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sci / sci.engr / Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation.

Subject: Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation.
From: Julia Amara
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Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 12:09 UTC
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Subject: Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation.
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[[Ok, so if they could grow long staple cellulose fiber as algal mats it could be cheaper than actual wood But what about the particle board glue? It is possible the algae could make that as well. This benefits the environment as it replaces wood materials from nature, notably wild trees, with things growable in cheap, nonsterile tanks. No, it is otherwise, the labor to harvest a tree is perhaps 2-5 minutes with automated shears and the tree has a mass of hundreds of pounds, so the algae is not cheaper. There could be ethically sourced cellulose fiber preferences though, Ikea might prefer algae grown fibers to wild growth tree fibers.

Perhaps socially contextualized algae cellulose and tree farms could supply materials to build things from wood or algae cellulose products; my perception is that people in the US would remit a premium during 2019 AD to have higher energy efficiency and things like solar. So, at various forms of building around the globe, renewably sourced cellulose from things like algae and tree farms could have a share, perhaps a large share, of building material and paper consumption based on consumer sociocultural values. Then again, as far as I can figure out, algae based cellulose is not cheaper than a 2 minute snip from a tractor with shears.]]

Longevity things, the idea is that the greater the longevity the greater benefit to humans, that is people, from people who are beneficial to others; advertising longevity technologies to all humans, that is people, is optimal, yet if advertising and communication efforts had an amount reaching less than 100% of earths population then triaging the advertising to encourage beneficial people to live longer would create measurable benefit to all the people considered as a group. The other option is instead of triaging just figure out a form of advertising that reaches everyone on earth, effectively enough to produce longevity causing actions. I am reminded of the artificial satellite banner ad in the sky technology. It just orbits the earth, telling people to get and take longevity drugs, on a pixel-addressable screen that communicates at all written languages.

metformin 3 times a day; if sustained plasma concentration goes with actual amount of longevity increase three times a day dosing might actually cause 1/3 more longevity effect; also is there extended release metformin. Getting that pill could work better as well.

epitalon (20 something %)

sleep hygiene, I perceive I read that people that get 8 hours of sleep and sleep through the night live 5% or, (perhaps I misremember) 10% longer.
If I take phenylethylamine once a week, then each century of living is 52*100*20 ideas or 100,000 ish ideas and technologies that are new to me, with me preferring they be things that benefit humans, that is people. So apparently me changing my sleeping habits could produce 50,000 to 100,000 more ideas from greater longevity.

Eununchs live, I perceive about 14 years longer, so cyproterone acetate, chemical castration could be a longevity drug.

Rapamycin, I perceive one rather lengthy treatment, caused rodenst to live 60% longer.

antiinflammatory drugs of some kind, aspirin and ibuprofen and naproxen, I do not know if COX-2 is one of them could cause weller longer lifespan, “chronic systemic inflammation becomes increasingly associated with risk of death, loss of cognitive function and increasing dependency”

Legumes might be longevity foods, “every 20-gram increase in legume consumption produced a 7-8% reduction in mortality with or without controlling for ethnicity (p = 0.02), while “other food groups were not found to be consistently significant in predicting survival” “Well-known legumes include alfalfa, clover, beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, lupins, mesquite, carob, soybeans, peanuts”

A food blurb: “outcomes of more than 138,500 people ages 35 to 70 worldwide for an average of nine years”…“The people in the “healthiest” group consumed 54 percent of their diet from carbohydrates, 28 percent from fats, and 18 percent from protein. The least healthy ate nearly 70 percent of their diet in carbs, about 18 percent from fats, and 12 percent from protein.” Cheese, avocados, vegetable oil spread that advertises as beneficial and peanut butter could possibly be beneficial

Are you aware of any drugs that when taken cause a longevity effect that occurs from a brief plasma half life, once a day dose?

Some longevity chemicals with a sustained presence at the body are, I think, supported with things like metformin circulating constantly, possibly doing some AMPK thing continuously.

Are there longevity chemicals that function as longevity increasing switches? Are there things where a dose, perhaps a high amplitude, narrow duration of effect dose causes a published longevity effect?

Two (or maybe just one) that I can think of are melatonin and the peptide epitalon. At the brain, melatonin is released as a pulsatile event, so possibly brief duration of action. I think I read melatonin make laboratory rodents live longer.

Epitalon is a 4 amino acid peptide that makes laboratory animals live longer (I perceive mid 20%) and be weller. I do not know much, but as a peptide, if you snort it, I can imagine it lasting minutes rather than hours at the circulation, so perhaps it is a longevity turn on switch drug. Melatonin is a pineal gland secretion product, and epitalon is an engineered version of a pineal produced peptide.

It would thrill me if anyone here had ideas or knew about brief high amplitude dose longevity drugs and chemicals. What do you think some other ones are?

Senolytics also come to mind, “zap the senescent cytes with one course of treatment, live weller and longer afterwards” is kind of different than brief plasma half life longevity drugs.

