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Best of all is never to have been born. Second best is to die soon.

sci / sci.engr / Brain-inspired art for babies.

Subject: Brain-inspired art for babies.
From: Julia Amara
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There could be genetics that go with prosperity even more than then the genetics of big five psychology test conscientiousness. They culd come up with like 100 variant psychology tests online, inlcuding those that screen on happiness and prosperity first, perhaps based on earnings, as well as prosperity per hour of effort. So a genetics of greatest propserity with variously most enjoyed as well as least activity. So this might find genes and personality test answer clusters that find optima of things like openenss to experience, extraversion, combined with conscientiousness, or, much better, completely new namable metrics, like thrivingdraw,

the optimistic and plausible search for fortunateness genes; pattern resonance types effects; biochemistry of noticing and being a part of top half of opportunities, possibly without a conginitive awareness. also genetics of spontaneous tropism towards 14th perncentile of beneficial opportunities.

Personal financial guidance reminder service, optimally like a baby shower gift, or as people get earnings insurance on themselves for their children, it could be a product that accompanies insurance: The service enjoyably, and measureably effectively, reminds the 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 27, 32, 37, 42, 49, 64, 59, 61, 64, 67, 72, 82, 92, 102, 122, 132, 142, 170 year old of beneficial financial options and possible movements and activities: At age 20, “your college major is <major> people with , <different major> are, as an aggregate 20% happier, earn 40% more during their lifetime, work an equal amount, and live 3% longer; However activity in <suggested new major>, this <suggested new major> is a major in <topic>

Notably, this product could be near $100-200 to provide as a gift, or even just be a clickable instant payless gift at paypal, or $5 a year modification of insurance. The more optimal version of the gift Is a version that is just $7.45 more would be a version that paid the giftee the hourly equivalent of the median earnings of the US for each hour that they actually visited the guidance provider or utilized the guidance links in the emails. That is $216 at age 49 funded with $7.45 (stock shares index fund growth over 7% average over 50 years), That is about 40 hours of paid giftee participation during the first 1.5 centuries of gift utilization, or to generate at 7% over 1.5 centuries, $1 over 1.5 centuries at 7% is $27K, so able to provide 960 more hours of guidance than the 40 hours given as a gift. An alternate view is that investors sometimes go for .5 century investments,

Novel: if the guidance company earns more when the guidance is actively considered, rationally comprehended, and possibly followed) what are ways to make sure the guidance is always at 95th percentile or higher of beneficial at the pool of all proferred advice and guidance? Noting there are a varieties of kinds of advice, from a variety of providers, and during the 20th century, perceptiblty moderate tropism focalization around how beneficial the guidance is. psychometrics (quantitative measurements from psychology tests) of fMRI reaction to statements of the advised actions providing well being, conceptually-recognized and previously thought awareness of a new or additional resource, (do some people know their moving towards a wonderful living location caused improvements in well being, a measure that is complementary to just the measure of increased well being among the advisees that relovate)

At 44, “$170 of rapamycin mTOR modulation treatment causes 72% greater lifespan, and $60 of dasatinib treatement causes 20% greater lifespan, financial advisor suggests both treatments this month”, the financial advisor also notes that 92% longer lifespan causes a doubling of money effect of more than 9 times of 11 years, at convservative growth investments, causing a wealth multiplier of the 44 year old’s wealth of 512, so a person with 1 million invested dollars at 44 would have predicated 512 million dollars, and a person with just 10,000 invested at 44 would have 5.12 million dollars after taking the $230 of longevity drugs at age 44.

At 18, or 16, guidance on optimizing the genetics of one’s possible children is a part of the product. Having the person actually surf, with their own hands, the websites that provide sperm and eggs with greater cognitive ability, higher subjective well being genetics, and doing an educational quiz

The 14 year old advice would be start a company with the goal of breakeven, the 16 year old advice would be get an unpad internship as this have very favorable lifetime earnings, prosperity, and happiness numeric projections compared with 99.9% of employment that 16 year olds do. The financial advisor service woul also seek out activitities, often predicted as to their effect with psychology tests, that had greater benefit and financial return than these described activities.
A financial advice service could use the advisees big five personality test to suggest variously, happy porpserous career major for mid to high conscientiousness, mentorship with a person above 97th percentile of prosperity for extroverts with above median mbti:F and 50th percentile or higher conscientiousness, and starting a company prior to 27 to persons with the personality test grouping where 3/4 of all entrepreneurs succeed. It is enjoyable, and possibly a guide, that all of the advisor suggested activities have a 3/4 chance of an advisee-rated of calling the activity simultaneously prosperity causing, measured subjective well being (happiness) causing, and described as “I liked it and would do it again” by other data samples and other advisee’s data.

Twice a decade one hour meetings, with up to 29 emails per decade (adjustable to find highest client participation from option presentation and prompting) would be be 20 meetings per century. The first 1.5 centuries of activity would tnen be $40 *30 meetings, with $1.00 for the email, $1201 of outlay to provide service, so at a baby shower gift, with the initial $ being multiplied 4 times from 7/11 money multiplier algorithm, it is $1201/16 or less than $100 for each 1.5 centuries of advice product, then market testing could see what valuations are supported to provide over 100-300% margin. Also, as an insurance avialable-option that is a mere $5 year for 2 decades of insurance money to fully fund the beneficial product, the baby shower version could even come as a fun attractive card, and the card kit has a web address for the gifter to fund the gift with, this makes it so you can just grab the gift, give it, and fund it at leisure with reminders reachinging the gifter until they fund the gift.

$100 at the website, or the $5 a year automatically added to their existing insurance provider.

Paypal could offer this as an option at their site, “paypal gifts”, then the person could just click on “adjust paypal %rate up .01% to cover gift” or some even friendlier statement of that content, to fund the gift. So at paypal tou click on one button, anter an adressm and the financial advice gift it sent to the the giftee and fully funded.

This could have global application providing a potentially giftable base of 1-10% of 2 billion persons, or 20-200 million units or 2 to 20 billion of annual revenue. It is possible just $100,000 or less would be the amount to first generate the product online, at perhaps 20 variations to use a/b testing to find out which are most attractive; the improved guidance content provided at future emails and live client meetings could be the product of perhaps $2 million or less of research during the decades the follow product use and propagation. Studies of prosperity and subjective well being of advisees Product propagation: a reference engineering version, a little similar to a curriculum, could be produced as a computer program that is actually available, but is also rapidly cloned and integrated with the languages computer systems of insurers, possibly ERP (enterprise resource planning) module like. This engineering reference version causes more rapid propagation of the beneficial guidance product which complements the market propagation from producing revenue at 100-300% margin, or at insurance, negative interest rate money accumulation from premiums to the company.

