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sci / sci.engr / Biotechnology Advancements

Subject: Biotechnology Advancements
From: Julia Amara
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Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 14:16 UTC
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Also, to verify the gene therapy has been installed, the bacteria could produce a chemical that causes an aesthetically pleasant color change at the paper circle (similar to color antibody diagnostics), the paper circle could change the visual pattern of the aesthetically pleasing color when the gene therapy had progressed beyond the bacterial vector and was being produced at the user, person, human, or application’s genome

Think of a way or cause for people to distribute something that is less than 1/10,000 of a $

Longevity technology: a new kind of autophagy could be linked to longevity, healthspan, and wellness, if it is functional: Noting the idea that cytoplasm might have nonorganelle enzymes floating around, catalyzing things, possibly even comminuting or nonactivating some cytochemicals: These enzymes, outside the lysosome remind me of autophagy, autophagy is linked to cytorefreshment, longevity, and wellness, it could be that the genetics of having more cytoplasm enzymes outside of organelles do something like an alternate version of autophagy, refreshing and recycling physiostructures and chemicals, so looking at a variety of mammals, notably things like multicentury lifespan whales, beavers, naked mole rats, bats, tortoises, and parrots and 400 year lifespan or longer clams, kings holly, and creosote (reminded of mitochondrial apoptosis) any cytoplasm enzymes, notably proteolytic or membraneolytic, outside of organelles (like lysosome) could be quantified at mice as to longevity wellness and healthspan effects, and if beneficial made into gene therapy, drugs, or germline enhancement or optimization at humans;

Noting autophagy is linked to longevity, wellness and healthspan, and I might have read that AMPK heightens autophagy, it could be possible to engineer larger amounts of autophagy from 1) cytoterminating chemicals, proteins or peptides as drugs (possibly kind of senolytic like), also as periodically automatically activated gene therapy; an accumulation of physiologically beneficial peptides, like AEDG heightening with each sleep occurence, could, when they accumulate to a particular amount, cause the gene therapy modified tissue to produce a new circulating amount of the new autophagy chemical, causing fresh autophagy and renewal at the living human; these likely would benefit from localization to create beneficial differences in concentration and action at different cytes and tissues;

Along with heightening cytoplasmic autophagy like effect enzymes, periodic production of autophagy as algorithmically activated with a completely beneficial physiochemical that accumulates (epithalon, thymosin, likely a variety of things, possibly even beneficially heightened circulating omega 3 DHA from accumulation of DHA from endogenous production), there is also periodic, quantitatively measured as beneficial to longevity, wellness, and healthspan, triggering of mitochondria to zap cytes, causing leukocytes to absorb them.

New to me autophagy longevity technologies: Another possibility is a periodic genetic activation of the production of a non-autoimmune activating production of antigens at the surface of cytes, possibly those at the 40th percentile or less of cyte and tissue youthfulness, where the percentile is an experimentally quantified causative function at wellness and healthspan; this could possibly be quantified with mRNA transcript production’s deviation from a beneficial range (reminds me of engineering tolerance, the 2nd standard deviation at the non-preferred side of the distribution) Periodic activation of the beneficial new form of autophagy could be linked to the accumulation of a physiologically beneficial chemical (epithalon, thymosin, omega 3 DHA);

New to me autophagy with high cytotype localization technology: I perceive I read about where two different receptor proteins, when both activated, caused a cyte to be exposed to a chemotherapy drug, causing fewer well cytes to be dosed with the chemotherapy; Responding to things like: At cytes that are at less than 30th percentile of wellness, longevity and healthspan heightening physiology, the translation/transcription protein generators receive instructions to make notably larger amounts of one normal type, but comparatively tissue and cyte unusual chemical, protein, or peptide transport channel, perhaps something that occurs less than 1/400th of a cytes’ external receptors or transport channels, and at perhaps less than 1 per 200 different cytotypes and tissues, it then becomes 1/20th to 1/40th of the proportion of the cytes external transport channels and receptors enumerated amount, (twenty or ten times as populous as previously), and then an transport channel optimized autophagy causing protein, peptide, or genetic effect causes autophagy at that cyte; The concentration of the autophagy causer is 40 times greater at the 30th percentile nonwell cytes than at well, wellness, longevity and healthspan functionally active cytes; Technologically it seems possible that autophagy could be tuned to to be activated when the transport protein heightened autophagy causer is above 30 times that at an unaffected cyte;

