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sci / sci.engr / Quantum Physics and Consciousness Research

Subject: Quantum Physics and Consciousness Research
From: Joe Mardin
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Curricula could also be improved. Students with a high software predictable likelihood of having unwell post-school life lifestyle could be encouraged to take electives correlated with better physiological well being. Besides subjects teaching style could have supported correlations with lifepsan and healthspan. So perhaps a class where people fill in workbooks during class time has the same correlation with physiological benefit as homework at those students who actually do their homework outside of school. The students the software predicts might face below median predicted lifetime wellness (perhaps their parents are unwell, or they have been suspended twice), could be encouraged to take an in-class workbook version of a class if the software predicted they might not do their homework.

Research on the education effect on lifetime physiological benefit could also see if it is possible to divide the benefit into measurable non scholastic researchable components like: “the feeling or sustained emotional flavor of the school experience; was school fun and interesting?”, measured self-esteem from perception of the social subjective value of their educational attainment (I saw a youtube video that said being known to have a college degree causes others to place the person in higher esteem); similarly those that do not complete high school, during the 20th century AD, might feel less spontaneous optimism about the things they can do if they feel like it, The effect of actual knowledge, or missed knowledge: treatment by others as well as perception of other’s esteem based on the social effects of how much knowledge they actually know or retain from school.

There could be many other non-scholastic components that are measurable and correlatable with the physiological benefits of education. Finding these creates the possibility of benefitting people’s physiological well being from activities different than scholastic activities, non-school based activities that are voluntary. Perhaps some groups, coordinated delegation and activity participation at community volunteering, doing crafts, or independent reading could have workalike effects to the physiological benefits of education.

They could also research if certain styles of employment are predictive, and possibly controllable at experiments, of lifetime physiological benefit. Noting different people feel different ways, think different thoughts, and like different things, such a study seems likely to benefit from some kind of quantified cluster personality characterization measure like the big five personality test, with numbers treated as isolatable numeric clusters (extroversion numerically measured as 80-100, as well as extroversion 60-80 and others) as a way of quantifying personality when finding out the effects of various forms of employement on lifetime physiological benefit. A possible result of this research is actionable items and wellness and longevity career enabling and beginning certificates.

For the people that do things on purpose (likely high on big five conscientiousness), there might be a new or freshly advertised as awesome, career certificate attainable in less than a year, that create a career that confers a greater lifetime wellness and longevity benefit than even a college degree.

I read that people change careers with some predictability, so the employment certificate that correlates with more physiological benefit than some kind of median university degree, could be researched as to lifetime effects from just a typical duration at that career.

Using 300 hours learning and practicing at having fun has value.

Learning to have fun has tremendous value, and that people could benefit from experiencing advertising promoting being taught to have fun. It is possible the behavioral psychology of shaping young physiological children like kindergartners to practice and learn to have fun has lifetime value. I volunteer sharing and teaching reading at two elementary schools. One group is kindergarteners and the other is first graders; perhaps I could foster social styles, as well as mental activities like practicing to be fluent at creativity, like having them make up a new story from the images at the books.

Rent a friend, similar to talk therapy for the mentally well, So noting talk therapy is published as benefitting just 20% of the mentally unwell, then if, among the well, rent a friend talk, which might work for 20% of people among those it actually confers benefit on. I favor social companion robots that cause feelings and experienced well being at greater than the meaured 99th percentile of actual human friendships and romantic as well as sexual relationships.

Another way to describe a number, the kind of number economists might use, for the value of a 99th percentile at causing happiness companion robot, is to look at the correlation between money and measured happiness that occurs at those who gain money who previously had less than $70k each year. If going from 50k to 70k raises happiness 20%, then a companion robot that increases measured happiness 80% has the number $80,000 of equivalent-to-getting-more-money-value. Noting multi-year life of robot mechanisms and computers, it is possible the companion robot provides the happiness value of 800,000 to one million $ of actual money gained by the person. Notably it is possible the social companion robot that causes 80% greater happiness could make more than one person happy. If it makes 2 people, and 2 human physiological children 80% happier, then comparing it with the value of money at producing happiness, the equivalent money value of the social companion robot is $1.6 million or $2 million, with the equivalent money value to the human physiological children going unmeasured.