Listing items on alibaba: at active pharmaceutical ingredients, 10-15% margin spread, perception 5-200k 2 year revenue from alibaba alone, (margin times revenue) suggests 15-30k profit from finding a bulk supplier, possibly with custom label ship, making up 10%, and using software to automatically list t alibaba. Notably, immediate improvements to client contact, quotes, and action production suggest themselves: spread amount quotes (they ask 10 grams, quote 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 100g amounts; provide clickable link to “order now!, 5% off alibaba quote” item, perhaps at each quote line item, at the custom emails that are already generated, It is my pecerception I have only gotten one 2 months later act again prompting email.

If I were a slightly different person I would make a an autofill-alibaba forms softwae product with sperately usable functions to do things like grab quote lists from a database or spreadsheet, autogenerate “get this” clickable links at email, with subscription as well as get full product available software rpoduct forms.

Is the distribution of ranked list of aliaba items with margin spread, with margin spread centric number times quantized quote number of quote requests per searching person, a highly numerically predictive way of finding out when a listing will be lowest bid even while being a median markup product? That number then provides a financial number as to the value of advertising, multiple near identical listings at alibaba, or also multi-company qualification at alibaba to have two or more listing entities. The listing companies could even have different foci

Noting transit $ on one to 10 item (dasatinib $30 transit on a $10 item gram) orders amount it is possible that items listed as “1 unit” or each of particularly high margin and markup, combining free shipping with these could be particularly attractive.

website with rapamycin and senolytic kits

(as an aside, a client benefitting alibaba or other product aggregator with many simultaneous providers site search algorith could be 365-day average of the frequency of listing updates)

Structurally, a free sample of an in-class product that has higher margins but lower cost to the actor could cause more orders, of a the new higher margin per order material, such as compimentary 1g of generic Geodon with 5 grams of pimavanserin, causes quantifiable higher future orders of the higher margin geodon, make a ranked list of those free samples that have greater than enterprise financial return on sample material $ value; those free samples are more profitable than the rest of the enterprise while bringing value to the client, and making the world more full of actually free samples. An Alibaba listing company that did this could put all all profits into charity, I could be a volunteer, and then when revenues and stability increased to exceed SSI, I could earn from it, facilitating moving to most optimal areas on earth.
This approach also favors finding the most ethical and beneficial products to source, markup, and autolist on alibaba. Rapamycin, longevity drugs, and 90th percentile of cure rate anticancer, cardiovascular, and antibiotic/antiviral drugs It looks like New products like enetric rapamycin capsules with mouse 60% longevity increase at 3 month treatment human preencapsulated premeasured, 90 day supply doses are a possible product, smilarly senolytic 3-5 day dose kits, possibly with vehetarian absorption-optimized MREs to take with the enteric coated senolytics are a possible product.

Increase liposomal function like at longevity drugs with preservatives like BHT, possibly some water soluble preservative as well. This permits preparing liposomal longevity drugs once very 90 days, heightening likelihood of making and taking all doses.

How long do liposomes last when refrigerated? Hints are emuslified nutrient drinks and salad dressings - many months

simultaneously raise treatment success rates while reducing treatment costs revenue sharing with treating professionals, this differes from comission, but could also be psychologically made more atractive with research.

Should humans construct a phrase-describable way of stating that version or ethos of explaining something beneficial and information-rich to others: Social phrases like “Explain it to 5 year old”, and, promote it to your favorite leader, Example, “explain and promote it to Thomas Jefferson”. as well as “cliffs notes version”, “take-home version”, “elevator pitch” are all ways I have heard of to mention a highly effective knowledge transmitting communication, often with a tropism towards causing beneficial action. Also, are there ways of explaining things beneficially that function at large describable groups, such as women, or reach the first standard deviation of all personality forms most effectively? Compared with “elevator pitch”, “the 411” seem kind of neutral, but let the person know they are getting information rich beneficial content.

Linear regression, equations that take one point cloud and divide it up into a number of different lines, each with higher predictivity than the one-line version of the point dataset; So the thing is that this can be used to notice, and predict a multimodal distribution at a measured thing, which could be then used to seek new, unconsidered, effect stimulating variables (drivers of the multimodes); It could also be used without further information to optimize, possibly increase, the generatation of new data points (participation prompts) Like putting a different image at the top of a webpage causes different numbers of clicks at a webpage at time of day) You do not know if it because they have employment, so more money to click, or if people feel particularly “i’ll check it out”, open to new experiences at 9 pm

Can you prevent disease with many line linear regression producing mini trends, and then even without knowing wht cvauses those mini-trends, be informed to advertise or educate (multiline could, among other things, suggest multicomponent (multi advertised, multilocationed, multi-chronologically activated, multi doing-person application) response strategy to create gretest beneficial effect.

Measure big 5 traits at the same group at different times of day to find out if people are most open to new experience or be conscientious, or mentally well at certain times of day; paid guidance services could use this (and financially support research validation) based on finding out when their clients would be most likely to 1)listen to others, 2) be conscientious about their actions, 3) take action 4) be at a daily peak of personal benevolence, so would perhaps be especially considerate of others during their actual action. it is possible these items coincide at some predictable interval, like 10-11 am or 7-8 pm.

At group hazard minimization, it could be that a skin surface probiotics, as well as a GI tract probiotics causes 10-20% fewer infectious bacteria at the environement to be transmistted or placed with hands. Taking these probiotics would be the opposite of antibiotic resistance. Combined with antibiotics in the same pill, they could actually cause a 1-2% reduction in actual human illness, and if 1 per 100,000 antibiotic prescriptions are associated with an antibiotic resistance organism occurence, then these probiotics provide 10,000 to 20,000 more disease preclusion from decreasing transmission 10-20% even though they are antibiotic prescriptions, this gives prescribers, and antibiotic takers with antibiotics from any source, better numeric ethics for utilizing locally beneficial antibiotics rapidly and frequently from having the probiotics in the antibiotic pills. Hand sanitizer could be improved to coat hands with probiotics whose spores survive the sanitizer.

Genetically modified skin surface probiotics have numerous opportunities to increase human longevity and prevent disease, immunogenic (antigen) proteins on the probiotic bacteria could immunize against mTOR receptor proteins causing rapamycin-like 60% longevity increase; It is possible that the flu antigens used at flu immunizations could be put at hand sanitizer probiotic bacteria causing the use of hand santitizer at some % of the population to be the equivalent to individual flu immunization and also produce group immunity to more flu at the population in relation to the ratio of hand sanitizer users to the entire population.