Quality of life:
They could measure 12 year olds, 14 year olds, 16 year olds, 18 year olds, 22 year olds and 27 year olds to find out whate kind of lifestyle causes tha greatest quantitative happiness, well, being, quiality of romantic life, and school and life achievement and find out which 5 or 10 teen and tween and twentysomething lifestyles, like romantic sexually active teen that does their homweork and show it to their parent nightly that goes to college and gets a scieinces or technology degree and then seeks out employment and internships based on their interests directing them tracked from 12 to 35; also when it is better to become pregnant. The technology is to find out which of these all work together in concert, as compared with just sexually active, just academically rigorous, and just fun single activity and perspective intensive lifestyles.
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AT the human brain there could be a 99th percentile area of reliability and a 1th percentile of reliability; such as stability over time, absence of nueronal change,what do variations on the amount of reliability do at humans.. Do well humans have better reliability even at their personal 1th percentile structures? Also,
What areas of the human brain are at 99th and 1th percentile of automatic regeneration; improving the regeneration of the 1th percentile could be a healthspan or even longevity effect. Drugs, such as new drugs that Halt or reverse decay at the 1th percentile of brain areas resistanct to decay or messed upness could

chlorophenoxy NMN might pass the blood brain barrier causing mitochondrial improvement and better NAD things at neurons and glia. Another version might be

Chloro or other halogenated curcurmin could a a senolytic, wound healing drug that could have other benefits.

Along with the idea of a washcloth impregnated with beauty peptides, giving hundreds of beautification treatments per cloth, is the idea of a washcloth with an electret surface charge, or even piezoelectricity like PVDF that causes the chemicals in it to be even more effective.

It is possible that electret bandages or band-aids soaked in beneficial chemicals could be quantitatively measured as being more beneficial than non-charged bandages from chemical migration.

Could chlorophenoxy moiety or other moieties that cause passage through the blood brain barrier heighten passage of beauty chemicals like peptides through the cytomembranes of the dermis making these beauty chemicals more effective? Even melatonin, which I think I read accumulates at the nucleus, could be linked to topical beauty peptides and possibly things that modify histones, to heighten transport of beautification chemicals like peptides and poroteins to the nucleus.

A washcloth, impregnated with beauty peptides, which might actually be effective already at micrograms, such that every time you wash with it you get a coating of beauty peptides. It is noted that the wascloth gets utilized when rinsing, so the peptides coat the face after washing is accomplished.

A scientific survey, and an engineering and medical product development application of the data from a survey, of the bacteria at normal skin, as well as particularly well, younger than actual age appearing skin, noticeably facial skin, could find a group of bacteria, not previously known to be beneficial, that are quantifiably beneficial to the skin. Increasing the beneficial skin bacteria could be the basis of topical probiotics, prebiotics, surface topicals like things that adjust pH, or surface hygroscopicity (things like autowetting naPCA, or alternatively surface moisture absorbing things like polyacrylimides or polyacrilic pre-gel powders). These topical, systemic (oral or other systemic drug delivery), or possibly even changing the characteristics of the skin bacterial ecology with laser treatments, laser-resurfacing or microdermabrasion mediated bacterial ecology changers at skin to produce skin wellness and beautification from favoring some bacteria over others.

A scientific survey of well skin and skin that appears, or also is biochemically and tissue-characteristic younger than chronological age, that is used to create and engineer new products may also find non acute, non-“breakout” bacteria that are harmful, giving the opportunity to remove, treat, or also replace these nonbeneficial bacteria with harmless or beneficial bacteria.
There is even the possibility that bacterial-species specific antibacterial chemicals like oral or topical antibiotics or different chemical topically applied medicines (possibly species specific topical Quat disinfectants, RNA drugs) could make just the non-breakout-causing while still harmful, thus of benefit to remove preclude or kill, bacteria cease their living and activity at the skin.

Customizing skin surface with lasers or other physical treatments to create more beneficial skin bacteria ecology: changing the characteristics of the skin bacterial ecology with laser treatments, laser-resurfacing or microdermabrasion could be structured around the number and ratio of what might be topological hills and valleys, (possibly kind of like gyrii and sulcii shapes) at the skin surface, optimally the living cytes, as well as possibly the accumulated keratin outerlayer; so, laser or otherwise treat the keratin, and perhaps more optimally, the living dermatocyte layer, into bacterially optimal shapes, among which some possible versions are little regularly spaced ponds of depth, dendritic looking connected microchannels, or the more high surface approach of a greater number of high plateaus which create a greater amount of high flat surface areas. The modified surface heightens and benefits more beneficial skin organism ecology, causes quantitatively measured increases in beauty, the numbers of beneficial bacteria that have been correlated, or Koch’s postulates proved, to increase beauty, youthfulness of appearance, or also better skin healing abilitity.