As a another supporting technology, it is possible a protein, peptide, or peptide effluxing transporter could be part of membrane accumulating cytotransport duo; at a well, longevity, wellness, and healthspan support heightening, functional cyte the transport and efflux of a particular protein, peptide or chemical from the duo, which could be spontaneously occuring at a nonmodified organism or human, would be about the same amount, they would omit accumulating the transported protein, peptide, or chemical at the cytoplasm; that would cause any autophagy activating chemicals, proteins, peptides, or gene products, to pass through well cytes above the 30th percentile causing a minimal amount at the cytoplasm of the 30th percentile of higher cyte; When the measure of the longevity functionality, wellness, and healthspan of an unwell cyte occurred it would cause the unwell cyte to make large numbers of the harmless chemical cytotransport structure, causing it to be 40 times more prevalent at the unwell cyte; natural endogenous circulation of things that that particular transport protein transports, would reach 40 times the usual amount, causing a gene at the cyte to make an autophagy causing molecule endogenous to they cyte; another technology is to have the autophagy causing protein, peptide, or chemical that is linked to a 40 times usual amount transport protein moeity for hieghtened transport to the 1th to 30th percentile cytes, be produced at a different area of the body, perhaps from just a few gram, or even one gram area of gene therapy;

Technologies that could discern longevity, wellness, healthspan contributive and supportive cytes above the 20th percentile: mRNA, possibly gene therapy that caused presence of nonbeneficial mRNA, cytochemicals, proteins, or peptides, to cause

Normalization algorithms create higher and higher longevity, wellness, and healthspan physiochemistry, it is possible that technologies that cause the least (0- 20th percentile) longevity, wellness, and healthspan supporting cytes to be quantified as they relate to the to other cytes at the body, to be as a relation to all the cytes at the body continuously or periodically, would cause double digit % increase in baseline longevity, wellness, and healthspan annually, this could physiochemically contribute to a percentage of longevity increase, and noting the continuous improvement of 20% more longevity, wellness, and healthspan cytes annually is likely larger than an annual accumulation of nonwell cytes, that like actuarial escape velocity, things move towards wellness, longevity, and healthspan faster than they wear out; The effect of multiple 20th percentile autophagy events causes the after autophagy organism to be accumulate towards what would previously have been 90th percentile or higher cyte function as to longevity, wellness, and healthspan physiochemistry; that similarity to actuarial escape velocity, which I have also read is called longevity escape velocity, is alogrithmically related to making each iteration of cytes that support longevity, wellness, and healthspan as the new computational basis for the percentiles. A technology I read about, which might be called gene switches, makes things like AND and OR as well as other logic forms out of simultaneous gene modification effects; The technological algorithm that supports the heightening of each iteration of 20th percentile or less’ autophagy to be based on a new foundation could be based on things like: gene therapy at the entire body causes harmless unique peptides or proteins to be produced, which then utilize mechanisms that are usual to move to the exterior cytomembrane of the cyte they are produced at, This labels each cyte with a non immunoreactive cytosurface diagnostic of what it is doing and making, it is possible the diagnostic proteins that make their way to the cytosurface are actually beneficial, noting the cyte is still alive, or also possibly beneficial to neighbor cytes, the (0-20th percentile) producers of just the completely beneficial interleukins, possibly some onconeutral neutral growth protein like BDNF, or if immunotransparency and absence of immunoreaction of any kind is beneficial, perhaps slight variations on water transport proteins (aquaporins), where variations from the usual protein amino acid sequence would let diagnostic things that cause the 40 times greater amount of transport channels to cause beneficial autophagy find and have effects on cytes at less than the 20th percentile; Gene logic could also just have quantifiable things effect logic, to cause the production of mRNA that makes the 40 times higher amount of autophagy transport channels at the cytomembrane; it is also possible that gene logic can just directly make autophagy functional effects directly at any cyte where the gene logic notes 0-20th percentile longevity, wellness, and helthspan physiochemistry;

also possibly periodic wellness chemical accumulation (epithalon, thymosin, omega 3 DHA) that activates the production of “make transport channels” at the unwell cytes;