Note: I read that below $70k annual money amount a year, more money gain heightens measured happiness;
Among persons already above $70k at annual money gain, they did not gain greater happiness when gaining money above $70k at the United States. I think the $70k study was published near 2017 AD or 2016 AD.

People with quantitatively measured as different personalities (like different clusters of responses at the big five) may have different responses to gaining more money annually. It is possible to imagine some persons continue to increase their happiness up until $100K, while others may not experience greater happiness when they go above $50k.

The personality-sorted value of things that cause greater happiness can be used to adjust the value of a: thing or activity’s benefit to a particular actual person with a measurable personality.

The value of things, activities, rent-a-friend (Rent-a-friend: perhaps something like therapy, but for the mentally well), or social companion robots could be found for different personalities. Also with a personality measurement is seems possible to find out and have research on what big five personality clusters are most heightened as to their happiness with companion robots.

It is imaginable that a numeric measure of thrillingness that a person feels while having a romantic crush with some amount of actual interaction could predict the amount of happiness a social companion robot can produce, with a happiness causing romantic crush utilized as baseline,with the companion robot causing greater happpiness than a romantic crush. This is from me having a crush on the human Serina, we only talked some. Noting the heightened happiness from my feelings and the thrill of thinking about Serina, if it is possible to have a crush on a companion robot, with an actual 99th percentile of producing happiness from conversation, and other activities, possibly among them making out and sexual activity, This would raise happiness levels above those of having a felt as wonderful human romantic crush that is thrilling and happiness producing with fewer words of conversation, moments of companionship, and less physically-appearance-hypnotizing effects than a companion robot produces.

I support people, that is humans, being alive and being eternally youthful with death optional.

What is 99th percentile of beneficial at educational software? Noting there are thousands, or tens of thousands, or even higher numbers, of pieces of educational software 99th percentile could be hundreds of different programs Also at educational software how much statistical variance at educational software products, are they all pretty good (narrow distribution), or is there a wide distribution?

A mild, beneficial drug, possibly a nootropic could heighten moving vehicle, like car enjoyment, while producing the education effect on heightening wellness and healthspan or other from non-education wellness healthspan effects. As long as it was mild, and statistically minimally misused, it could be popular, This drug could also be studied as to its effectiviness at improving school scores and achievement as well as Increasing the longevity and wellness of mice, could support its use and parental perspective based on more safe than safe wellness longevity effects. It is possible that racetams, tyrosine, which might be nootropic and ispublished, atleast once, as anti-fatigue, could reduce vehicle accidents. The emphasis is on a beneficial drug that makes people more intelligent. The longevity drug and mild stimulant deprenyl might make drivingmore enjoybale and becorrelatedwith fewer accidents.

A nootropic with the education effect on longevity and healthspan that is an aphrodisic could be popular among teenagers, tweens and adults. Foxy (5MEO tryptophan or a similar chemical name) linked to a racetam molecule might do it.

The idea of a nootropic that heightens positive emotional amplitude is novel to me. People could feel more in love, yet also be more intelligent. I do not know what an actual human taking something like phenylpiracetam experiences if they are in love and hanging out with their loved one. Less? More? Different? Stimulating nootropics like caffeine enhance sociability which could make romance feel even nicer. So perhaps a stimulant nootropic that heightens positive emotional experience could have simultaneous benefit.

Human physiological children’s nootropics: Fish oil in school lunch has been previously described, perhaps there are amino acids that do something beneficial, Tyrosine may be a nootropic, and is published as anti-fatigue. Tyrosine should be measured as to any effect on non-prosocial behavior before being added to school lunch or breakfast. Arginine and creatine have various published benefits although I do not know of nootropic effects from them.

