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sci / sci.engr / Multifunctional EEG Technology

Subject: Multifunctional EEG Technology
From: Julia Amara
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Notably though, can you actually aim light at a semiconductor wafer while making it? Well, the photolithography template is a light aiming thing, and there is likely published material on using a lasers to do things on chip features right on the wafer while it is being manufactured, so this brings up, can you illuminate a wafer, then fill the chamber with CVD gas, then have the gas react with the wafers surface based ont he light you just illuminated it with; some spin polarized gases stay spin polarized for 15 minutes so that is supportive, At some wavelengths, the pure crystals of wafers could be treated as lenses for lasers that shine through to the wafer treatment surface from underneath, at some geometries of shining a laser, or a planar array of spin polarized light (a thing that is different than a banch of parallel lasers, or also different, but possibly producible with a diffration grating and a laser making an array of points), having the light illuminate the wafer obliquely from the side could be done at less than a millimeter above the surface, minimizing beamspread from the CVD gas having a refractive index; also possible is that noting CVD gas has a refractive index, at some applications, different concentrations of CVD gas could be used that have different refractive indexes, so if crystal growth velocity is adjustable with photonic and spin photonic, and reynolds number gas swirl technology that vary surface charge as well as actual CVD gas concentration then it might be possible to grow semiconductors just as well even if CVD gas concentration varies across an order of magnitude, giving an order of magnitude greater transparency and light spatial, intensity, coherence, and other attribute nondivergence

I do not know, but it is possible that if you spin polarize something its emissions and absorption spectra are different so if you shine two lights at a material, one that changes the spin of the atoms at the material, and the other that gives the material a photoelectric effect charge boost that then causes chemical reactivity, that you can change the kinds of things the material will react with, when it will react, if that is

It might be possible to do a raster or parallel version of quantum camera spin customization of spatial things at making semiconductors as well, where a mere billion feature quantum camera spin detector and actualizing photosensor chip, used repeatedly as scanned, at a 10 billion times ten billion feature 300 mm wafer with the features being built on it is used, possibly with photonic spin observations being made quintillions of times a second (noting picosecond lasers exist, and some kind of picohertz elecronics exist to drive them)

Making quantum cameras with 100 picometer resolution or finer causes finer feature size at the actual size of the semiconductor device the fab is making to experience spatial spin modifications (quantum camera), geometry, and possibly plasmonic feature stimulation at the semiconductor crystal surface five powers of two eentsier than than the features being produced, or optimally, makes creating eentsier feature sizes possible; I read 3 nanometer semiconductor size feature are being scaled up, 1 nannometers is this possible now noting 1 nanometer technology could be used if you are willing to make a few hundred and keep some, or possibly keep a couple at 300 picometer technology; you could make 1 nanometer or 300 picometer feature sized photodetectors at a 300 nm wafer, with three or 8 times the resolution of a 3nm process wafer, or imaginably, something like very custom 100 picometer feature UV laser process produced chip, where you make a few thousand and get one you can use, but its ability to resolve and instantiate photon spin polarization and other observation things (3, 800, 400, 200, 100 picometer) five powers of two tinier than a 3 nanometer process chip causes even greater tininess, feature finess, size, shape making, and repeatability at the observed integrated circuit being made at the fab; not only are tinier features possible, but faster production of the 3 nanometer size feature semicodnuctors is also possible heightening fab productivity

There are UV emitting quantum dots, it is imaginable that these, perhaps just from being made an order of magnitude different sized, at 300 picometer rather than 2.5 nanometer, could make higher wavelength radiation