Also possible is the unwell 20th perctile making 40 times more transport channels, and then a human, person, a member of a group of people, that is a homo sapiens, takes a drug to cause the autophagy, much more beneficial is an automated, periodic, automatic process, which could technologically be based around a one gram or less area of gene therapy that emits things that diagnose, modify and cause autophagy at cytes at the (0-20th percentile) of longevity, wellness, and healthspan, noting the continuously new distribution’s new foundation; Notably though, there is also the technology of a multihundred year longevity depot injection that just causes autophagy anywhere a group of antibodies (I perceive I read about fewer AMU versions of antibodies) note some unusual distribution of surface characteristics (proteins), also I think I read about antibodies that can glom to receptors to make them stay active, go less active, or just be neutrally at the cyte, this might function at cytotransport channels as well, possibly antibodies glomming unwell cytes

Gene logic

possible that without antibodies, this would cause autophagy at virus inected cytes from their being at 30th percentile or less of wellness quantifications, the incidental antiviral effect could be beneficial to both the person, and even possibly reduce the amount of viruses circulating at the population. The 30th percentile of wellness autophagy technology could be a nonimmunosystem new to me approach that kind of incidentally removes virus infected, oncocyte, and even possibly, fiberous nonutility tissue, which might be replaced with weller cytes. It is kind of like a new to me, multipurpose, new (30th percentile quantified effect at any nonoptimality) kind of senolytic, with different criteria than various intracyte deleterious products like interleukins;

the versionbs of these technologies or others that create longevity, wellness, and healthspan beneficial new versions of autophagyor germline enhancement or optimization

Longevity technology: an antiglycation mechanism could be found at some animals then tested at mice anfd humans to see if it increased longevity, healthspan, and wellness, also, gene variations at humans like SNPs could be correlated with wellness and absence of or reduced glycation at humans, and then causality measured with mouse studies to find beneficial genes for human gene enhancement or also optimization; notably though I perceive plants also do the nonpreferred glycation of proteins, so anything at plants that is produced at cytes that reduces glycation could be tested at the mammalian genome to find out if it benefits longevity, wellness, and healthspan, notably the 40,000 year old King’s holly, the 10,000 year old creosote bush, and the 4k year old conifer might each have a different plant genetics of antiglycation that benefits their longevity that could be tested at mice and humans.

When a person gets gene therapy, they might like having a way to utilize their previous genome at some or even all their cytes: backup with gene therapy: crispr/cas9 appends the new genome to the previous genome, puts a start codon (or start codon group) imaginably at a sticks-out circly pouf on the nucleotide double lane topology, the body ignores the first, previous, genome, which might even have some stop codons crispr/cas9ed into it at easily recognized locations (sort of like restriction enzymes say “thing here” perhaps stop codons could be placed at the previous genome anytime a CCCCC occured, so if editing it out it would be near errorless to utilize the previous genome, if the utilizer felt like it.

I have not read about any siRNA longevity molecules, It is possible these are possible, and that siRNA that heighten AMPK and decrease mTOR (or another 60% greater mouse longevity mTOR drug, that works on just mTOR1 rather than mTOR1 and mTOR2), siRNA might be even better at reaching the CNS through the blood brain barrier as their AMU is less than some other nucleotides

I perveive there might be a million or more actin lanes per cyte, at 70 trillion cytes, that could be like a math iteration structure with a really large number of math areas to model, algorithmize, and generate, something like interpretations about things as compared with, and possibly as a beneficial resource to the brain and CNS; Like what if the 70 trillion cytes with actin paths simulated various effects of various possible things, and communicated the modelling results with a one thing one meaning language;

um, I perceive how DNA per cyte has lots more data space, it is just that actin paths also have lots of functional movement, geometry, spatial accessibility…