Novelty and notability permitting software:
“At a deeper level, the algorithm was sustaining the biases that already existed in the [medical school] admissions [essay reading] system. After all, Franglen had tested the machine against humans and found a 90 to 95 percent correlation of outcomes. But by codifying the human selectors’ [previously established but at-that-moment-of-time socially contested] practices into a technical system, he was ensuring that these biases would be replayed” Ok, say the MCAT measures 10 things, each with a different correlative efficacy at predicting medical school success. The software reads the written essays, and stuff that is reallly differerent than the usual success pattern is separated, then the essays computed numbers are compared with the 10 MCAT success correlative predictors as to their actual efficacy at predicting medical school success, if any of the 10 mcat areas, or possible groupings of them, are more highly predictive than the correlation of success from the essay, then the MCAT score can swap out for the essay, causing admission at, notably and just at: the people the software thinks have unusual, bizarre, or highly novel essays. That way if someone turns in a comic book for their essay they still could be admitted. They could measure if it works based on graduation/grades of the novel-essay admitted. The idea here is that this is sorting software that permits social and institutional change even though perhaps some previous software might have reinforced previous perspectives and attitudes that could be replaced with more optimal things.
If: essay bizzare at 95th percentile of bizarre
then: give MCAT more say.

An online site about VR headsets says they are $400 during 2019 AD, it seems likely they will become more affordable. I wonder if they can be reconfigured to measure eyesight (eye exam) and generate an optical “prescription”, apparently they might be able to do interpupillary distance figuring-out.

There is what might be a virtual reality (VR) educational/learning software thing where people learn and practice conversations that might be less than pleasant or enjoyable (terminating someone from employment) to reduce stress and improve outcomes (it did not mention body language but that could go with VR; notably eye contact and possibly hand on body position). Parenting practice software is likely to be beneficial as people generally learn from 99th percentile of child happiness, achievement, and well being parenting styles, notably they could link it to measuring your child’s personality and your own with something like the big five psychology test to give the VR user the ability to optimize their child raising and enrichment and happiness producing practice sessions

At the big five personality test there could be extra tests, or even software activity things, that partition score clusters into areas of specific tendency or meaning. Varieties of extroversion or varieties of introversion: At the action of saying fewer words, introverts might be calmly not talking, might feel not able to “get a word in edgewise”, are possibly not mentally spontaneously generating conversational content of their own, are concerned about the other’s feelings if they say something emotionally moving or controversial, eager to please but do not know how; So it seems possible to have big five score cluster “type” partitions that could benefit users that are sorting people into behavioral types (education: why isn’t Ludwig or Elise talking in class? Big five partition test describes, with high correlation and validity, what their introversion form is).(note:since it is actually academic school, centuries of prior school strongly suggest that if they are learning things and can be measured as having learned well they are doing fine, even if they do not socialize or respond to the teacher much. I strongly support academic achievement. Other kinds of beneficial education also exist. At talk to your crush school that teaches how to talk to your romantic crush, a partitioned measure of introversion could isolate areas to improve, or habits to somehow swap out.) Partitioned area measures at the big five personality test or something similar could benefit test takers as users (“I took the big five and found out I am an extrovert, so am I a charismatic extrovert or big-presence conversation leading extrovert, or a call my friends first friend extrovert?” Knowing partition contents could, just possibly, assist people to shift their personal feelings or their likely effect on others while still remaining introverted or extroverted, if that was what they felt like remaining as.

spintronic cancer drug: big magnet causes something like a chemotherapeutic drug made from nuclear spintronic chemistry to only be active when it was spin polarized; the magnet placed near the cancer causes spins to align just at the cancer area.

Dave Pearce “shroedingers neurons” way of looking at: if observation, notably from a superobserver, changes content and span of sentience, thoughts, and feeling, as well as other things: superobserver mechanism like 8 trillion elements (flash drive IC technology) is used at a person, voluntarily, to observe the quantum states, and perhaps resolve them from superposition (Dave’s schoedinger’s neurons idea) at the person’s own brain, or other parts of the body; The superobserver causes quantum resolution superposition resolution perhaps billions of times faster and with trillions, or higher, of parallel observations. From Dave’s “schoedingers neuron” idea, if superobserver observation changes isness, sentiece, feeling, as well as possibly quantitatively measurable effects of (like external action frequency change), I do not knowhow to distinguish the observation and possible quantum resolving effects of getting a MRI, notably at the CNS, from possible spintronic chemical effects on the CNS, although if magnetic fields are constant among MRI, increasing the computer resolution at specific brain areas like the nucleus accumbens could function as an observer resolving of quantum superposition

Dave: write up the things that can verify.refute/enhance Dave’s “schoedingers neurons” idea as a Quora item.