It is possible that at light there is some kind of thing where if you know (measure or make) some things then you know, or tend to not know others. It is possible that if you know something like spin (up/down), or polarization (linear/angle, circular, other) of light you might know more, or possibly less, about its wavelength. It might be possible to make a light emitter for semiconductor manufacturing (wavelenth feature size new technology) where perhaps you do not actually know where between UV and visible its wavelength is, but as a result of observing some other thing like spin, polarization, evanescence presence or distance, source geometry/simultaneity thing (kind of like double slits possibly having a wavelength that is definably determinably at some range because if the two slits are wider apart than some number of wavelengths then the ~~~~ per nanometer are some particular size range, so if you use slits of some kind to look at white light photons you know nothing about, with some spacing of slit and see it then you are “certain” knowledge of-producing, at least some energy at an energy regime of a certain ~~~~~ size. Notably, at something like the quantum camera, observing it at the light sensor might make it so energy of just that ~~~~ size has an actual amount of ergs at the other thing the quantum entangled (linked) photons are shining on; so instead of light going on a chip (camera sensor at New sceintist, or described here as the actual wafer surface of a semiconductor being made) and a figurine, you put light on a chip and a thing (rather than a figurine) from made up of a bunch of slits, then you look at what comes from the bunch of slits, and that means that at the chip (camera or the thing being made at a fab) photons of that ~~~~ size and ergs are, at some quantity, being deposited; noting picosecond lasers exist, a person doing things to the surface of semiconductor, like one being manufactured, could do this slits make energy ~~~~~ size and ergs thing trillions of times per second, causing accumulative change from the energy change at a crystal being cumulatively deposited or even etched; the nifty thing is that you have illuminated the wafer you are making with wide spectrum white illumination, and just immanentizing the part that is far enough at the far UV to make features that are tinier than 2019 light size and photolithography feature size, building up something billions or trillions of times per second, at what, side-observationally (without knowing the actual wavelength), have to be, really high frequency waves causes semiconductor features to be built up or etched out

Using a quintillion optical sensor wafer to cause spins to be defined, or undefined at another surface, notably the surface of semiconductor manufacturing process wafer being created, makes it so that the photons that reach the wafer being made are more chemically active, more electrically active, kept from causing charge, so making their neighbors show up up more, or, notably are at a frequency blend which contains, at least, if not more, but at least, the frequency the quantum camera spin topology plane making thing can respond to, then these things can be used to make features at semiconductors, kind of like doing AND, OR, NOT, and possibly XOR of light doing thing at a feature sized spot on a quadrillion feature sized wafer being observed into varied surface charge topology with a quintiliion feature sized photodetecting quantum camera

Supersaturation causes more crystals to grow with less chronological moments, is there a feature size, fineness, regularity, and repeatability preserving way to supersaturate (more CVD gas right there at the wafer surface) a CVD atmosphere right near a wafer, from causing atoms to be stimulated to bunch up, perhaps with solitons (like dissipative solitons), photons, some ambient, all wafer or just surface wave with less than 100 picometer wavelength, but nonspecific location (like illuminating, but not etching, a wafer with UV), perhaps at a chronological varying dose, like some picometer wavelength UV at 100 billion cycles per second to do 10 picometer bunch up layers at the wafer surface (lisening to a ruler wiggle, a 10 cm ruler might sound like acoustic 100 hz, so a 100 billionth of a meter wiggle might be a 10 picometer sized length wiggle, possibly as a standing wave, which could be beneficial as it stays at the preferred wafer location), the 100 billion cycle per second waves could actually be be beamed from beneath the wafer (or from the side), and some wafer materials might even have findable bandpass layers that are extra transmissive of various wavelengths above 100 billion cycles per second; There are industrial process femtosecond lasers so making the waves is a known technology.

GSK: New kind of drug, but I do not know what it does: Drugs, possibly novel ions, ionic few AMU organic chemicals, or even things like lopsided quantum dots with charge anisotropy, could cause beneficial protein or other molecule specific nucleation effects at cytes, and tissues, notably at a variety of body structures, wikipedia notes that actin tubules come from nucleation, “Energy consuming self-organising systems such as the microtubules in cells also show nucleation and growth.” So they could make a bunch of things that are likely to cause nucleation, screen a library of thousands (or millions or billions) of them at a yeast or human tissue biochip, and see which if any any of them caused greater longevity, wellness, as well as healthspan, previously described is how if you genetically engineer yeast to make more green fluorescent protein then the longer it lives, then you can find the longest lived yeast at something like a big array of wells (a billion or more) on a microchip, where each well has a different chemical and yeast growth medium, and a camera looks at the whole array, and then finds the row and column with the brightest glowing (longest lived) yeast at it. 10 million cyte per second microfluidics flow cytometry is also published and that approach could also be used to screen a billion new nucleation drugs as to longevity, wellness, and healthspan effects at a billion yeast in 100 seconds, or a trillion, to produce a high n P value, in 27.7 hours at one machine. Also, lopsided quantum dots, stabilizing molecules (a little like, but perhaps quite different than antioxidants) few amu molecules, as well as things like eentsiest cyclodextrins, topological starches, and things like graphene toruses, and chelation molecules, could see the effect of reducing nucleation at biochip screened libraries on things like yeast and human tissue culture; notably wikipedia says amyloid blobs at alzheimers accumulate from nucleation, so it is possible there are a variety of nucleation reduction effects which could be beneficial at a variety of human body tissues; Interestingly, as to cryopreservation, novel nucleation producers, reducers, or customizers could benefit cryopreservation of human bodies, freezable and thawable living organisims exist, and these may have numerous simultaneous nucleation, causing, reducing, or modulating chemicals besides comparatively macroquantity chemicals like trehalose at them that people could find, and quantify as to cryopreservation benefit.

