins (CSP) may be associated ith wellness or longevity, then, epigenetic modulators that heighten CSPs at humans, even without an actual cold shock could have heightened longevity and wellness

JY, (with JY’s assistant) told me they were injecting me with a drug that causes symptoms of schizophrenia along with greater cognitive abilify, that a single injection could cause schizophrenia suggests that a single injectection could prevent, or reverse schizophrenia, i do not know the mechanism though.

engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o Revolutionizing Biological Understanding: From Epigenetic Modulation to Innovati

By: Kay Lie on Sat, 5 Aug 2023

0Kay Lie

rocksolid light 0.9.8
clearnet tor