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sci / sci.engr / Pleasure Centers and Brain Stimulation

Subject: Pleasure Centers and Brain Stimulation
From: Lina Dash
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Coos bay small business meetup has about 50 members, I could be a volunteer intern for taxi fare

mice fed 17 alpha estradiol at 4.8 mg/kg estrogen at food lived 28% longer at one location 19% over three sites grouped together, If a 25g mouse eats 5 grams of food a day then that is like the dietary intake of a 70 kg human eating 14 kg of food, or
67.2 mg/day of 17 aE, noting the mouse 12 factor division on dose then that is 5.6-67.2 mg/24 hours human dose of 17 aE

so 365 doses is 2.044 gram/year to 24.52 grams per year of 17 aE at a human


besides legos, vinyl cling film (electrostatics), epoxy (chemistry) as nanopart attachers for tetris pieces it could be possible to make a tetris piece with a core of some different kind of atoms than are on the outside, then when the corners round off from stochasticism they are sticky from the exposed core, and start sticking end to end. If you tumble dry a multitetris piece assemblage in a henon attractor (chaotic attractor orbit) then it becomes super likely to attach to another thing, but especially right at the areas where the rounding causes higher attachment forces from the core atoms, so you might be able to make a pocket that really likes to keep things in ithe pocket, which reminds me of lego holes, one possibility is a bunch of metal or carbon or possibly Boron (polymerizes) atoms at the core of an Al2O3 or SiO2 or other comparatively less reactive material

an assembler making an assembler reminds me of what is the simplest thing that can make a copy of itself, I think a potters wheel can turn (make) a big plate and turn (make) an axle, then you assemble it to make a new potters wheel, there is an improvement though, you can get around the firing part, which has more parts, if you use a cement potters wheel to make another cement potters wheel, it just solidifies without treatment

is a nanotechnology weeble possible, although gravity is, I think, unimportant at nanotechnology, weebles are base weighted figures that sway back and forth and can even be pushed to horizontal but will always recover to be at full height. vinyl window cling film (electrostatic) baseplate that is also an electret, and a nanoweeble base that is electret compatible with the baseplate, and a head that is electret repelled from the baseplate could do the weeble thing and automatically orient itself to be upright

At my notebook I wrote about using exploding popsicle stick geometries at raw materials the nanoassembler was near to (like rocks) to cleave, grind (serrated popsicle stick), fluid dip (like aluminum hydroxide), or piezoelectrically zap clumps of atoms off of the material, the smallest popsicle stick exploder I am aware of has 4 popsicle sticks, perhaps these could be placed together, with a pad between them, then the pad could grow as a crystal, putting tensile or torsional energy into the popsicle stick exploder, then the popsicle stick exploder could be decrystallized to leave a structure with a bunch of kinetic energy in it.

popsicle stick exploders could have mass areas (weights) lever arms and asymmetry to concentrate and multiply force

lace sequence, I have seen a long braided pospsicle stick exploder on youtube, apparently these could be of arbitrary length if they can be built as a nanotechnology, and these would have multiples of popsicle stick exploder motional energy

A spiral made of tetris pieces snaps or unwinds tension releasing motional energy, the core area and outermost part have different electret character (variously + and -) made from different tetris pieces, the core piece likes to stick to its floor base (electrostatic vinyl cling style) and the outermost tetrisd piece part likes to cling to an upper top ceiling complementary base, the amount of power stored at the spiral can vary from a bunch with a little trigger, just the energy of the coil’s stretch between the electrets (electret-electret potential energy), possibly a thermoelectric multihundred atom voltage generator (which i frequently describe as a vlotage clamp) can contribute, then when the thermoelectric experiences a fluctuation the tetris spiral (kind of like a spring) snaps into one plane, providing motion and grinding energy

Dave Pearce mentions the posterior ventral pallidum as “Deciphering the molecular signature of pure bliss will be epoch-making. Neuroscience is tantalising close to unlocking the keys to paradise. Our ultimate human “hedonic hotspot” lies in the posterior ventral pallidum. It’s around a cubic centimetre in size” There are a variety of pleasure locations, Wikipedia says, “As of October 2017, hedonic hotspots have been identified in subcompartments within the nucleus accumbens shell, ventral pallidum, parabrachial nucleus, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and insular cortex.[6][15][29]”

what other mammals have the largest posterior ventral pallidum (and other wikipedia listed pleasure centers), and what is a way to quantify that they are enjoying life even more than humans, also do nonmammals have a posterior ventral pallidum, and if so what are ways to stimulate theirs? Genetically Making all agricultural animals P-zombies and giving them larger, more stimulated posterior ventral pallidums and other wikipedia listed pleasure centers keeps them from anything aversive and provides a happy life backup to the P-zombie state, at milk cows and egg avians. I favor all sentiences become vegan although I am a vegetarian (with moments of dumpsterdiving freeganism)

Also, I have read that utilizing of some parts of the brain causes growth at that part of the brain, could pleasure drugs that grow the posterior ventral pallidum as well as other wikipedia listed pleasure centers actually cause the pleasure drug to become more and more effective with repeated use, and times that a person is not on the drug to be more pleasureable as well from the larger size of brain region from practice, that is a beneficial thing to make.

Wikipedia says, “Hedonic hotspots are functionally linked, in that activation of one hotspot results in the recruitment of the others” Furthermore, inhibition of one hotspot results in the blunting of the effects of activating another hotspot.[6][29] Therefore, the simultaneous activation of every hedonic hotspot within the reward system is believed to be necessary for generating the sensation of an intense euphoria.

Do whales and dolphins and other marine mammals have large posterior ventral pallidums and nucleus accumbenses?