semiconductor technology: An Si atom is 110 picometers large, so if you can arrange them any way you like, then a bunch of Si atoms that are at the distal tip of a bunch of alkane like rods, to stick up and be relaibaly equispaced, sort of like the way phospholipid lipid layers have a ===C way of aligning as a

Picometer semiconductor technology: lipid ====C rod layer with distal atom top side up, then lasers, quantum camera spin writing surface action or plasmonics, or reaction torus in the middle of lays on top of it graphene planar form, changes the C to an Si, Ge, Se, P, N, Al, or other semiconductor atom causes purposefully patterned 110-220 feature sized electron motioninging suface patterns on a thing, which has the same function as a semiconductor, notably as compared with a lipid ====c layer you could have silicon polymer, or possibly even boron polymer (boron polymerizes) rods with an atom at the tip, then you change the atom, to make the outer layer surface geometry; notably at he middle of the =====C or ====Si or ====Ge thing you could put other atoms to put stabilization rungs on it transversely, notably whether you removed a the top of a =====Rb, or possibly a =====I, then put a rung atom or few AMU molecule, then put more === on it, or put a K=====Ge or K====Si (or a I====Ga) on it, you make it so the rods could have sufficient rigidity to be nude sunbatyher at Santa barbara California preferred temperature stable, whith the topmost layer of atoms being patterned to do electrical circuits

Neurological plane nootropics: Imaginably a person could think of a nootropic as causing a person to think of things twice as often, one neurostimulant that does this while being highly mild at the organism is simply illuminating an area with twice as much light so that that the persons is able to distinguish twice as many things; Notably at a person this occurs without thinking twice as fast, and can be carried out during a usual duration of wakefulness withouth having much, if any, effect on duration of wakefulness and sleep periods; Also, doubling the number of things, like objects, or simplistically, words, at an area of text can radically change meaning, a kind of bulk-effect salient meaning, or a “if there’s lots of it that’s the idea I get about it” meaning, That suggests that just like the retina is a kind of plane of neurons, something that causes heightened activity of another plane of neurons where the plane of neurons could actually be a physical structure, possibly an actual plane of neurons, like the outer surface of gyrii of frontal lobes, or even the actual plane of AMPA neurons, if there is one at some location of the brain, or if there is a plane of kind of chronologically identical neurons at the limbic system then there is a muliple items of noticing and salience, with simulataneous emotiveness nootropic

Conceptually, if an amygdala could be a “notice it fast” nootropic plane, is there a different nootropic plane where if you notice it, stimulate it, or route data through it, unlike the amygdala, it is noticed as good, noticed as happy, a noticed as happy nootropic plane; noticed as pleasurable might be a nucleus accumbens plane nootropic. It is possible some kind of fMRI or positron emission tomography thing could notice a retina-like plane of simultaneous neural response that is a plane of nootropic enjoyment, happiness, cognitive depth, idea form, “isness” Then just as light only stimulates the retina nootropic plane, it is possible drug localization technology could activate just that actual brain structure physical (likely even simultaneous, like the retina) nootplane, to up it across the board, causing a noot-plane themed cognitive thematization or realization typicality venue, like if you used dissipative solitons