Psychology research that benefits babies and children. Emotionally enjoyable surprise that might also have: cognitive interest, fascination, apperance or sensation benefit, from my 2019 AD initial perception is something babies and children both experience, might actually like, and at least at some humans, might even seek. Quantitative psychologists could measure the enjoyability and benefits of benevolent surprise, like a hug just because, a toy that complements a toy that is already being played with, a beneficial brief change to schedule possibly one day off from school to combine a amusement park visit with a 1 hour commercial math tutor visit might be measurable as causing enjoyment while actually raising school achievement and knowledge scores; If there are specific surpise actions quantitatively measured as having benefit to babies and children these could be learned and propagated at the people with babies or also children. at 2019 AD surprise had a “know it when I see it definitionl space” Research could identify trend groups of beneficial surprise based on measurably beneficiallness, like it might be found that hugs when given completely separately from bedtime, reuniting, consolation, or perhaps a measurable build up of lovingness communication, could be measured at 97/100 occurences experienced as enjoyable, and the slight surprise of the action also felt as enjoyable. It might be that new directions of beneficial anjoyable surprise are found.
Humans enjoy many things among them cognitive activities; it is possible that aesthetic scientists might find and measure the benefits of aesthically beneficial surprise, like a beautiful person giving away miniature sculptures, or even 3D printed gorgeous candy, Or an actually-open-all-year one month duration at each location automatically relocating art gallery, or artmobile (like bookmobile), that appears in a new area of town (and pragmatically, perhaps gives away free food to heighten spontaneous visitor visits in the new location hundreds of percent).
Alternately, at some cities of sufficient size, the art gallery could be like pop-up additional seating, full of art gallery content, at restaurants that are so busy as to be full some of the time, this causes more people to enjoy what it is at the restaurant that is causing the popularity while also enjoying the aesthetic suprise and benefit of dining in an art gallery.

or a landscaped or architectural environment being augmented with quantitatively measurably as beneficial from aesthetic effect, surprise like a more-amazing-than-phone-camera instantly available at the lendscaped or architectural environment that permits people to feel and experience the aesthetic benefit of the landscaping or architecture more, from feeling and composing with the camera as compared with just wlking through the environment. Measuring the surprise could just be the “hey unattended zero-check-in cameras that’s fun. They say “see it fresh” on them too”

Talented scout, high surviving business economically self supporting, commercial establishment location finder. If some walk and drive-by traffic driven kind of consumer enterprise is at the number 1 item at list of highest likelihood of breaking even or making money, a surival functional business, then that kind of enterprise could be placed in any screened commercial real estate to gauge the effectiveness of placing a different higher profitability or proprieter satisfaction and ethical values immanentization business in the same location; Measurments at the number one surviving business like visitor numbers, receipts, AI analysis of video data like appearence frequency like Women, wealthy garments, age demographics, happiness and readiness-to-spend body language correlates, with this data both at the business, and also as camera-based data from the street outside, as well as images of vehicles at the parking area. Also shared interaction with the clients at near area business

This could be made into a regularized, math business analytics supported way of improving site screening and location. With the survivability advantage that keeps the measurment-doing business open, the number of person visits, duration, inventory change data, and particularly valuable things like AI processed analysis of appearence frequency like Women, wealthy garments, age demographics, happiness and readiness-to-spend body language correlates, both at the business, and as camera-based data from the street outside, as well as images of vehicles at the parking area, are made available at any data-interval (months or even years) from locatiing a number one survivability business.

Interestingly this could be costless to the person seeking location optimization guidance. So even a person thinking of putting in a dollar store could contact the “we test your location using a number one business with zero fees, you just arrange the real estate. So the person’s company initially only risks the lease, which is less than the financial risk of the full business without location testing. (fresh to me is that this is similar to a: you own a commercially successful franchise (business) even if there is financial defualt (with the location screening company) producing effect; if it does not go right, then you just have this highly likely to be functioning business, at that location, with the real estate functionalized) Specific region and city versions of the number one surviveable business could be found to make this more functional.

What happens when it does not work? Like you open a dollar store in a winter ski town, and 3/4 a year emptiness is absent supporting even a number one most survivable business? The number of visits, duration, inventory change data, and things like AI processed analysis of appearence frequency (Women, wealthy garments, age demographics, happiness and readiness-to-spend body language correlates) are still useable when the person is figuring out a ski-town functional business.

What kind of business causes the most improvement in subjective well being? This is experience as well as content based; a ranked database of these would include both certificate colleges (lifetime benefit) as well as amusement parks (immediate fun), so it does at least suggest a 97-99th percentile happiness improvement business list group.

Longevity technology: I read that it is possible to turn on a cytomembrane located receptor with an immunization that recognizes a piece of the protein that the entire receptor is made out of ; are there any receptors that if turned on more create greater longevity and wellness? Epitalon and thymosin receptors could be an application as the combination of epithalon with thymosin administered as drugs causes people to be four times less likely to be dead after 6 years, so an oral vaccine that installs endogenous On-action state of epithalon and thymosin receptors could be a longevity and wellness producing immunization. It could be that giving this to children, notably when they are receiving childhood immunizations could provide lifetime benefit as will as increasing lifespan. People caring for their children causes children to receive a number of immunizations simultaneously as children, placing longevity and wellness causing immunizations at this group produces greater longevity and wellness, that also supports the communication to parents that the immunization group applications are beneficial to their children.

hint of how to make an immunization is described at ,”immunization, emulsions of PBS solution of a KLH-peptide conjugate (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) mixed with either CFA or IFA (the 1st or the 2nd immunization, respectively; Disco laboratories, USA) were subcutaneously (s.c.) injected at a dose of 100 μg of the protein per mouse in the proximal part of its tail (in control groups, vehicle was used). Starting on Day 53 mice were trained in a Morris water maze: Initially, in 3 trials, to reach a visible saving platform and then, in 4 daily trials for 5 days, with an invisible (submerged) platform. Finally, on Day 58, a memory test followed by the brain preparation for further histological and histoimmunochemical analysis was performed. The serum samples for the antibody titer estimation were taken from the eye vein on Day 52 and kept at –20°C for further analysis (see results in Table 1). As controls for the p75NTR fragments, KLH (Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin) conjugate of SQDRHKQKIIAPAKQLL peptide corresponding to the fragment of 197–213 of VP1 protein from foot-and-mouth disease virus (VP1), and KLH along were used.”

Making immunizations: Keyhole limpet hemanocyanin (KLH) is on alibaba at $4.84/mg, or 10 mg for $48.40 At 100ug per mouse that is .28 mg of KLH per human 70Kg mass, or about $1.73 to immunize a human; it is possible that this material is much more effective than CuSO4 or NiSO4 as an immune response effector; Oral KLH has published effect, I think insufflated (snorted) KLH may as well. There is a KLH produced immune response described at a paper online that uses 100 ug/ml of KLH with peptides to immunize against things.

