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sci / sci.engr / technology that benefits the homeless and the mentally ill, globally

Subject: technology that benefits the homeless and the mentally ill, globally
From: Kay Lie
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Technologies that benefit the homeless and mentally ill

Finding plants which treat psychosis and schizophrenia, as well as other mental illness, with existing or modified plants, and amplifying their utility, that can be grown anywhere, including the developing world: Make computer chemical models like HOMO receptor docking models as measured from the HOMO (or other molecular affinity modelling bases) effective drug antipsychotics. Then screen those computer model predicted organic simplified, multi-matching chemical structures against, that is: to find similar activity chemicals, at as large a library of as many plant based organic chemicals as is plausible to make.

Producing the HOMO receptor matchable database: Make a library of plant based chemicals: do chromotography then automated concentration band-sampling and then spectroscopy with an automated sampler to find thousands, or larger numbers, of organic molecules at plants. Then these are screened at a computer for HOMO interaction similarity to actual known antipsychotics, then tst them on animals and then humans. These chamicals that naturally occur at plants can then be heightened as to their amount at plants through breeding or genetic engineering. Tht produces a plant that when eaten treats mental illness as effectively as the medical drugs used as the basis of the receptor affinity/HOMO similarity computer database matching.

Finding active antipsychotic molecules at plants: use antibodies to glom things out of a soupified plant concentrate: Have the antibodies look like neuron receptor proteins, that is the antibody looks like a H2T dock site, so it gloms things that fit in a H2T site especially well. Then put them with blenderized plant soup or possibly more effectively, chromotographic molecular mass sorted concentrates, and hydrophilic, hydrophobic, as well as pH modified and even denatured protein versions. These antibodies, noting perhaps the antibodies are generated or improved with computer modelled HOMO complements to the receptors, then glom plant constituents likely to be active at brain and neuron receptors noting that the things they glom at the plant based concentrates are likely to be mentally active, mental health drugs.

Screen plant concentrates with the active protodrug-finding antibodies at dissolved plant tissue at a variety of plant species, perhaps screening the 10,000 easiest to grow plants first. This is a technology to find new plant based antipsychotic molecules. The plants can then be grown anywhere, including the developing world, to provide treatments for psychosis and other mental illness as effective as the established psychiatric drugs used that were used as the receptor-attachment models.

The antibodies’ shape complements something like a H2A or D2 receptor’s shape, that receptor, which when drugged is known to treat psychosis with a previously developed drug. This finds the same receptor affinity with an organic chemical that already occurs at plants. Then use genetics, breeding, or genetic engineering to create larger amounts of that natually occuring at the plants antipsychotic molecule. This would also work for drugs other than antipsychotics. I do not know if this is a new technology or a well known approach to finding pharamceutically active chemicals at already existing plants.

Probiotics that are durable and preclude body odor woulld benefit the homeless socially, as well as benefit those with more optimal lifestyles.

My perception during 2019 AD, having been a homeless person, is that homeless mentally ill persons might like enjoyable things to do, possibly with a human-to-human or human to social companion robot component. Giving homeless people something voluntary to do, could be looked at as a mathematics or computer science thing. If each minute of the day is one simplification or digitalization of activities, then something that gives a homeless person an appealing actionable opportunity with two branches or action opportunities every two minutes could be compared with a thing that occurs once every three minutes but has five branches or action opportunities; simulations could find an optimal frequency of entertainment opportunity and branch opportunity to make a person feel good; combinations of intervals and branches are also possible.

From the perspective of those human beings or possibly also software entities that put thought and action towards making the lives of the mentally ill and homeless more optimal it might be possible to doa software optimization based on resources so the largest number of mentally ill or also homeless persons could be reached with the enjoyable voluntary entertainment.

if this entertainment architecture and experience generator could be run billions of times on a neural network that simulated a human, to output highly predictive (accurate) predictions of actual enjoyment, as well as producing and accumulating enhanced future-beneficial actions and mindset, as well as physiological well being then an optimal form of voluntary amusement could be created for the homeless, the mentally ill, and well persons who are more prosperous.