One thing that might be like a plane of nootformness (kind of like a retina is sort of a nootropic plane) is flavor, I perceive I read that there are parts of the human CNS that do not have a blood brain barrier, and that some of these neurons directly direct the presence of chemicals at the circulatory system, and that some of the neurons activate gag reflex when they detect a get rid of it now chemical, get rid of it fast right away, without blood brain barrier filtration or multiplexed neural data from the tongue; so the thing is, as a technology, are there any of these that feel good? A yum! neuron circulatory fluid reaction? Are any of these yums! particularly reinforcing at behavioral psychology? Do different species have different Yum!s? Are there perhaps even different Yum!s that can be measured as having people like them but not actually change the amount of food a person voluntarily consumes? Those could be BMI neutral ways to make food even more delicious.

ok, so: EEG waves: notably people can pile up waves and do things with them on purpose, is it possible to do things like stack and soliton EEG waves to do things on purpose that feel certain ways or even have soliton like ability to propagate further through neural tissues. Like if you make solitons (EEG waves) at the frontal lobes somehow, do they propagate physically further to places like the nucleus accumbens where they do all new things, and at the nucleus accumbens, feel wonderful, at a simpler version can you node or antinode eeg waves like gamma, to put gamma waves at double height, going with the idea they might be beneficial, at the brain, or notably, at particular areas of the brain; notably I think have read that playing eeg waves back into a persons head from scalp electrodes makes it so they learn faster, or even replay the emotional state of the wave, and I even perceive I read that replaying eeg waves back to a persons scalp can cause twice the effectiveess as navigating a computer environement rapidly and functionally,

Writing about beneficial eeg modulation technologies I have mentioned gamma frequencies as beneficial frequently, making all the things I wrote have greater technology beneficialness I would say wherever it says gamma it could say, eeg frequencies that are notably beneficial, notably as played back at particular, possibly varied particular head electrode locations, so perhaps sequencing and head spatially arranging gamma with beta and theta, sort of turning a pie chart into a pie chart with different simultaneous or sequential proportions) and at particular electrode locations causes a particular benefit at a particular eeg modulation sequence program; I also mention that I think that playing EEGs back onto a persons head using electrodes could cause music to be twice as wonderful to experience or more, an application like that might be a non gamma application, but a gamma enriched music experience with another frequency band could combine enhanced wonderfulness of music with the greater cognition and learning of gamma frequencies, and that such a combination of wonderfulness and cognition could be the kind of think where if a person listens to a person speaking tot hem as part of a school lecture then the combination could heighten the actual learning while making the “resoundingness” “thereness” of the lecture higher and more attended to simultaneously; Also, the frequency bands named after letters could actually be immediately replaceable with new frequency and band meanings, effects and designations that arise from something like a deep learning AI classification, a mathematical equation, and a rich dataset could create new meanings about specific frequencies, locations, and naturally occuring multifrequency, even multilocation structures that are more functional as technology that produces a particular beneficial intended benefit than just using some word like gamma

music feeling amplification (eeg modulation making music twice to ten times more wonderful) makes it a thing you would get besides headphones as a consumer getting things behavior

overear heaphones (Like an Apple product that makes music two to ten times more wonderful) that use EEG modulation to make music twice to ten times as awesome could be imitated at many manufacturers, and versions made to work at any phone, or standalone, or like the gelatin capsule slide into hair version produced, valued and distributed

overear hadphones have many places of contact with the head, besides conductive polymers at the ear pads, a casual, put anywhere approach could cause 2,4 9 of the little conductive nubs on the band to touch the head, it could be that a knowledgeable person noting where these electrodes were at ( a traversal location on the mid upper head) could come up with specific beneficial eeg modulation sequences playable to those electrode contact points in particular

Learning from other people speaking amplification; use at school: it is possible that if eeg modulation can make music twice to ten times as awesome then listening to another person talk, such as the lecture portion of school, could be twice as memorable, or twice as attended to; this also benefits persons with different attention span capabilities; school usage is another thing that causes larger numbers of people to utilize it it so it spreads its beneficial effects to larger numbers of people, more rapidly, voluntarily

electrical: nudges to an eeg might be as effective as continually replaying entire eeg waves, repeatedly nudge gamma waves into continuing, possibly even nudge if other waves are present to switch to gamma waves, if nudges work batteries could actually last 20 to 40 times longer

attractiveness producing: eeg modulation that causes it so if a person glanced in a mirror they would think they looked more attractive, continuous with a an eeg modulation sequence program that causes greater benevolence and kindness and prosocial behavior, notably the prosocial behavior could be quantitatively measured as to causing the wearer to be actually perceived as more attractive, and I think quantitative measures of mutual interpersonal benefit could be found at particular eeg modulation sequences and programs..