It is possible that acne comes from a multi-bacteria effect, and replacing one or more of the component bacteria of the multi-bacteria effect, at the skin, with different better probiotic versions of skin bateria could reduce skin disease, preventing reducing or even curing acne as well as causing other dermatologic nonoptimalities to cease. At a skin ecology, say one bacteria produces a proteolytic enzyme, and another different species of bacteria causes acne. Perhaps the proteolytic enzyme produced at the first bacteria opens the skin to causing microreas of infection or just infection-prone microareas that the acne bacteria then uses, or would have used if the skin probiotic had not replaced the proteolytic version of the bacteria with a better, nonproteolytic one, likely of the same species and nearly the same strain, as growth sites.

Another possibility, going with the perception that acne is sometimes linked to hair follicles, is that changing the bacterial species of the ecology of the hair follicle would also reduce, preclude or cure acne that has a hair follicle component; having hair follicle sized actual areas of beneficial dermatological bacteria, like dermis probiotics, that occupy and reproduce even better with the beneficial bacteria depots creatable at hair follicles.

I perceive there might be multispecies bacterial biofilms. Are there bacterial biofilms that, even if they are without causing skin breakouts, are nonbeneficial? If there are non-breakout bacterial biofilms that should be cured or changed, then dermal surface probiotics, skin treatments like: lasers, chemical peels, sonication, or dermabrasion, as well as topical drugs and systemic drugs, which replace some of the bacterial species at the biofilm with other species, or even a more beneficial strain of the same species, would increase skin wellness and appearance from changing the biofilm’s effects on skin as well as changing any bacteria-bacteria interactions to be more beneficial.

It is possible that harmless viruses, notable for not being cytokilling, but still transcribed at cytes, could cause dermatocytes that get the virus to cause the production of beauty peptides and proteins, and possibly even wound-healing chemicals while being non-cytoterminating and harmlessly infecting cytes. Notably systemic or oral as well as topical methods of this beneficial viral infection might initiate beneficial virus incorporation into skin cytes, as a topical treatment, possibly after the dermatocytes are made more easily beneficial virus infected after a chemical peel, dermabrasion, sonic, or laser treatment. It is even possible that an physical beauty treatment like laser or chemical peel or ultrasonics, or dermabrasion, or unintentioanl injury like an abrasion, could cause the virus to be activated notably because, and when, the dermatocytes were dividing to restore the skin.

Dermatologically beneficial virus that stays resident, and activates from normal cytodivision, a topical, systemic, or physical treatments (lasers, chemical peels, dermabrasion, sonic treatments), which possibly even uses viruses that pre-exist at the environment, that benefit the dermis are a technology. This is a little different than gene therapy. Dermatological gene therapy also has value.

Heightening the activity and infection capability of beneficial viruses: I have not heard of any chemicals that cause normal human cytes and tissue to, alongside the application of a beneficial virus, be more easily infected.. Drugs that affect IPMAT to favor cytodivision could amplify the spread of, and proportion of infected cytes with beneficial viruses. It is possible that some chemotherapeutics like the longevity drug rapamycin increase viral infectivity.

Topical rapamycin might have a beneficial virus’ heightened infectivity effect, while also having a longevity youthful cyte and tissue producing effect from Rapamycin’s already published effects. The application of materials that heighten viral infectivity, copy number production, and also the amount of the beneficial chemical the virus codes to produce (as well as chemicals that the virus causes the production of that occur at unmodified viruses that occur at anture, without additional genetic coding at the virus; noting that some viruses may just be measured as having a beneficial effect, and that amplifying the proportion of cytes beneficially infected, the virus copy number, and possibly the amount of secreted proteins could be basis for greater beneficial effectiveness). It is possible that the viruses’ dermatocyte (or other cyte and tissue) action causes greater beneficial measuable intra-cyte that is between cyte, beneficial secretion of things like proteins, peptides, or even possibly ions as well.

application at tissues that can be reached with surface ot topical treatments; noting that published material at the scientific literature describes systemic beneficial longevity effects of rapamycin.

Another way to increase infectivity of beneficial viruses: I think I read that omitting a night of sleeping might double the infectability of the flu virus; It is possible that the chemical effects that cause that effect can be duplicated at the dermal surface (or systemically) with a topical or systemic treatment, heightening the effectiveness of incroporation of beauty and wellness viruses into human skin cytes.

It is just possible there are amongst 2000 preexisting natural skin viruses that are already a harmless to skin cytes there could be a .5% that are actively beneficial from the effects of the viruses on beautification, preferred skin quality, such as color, softness, and even things like controlling or blocking hair growth and fidelity of healing. These viruses could then be applied to the skin medically, it is imaginable after a laser or chemical treatment, or even, noting it is a skin-active virus,

Is there a .5% of beneficial viruses out of perhaps 2000 viruses that effect endothelial linings, that there is a bodywide epithelial and tissue membrane beneficial virus? This could be gene therapy to improve things like the GI tract lining, the epithelial layer of the vascular system, as well as a variety of other endothelial cyte structes and tissues throughout the body. Improvements to the blood brain barrier, and the gonad-blood barrier, either increasing or decreasing the passage of circulating chemicals, could be possible

Senolytic drugs that kill senescent cytes are published as increasing wellness and increasing longevity. Some 2019 AD senolytics are chemotherapy drugs. Some viruses are used to kill cancer cells. Finding, or genetically engineering a virus that kills off only senescent cells is a beneficial new invention. This has the benefit of the virus being able to stay resident in the body, providing continuous senolytic action only on senescent cytes. This is a new longevity and wellness causing virus.