A cheap computer camera could be ubiquitously available to the homeless, perhaps from being ubiquitous at society, thus frequently available as surplus or in trash, and also easily and ultraffordably available to those who do things to benefit the homeless; The camera disincentivizes others from riffling through or taking a homeless person’s things.

Notably, the camera could use city wifi or simplified phone data, without a phone, to communicate its location on a computer network, like the internet; homeless people could find (geolocate) their things, and see the surroundings of where the stuff was at, as well as possibly the identity of the people who have it. This could also benefit people with more optimal lifestyles.

During 2019 persons of medium affluence sometimes had things like shoes, purses, athletic equipment, transport vehicles, luggage, as well as wallets with fiscal value high enough to cause a $5 (2019 US funds) location reporting camera to be considered as possibly having value. Ubiquitous computer networked cameras could then benefit society, and be available to homeless persons as a result of material surplus, and their presence at trash.

Causing even greater availability of networked computer cameras, perhaps there is some reason to leave electronic gratuity mechanisms with networked cameras at restaurant tables, unless gratuities, legitimately I think, cease to be a part of human-human interactions, notably fiscal interactions.

Unless they are found to be as unethical and nonoptimal as I perceive them to be, gratuities could be enhanced with computer networked cameras. Perhaps sufficient value to make leaving (abandoning, or “its ok to just leave it without getting it back” perspectivizing) networked cameras around is if the human receiving the gratuity used the gratuity accompanying networked camera to say “thanks for visiting, come again, here’s a fiscal savings coupon, be sure to say hi at my social networking page” as part of a “high touch” ingratiating way of generating further interaction, where the further interaction is based on the fiscal interests of the commercial establishment where the camera using gratuity receiver is. It is also possible that the gratuity receiver appreciates the benefit to their personal social network growth as well as possible beneficial non-commercial establishment interactions like cameraderie or their other separate entrepreneurial activities that the gratuity receiving person likes. Human interaction, to my 2019 AD perception, often values a feeling of human likelihood of further enjoyable interaction, perhaps referred to as “interpersonal connectedness”. The camera placed along with the gratuity, and the enjoyable personal followup and commercial establishments fiscal incentive to reattract the visitor (coupons etc.) could combine to make networked cameras omnipresent and ubiquitous, thus making them available to and reaching even the least affluent persons.

So it is possible that some human physiologial children have human physiological parents with varied amounts of attentiveness and applied benvolence and actioned effectiveness at things like getting food from the grocery, providing transportation, companion robots that do parenting at the same ability as 99th percentile or above human parents would pleasantly yet effectively cause self-maintenance in the children like washing, laundry, and sleep timeliness, as well as benefit the children many other ways.

Material in double brackets is unlikely to actually work, so just like other double bracketed items this is not deleted but condidered by me as nonfunctional:

Only 1-5% of human physiological children and human physiological parents are affected, making biometrics nonaffordable at groceries

Even if human physiological children are limited to $2 a day, that is $60/mo, or about 33-50% of some imaginable typical benefit, possibly causing food wastage by human physiological children to absorb half of family food benefit resources.

Human physiological Children might eat 5 handfuls of a $3 container of food then trash the rest; also, this could actually cause children to purposefully meet persons that swap food for money, and these persons are likely to be exploitive in other ways

It is possible that during the year 2019 AD homeless and mentally unwell persons were quantitatively measurable as less beneficial to their children than well persons and more prosperous persons.
A technology that benefits the children of the homeless or also mentally unwell, would be, if there is a value resource, like a philanthropist, that covers the value to the grocery of the food, a giveaway to human physiological children of food, even without their human pysiological parents presence, personal, notably adult, identifying materials, or other thing. The children of the unwell or homeless could pick out items and activate their food giveaway with something that was effortless and worked without remembering anything, preparing anything, packing anything, and was absent swappability for something other than food. Some technology options are biometrics of the human physiological child’s eye and hand simultaneously (a glance and a wave at the computer at the grocery, which could be at a location different than the bagging area, would make it so the human physiological childs grocery items were covered. The benefit is that regardless of human physiological parent capability, the human physiological child has nutritious food.