lovingkindness, benevolence and kindness, cognitive enhancing, and prosocial communication (such that eeg modulation actualizes greater efficacy at employment, greater effective function of personal attractiveness, greater prosocial readiness , form, and reflexes at conversation EEG modulation effects are produced

Along with the music wonderfulness twice to ten times improving eeg modulation program, an eeg modulation wave sequence that causes people to feel noticeably good (ahhh! I like that, felt immediately, while also causing benevolence, kindness, prosocial behavior, and white feeling and behavior) causes people to like using the eeg modulator, as overear headphones or other forms like like tuck in hair gelatin capsules, there is a behavioral psychology reinforcer experience to using the eeg modulator at some eeg modulation sequence (program) that causes people to actually do it and use it, even outside of music

eeeg sequences and modulations, and replayings of the persons own naturally produced, 99th percentile of beneficialness that cause people to be kinder to children and better at raising children are a program, people could just turn it on, and live it, while being around their children as well as others

Besides the over ear headphone version, notably a thing easy for people to associate and get, that makes music two to ten times more awesome, which because it also has other programs like lovingkindness, attractiveness, social and employment and child raising success, the other programs besides music cause people to value the use ofg eeg modulators, and people are thus willing to use non-headphone forms: a form could be something like a skinny gelatin capsule that people tuck into their hair, that automatically cleft gloms some hair, and motionizes to be near the conductive skin area under the hair is another form, with better eeg electrode location functionality, possibly, than the electrode contact points of overear headphones; gelatin capsule eeg electrode location finders could have a 25 cent to $1 dollar store version: conductive polymers at patterns on exterior, the cheapest rechargeable thing I have seen was a plastic toy with suface mount bright LEDs a battery, and a USB mini connector and a plastic saucer shape, so noting that, the gelatin capsules could have an eeg socket, and each gelatin capsule could lightly, softly, roundly, socket together in a line so that one usb connector could recharge three more more socketed together; I think piezoelectric p-lastics could actually cause fronds to furl together to glom hair to avoid slipping off or out of place, and it is possible piezoelectric plastic fronds could motionize the gelatin capsule so that it travels to locations nearer the actual skin under the hair; there is also the possibility that the piezoelectric polymer fronds could could unfurl, or angle to reach out to the skin surface even if a few mm away at the hair;

notably a version, complementary to gelatin capsules under hair version or overear headphones version could be produced that has a camera with audio on it, and it notices what people are around, and who you are talking to, and where you are (dwelling, employment, school, recreation, even entertainment like computing, media, eating/restaurants, commuting (less risky driving, less perterbed more enjoyable driving), even possibly while alseep (along with dream content quantitative measurement as being more beneficial and enjoyable at gamma frequencies, eeg sequences and programs that might be quantitatively measureable as causing better restedness, and possibly even physiologicial improvment could be played) then the camera and audio guided eeg programs could find optimal eeg programs and sequences for the people you are around and the things you are doing perhaps the thing might notice you are with a spouse and a stranger at a restaurant, but not with your children, or might notice you are with your children, playing together, outside, it could up (with spouse and stranger at restaurant: eeg program that quantitatively measured as casuing more spontaneous interjections into conversations, food appreciation eeg, previously measured actual to the actual human spouse 99th percentile affection causing eeg), or at playing outdoors with the persons actual children, it could do eeg programs with more occurences of mutually enjoyable beneficial touch, spontaneous production of beneficial questions, (questions as prompts to the children making replies and the children enjoying the conversation even more) as well as possibly eeg programs that are quantitatively associated with perhaps twice as much strolling, also there might even be eeg modulations programs that cause various prosody of enjoybale emotion to the listener generation, eeg modulations that cause what other people perceive as emotionally nearifying, sweet conversation, even though the person is thinking of their own content and making thought of as well as spontaneous content responses at conversation)