It is possible that systemic, or just possibly topical, chemicals or drugs that increase capillary amount, path morphology, or diameter could increase dermal tissue resilience, feel when touched, healing capability, enhancements to the chemicals and cytostructures produced at the dermatocytes (like more collagen, or better cytoosmotics and beneficially heightened cytovolume (which might be externally perceived as the person using moisturizer, but without actually using moisturizer)) which causes greater beauty, and may also increase things like resistance to illness, and velocitize healing. At sites where hair growth is a preference, then capillary amount, path morphology, or diameter could enhance the preferred effect on hair.

Light activated tissue growth factors as a dermal tissue and beauty increasing technology: Linking tissue growth factors to photoactivatable molecules produces light activated tissue growth factors. Noting the easy photoacessability of skin, as well as the ability to cofocalize light, as well as the possibility that ambient daily light could turn on a photoactive chemical at the skin just from experiencing natural and ambient artificial illumination, photoactive dermatological beauty and youthfulness drugs have technology applications. Turning things like porphrin linked growth factors or rhodopsin linked growth factors or some eentsier photoactivateable molecule linked to growth factors, to turn on and grow tissue and cause beneficial cytodivision at the lit up area, possibly from just ambient light could possibly do things like directly opposite UV photoaging, causing sun exposure to have a net beautification and youthification at dermis.

Online material: Are there any chemicals, like proteins or chalcones, which change their shape or charge distribution when exposed to sound? If so then focused acoustics at tissue depth as well as near-surface acoustic energy transmission could activate drugs; acoustically active drugs have numerous applications. Perhaps gentle acoustic waves at the brain could activate CNS drugs at a 1 mm voxel size.

It is even possible some beneficial cardiac medicine could be accomplished, as well as the chemotherapy agents. It is just possible that focusing acoustic waves at the placenta, while drugs quatitatively measured as being harmless or even beneficial to the fetus, were around, that placental function, efficacy, and even shape for risk reduction could be enhanced; Sonic waves could cause a normal or undersized placenta to grow to the size most liked to fetal and baby well being, that could come from vasodilation during the early growth phase of the placenta or the application of acoustically activateble growth factors. Also, it is possible longevity drugs could be heightened as to their localization and activitywhich It is possible a systemic dose of tissue growth factors,

Notably, many kinds of drug localization can be technologized to benefit a pregnant woman and her fetus and baby; whether it is tissue accumulation of a chemical or drug, photoactivation, sonic activation, or even site injection, localization causes the beneficial-to-the-mother drug to omit interacting with the fetus.

Online content: GSK: sonically activateable drugs create drug effect localization. Chalcones (zubbles might respond to sound), also stringy goopiness, biopolymers like keratin, chitin, or polyhydroxyapatite, or published as bioabsorbing, suture materials, as well as metal microantennas like gold; the antenna fibers sized for sonic-frequency receptiveness (perhaps it is very tiny antenna sized sound frequencies like far ultrasound or something)The acoustically activateable drug antennas could be things like hydroxypatite fibers that pick up sound, as could possibly some fibers of protein like keratin, chitin, possibly even cellulose,; perhaps a published biodegradable suture material could be microsized to pick up sounds, and have a chemical groups (halogens? PVDF kind of effect, but at keratin or hydroxyapatite fibers, gold fibers) on it that change charge when acoustically stimulated thus changing the charge on the active drug, causing a purposed effect.

Are there any producible, or naturally occuring at tissue biopolymers, protein shapes, or just tissue morphologies that function like a telescope array? That is a grid or exapnse of 1000 eentsier proteins, occuring at a tissue, is like a radiotelescope array, able to pick up and respond to

(emergent property: the bigger a tesselated protein grows, it could spontaneously produce, or even predictably produce something like an array telescope (radio telescope array measures big frequencies with eentsy component parts); This without one to one photon->e- charge or

CCD (charged coupled device) like effects and various molecular charge cascades and accumulators might also be possible like: piles of e-charge ready to change and accumulate at a particular molecular direction if they get an eentsy amount of energy from a photon or other energy source; among numerous things that could be produced wioth structures, a CCD or a current multiplying cascade could be made from layered (numerous kinds of layering: one is an amino acid linked to another, repeatedly to form a peptide or a protein, A highly branched peptide could lay on top of itself, and when something caused the molecule to have an electrical charge shift, movement to another part of the molecule, or change, the two-treelike-brooms overlain effect causes charge patterning at the entire polymolecule (like from nodal tesselation to gentle gradient to a different nodal looking tesselation); although modellable with quantum mechanics at molecular modelling software, this branched molecule layering effect is something I think of as analog and having gradients, although the engineering value of a digital approach to polymer or peptide overlain trees that make charge structures (CCD, current cascade, biopolymer diode voltage doubler, biopolymer frequency doubler)is there as well.