Just combining KLH with testosterone and snorting it or enteric capsule taking it could immunize against testosterone.

snorting something can reduce an immune response, “Intranasal immunization with phosphorylcholine (PC) is known to reduce immunoglobulin (Ig)E production.” That brings up the possibility of reducing an immune response, thus causing some thing, like a biochemical, to have a greater physiological amount, then find which things that when there are more of them have a beneficial longevity effect. I think I read there are autoimmune illnesses, like allergies, perhaps people with atopic dermatitis could be medicated with phosphorylcholine combined with dermatocyte proteins to reduce their immune responses to their own body, reducing illness and making people feel better.

lookup: the different: immunize to switch-on as compared with immunized to cease activity at a receptor, as well as immunize to have the receptor containing cyte macrophage-eaten antibody forms and antigens

Noting the cytes that senolytics terminate, are there any other entire human somatic cells that if they were absent, their absence would be beneficial to people? Possibly “rogue macrophages”, the cytes at atherosclerosis plaque bulk areas, or possibly some variety of connective tissue repair cytes that are less optimal than some other coproduced tissue repair cytes would, if immunized against reduce scarring, and beneficial at the entire body, make more optimal repairs.

Are there stem cells that only differentiate into things that are nonoptimal for people? Immunizing against those stem cells would cause less of those things. Possibilities are arterial plaque blob cytes, kidney (connective tissue fiberization cytes) and lung (COPD) fiberization, or lung flexibility modifying cytes, other possibilities.

So, if they find out some kind of cyte makes expansion and breathe-out effectiveness reducing fiberness and other tissue, then on first detection of COPD, those kind of cytes could be immunized against, causing gradual chronological lung change to be absent any of the increase in cells that nonoptimally effect lung flexibility, this could be an immunization that reduces COPD symptoms, possibly increases lung tidal volume, and might beneficially affect lifespan and wellness.

Pneumonia preventing immunization: It is also possible that an immunization at childhood or 49 could cause macrophage removel of entire cyte types, also, immunogenic (immunization) turning of chemoreceptors all, or more on, or all or more off, or could produce better lung tissue morphology amount at those 49-172 (or older); Pulmonary cytes with more flexibility (less fiberous tissue), various mucous types or fluidity, or causing a cytomemebrane chemoreceptor effect,possibily through antigen basedimmunization that causes more ciliary motion from causing the ciliary motion change that a beneficial drug would cause, from immunizing to glom all or part of a chemorecptor protein could be possible.

More pulmonary ciliary activity could reduce many kinds of illness, so gene therapy, possibly inhaled, that localizes the production of some ciliary characteristic or ciliary stimulant to just the lung tissue could heighten ciliary action withut effecting the rest of the body.

Bile acids are published as increasing some wellness things. Probiotics genetically engineered to make bile acids could be physiologically beneficial to humans.

The brain has cilia. “ciliated cells of sinuses, brain ventricle ependyma” What is the effect of stimulating that action of these cilia or making it the amount at
children? Is there an optimal and optimizable amount?

As a technology, making all the suggested activities beneficial at all babies is more optimal:
Do babies have different color preferences for attentiveness with enjoyment? If they do, then baby teaching videos, which exist, although I do not know if they work, could have a “color” thing on them so parents could switch it to their babies preferred palette, causing more enjoyment and attentiveness at babies. Also, it might be possible to do color sequence color liking increase of white, blue and green, causing babies to like blue and green more from sequenced exposures. It is my perception that more white, blue and green preference and white, blue and green things on and around and near them would benefit people so teaching babies to like these colors could have pattern resonsance benefits to the person their entire life.

There might be something babies like, like a chest band that causes an artificial mini-swaddle a little like a hug, or a backwarming or chest band warming, a little like a warm water container, gentle warming feeling. It is possible that babies with beneficial behavioral psychology reinforcement of reinforcement of vocalizations similar to what software sings to them would cause babies to learn to make words sooner and learn more words more rapidly, providing them with earlier speech and quantitatively measurable lifetime benefit.

It is possible a quantitative psychologist could measure an effect where asking or answering questions more often or at greater length has a positive correlation with beneficial things like lifelong prosperity (a taking advice effect), communications efficacy, and even social success from carnegie-esque “ask questions to promote ingratiating, opportunity causing conversations”, if there is a benefit to people of responding more to questions and asking more questions then behavioral psychology baby technologies that reward babies and young children for asking questions and responding at greater length to questions could be a thing that causes lifetime benefit and the reinforcement could be accomplished with baby entertainment software, possibly with a haptic (swaddle) or other baby-liked effects.

Advertising note: 12 million views at a baby entrtainment video has just 34 comments at youtube, so putting beneficial comment content at baby video contents might get lots more reads per view than some other kinds of views, particularly beneficial parenting advice. Searching a bunch of baby videos might find an even better ratio at some kind of baby videos.

Are there things that babies do that they spontaneously like, that could be shown at baby entertainment software? If they fMRI light up as liking it, things as simple as images of grasping things, images of a breast, or putting edible things or tactile toy things in a mouth could cause baby software users to experience benefit. However, at what age is baby entertainment software actually beneficial to the baby and the person they grow to become?

an electronic grasper toy for babies could light up an make a neutral tone when picked up, but display more lights and emit even nicer sounds when the baby touches or squeezes it at gentler amounts or does a sequence of gentler and gentler squuezes and touches; this causes the baby to voluntarily and spontaneously practice and develop fine motor skills earlier.

fMRI of babies could find aesthetic pleasure response, and computer abstract and possibly portrayal art could be automatically generated that makes babies happy. Babies could then view the art.

They could do research on if one dose of a peptide or protein or a lipid like 10HDA causes durable benefit of some kind to a babies. If it does, they could add it to immunizations so the immunizations could be described as “good for your children right away” and people might seek them out for the immediate benefit.

They could screen a library of variants on the 10HDA lipid in royal jelly to see if there are any variations that are even better for people, making a new drug. only 89 mg of 10HDA is something like a human dose. Some of the simplest modifications are changes to the \/\/\/ hydrocarbon length to see if length variations have a beneficial effect.

Your computer enhanced dwelling videos everything, and I favor all things be videod and audio recorded, as well recorded at nonvisible regions of the spectrum continuously, and then alerts people’s phones (personal communicators) when software-perceived as misplaced things like keys (like sensing the person is out the door) are located.

dynamically computer controlled launchable throw pillows at the backseat of vehicles could replace child seats at vehicles at older ages or even outperform child seats.

butterfly attaracting cloth can be draped on a nude person temporarily to attract butterflies, it could have 3d-look abstracts that combine the height of butterfly attracting with the height of human aesthetic response as measured with fMRI.

Along with being automatically trustworthy it is possible social companion robots could build higher than normal that normal trust by leading people with their eyes closed around, or doing trust falls; this could work with parents and children too. They could see if quantitative measurements of willingness to do what social companion robots suggest, or parents suggest, goes up.