It likely already exists, but is there a CRISPR/cas9 automatic gene sequence linker? I perceive different lengths of DNA have different easiness of transfection like 3/4 a decade ago (2011), but the perception I have of of CRISPR/cas9 is that they have figured out how to make. transfer, and activate things with out about 20,000 genes with simultaneous high velocity, high accuracy, and high editing sucess (transfection); complementing that, perhaps at a variety of sizes, could be something that is effective at attaching one sequence to another, at a functional place and physical form, (imaginably, histonated, less histonated, a loopy part available because of a mitosis, translation as well as transcription event, meiosis, or some new thing that is new to me)

so, one approach is to find the easiest histones on earth; some mammal has histones with really long, super editable, physical like-new preservationess above other mammalian histones, really available DNA; completely making a synthetic sequence of that, then making if even more genetic engineering friendly, then placing it at a variety of mammals, likely including humans, could benefit DNA transcript fidelity, DNA preservation, translation velocity at organisms, like humans, as well as heightening beneficial, functional, engineering friendly genetic editing, modification and genetic engineering;

Also, besides unlooping things, and actually I have no idea what they do, but I perceive DNA is unusually accessible during translation, mitosis, meiosis, and possibly some kind of “make this” thing that something at the nucleus says, like imaginably, if something says “make ribosomes” perhaps hundreds of ribosome making DNA locations get sequentially availabilized rather than just like one, over and over again; so, it seems possible they have tried loading up a well human cyte with a numerous quantity of things to translate at DNA, so they could unspool a bunch of DNA, efficiently, and edit it;

Along with making like a big list of DNA access producing translation instructions, they might have some amazing thing like a DNA translation smoothified new to me histone that makes DNA completely available to editing (like crispr cas9 or more advanced) while being a place to have a lot of DNA stay linear, functional, well, effective, and immediately ok to utilize without repairs; the smoothified histone could even be nifty at some ethynilization methylization optionalizing, gene modification now able to be unaffected from methylization and ethynilization molecular topology effect; a smoothified histone like an inspection and upgrade access area of an airplane;

Is there an artificial intelligence thing where if people, or AIs share the technology the sharers accumulate greater prosperity; it is possible AI APIs

Longevity technology: finding human gene variants that predict responsiveness to different longevity drugs would be beneficial. Rapamycin and a rapalog each are published at 60% longevity increase, my perception is that that math functions describe a medianized response, so noting half of all persons are above median, perhaps a greater than 60% rapamycin response could be predicted, and a gene therapy or a coadministered gene product upregulating drug might be able to cause a 99th percentile rapamycin response.

Squiggles developed with AI deep learning have been published that cause primate brains to produce more activity than views of faces and nature, it is possible that new squiggles developed with deep learning AI could cause greater amounts of response than the beauty responding areas of the human brain, and that when humans view these squiggles people describe them as attractive, appealing, and beautiful. I am not aware of research on deep AI generated squiggles that are beauty experieince activating above that of nature and human faces and form that are three dimesnional or that vary gradually. Among many beneficial uses of these squiggles could be decorating architecture, decorating energy producing utility plants (among them wind, photovoltaic, nuclear, chemical), hairstyles, and notably anything with above median utility and during the year 2019 less than median aesthetic impression; trash dumpsters, parking facilities, some public transit, medical appliances, anything on a list of survey generated “could look better” things at public and private spaces.

It is possible that things that are already aesthetically beneficial like plants, landscapes, nature, aesthetically appealing humans, could have versions and variations of deep AI developed beauty squiggles, and that actual spaces could be quantified as to their beauty response as well as images duplicated. Also, automated mechanisms or also robots that clean and arrange dwelling spaces could arrange items that humans view and utilize to be simultaneously highly available and, with beauty squiggle technology, arranged at ways that cause higher subjective well being increasing beauty response than the person doing their own arranging. People could of course do their own arranging, they might more often appreciate deep AI guided arrangeements of things.