I think I previously wrote about using the meissner effect to make a very rod like beam of magnetisms, basically when you look at a magnetic flow line graphic of a floating magnet on liquid nitrogen there are obviously square parts of the field (different than the twin lobes on an iron filings and cube magnet look), and i think it is possible that magnetically levitating a plate with a notch in it will make a long square rodlike magnetic field (think lightswitch wall plate with a magnetic field extending beamlike out of it) That said, meissner aperture magnetic beam transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) could reach the interior of the brain at the posterior centeal pallidum as well as the other pleasure centers listed at the wikipedia article could be focalized on to produce enjoyable experiences without drugs,

Also really really bright flashlight fingers through the skull could, “Optogenetic stimulation of the mPFC as a whole produces antidepressant effects.”

Also they could verify that the posterior vental pallidum and other listed pleasure centers are actually pleasurable by doing moiety and antibody localization of pleasurable drugs that exclude these areas, and also make some that localize and only function at these areas and have humans quantify the experience as well as write about it to express the difference, a pleasure drug that completely omits triggering motivation might be ultra blissful but with minimal risk of repeat deleterious administration.

They could find people at both the 99th percentile of white triad psychometric measure and the 99th percentile of highest brain volume of posterior ventral pallidum as well as the other wikipedia listed pleasure centers and find out what really ultra nice kind generous giving white triad people response is to heightened pleasure is. Also, wikipedia distinguishes between wanting and liking, some of the pleasure centers have an area that is more liking, and some have an area that is more “wanting”/“motivation towards”, 99th percentile white triad persons that have 99th percentile largeness of pleasure centers may also have a communicable perspective on what it is like to be super nice yet have strong preferences and possibly a greater tendency to act on these preferences, perhaps they experience great joy acting on good white triad preferences that they have motivation for, and that could be traced to brain anatomy and voluntarily made a part of the human genome
This might even guide ethical hedonistic imperative idea growth

Apparently a human can describe and presumably quantify and write about what a pleasure without a discernable stimulus feels like, “the vent r a l pa l l idu m i n people h a s now been show n a l so to increase activit y in response to diverse human rewards from food to money, even when the reward stimulus is s o subliminally brief t h a t it i s n o t c o n s c iou s l y p e r c e i ve d (Beaver et al., 2006; Childress et al., 2008; Pessiglione et al., 2007; Small et al., 2008).” I do not know how or if they got people to subliminally respond to taste, like perhaps sugar, but it is possible that they did, and a person could write about what that subliminal felt like, was it distractingly good, or like a mood layer on an uniterrupted attentiveness to other things? subliminal visuals that cause pleasure are readily imagined, do they work if a new image ones are continually subliminally presented, like every 16 milliseconds an image of a beautiful woman or happy child, different each time, is overlain on what is perceived as an uninterrupted continuous nature scene, people visitng a website could find out if reading say halfbakery or quora posts online is quantifiably more pleasurable with subliminal images that are unseen at what appears to be uninterrupted text. this could be a nifty “enjoy that book” feature of ereader apps. Also, if you view subliminal pleasures, do your pleasure centers grow so even when looking at other things, like actual nonmedia do you experience more pleasure from bigger more branched neurons at pleasure centers? That would make those eReader apps a positive benefit to people

Also, they mentioned subliminal pleasures beneath awareness, does the instrumental intro to “dancing in the moonlight” which causes pleasure to me almost every time I hear it, generate pleasure at another song if it is below my threshold of perception of hearing? It seems like it could go different ways as it might make unexpected musical combos or chords with the perceived song rather than stand on its own. does it work, looped, when listening to a taped lecture of only words? would I quantifiably increase my rating of how happy I was during the lecture? Is the lecture material learned the same amount? If it is leanered the same amount then childrens classrooms could have pleasureable audio subliminals below the threshold of awareness playing, they could also play them on schoolbuses and in cars, which would sound completely silent, also, computer generated music has numerous publications, it is possible though that genetic algorithm composition of a 3-14 second greatest quantified experience of pleasure sound thing could be created and looped, and of course they could study how many fresh pieces of subliminal pleasure music comprise an annual experience and how many times they could be looped each, which also favors computers composing the subliminal pleasure sounds

Genetic cosimilars of people who left fingerprints oold books, like Gauss, then teach them math.

wikipedia already mentions it so I think there are researchers working on it, “Certain epigenetic modifications of histone protein tails (i.e., histone modifications) in specific regions of the brain are also known to play a crucial role in the molecular basis of addictions.[59][62][63][64]” so finding an epigenetics modifying drug could give people the ability to cease readministration of drugs they think are dleterious to them, and people could effect the eipigenetics of their gametes to have children resistant to deleterious readministration of drugs

improving the lives of schizophrenics, “Schizophrenia is associated with deficits in motivation, commonly grouped under other negative symptoms such as reduced spontaneous speech. The experience of “liking” [noting absence of wanting and seeking] is frequently reported to be intact,[84” so doing nice things for schizophrenics they (may) feel good about it, but do not initiate, when I had paranoia a nice greeting would have bothered me, now that the antipsychotic medication latuda has pretty much removed the paranoia and It is mostly just voices and an absence of paranoia greetings and mild pleasant talk are appreciated. Also, they could find out if an online mail order service that sends a gift or toy to a schizopgrenic 1-3 times a week causes measurable liking even if they (from negative schizophrenic symptoms) would not seek it out, the schizophrenics could rate their enjoyment of the gift(s) of the week, and 90th percentile and higher gifts could be discerned

o Pleasure Centers and Brain Stimulation

By: Lina Dash on Sun, 16 Jul 2023

0Lina Dash

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