Animal food could be optimized beyond the gnaw thing to make animals happy with their texture, like a carrot bred to the chewiness, sugar content, and taste that rabbits prefer.

Some humans use metal detectors recreationally, perhaps they might like roomba-like robots that traverse a big area like a field automatically, then make a map of all the things they find.

Could amusing, quantitatively measured as increasing happiness, taking turns at saying a learnable with verylittle practice rhyme or group of phrases, or a kind of query-and response structure to a conversation that is enjoyable to children and makes them even happier than regular conversation? If so, and I am unsure, then people could come up with some of these. “beep beep! who’s on the phone, It’s ____, then tell him to (inclusive behavior?), amusing thing, (educational toy reminder?), fun to say word sequence? possibly things like learnable phrase sequences like, “what did you do after school the day before?”, “what are you going to do after school today?” This could be a gently voluntary way to bring the benefits of voluntary social activity prompting..

Would an antibiotic attached to an antibody or aptamer that glommed onto puffy irritated tissue, or tissue emitting bacterial proteins concentrate at unwell tissue? This could cause dose to concentrate at optimal tissue, although it seems like just giving 11 times the amount (300 mg orally might be just as ok as giving 27.27 mg)

During 2019 AD I perceive I read that people around 11 years old experienced neuron trimming, which possibly caused some shift of the mind of the person to be more like a teenager; it is possible the biochemicals or cytoexterior receptors that caused or participate at that trimming circulate at some amount after after 11 years of age, and that immunizing against those circulating at some amount neural trimming chemicals, or against the proteins or parts of proteins at their cytoreceptors, could cause personality, happiness, cognitive, and healthspan of cognitive function benefits, that goes with immunizing against neuron trimmers being a wellness longevity technology. It is also possible to ask 9 year olds if they would like to skip growing up, and immunize them against brain trimming, preserving childlike personality of a 9 year old into the entire existence of the being. Longevized humans, investing funds at multidecade investments could earn enough to fully fund their children and grandchildren’s financial sufficiency if their children prefer to omit growing up.

Similarly, at a fetus, tissue and cytotrimming biochemicals circulate, possibly doing some kind of editing of the “biology recapitulates phylogeny” fetal forms; it is possible some of those cytoamount and tissue trimming biochemicals could circulate at low amounts throughout the living organisms existence; immunizing against them could cause younger physiology, or more fetus-like particularly beneficially growthful or healing physiology; alternatively those “phylogeny recapitulates biology” trimming biochemicals might be a little like senolytics, removing nonoptimal cytes, or be chemicals that shift adult physiology to being like child physiology when administered to adult persons. Both or either of these could be youthification, wellness, longevity chemicals when given as drugs, gene therapy, germline gene modification, from modulation to be more or less than the 2019 amount at humans.

I think of about 40 to 200 times more inventions per amount of time when I am on on phenylethylamine, could a variation on phenylethylamine be found that is a creativity tropic drug without side effects? Screening a library of phenylethylamine molecule variants; a laboratory mammal model of creativity, to screen creativity tropic drug libraries would be beneficial, and might also make people feel even more kindly towards nonhuman organisms.

fMRI of creativity and fMRI of phenylethylamine effect could be found, then finding drugs that amplify or cause greater amplitude, frequency or duration of the brain fMRI state of enjoyable creativity is possible to automate, finding human testable pleasant to be on creativity heightening drugs; this also screens a library of molecules that increase the amount, duration, or frequency of fMRI of creativity at nonhuman mammal brains.

Partial continuous activation of enjoyable and creativity tropic Trace Amino Acid Receptor receptors from immunizing to glom the trace amino acid receptor’s proteins which also maintains existing or improved and nearer optimal wellness and longevity one dose mood and enjoyment of living treatment that also increases creativity and openness to experience, this benefits the person.

Similarly, the receptor activation profile of receptors that respond to MDMA (ecstasy) could have a one dose lasts many decades or the entire existence of the organism immunization producing effect, causing tremendous happiness and social connectedness and enjoyment; placing these antigens that generate MDMA mind at ubiquitious plants among them grass, and bacteria cause automatic immunogenic response at all humans, as well as creates a plant, which if you eat it once, makes you ecstatic the entire duration of your being, this enhances human well being, also this could immunogenically benefit all mammals making all mammals happy. Gene drive with CRISPR could cause all grasses, all over the world, produce the MDMA effect causing immunizing antigens making ecstasy globally available.
From what I have described as the synchronization effect, IT pattern perspective, noting I have described human and environment synchronization and, from what I am told, human IT pattern recruitment/absorption/specificization, it is possible the IT pattern effects of person being on MDMA for all their existence could preclude the actions or actions and intentions that I was told cause humans to experience the pattern recruitement/absorption/form specificization that it benefits all humans to omit, precluding this IT pattern recruitment/absorption/specficization, from my perception, is ultra beneficial (highly beneficial) to the humans that are absent having that recruitment/absorption/specificization occurence; MDMA effect producing antigens at the ambient environement that immunize a human, that is person, that is a member of a group of people, that is all homo sapiens and their descendents, progeny, and synthesized biological members, to preclude pattern recruitment/absorption, specificization, strongly benefits humans from predictable biochemically based intention and behavior change, while combining this with ubiquitous, optimally environementally ubiquitious and effectively globally comprehensive and automatic at all humans and other mammals longevity technology strongly benefits humans. As previously described, possibly on paper at a notebook, nonsentient AI might be able to correlate and find, at what I have described as the synchronizing IT pattern thing, which I think of as a paranormal structuralization of things, a variety of pattern resonance effects, then find those that are most associated or correlated with white and blue, and possibly white and green, as well as round forms, that are the most beneficial to humans, the AI could then engineer as well as reinforce the behaviors that cause those to be like the more benevelonet happier variations on those humans the AI discerns to be pattern unaware or uncontacted/unabsorbed/unrecruited/unspecificityized like those I have been told about, like people over 32 that have lived and thought and intended, and have behaved with actions in such a way as to be non recruited/absorbed/specificationized; JY told me about an 18 year old who had just experienced pattern recruitment/absorption/specificationization, and I made it to 33 years of age absent what I describe as IT pattern awareness, so it is possible that at a sample of 2 persons out of less than a hundred people I personally interacted during that 365 day span JY seemed to generate communications about, that that ratio suggests more than 120 million persons globally during 2019 AD, or a higher amount, over 18 that have the personalities, intentions, and actual actions that omit pattern recruitment/absorption/specificationization at what I describe as the IT pattern; That gives the nonsentient AI the ability to have a library of a wider span of intentions, actions, and genomes than just those of Treon Verdery that support causing this beneficial nonrecruitment/nonabsorption/nonspecificationization at all humans, throughout their lives, using gene drive, like CRISPR, to place ubiquitous, such as plants,like grasses, and bacteria, like skin surface bacteria drugs and spontaneous global immunization antigen production that modifies intention and action, such as MDMA equivalent happiness (subjective well being) producing antigens at ubiquitious plants like grass, and body surface bacteria and even the possibility of using gene drive on humans globally to preclude what I have described as IT pattern recruitment/absorption/specificization at all homo sapiens, that is humans, that is persons, that is memebrs of a group called people. It is also possible for a human to make an action they perceive as ethical, that may actually be ethical, action of using gene drive to cause a lifelong human, that is person, that is homo sapiens, MDMA producing effect antigen tobe globally ubiquitious at things like grass as well as human surface bacteria with gene drive or other technologies as a person based action.