One topology of layered polymers like biopolymers like peptides or proteins, yet possibly completely different biopolymers, chitin (which has a nitrogen), the chitin polymer molecularly reshaped, perhaps branched, or a pendant moeity differently arranged, differently, with the polymers or biopolymers, slightly modified to have a piezoelectric, electret, or stimulus-responsive effect (photons, acoustics, motion/bending/temperature/physical chemistry effect) that then causes charge concentration cascade, (current cascade).. 11 base pair DNA can make a diode, perhaps it is possible to make an amino acid peptide (or even just a honking big 1100 AMU molecule of some kind (1100 amu molecule is like the amu equivalent of near 14 glycines linked together) Then with the biopolymer, peptide, or 1100 AMU (or less) biochemical, a thing made out of that can double voltage or double frequency.

Doubling voltage, current, or frequency at new chemical or a purposefully built structure possibly made with a biopolymer (or possibly a polyboron) or an organism based system gives new engineering capabilities.

Is there a way to step up a molecule’s activity, perhaps based on e- charge and HOMO, where each of 2 or three activations (beams) sequentially hops the molecules reactivity up a level. I am reminded of taking off the PO4s from ATP one by one, if you did that and the core ws something other than adenosine, removing each PO4 might actually increase the rectivity of the core, the rest of the molecule, so each pass of activation beam would hop the chemical up a number of levels at its environment from the beam: charge-surplus-wobbles each of the PO4s off. As sort of an extreme example: where the absorption of a beam, would pop a chelation molecule (moiety) off of an ultra-reactable, even one like CN (cyanide); if you can use localization from light or sound to modify molecule charge, and possibly even use something like a voltage doubler amino acid structure, then you can do things where the energy would not otherwise favor the reaction, like popping off a chelation molecule.

Popping off a chelation molecule around a chemotherepeutic, cardioactive beneficial drug, drug beneficial to a fetus, longevity drug, beauty drug, or antibiotic makes a molecule that is just active at the are of localization stimulus like a cofocalized acoustic/photonic beam. So, could having a wide field hop up the molecule 1 level, then a narrow beam, just activate the hopped up molecules at a narrow area; This remnds of engineering first and second stage rockets, it is useful technology.

If you put a frequency doubling or current doubling or voltage doubling molecule at a gaussian (or even polarized) field, does it cause the molecule at the center of the beam to have higher amounts of activation? Sort of like, if you put a spotlight inside another spotlight (gaussian with high mid-distribution peak), and that illuminates something that doubles the photovoltaic voltage or even an acoustically responsive molecule’s charge shift/piezoelectric effect, does the comnination of those two things give higher sptial resolution and localization of the effect? Just grabbing the precise center 10% from the middle of a gaussian distribution of a beam spreading through tissue seems possible. Then when that middle 10% reaches the frequency doubling/current doubling biochemical (like an amino acid diode bridge moiety on a drug that becomes active when there is a change of charge or HOMO shape) does that promote activity of the drug

Another way of looking at this, is, with flashlight fingers, is there a peaked distribution of energy as compared with a uniform illumination effect? If there is could grabbing an energy profile out of that light/sound distribution’s peak create an energy profile that could be matched to a drug? So if you beam light or sound into the body, from 1-30 cm deep, or even vertically at a human, then look for and find any existing spatial distribution peaks at the actual tissues and organs (if applicable), then note their energy level (like joules/cm) at that localization area, then use a tuned drug that responds to just that energy (joules/cm) does the area of the drug activity have higher localization? let’s say there is 20% more (120 decijoules) light at the middle of a gaussian beam at 2 cm deep in flashlight fingers, but most of the distribution throughout the flashlight illuminated tissue is at 100 decijoules, can you then specify a drug which only responds to 115-125 decijoules/cm energy levels with a charge-effected drug activity? That would cause just the optimal part of the beam, even a diffuse bem, to activate the localized beneficial drug or chemical. One thing that comes to mind is that the flashlight might be 200 decijoules at the body surface, then gradually gradient to 100 decijoules at most of the tissue, that means there are non localizion-purposed areas, say 1 cm from the surface (the localization area is the gaussian center of the beam at 120 decijoules at 2 cm deep, at some 3d area) that the drug would be unintentionally active at, unless the next technology item is made a part of the system:
Prior to the technology described immediately here, zone energy gradient would have caused drug activation at an overlayer different than the beam center energy effect, that would have caused a zone of drug activation outside the localized area. It is possible this could be improved with cofocalization. If you are cofocalizing seven 20 decijoule beams to make a 140 decijoule focus, and the focus diffuses to produce a zone from 100 to 140 decijoules around it, if the drug is only active at 120 decijoules that makes a torus shaped drug activation zone and an absence of any near surface gradient layer with a drug activating area of the beam-passing-through-tissue gradient layer.