This way human physiological children are able to just grab any nutritious physiologically harmless food, with an emphasis on physiologically beneficial foods. Notably technologies that make nutritious food ubiquitous like edible delicious nutritionally complete grass remove concern about human physiological parent effectiveness at seeking and sharing food with their human physiological children, as the human physiological children can just have something to eat anywhere, anytime, regardless of their parent’s actions. ]]

A computer app, or a phone app, that just shows a sortable list of where housing, depending on the society, is most available and cheapest. That way homeless persons could just download something that said simply and easily where they could get a place to live at an area with more opportunity than where they are at when they are using the app. A person in Seattle Washington might find out that complimentary housing comes along as automatic for anyone willing to go to North Dakota if they participate at all in North Dakota’s booming economy. This is a comprehendable easy to use software: “you could be” app that just tells people what they can get if they go a particular place and do things easy enough for 90% of the population to succeed at them.

You would think I could come up with some improvement to things a person can do with their life. While I think of those more optimal things, which build on or create beneficial parallel ideas to things like Dave Pearce’ Hedonistic Imperative and transhumanism, that provide some possible new attractive options to being a human, that is a person, which as a group are described as people. While thinking of things that are more optimal to human beings, that is persons; “meanwhile” this describes some things that people liked doing during the 20th century AD:

I like to think that the mathematics of changing from a city where only 95% of things like: activities of living, including interpersonal well being, voluntary employment or voluntary multi-person non employment activities (volunteering, art, learning, collaborative computer network use like games and written and media communication), accumulation of preferred objects or abstract value representations, and physiological wellness maintenance or improvement, are easy, to a city where 99% of things are easy Is mathematically describable as an all-participant improvement rather than a reshuffling of static value.

My perception is that 20th century AD economics mathematically proved that growth and prosperity increase from using information, and heightening efficiency, at the inputs that go into causing or producing the things that people value. And also that when people optimize their locations, that contributes to economic growth and prosperity over and above a static statement of resources, opportunities, and human lifestyle opportunities.

This perception of economics described based on 20th century concepts, is enhanceable and could be reasonably replaced with new technology, new optimizations and new ideas. It is possible to replace these previously existing 20th century forms of economics with a new version of economics based numerous new things, including computer simulations and optimizations, and new technologies that change the movements of objects and values. For example, a drug or gene therapy or germline genetic modification that causes people to save and invest sufficiently to produce sustained lifetime leisure, at their own lives as well as the lives of their children or also those persons they would like to receive benefit even more than benefitting themselves, with the option of considering this leisure as comparable to 20th century: retirement at any chronological age; This drug, gene therapy or germline genetic modification would also increase the big five psychology trait: openness to experience, so that 1/3 or more of them use blockchain based value forms like 2019:bitcoin as well as are be quantitatively measurable as persons to be more likely than an unmedicated or genetically nonmodified person to invest successfully. So voluntary and beneficial increases of the optimality of individuals could be looked at as elements of a computational automata, where more of the optimized individuals at an array have a beneficial effect on the prosperity of the entire system. This is somehwta similar to saying, colloquially, that thrift and industry can be even more generative of prosperity when combined with the biology of investing and growing productive things more effectively. The existence of voluntary biological modifications, like genetic modifications or medication, which heighten Big five personality traits: openness to experience combined with conscientiousness along with heightened cognitive ability could be mathematically shown to benefit the prosperity of the individual as well as all the participants at a network of interactions that during the 20th centuray AD would be called an economy.