As a technology, a highly affordable human functional magnetic resonance imagery (fMRI) as well as a highly affordable laboratory organism sized fMRI mechanism benefits human capability and well being, as well as research productivity and effectiveness. Published wearable portable MRI scanners that fit on a forearm are published, wearable magnetoencepholographic brain scanners are also published, as are wearable positron emission tomogrpahy scanners; Also, wearable sized optical acoustic brain scanners that are alternatives to fMRI are being developed:

Making fMRI portable at humans and sizeable to be wearable at laboratory organisms could possibly be facilitated with 3d printed conductor coils, and the CAD arrangement of them, could produce print on demand human or labortory organism fMRI measurers, this could cause the ability to rapidly produce hundreds or thousands of varying prototypes rapidly as well as produce the actual optimized product; notably there is a 2019 motion-compatible portable human MRI brain scanner published. One online publication says the wearable MRI is higher resolution than 2019 commercial MRI machines.

There is also a human wearable positron emission tomography scanner published, this provides the further benefit of radiolabelling a neurotransmitter specific neuron’s stimulating chemicals, and creating a neuron type map to link to cognition and other brain originated things that is even more informative than fMRI for some applications.

A human wearable Magnetoenecephalography brain scanner that scans even during movement is published,

It is possible wearable and labortory organism sized brain scanners could 3d printed, or made with other technology as well as mass produced.

The technologies I read about online suggests greater effectiveness, but noting fMRI, liquid nitrogen temperature superconductors exist, so it is possible an IC MEMs technology peltier effect liquid nitrogen producer could refill a fMRI wearable apparatus. It is possible a connected, make and accumulate liquid nitrogen integrated circuit technology connected peltier element and reservoirs could accumulate liquid nitrogen, this is also a MEMs application. Anywhere from one to 14 100 or 200 mm circular wafers each making liquid nitrogen could be produced with known MEMs IC or also microfluidic technology.

Omitting the superconductive magnets could also be possible, “Jepsen believes that improvements in MRI resolution could be best accomplished by the application of new advancements in nanotechnology to magnetic structures which can be used to create a new class of magnets, along with new advances in the encoding and decoding of radio-frequency (RF) signals.” Jepson is the head of openwater technology a company working on wearable brain scanners.

Magnesium sulphate (epsom salts) makes the blood brain barrier four times less permeable. Throughout an organsism’s existence, it is possible continuous increased effectiveness of the blood brain barrier could reduce the general occurence of brain unwellness, notably, “Cheap imaging would be particularly beneficial for brain diseases, which are the top expenditure in health care” It is possible that there are peptides or proteins that heighten blood brain barrier nonpermeability, and there is the possibility that immunogenic modulation of some blood brain barrier cytomembrane receptor could cuse less permeability at the blood brain barrier like magnesium sulfate does, although MgSO4 might work ionically. An immunization that optimizes blood brain barrier function to produce optimal brain wellness could be a one dose a decade, or longer span of effectiveness, with an immunization that causes four or more times less permeability of the blood brain barrier, possibly administered during childhood. This receptor glomming immunization is possible to measure as to its medical benefit, noting the “brain diseases, which are the top expenditure in health care” data this immunization would save funds, prompting commercial development, this is also of interest to insurerers.

Also, along with an immunization approach, finding proteins or peptides that cause the beneficial reduced blood brain barrier permeability could make a gene therapy product to produce these peptides or proteins endogenously, with one dose. After verifying that a less permeable blood brain barrier produces wellness benefits and precludes illness, germline gene therapy could be used to make humans have much less brain unwellness.

It is possible that mentally well people with a kind of memory that is thousands of times better than a median 2019 person’s memory called Superior Autobiographical Memory have different than median fMRI mappable activation areas, or positron emission tomography neurotransmitter specific neuron mappable material; imaging people with superior autobiographical memory, then noting the differences as to their brain activation areas or also the neurotransmitter specific neurons they use and the locations of the ones they use could produce an activation pattern, which when reproduced at a median person, would increase memory ability at already learned things or the supermemorable gathering of new memories. Drug localization, or projected holographic optical activation of photoresponsive neurotransmitter drugs or other photactivatable drugs could produce these drugs that produce superior autobiographic memory capabilities.

A yacht virtual reality simulatr could be nifty as the participants, plan a route, interact with software generated current and wind variations, and adjust propulsive panels to go places they prefer, also it could teach actual yachting ability.

I perceive I read that paying students for grades raises grades about 33%, they could do research on rewards for grades and see if things and treats works just as well or better, and if it works just as well or better they could create and publish a list of the most motivating and happpiness (quantitatively measured subjective well being) causing treats and items. This could make reward for grades, whether items, or treats, available to even more people as the funds to produce a particular amount of grade uppingness could be less, so more poeple could afford it, that along with the possible higher increases of happiness, along with possible greater duration of happiness, provided from items or treats compared with pay, would benefit the students well being simultaneously.

If they sequence the genomes of mentally well people with superior autobiographical memory and then find laboratory mammals like mice with similar genomes they might find mice that have superior autobiographical memory, that gives the ability to research the particular genetics that produce superior autobiographical memory so that it can be engineered at other mice; that gives the ability to produce superior autobiographical memory with germline modification of humans, it could possibly also be accomplished at existing persons with gene therapy.

could cofocalized lasers put eentsy lines on the iris the size of a diffraction grating to give people eye colors they prefer, might be sparkly

Longevity technology: Halogenation like fluorination causes corticosteroids to be 1000 times more active at a particular mg of dose, ethynylization causes progestins and estrogens to go from .3mg to .03 mg, although I perceive, or perhaps just would like it to be more orders of magnitude; simultaneously halogenating and ethynylizing longevity drugs like rapamycin, royalactin, 10HDA, acarbose, metformin and others could give them 100-10,000 times the effect per mg dose; this causes 200 year duration depot injections to be, at rapamycin’s 89 mg/24 hours to be .0089 mg/24 hours, the 60% longevity increase at mice could be thought of as 90 days or near 14 years of continuous human dosing as a ratio fraction. 14 years of halogenated ethynylized rapamycin at .0089/mg/24 hours is 1093 mg, or about a one gram, one dose depot injection that could make humans live 60% longer. Another thing that could create even eentsier dosage mg is linking the halogenated ethynylized rapamycin to a capillary epithelial membrane transport peptide or protein; it is possible that this modifies the dose to produce the longevity function to be .5 to .1 the dose of nontransport moeity halogenated ethynylized rapamycin, that causes the 60% longevity dose to be a depot injection of 547 mg to 54.7 mg. It is possible a variety of other longevity drugs as well as new longevity drugs would benefit from the halogenation and ethynylization and membrane transport moeity construction.