Can you beam some kind of radiation like EM, photons, or acoustic energy into a human where the radiation actually diffracts because of the size of the microfeatures at the human tissue? If that is possible then you could nodal concentration effects at diffracted waves, which might be at higher resolution internal to the body than if radiation shapes were just beamed at the body, It might work with teeth or even ribs, I have no idea at soft tissue though. If there are microstructures at the body that cause predictable internal diffraction and nodal overlap perhaps these could be used for site localization at tissues or even cytes to do medical things like activate drugs, or cause drugs to accumulate and concentrate at localized areas.

Another use of a double slit or energy/chemical binomat drugs is that you can use the bandpass of external energy activation of a drug molecule (say at 120 decijoules/cm, but not at 100 or 140 decijoules/cm).

There might even be some nifty way to use physical chemistry bandpass or notch filter at a chemical binomat/ducolumn/multicolumn colonnade to get a drug or even a new genetically engineered protein to only react or, as a protein, change to a new differently active shape, with something like precisely between 200 and 300 molecules of ATP per nanoliter but not 100-200 or 300-400. I do not know of any bandpass drugs, or engineerable enhancements to human genetics, that exist other than the really casual, easy to do much better than, “make some double slits or multicolumn colonnades with alpha helices”.

Notably at a drug binomat, the area, like proteins or cytoreceptors that are physically near the binomat are the things that have their distribution changed and optimized; on both sides of the binomat (or double slit effect molecule) diffusion would cause the drug to reach an ambient gradient at the cytoplasm. It is just that right near the binomat (or double slit effect molecule), like with the biomat say at a dendrite or synapse, the (nootropic) AMPA activateable drug would concentrate there.

Thinking of people that value reengineering neurons to beneficially give humans heightened well being and capabilities, modifying cytoneuroanatomy to have binomat/double slit/multicolumn colonnade/ customized nodal interference (*—||||||—*) (or aslo corsshairstechnology previously described) structures, likely proteins or peptides, but lipids or physical membrane crenellations, are a possibility,

Thinking of synapses and dendrites, it is possible there could be a protein or other structure of drug that functions like a binomat SelectiveDopamineReuptakeInhibitor (SDRI) or SNRI or even SSRI. Where the reuptake of the neuroactive chemical is inhibited because there is a protein or chemical biomat or double slit in front of it, possibly floating around the synapse like a screen.

One application of a physical chemistry drug binomat the notch filter at a biochemical system, notably a drug system, is making it so drugs that effect neurotransmitters are only active at particular concentrationsof neurotransmitters, and can also be used to always produce a neurotransmitter drug effect the size of the notch filter’s envelope. That way if you took awesome dopamine supplying drug, it would always provide 300-400 ng per ml of dopamine, and not more or less, regardless of how your body reacted to, or tolerancized the drug.

Online a way to create greater localization with photons is described, “[they omitted] photoactivation of sufficiently small and well-defined sub-cellular regions [at a plant] with conventional laser illumination in the confocal microscope, mainly because scattering and refraction effects within the root tissue dispersed the focal spot and caused photoactivation of too large a region. We therefore used 2-photon activation, which has much better inherent resolution of the illuminated region. This is because the activation depends on simultaneous absorption of two or more photons, which in turns depends on the square (or higher power) of the intensity-a much sharper peak.” I do not know but perhaps more photons like three photons would create an even geometrically narrower area of light or even acoustic/physical chemistry activation from a beam, force or light beam. It could be functional to engineer localization drugs to do phototherapy with that use three electron (three photon) systems? Chlorophyll is a two electron system, and I perceive that combining chlorophyll with something like an alkali metal, and then reacting that product with an alkali metal grabber could link chlorophylls together. Actual three photon systems at photoactivateble drugs and chemicals would certainly have different forms, it is just nifty that it is likely possible to dimerize chrolophyll to produce a three or four photon and electron system.

or at a biomolecule, charge, does that make just the gaussian peak center 20% of the tissue area for localization produce a particular charge (voltage) that can effect a drug to be active? So like a porphyrin linked chelation molecule with a CN cyanide at it or possibly a chemotherepeutic gold molecule, only reaches 3.1 volts or the amount it takes to get the chealtor molecule to pop off the CN/gold thus causing the CN/gold drug as a chemical to be active. Does this work better because of the high middle peak at a guassian?