Aesthetically mild to beneficial things like computer interfaces and printed text, could generate a beauty response while being combined with other deep AI developed squiggles that simultaneously increase comprehension and retention to create beautiful and cognitively enhanced interfaces and text; I favor a computer interface and text interface that causes heightened sense of well being (the psychometric: subjective well being increase from experiencing beauty), the “nice space” architecture effect, the “startlingly gorgeous” art object response, and even the human reponse to human female beauty response at persons with any form of human sex chromosomes occuring at 98% or more of people;

There are no top of page results on a search of “chemical vapor deposition metallurgy” so these are some chemical vapor deposition metallurgy technologies. I read that 3 nanometer silicon features are produced at integrated circuit technology, noting that arrays of atoms can have much more than an anisotropy or two at (25 atoms per feature, one to 20something billion features per IC, ) a trillion deposited atoms, that suggests that rather than a 3 nanometer feature size a 1 nanometer atom group feature size could be produced, and that the dots could be customizably amorphous, crystalline, variations of crystalline or other forms.

rather than an integrated circuit phototemplate it is possible a UV laser could produce a regular array of dots or shapes at a photoresist with diffraction grating technology, switching between a few, or even a few hundred different atom location preferentialization areas could produce a wide range of material characteristics;

thoughts on the size of chemical vapor deposition metallurgy part sizes: MEMs technology could also be a guide, with thickest chemical vapor deposition metallurgy being some higher of power of two than the 24 hour thickest MEMs object production cycle, it could be higher, if manufacturing time equivalence is considered (a company orders parts for delivery every month, giving as much as 1 month photolithography growth or possibly MEMs thickness build up), if something like UV lasers with a diffraction grating can be adapted to modify the shape of a growing single crystal of tungsten, like those used at some airplane turbines, then that could be a metallurgical chemical vapor deposition object size guide (although perhaps not, as I think they might pull those out of a melt)

Other ways to make features of less than 1 nanometer: It is possible that one photon, even at one frequency, from a laser, could have variable absorption likeliness based on grouping and entangling (linking) photon spins. At New Scientist magazine I read about a quantum camera, where a beam of quantum entangled photons met a figurine, and the other group of photons the first photons were entangled (linked) with made an imnage on a camera chip, the shape of the figurine caused the figurine to be imaged on the chip from varied photon energy availability based on photon spin, there was an absence of an optical path between figurine and camera chip; Notably, large numbers (thousands) of photons have been quantum entangled together, and it is possible that adjusting the spin effects on each of the 1000 photons separately could produce 1000 gradations of either absorbability at the figurine or electrical charge effect at the imaging chip. The same technology with 16 quantum entangled photons making the chemical vapor deposition metallurgy optical guide could have 256 levels of possible charge variation and atom attraction/deposition/enarrayment, or also likeliness of causing a deposition; so although the physics seems iffy to me, there might be a locational effect beyond light wavelength, or at least an automatic 16 bit halftone effect, possibly per each 1 nanometer sized dot, possible.

I read about the kind of thing that might be a new metallurgical effect at chemical vapor deposition metallurgy, a new kind of bendability based on amorphous shear bands,

Isotope effect technology that benefits integrated circuit fabrication technologies, I read that, “The whole wafer is then subjected to UV radiation, allowing the pattern mask to be transferred to the organic layer. The radiation either strengthens the photoresist or weakens it. The uncovered oxide on the exposed photoresist is removed using Hydrochloric acid. The remaining photoresist is removed using hot Sulphuric acid and the resultant is an oxide pattern on the substrate, which is used as a mask.” Noting HCl and H2SO4 are used at making integrated circuits, it is possible that making HCl that has only 34 amu CL or 35 AMU Cl, or just one of what I think might be 8 different stable Sulfur isotopes could change etch characteristics and perhaps one of these 9 variations has quantifiable benefit to making better integrated circuits and MEMs things; I do not know why deuterated, slower moving etchants would be more functional, although they might be similar to etching at a lower temperature.

a CVD gas that is like 1/100 some other gas, where the gas molecule is big (10 or 20 timess more AMU), does thee heterogenous collision regime cause different renyolds numbers swirliness to occur? Then you could get different rates of sponatanbeous mixing, and possibly nudge up to reaction velocity at a distribution, or a different shape of lump at a normal distribution to have a different proprotion of mor elikely to crystallize cooler lumps as a fraction of the whole; that means gas blends could produce different rates of crystallization from something like chemical vapor deposition at semiconductor process technology

similar I have heard nucleation sites cause crystals to grow, and that more nucleation sites can cause cause crystals to grow more rapidly while still being crystalline
do different isotopes make for different nucleation site energies (Hg UV light emissions spectra difference, so might be different

nucleation sites: things like SiCl4 gas might notice more nucleation sites if some of the things thiey were crystallizing on had more nucleation sites, nucleation sites that might be compatible with semiconductor process technology CVD coulkd be like 1/1000 part SICl3F or SiCl2F2 CVD gases, when these were right at the wafer surfaces they might make siCl4 right next to them extra interested in crystallization while having harmless SI deposition if the SiCl3F reacts with the wafer itself.