I read that epithalon (AEDG peptide) combined with thymosin peptide causes people to be about 4 times less likely to be dead after 6 years; I also read that during the 20th century infectious disease was the biggest cause of mortality among people under five years of age; administering epthalon with thymosin to babies, at the same interval as caused the four times reduction of mortality, or utilizing a one dose depot injection, or a one dose gene therapy version that produces epithalon as well as thymosin endogenously, or also a germline modification could remove the leading cause of mortality amongst children under five.

could an enteric capsule full of liposomes, perhaps similar to a fish oil gel cap be even more effective than liposomes or an enteric capsule on it own? If so, greater effect at few mg could be an effect.

Does epithalon coadministered with thymosin’s near four times reduction of mortality have any effect on malaria, either transmission receptivity or mortality? Bill Gates might value that; administered as an enteric pill for three to fourteen doses once is similar to the online description of epithalon with thymosin dosing; it is possible an enteric gel cap full of liposomes could keep the peptides functional while making mg/dose more effective.

I do not know if liposomes can transport long lasting palmitate linked to active drug molecules so that the oily kind of thick material still functions as a depot drug even though it is transported via the GI tract; if a liposomal depot drug is possible then epithalon with thymosin as a palmitate could be a 1-3 month functional continuous dose, which is similar to what I read about online (2 weeks of daily doses, 6 months or 365 days apart); that permits an oral capsule one or twice a year drug that reduces risk of mortality about four times.

I read near 2019 AD numbers on things that cused mortality, changing those things causes more people to be alive, longer; I read poisoning causes near 40,000 mortality occurences annually, more than motor vehicle accidents; What I read mentioned that people taking a different than optimal dose, of a drug different than what they thought they were taking was one of the causes of poisoning: At the bathroom, or wherever people take pills, a computer with a camera could watch people take their pills then alert them if they were taking a different than usual amount of a pill, among the possibilities are a dish the person puts their pills into before taking them, or a computer scanned vanity surface (likely based on a surface existing at their dwelling), or a computer, perhaps with artificial intelligence like deep learning, simply watching them grab pill containers, put some in the hand and swallow them; The computer then tells them before thay take the dose that it is an error quantity, or, if the dose has already been taken, audibly urge them to visit an affordable within-the-hour treatment medical service, at 2019 AD one description of these was “urgent care”; the computer could also alert relatives or audibly activate a dwelling partner’s phone and tell the dwelling partner about the occurence if they had greater than a .05% chance of a mortality event or other lasting physiological nonoptimality.

I read that near 2019 AD poisoning caused more mortality than vehicle accidents; Software, possibly artificial intelligence like deep learning has cameras at the entire dwelling and scans the entire dwelling for poison hazards then suggests changes like moving potentially hazardous things to places like the garage, or even suggests using a pharmacy that puts pills in noticeably different shaped and patterned containers so there is less risk of medication error; a more affordable version that might function globally is to have the person video video their entire dwelling, upload the video to the internet cloud, and have a particularly effective piece of software or artifical intelligence figure out suggested changes; at the developed world, health maintenance organizations, or also insurers might make money providing this as a complimentary service, even paying $ when the person modifies their poisoning risk.

Another thing I read about online is that functional suicide attempts couse near 40,000 mortality events a year. It is possible at a dwelling with non-internet cameras, perhaps connected with something like bluetooth, and software that interprets the video they record could find patterns of things like movement slowness, bedded hours, food preparation/eating changes that the software or artificial intelligence like deep learning AI computes as predictive of suicide; then communicate with the person audibly, using quantitatively measured as reducing the quantity and effect of suicidal behaviors, perhaps saying things like “can I phone your sister?”; it is possible the software could do things like open a web browser tab with a suicide prevention chat page on it as well; The software would calculate the amount of risk, and at the user’s adjustable option possibly alert the persons health maintenance organization so they could contact the person with opportunities to just show up or make an actual appointment; a suicide prevention expert, or software quantitatively measured as being as effective as a human expert at preventing suicide could phone the person directly as well.

They could have multiple daycare rooms in an art museum where the children all have similar, as well as happy, big five personality test measurements; the daycare rooms at the art museum full of big five personality test happy children doing what they, as children, do is an art exhibit; if it is popular then is could be a permanent exhibit; taking videos and photos is considered normal.

Something that acetylates mTOR genes would reduce mTOR activity which goes with greater longevity; along with a drug this could be a gene therapy as well as a germline gene modification.

Salicylate cause yeast to live near 400% longer; what genes does salicylate cause to be expressed or have less expression; drugs, germline gene modification as well as gene therapy that cause those genes to have greater expression or less expression, to porduce greater longevity, could be a human longevity technology.

At a woman screening her own eggs to find those with the largest number of the genes she prefers to have at her child I think it is possible to find more babies per million to be born well, that benefits the progeny of the genetically screened babies as well; That increase in the amount of well babies is another thing that attracts people planning a pregnancy, like potential parents, to screen and even construct the genetics of their children.