Or, am I just confused

Can you do a bandpass filter on a pile of cofocalized beams to make a smaller area than the cofocalization produces? That produces narrower areas of chemical localization and activation from using frequency/current/voltage doubling/halving biopolymer structures,

Also, with the double slit experiment, are the stripes narrower than the laser dot diameter? If they are then putting the localizer beam through a double slit before it reaches the body could heighten resolution when doing localization of drug activation to benefit humans. There is also the local chemical area version of better localization with a double slit: If the stripes are narrower than the dot then it might be possible to put the localization beam through a molecular double slit, causing higher spatial resolution. While it is not particularly nifty, a couple alpha-helices next to each other like II (||) could be a highly localized double slit, where molecules at the after-area of the || might get even narrower energy beam based activation. It is even possible that a something like an alpha helix duocolumn (or better, some kind of multi column colonnade, kind of like a binomat) makes the things,like molecules and proteins, and even cytostructures, they are next to responsive to customized energy forms, which benefits tissue area, and even cytostructure area drug or chemical localization. Double slits, duocolumns, or multicolumn collonades could be a chemical that makes the other chemicals next to it to be more sensitive to light, or only sensitive to particular energy densities or frequencies this is from novel crosshairs cofocalization, bandpass filtering effects (bandpass energy filters and notch filters are described at other locations here, kind of like 120 decijoules/cm only reach a drug chemical, while 100 decijoules/cm and 140 decijoules/cm are excluded via the alpha helix || double slit/duo column/binomat) or possibly some other kind of radiation from the difference between a |||||| effect and a beam effect; .

Binomat enhanced chemistry: Maybe the double slit or bandpass filter thing even works with a atoms and ions stochastically drifting through and around the double slit, with the duocolumn (or multicolumn columnnade that is kind of like a binomat) of alpha helices causing the stuff that the cytostructures, proeins, or receptors near it to experience be made adjustable.

A science study looking for wave interference, notably the ||||| stripes produced at wave versions of duocolumn slits (or multicolumnar biomats), as well as customized binomat concentration effects (bandpass) at proteins (or amino acid polymers) near other things would be nifty. If proteins or amino acid polymers screen and concentrate stuff for their neighbors
Proteins that do double slit concentration or binomat bandpass show the way to desirably technologizable effects as well as new scientific identities. Perhaps then you could look at new class of proteins, called iProteins, then calulate what it is (radiation like photons or EM, or possibly a binomat-like sieving of certain sized atoms, ions, molecules from their neighbors) that they were concentrating (double slit) or letting through (bandpass) and then make some of that stuff (actual chemicals or actual frequencies of radiation) that they double slit concentrate or binomat concentrate on purpose, to be used as a drug and to also measure its occurence and effect scientifically. It is possible that if there are naturally occuring, as well as engineerable, protein or peptide double slits (or other focalize near a neighbor things similat to but better than a double slit, or also like chemical binomat bandpass filters) at biological organisms that the atoms, molecules or radiation they concentrate and modulate could be noticeably active as drugs or even new kinds of Biological Effect Rays(BER) that people could make on purpose, aim at living things, and see what they do. EM biological effect ray Drugs made out of things like alpha helix arrays or something better could even effect the response of living organisms to EM biological Effect Rays. Perhaps just as sunscreen can effect cytowellness from blocking UV, and a container of warm water can soothe mesnrual cramps, a BER refocuser, blocker, or supplemental dose of BER radiation could cause benefit at humans.

Say you want your chemotherapy photodrug to only affect neurons but not microglia, or only microglia but not neurons. Well, one possibility is something like putting methylene blue, or a mitochondria colorizer chemical, at the bloodstream, and then since the microglia have 3 times as many mitochondria as the neurons (or perhaps the neurons have three times as many mitochondria as the microglia) one or the other is three times more blue than the other. That way when you illuminate both with therapeutic light that activates drugs, one of the cytotypes only aborbs one third the light dose, and thus the chemotherapeutic dose at those cytes is just 1/3 that of the preferred tissue. Also, noting bandpass and notch filter drugs, proteins, amino acids and chemistry from double slit/binomat drugs and effects, it could be possible to create a chemotherapeutic molecule that only responds to 120 joules/cm with drug activation, and that 100 Joules/cm or 140 joules/cm are excluded from activation, narrowing the radiation activated dose to just specific cytes, tissues, or even, and this is novel to me, cytoorganelles. so the idea is then that the methylene blue makes everything but just the particular neurons, for a particular neurotransmitter.

Methylene blue has a possibility s an actual phototherapy optimization drug as it is published as causing greater longevity and having nootropic effects, so dosing many tissues at many amounts could actually be harmless or beneficial.

Cytoorganelle therapy: use somethinglikemethylene blue to colorize just the mitochondria or just the reeptors some chemiclliek dopamine. Once the organelles are colorized, put a phototherapeutic agent at the cytes, then used ligth to activate them just at specific organelles, proteins, and receptors.