So, this brings up an EEG technology: I have seen EEG brain readers with just a few electrodes (2, 4 8?), so if you do nodal, antinodal, and soliton structures is it possible to do much more with 2, 4, 8 electrodes, or do 8 or 16 electrodes worth of activity with just 2 or 3 electrodes? Also, at a really casual, just put it on your head, no-gel, electrode hairpiece that has 16 or 32 electrodes, 4 or 8 of which might happen to actually make contact, and which might be about 1/2 a head near to the “preferred placement”, can you get a nodal, antinodal, soliton EEG activity, possibly with AI, deep learning, or software guidance that makes the “1/2 a head away, 1/4 or 1/8 the electrodes actually making contact” EEG reading and feedback, nootropic, emotionally beneficial, benevolent computer brain interface, and possibly even, lay on a pillow while you sleep and do physiologically beneficially nonspecific to thought beneficial physiological things brain communicator functional technology

Also, noting the 1/2 a head away, a few out of 16 or 32 electrodes make contact EEG hair accessory, laser hat, very casual, at classrooms version (note gelatin capsule sized slipped under hair with piezoelectric contact and motion fronds version as well as overear headphones version) could heighten voluntary learning of students at classrooms, as well as heighten voluntary learning of persons, that is humans, that is people that is homo sapiens at office environements; also it is possible that beneficially at babies and children, this technology causes emotional well being, nootropic effects, and could even rescue babies from harm, detecting any SIDS brain preactivity

Also, the 1/2 near the right place, a few of the electrodes contact hair piece might go well with laser activated, energized, and communicating adhesive eardots

Note: eeg modulation programs could be quantitatively measured as to their longitudinal effectiveness at causing benevolence, kindness, prosociality, interpersonal, family, and child communication and child raising, employment beneficial, promotion, earnings, employment satisfaction, reduction of vehicle non-optimal occurences, possibly physiological wellness, less illness, well restedness from eeg modulation during sleep, and the amount of subjective well being, successfulness at using the new options found from greater openness to experience, and beneficial treatment of others, get-up-and-go, optional conscientiousness, greater duration of enjoyability of the action during stick-to-it-iveness activities’ beneficial heightening and multiday, multimonth, multiyear sustained longitudinally quantified beneficialness of various EEG modulations programs, software, and physical technology objects (like measurement publication, and product benficialness heightening version iterations from finding out something like soliton nodal nudges at gelatin capsules with fronds are more effective, more often utilized than over ear headphones, have greater global utilization from 25 cent to $1 form factor, and that RF or RFID communication with phones or something like dwelling wifi is awesome, but that (noting scientific calculator with LCD display at dollar store for $1 technology) gelatin capsules with standalone eeg recording, 99th percentile of persons own cognition, feelings, motional, wellness, interpersonal interactions) interpretations and remodulations, along with library eeg modulation software produces 90% of the benefit that wifi phone rfid RF bluetooth internet versions produce, while internet versions really superoptimize eeg modulation programs that are beneficial to cognition, subjective well being, and at internet content production, content richness, and others response to the content produced, at a computing environment like an internet browser, at a place of emplyment, or when a person like an engineer or a scientist using CAD or software or programming is actively using computing

Do cognitively unwell persons, like the mentally ill, or those with things like alzheimers, when part of their own brain waves, from just part of the surface area of their head, are played back to them, likely at a plurality of locations on their head, experience greater mental wellness or cognitive capability; as a technology a mentally unwell person might still produce gamma EEG waves, just mostly at just next to say one temple, or near one part of their head, then playing that persons own gamma waves back to them, at their particular version of the actual gamma frequency (its a band, and they might have a specific frequency at the gamma band) specific frequency, at a variety of greater number of brain electrode input locations, and brainwide, electrodedeliverywide rebroadcasting of that particular actual persons gamma wave modulations (kind of like the tune of gamma waves they play) to all around their head, cause beneficial, enjoyable, voluntarily repeated and used brainwave modulation that also causes them to be measured at psychological tests to be mentally weller, or noting things like alzheimers more cognitively capable, notably, as these are waves they already produce, they might be thematically with like a person being a person, even more like they already are, while voluntarily heightening their mental well being and ability; kind of nifty to play and amplify your own version of gamma waves of EEG

also, among those that do do it, software could have them voluntarily experience various congitive styles g (intelligence) activation exercises, and emotions (videos, music, website content, like unique to the person: reply, comment or online response based social content) record the brain waves from when they are at their upper 90th percentile of even 99th percentile of personal g (intelligence) active utilization, capability, and finding the right answerness, as well as their 90th or 99th percentile of emotional subjective well being, benevolence, kindness, or beneficially, a combination of goodwill with conscientiousness and sustained carrying-out of action. Then note those particular frequencies of actual EEG waves from the actual person at something like the gamma band, and those particular head surface area locations to play the EEGs back to, noting the nodal, antinodal, as well as soliton EEG enhancement effects also available