Customized plasmonics (electron hole pair location and geometry engineering) could cause more, better, optimized production of nucleation sites at a growing semiconductor (or MEMS) wafer; beaming things at the wafer that cause plasmonics geometries at its surface could do this, beneath or side of wafer solitons, dissipative solitons,

mass quantum spin observations (like planar regions of entire spin polarized thing resolvability resolution) could, like the quantum camera described at New scientist, cause entire surfaces to have a micropatterned electric charge on them, that micropatterened electric charge could be used to produce nucleation sites to physically patternize crystal growth at the planar semiconductor wafer surface, as well as create the possibility of customized engineered plasmonic geometries right at the wafer surface which could be used to cause more rapid deposition of CVD gas constituents, rapidifying semiconductor process manufacturing, noting that doubling this velocity could cause the number of semiconductors a fab produces to double, heightening productivity, profitability, and the variety of different kinds of semiconductors that can be produced; As an actual technology, something like a 300 mm wafer with a light source, where the light source, is divided into two quantum entangled (linked) beams, or actually planes, basically planar arrays of light, and one of the beams, that is planar arrays of light, travels to a quantum camera light sensor array that is numerous powers of two higher resolution that the feature size of the features being made at the wafer having its semiconductor features produced, like a (billion times a billion feature, or 10 billion feature times 10 billion feature ) quintillion (10^18) or larger number of light sensors per 300 mm wafer chip, then whenever one of the photons meets the surface of the wafer its electrical charge modifying ability depends on if the photon at the quintillion feature chip has had its spin determined with light detection events, Note there is something that is new to me at the engineering processes, the photon meeting the feature could be doing numerous different things: it could be making a nucleation site, causing growth, it could be causing some kind of mathematically meaningful spin variant effect, fractional charge, which then effects atomic bond formation (crystal growth), it could be causing a moment of reduced reactivity, causing, relatively, other things near it to be growing higher faster, The mathematically meaningful fractional charge variation, Note that just one photon doing something this could be an accumulative number of spin-effect pulses build up to one entire atoms change (crystal deposition, crystal subratacted) amount, (what if it was a few hundred photon spin observation moments to do each atom attaching to a crystal, and a over a quadrillion (LED laser ordinary) light pulses per second but perhaps not two atoms amount, so actual amounts of atom gowth at the crystal growth is directable; the adjustable growth rate for finer, greater repeatability of features of action at this makes engineerable feature fineness, homogeneity of crystallization)Noting the entire wafer at the semiconductor fab being manufactured: then if the kind of custom made, quintillion feature (billion feature rows, billion feature columns) photonic spin detector chip is doing this quantum camera thing at a couple of orders of magnitude higher physical resolution that than the quadrillion (or higher) actual feature chip being produced then that is a new to me semiconductor feature producing wafer technology; feature size, fineness, repeatability, possibly composition (sort of liked doped-ness where beyond the stoichiometry of the chemical vapor deposition gas causing the doping variety of the layer or feature the adjustability of photon spin at several powers of two higher spatial resolution, quadrillions of times per second from the quantum camera causes something like crystal atom at atom growth with a halftone-dot like predictability of dopant spatial geometry, homegenity, or possibly even a new kind of feature, depth (like say you put a 40% halftone screen dopant layer of atoms on a 20% dopant layer, and you might even be able to use the spin effects to change dopant element ratio like 40:Ge:40:Ga:10N:10:P to 90Ga:10:N at a cumulative layer thickness, even at a particular line width)

it could also be a quintillion feature photon spin modifying photon sensing chip, doing the quantum camera thing at semiconductor process manufacture production of semiconductors doing quadrillions of photon cycles of spin observation responses per second could actually write features at a quintillion feature chip

engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o Biotechnology Advancements

By: Julia Amara on Sun, 23 Jul 2023

0Julia Amara

rocksolid light 0.9.8
clearnet tor