An antibody or aptamer linked photofrequency specific-absorbing quantum dot or fluorophore, or colorizing agent like methylene blue could attach to just very particular cytostructures like proteins, membranes, ribosomes, proteins, mitochondria, the endoplamic reticulum,

Two stage therapy: the gene therapy makes the transfected cytes produce a frequency absorbing color, or even a photoactivateable protein or amino acid endogenous drug, just at the kind of cytes the gene therapy works on, then light is used to activate the phototherapeutic drug at all the transfected sites. This could be used to turn on or turn up the volume at gene therapy drugs, new human genetics, eugenics, and therapies. So a person could could get their neurons optimized with gene therapy or eugenics at the germline, and the neurons could produce an otherwise neutral harmless and inactive photoactivateable drug, then they could further tune up their genetically improved neurons with photonic energy; Perhaps making 10-200% more of some chemoreceptor protein structures at cytomembranes makes the neurons contribute more to cognitive capability and subjective well being; frequency-optimized gene activation and action and beam localization make it possible to have lots of dopamine receptors at the nucleus accumbens, where it is actively perceived as highly euphoric, but a different amount at a different brain structure.
Another application is the beneficial site specific production, amplification and wellness-amplifying, capability enhancing, as well as therapeutic use of growth factors,like human growth hormones, nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF); photoactive protein versions of these and other growth factors produced with eugenics, germline gene therapy, as well as bodywide gene therapy, even at versions where just the liver has experieinced the gene therapy with the purpose of just putting a lot of the photoactivateable versions of NGF, BDNF, HGH and growth and beauty peptides at particular tissues and cyte localizable HGH, NGF, growth and beauty peptides, or BDNF at the bloodstream, mkaes it so you can beam light at some part of the body and make it grow or heal faster. It is possible that cardiobeneficial effects could come from photoactivating HGH or NGF or BDNF at say just cardiocyctes, or just cardioneurologica tissue, or even a growth factor to cause healing after ischemia;

This could be applied to many beneficial new eugenics genes as well as gene therapies. Let’s say you are genetically engineered to produce lots of youthification producing, mitochondria benefitting NMN, then you could use photoactivation to make 3-10 times as much NMN at particular tissues compared with others, benefitting you and the body.

One area of transcription activation useable at gene therapy and new genes at eugenics that is published is photoactivateable histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, so photoactivating that HDACi would change the amount of transcription, the amount of gene products like proteins, and cytostructures and tissues produced, and possibly the specific genes that were transcribed.

Also, nonvisible areas of the spectrum can be used for photoactivatable genes, gene products, drugs and chemicals, that way the human gets to omit turning bright blue, unless they feel like it.

What is the fewest AMU photoactivatable amino acid sequence, biomolecule, or protein that can be constructed without a metal atom? Online it says there is research on intrinisically spectrally relfecting and abosrbing at the visible range oflight peptides. Also, it could be that just putting a lot of energy into a peptide or protein or other biomolecule at its IR-spectroscopy absorption peak could chemically actiavte that chemical. Say you illuminate some ATP with IR-spec highest absorption photons, it is possible the phosphates are morelikely to pop off easily.

Possible youthification phototherapy: illumination of ATP at IR-spec absorption peak of ATP causes ATP to be hyper reactive, thus lighting up the face with ATP optimized frequency light is quantitatively measurable at enhancing skin characteristics and beauty, possibly causing number of ATP phosphate reactions per second to be that of a teenager. While a person sleeps nonvisible lasers could trace out areas of illumnation all over the persons body to make ATP as reactive as possible which could cause greater available cytoenergy to all cytoprocesses including protein synthesis. More ATP activity at the dermis may be youthifying at the dermis. The ATP amount might sustainably remain at the same amount, even with faster ATP reactivity from mass-spec absorption frequency illumination; I read that the amount of mitochondria decreases with chronological time at humans, so notably, a person during the 20th century AD might have had the highest amount of ATP at their cytes, energizing protein production and other cytoprocesses, including dermal cyte upkeep and replacement; If at a variety of relative mitochondrial amounts the ADP->ATP cycle and reaction and reaction producing chemicals are sufficiently strong and in sufficient quantity, even at older persons, then the more strongly reactive IR-spec illuminated ATP would simply react faster, while maintaining the same as original levels of available ATP because the ADP->ATP biochemistry can convert ADP->ATP as fast as it appears. I have not read about ADP build up at older tissue, so perhaps the ADP->ATP reaction is fast, and not what affects ATP amount.

From a longevity drug perspective, it is possible that a drug, gene therapy, or eugenic germ line therapy enhancement of ADP->ATP regeneration is beneficial. Different cvariations are possible: ADP->ATP already happens faster than ADP is produced, so there are only trace amounts of ADP around at a cyte, or, ADP is transported to some specialized cytoarea where it gets turned into ATP the velocity of that transport process is what directs the rate of ADP->ATP synthesis, another possibility is that something like fewer actual mitochondria at old tissues’ cytes causes there to be less ATP at the cytoplasm to begin with, and to regenerate and diffuse throughout the sytoplasm or be actively transported around the cytoplasm and cyte. If there is just less ATP to be ADP->ATP regenerated then gene therapy that just produces ATP at transfected cytes, and does not use mitochondria to generate the actual availabilizable pool of ATP molecules could cause greater cytoyouthfulness, greater human phenotypic youthfulness, as well as greater longevity.

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o Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation.

By: Julia Amara on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

0Julia Amara

rocksolid light 0.9.8
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