Also, noting the very most causual, user-participation willing and utilized, about 1/2 a head away from the optimized location versions of EEG brain interfaces, where they make different versions, possibly some that tend to make people always think they look nicer, and find one that that almost everybody, with casual lack of fuss, perhaps as easy as foam earplugs, piezoelectric frond gelatin capsule sized eeg modulators, as well as overear headphone versions

A well being, cognition, and emotion hightening EEG electrode brain communicator that is comfy, effortless, affordable, autorighting, and autoconnecting, and autoupdates data readers without making RF fields: amazingly, something a little like a corduroy or piezoelectric polymer frond having skinny golf pencil to 14 to 20 mm long, 3-7 mm diameter tube, about the size of a gelatin capsule with a battery in it, could wiggle the corduroy on the outside, or move the piezoelectric fronds, to always nestle nearer to the skin under the head hair, while being completely different than array-of-candycanes and puffyfluff physical adhesives, and being completely different than clamps, have a kind of soft looks like a ribosome next to some hairs thing it does, so it omits slipping off could be a slip-on electrode with a good feeling slide onto your hair, omits falling off, can even without generating radiofrequency energy be read like an RFID tag, 700 factorial data space, 300 reads per second MEMs like continuously microrepatterning thing like RFID tag so that the RFID reader, laser scanning of the thing from a distance with a multiplexed display surface, or have a ThZ frequency visible display (LCD like) change so that it is possible to have a Thz sensor actually see through the hair at a distance and scan the Thz display pattern. It is possible some chemical variation on a 300 hz, LCD display with 1024 liquid crystal elements, where each of the LCD adressable dots is made from a ThZ modulating chemical like a bismuth metal atom at the liquid crystal molecule is a distance readable 300 Hz data source

RFID MEMs origami that changes its physical shape slightly to make RFID readable data space without any actual RF broadcast from the object:
It might be a big dataspace: 700 integer space factorial RFID that changes its RF responsiveness from MEMs at 700 factorial different data values it is possible that at 300 Hz (like LCD driver, and although there are a variety of RFID forms, changing the shape of an metal rish liquid crystal LCD blob could actually be an RFID object) this could communicate updates 300 times a second as well as have the RFID store some amount of previous snapshots of actual EEG output at the person, noting the factorial space, it is possible 700 factorial could represent multiple centuries of EEG data recorded at 300Hz

Some thing at phones where something has, more than a bluetooth ID, an instant shared automatic data update database compartment, where anytime the thing is brought near the phone, its compartment identity data is appended with the new data. So rather than “synch” a smartwatch with a phone or computer, the mere presence of the smartwatch, health monitor, EEG recorder, data depot, like say a person has a data depot where not only is the video and audio and other data from the cameras on their body continually aggregated and concatenated, but the social norm automatic protocol is to have all the video, audio, and other data cameras around the person wherever they go upload their data to the person, that is human’s that is member of a group of people’s that is homo sapiens’ data depot, that data depot is automatically uploaded to the persons’ phone, computer, and the phones computers and data depots of those that have configured their data depots, phones and computers to I’m nice configuration (a little like when other people make their wifi public, give to food banks, donate to strangers that ask for donations, or say things like “good to see you”; lots of people would automatically gather and store and make public data) I think the storage per microgram will go up, at 2019 AD a terabyte of data is plausibly anywhere from less than 10 micrograms (data storage variant on DNA with a few thousand different nucleutides as rung options) to 100 mg (microSD card)

Nonsexy, but, genital sourced nootplanes that are beneficial

you think of a not
engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o Multifunctional EEG Technology

By: Julia Amara on Sun, 23 Jul 2023

0Julia Amara

rocksolid light 0.9.8
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