Computational automata treatments of economics with heightened capability at the individual agents is something that would also be accompanied with many other inventions, technologies, derived and elaborated and applicable and applied ideas that a wide variety of human being think of. I just described one I could think of (biologically improved autonomous agents at an economy), It is wonderfully beneficial that there will be newer and more thoughts from different people; rather than a summary statement this is rather a fresh attraction on a continuing beneficial sustained activity of the optimization of human well being, which could possibly be based in, or informed by, questions of meaning of personhood, philosophy of human purpose, and efforts at producing and optimizing well being at any adjustable size of group, from all the persons that could ever be to the individual. As a 2019 person it is easy to say, “a computer can model that which provides the highest individual benefit and simultaneous greatest benefit to the global population as well as the population of all persons that could ever live”; It is likely there are more informed, engineerable, and beneficial approaches like verification or refutation of the many worlds interpretation of physics and the prosperity and economics of the entire multiverse being optimized. I think new ideas will inform, shape, and cause action at the existence, processing, production, locational variation, appreciation, and effects of, and at, matter and energy forms amongst human beings.

There will be new things better than what I have thought about and written, I just thought it would be beneficial to contribute what I could think of while new things cause things to get even more optimal.

The creation of economic agents at a society that have higher individual effectiveness and individaul benefit is viewable as an engineering approach to causing and maintaining beneficial prosperity. There are many different ways to imagine thing that improve individual well being and the enhancement and heightened enjoyment, ease, opportunity, and resource availability of all the members of any arbitrrily sizeable group.

Colloquially, I can think of some new things that could be engineered to be more optimal than previous ways of living, so other people will think of much more optimal things as well, and that is wonderful! Unimportant to the reader, I implement encouraging, optimistic, valuing of enhancement and beneficial and enjoyable novelty, existence and activity, that which is beyond anything I have written. I think it is possible to be gooder.

A technology that benefits the homeless as well as or along with the mentally ill:

Genetically engineering humans, that is persons, a group of which are referred to as people, to be impervious to weather benefits human beings. Having the ability to utilize more calories to provide warmth makes living comfortably when immersed in cold water or experiencing continuous rain possible.. During 2019 the global food and kilocalorie surplus, as well as the engineerable food kilocalorie surplus that is possible at all human existence, (technology and genetically engineered plants, bacteria, and fungi, as well as other technologies make a kilocalorie nutrient surplus a continuing norm, a resource as omnipresent as gravity) could provide energy to make it so people could go nude in any earth climate and just use say 4000-10,000 calories each 24 hours to stay completely warm and comfortable regardless of geographic location. Some drugs that cause mitochondrial uncoupling, generating body warmth, already exist, physiologiclly harmless ones, perhaps protein drugs, producible at the human organism and made a part of the human genome, would cause voluntary thermal latitude to stay comfortable and capable at any climate. Notably some biological engineering opportunities like the countercurrent flow that penguin feet have could be brought to the human organism to permit causual and comfortable walking on and through cold rain, ice and snow.

Scientific study of increasing the amount of histones and the histonation of human physiology as well as the genes of producing more heat shock proteins, engineered into the human genome, with the opportunity to make them genetics the person could voluntarily turn on or activate, could cause human tissues to be fully functional and absent degradation at warmer temperatures..

Genetically engineering grass to be human, that is person, edible is beneficial to human beings; engineering development around flavor enhancement of grass to make it better tasting than any food available during the 20th century AD makes the presence of the earth’s most frequently occuring plant to be pleasant, edible and delicious. Sweetness peptides could be engineered to be a part of the grass to contribute to enjoyable flavor. The large size of sugr cane could be reduced to make a soft ubiquitous form of grass that is full of kilocalorie nutrients from just a size change. Combining sugar cane and flavor genetics with the genetics of the widest spreading, most prolific, most disease resistant grasses generates a delicious nutrient source that is available everywhere grass can grow.

Companion robots:

engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o technology that benefits the homeless and the mentally ill, globally

By: Kay Lie on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

0Kay Lie

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