Is there a protocol that causes meiosis at stem cells? If such a protocol exists or can be made then that could be a way to produce one billion genetically heterogenous cells, such as eggs (oocytes) from a cheek swab from one person; screening those one billion genetic variations finds the most optimal version of the person’s genetics to grow children with; the screening technologies could be new screening technologies as well as things like flow cytometry of mRNA color generating eggs (oocytes), or mRNA color generating differentiated cells, utilizing color from benign molecules with a color response to particular mRNA, microfluidic arrays viewed in parallel with a camera, something novel like laser tractor beams that only move cytes of a particular mRNA color that is produced to a side of the well to be gathered and utilized, or integrated circuit technology billion or trillion well arrays where each array semiconductor element has a color sensor integrated circuit element under each well so each cell at the array, when producing color from its mRNA color production, uses the imaging semiconductor to describe the presence of a particular version of a particular gene; at the billion or trillion well array, that two to the 40th power one per trillion stochastically produced cell (2^40) with the highest number of preferred gene version occurences is located, dedifferentiated, the stem cells utilized to make eggs (oocytes) or sperm; valued mRNAs could be things that make neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter receptors, beneficial growth factor gene version for things like BDNF, longevity causing mTOR activity minimizers, AMPK activators, gene variations that direct greater kindness, greater beauty, greater intelligence, also any known beneficial phenotypic morphology gene stimulators such as tallness, slimness, delicacy and attractiveness of female features, along with the new traits and themes from the test that links 97-99% of the trait, theme as well as ability to particular versions of particular genes; two to the 40th power is about 1 trillion, so a trillion cell screening protocol (flow cytometry, laser tractor beams, integrated circuit technology trillion well wafer) can find a cell with 40 simultaneous preferred genes from meiosis; that differentiated mRNA-measureable cell is then dedifferentiated and the stem cells that result are differentiated to make eggs (oocytes) or also sperm with all 40 preferred gene versions. The person, the person that would like to be a parent, then combines the curated version of their genome with the curated version of their prtner’s genome or gametes from a sperm bank or gametes from previous genetic screening and concentrating at other people; A technology that makes each of 300 gene variations specifiable utilizing the cheek swab of one person is to have 300 separate wells of differentiated cells, then do mRNA color sorting, then at each of the 300 array locations dedifferentiate the sorted cells that each have the preferred genetic version (of the two versions at each of the persons two sets of 23 chromosomes) to make stem cells, then differentiate to make egg (oocyte) and sperm at different wells of the 300 well array, then combine egg (oocyte) and sperm, which causes the preferred gene versions to be at all the cells of the new balstocyst, then dedifferentiate the blastocyst cells to make a new egg (oocyte) or also sperm to combine with the egg (oocyte) or sperm produced from a different array well; this cycle of making stem cells and gamete cells, and combining them with the eggs (oocytes) or sperm from other gene concentrated array wells repeated 300 times causes the preferred gene versions to accumulate; this can be utilized at many more than 300 gene variants. I read that there might be 20,000 human genes, although there could be a higher number, so if a microfluidic 20,000 well cell structure can be produced that can microfluidically transport, cycle cells from egg (oocyte) and sperm, to blastocyst, cycle different fluids that activate different mRNA production, as well as do mRNA color cellular concentration at differentiated cells, it is possible to imagine a laser ablating the cells at a 300 or 20,000 well system that are a color that is absent the preferred gene variant, then a mass manufacturable microfluidic integrated circuit could be produced. Notably, a 5 megapixel camera sensor is about $1.49 online, so an integrated circuit technology MEMs or microfluidic technology object with 20,000 array elements at the same Cm^2 area, combined with a published one million parallel element microfluidic array could plausibly be less than 8 hours earnings for a median USA person. So, for 8 hours earnings, the most favorable version of an particular person’s genetics can be specified at their children.

Macroscopic technology version that is responsive to demand, and scalable: if macroscopic 96 well plates are used for: differentiated cell mRNA color sorting, mRNA color causing fluid cycling, gamete combination, dedifferentiation, differentiation to eggs (oocytes) or sperm, then fluidic transport to another well at the plate with another other egg (oocyte) or sperm, dedifferention, differentiation, and fluidic transport again 20,000 times then every variation on every human gene is specifiable at a macroscopic system, notably the 20,000: color screen, dedifferentiatiate, differentiate (eggs (oocytes) and sperm), mRNA color fluid cycle, fluid transport, gamete combination, dedifferentiation cycle can be done in complee parallel, making the length of the process, and technological form of the mechanism, adjustable to optimize affordability and velocity in response to consumer demand.

At a 96 well plate, multiparallel machine, the microfluidics are much larger, can use 1-7 mm pumps, or even macroscopic pumps not on the plate, each well can contain millions of identical eggs (oocytes) or sperm per well, millions of balstocysts per well, and only 677 plates are used if 20,000 seperate wells (near to covering the entire human genome) are utilized.

Notably, the macroscopic 96 well plate mechanism in parallel can provide ramp up based on the early, mid, and continuing, to 20,000 different gene preferences of people who want to be parents, If the mechanism’s capacity doubles every six months from technology improvements, part of mechanism, or just a bunch of mechanisms at one location functioning with parallelism, with preparental consumer demand for more and better genetic specification options (creativity, musical ability, blue eyes, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, the 97-99% genetically predictable traits, themes and abilities), then a system that starts with fluidically cycling one 96 well plate can go from 96 specifiable gene variants to the 677 plates (20,000 genes) in 54 to 60 months of technology development of multiwell plate parallelism based on the ramping up of commercial value of giving prospective parents more, and more beneficial genetic options.

flow cytometry, microfluidics, or laser tractor beam sorting of differentiated cells makes it so the cells can be cyclically treated with different gene activating (mRNA expression causing) fluids and their mRNA colorized differently depending on which of two versions (one version at each of the 23 chromosome groups, two to prefer one genetic variant of) is preferred; once found the genetically preferrred cells can be dedifferentiated to stem cells, then differentiated to make eggs (oocytes) or sperm for use in fertilization to produce a baby with the person’s preferred genetics.

Using a cheek swab to get cells, then dedifferentiating these to make stem cells, then differentiating the stem cells to make eggs (oocytes) is able to produce a billion or a trillion eggs; at a flow cytometry mechanism, a microfluidic array, or an integrated circuit technology array grid it is possible to place a variety of fluids on the eggs (oocytes) that cause different mRNAs to be produced at the oocyte, it is possible these mRNA describe the actual genetics of the oocyte, providing data about the actual genes on the 23 chromosomes of the oocyte. Fluorophores or other color molecules that change color when a particular mRNA (and gene version) is there are also utilized; If that is functional then with a published flow cytometry machine that processes 10 million cells a second, one billion oocytes would take 100 seconds; a trillion oocytes analyzed would take 27.8 hours, or an hour with 28 machines in parallel.

Making a psychology and ability test that is strongly linked to genetics: Finding those personality and ability traits with the strongest genetic determinants: The Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory was produced from mass screening a large number of questions then winnowing those to a group of questions with high predictive validity; similarly a group of 100,000 questions, including nonverbal pattern match and sequence, could be administered as test groups of 40 questions to the hundreds of thousands or potentially, millions of of persons using personal genomics websites like 23andme or others; Then the questions that predict genetics at 97-99% of occurences, and also accurately predict another previously unmeasured group’s genetics and question responses are a source of things strongly predicted with genetics; the questions are then grouped into completely new themes, also known as traits, humans, that is persons, that is people, are likely to to perceive these themes like a vector, a direction and a magnitude, with particular directions and magnitudes being more beneficial; people are then able to specify these genes on purpose at their children with 97-99% likeliness of producing that personality character, trait, as well as themes along with those abilities they genetically specify.
engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o Brain-inspired art for babies.

By: Julia Amara on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

0Julia Amara

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