If There is a quantum component to beingness and sentience and feelings and other things, then a brain-region specific superobserver could optimize things like nucleus accumbens activity and activateability, as well as even possibly neurons of a certain type like dopmaine neurons. Perhaps a parent can benefit their child when they view an MRI of them, or utilize a superobserver with software made to benefit the child, that notices everything that is going right, to make it go well more durably. Being superobserver directed with software it might evenbe possible to make a few billion or more observations where the observation only gets written to storage if it goes right; also, (8 trillion item array at a flash drive; many voxels at fMRI)If there is a quantum resolution component to isness of being as well as a way to enhance and durabilize biochemistry thena superobserver that diagnoses only well being and capability is beneficial, also pleasant tointeract with and hear from. There could even be software weighings of how much to observe based on a sample. Some things might be more chemically active after superobserver observation, so those that are beneficialtohave more activity at would be observed; some chemicals, possibly cholesterol, has cardiovascular effects, observing those into chemical activity and durability would likely be nonbeneficial. Superobserver samples and then avoids superobserving a physiosystem or mental biochemical thing which has a data trend of: its better not to instantiate and durabalize some system, chemical, tissue, protein or other thing.

Also, there is sampling a system to see if the trend is going well, and if the trend is not going well, to omit observing it at any amount greater than the 1 part per million or billion sample superobserved.

a superobserver viewing things going right, with the directing software having a purpose of causing greater duration of well being and capability, could be a medical technology among people of all ages. Rather oddly, a big magnet, and or a mechanism with computer superobserver could be a veterinary technology as well. agriculturalists could MRI their chickens, going with absence of MRI resolution at areas they prefer to minimize observer effects on, but perhaps really emphasizing myoglobin molecules existence at the chicken, causing them to be muscularly advantaged thus more edible.

Dave’s “schroedinger’s neurons” drug; spintronic chemicals, among them possibly the longevity increasing spin trap chemical N-tert-alpha-phenyl-butylnitrone (PBN) I read about, could be concentrated and or localized as beneficial or harmless agents at the CNS and the rest of the body;

as to Dave’s quantum observer effects they could test: spintronic chemical/contrast agent with active fMRI, placebo contrast agent, no spin effect, fMRI of less resolution, fMRI at reduced software resolution except brain region of interest,

for dave: when you observe one part of a quantum system, are the other parts you omit observing or measuring affected? Like, if I weigh a quantum computer, does it effect the qubits? If I find out how many degrees K it is at, perhaps receiving warmth photons it emits without sending any interrogative photons, does that data resolution effect any of the quantum superposed,possibly electron things that make the quantum computer function?

I read that different quantized things, notably matter, energy, and everything, with the possible exception of information and presence of being describable at physics as waves, can have different areas of separate observation, weighing and scanning the photonsof warmth emittedfroma quantumcomputer does ntoa s far asI knowresolve it. I actually thought it was theother way, like if you have an electron emit a photonthe electron got immanentized, having things like location and velocity. There might be some observations, or observation methods, like electrons or photons meeting a semiconductor, that observe numerous systems or characteristics simultaneously, there might be others like measuring polarization, spin, even frequency and wavelength that leave most of the quantum superposed thing, mostly unresolved.
So for Dave’s “schroedinger’s neurons” Idea, how many observables or measurables are thereat conscious being? Like with light there are a bunch: polarization,spin, wavelength, frequency, likely others. So it is possible that at Dave’s idea, if quantum things have anything to do with consciousness, that there might be a list of observables or adjustables.

If there is separation and noninteraction of quantum measurables which produce specific quantum resolutions from superposition, it is possible there is something that when observed is beneficial, above average of all other observations beneficial, so observing it more, would, cumulatively, benefit humans, that is people; I do not know what causual easy observation accomplished with a human body that would be above average at conferring benefit to the human would be. Superobservers with software guidance that confer mental, physiological, possibly system direction/dynamic flow paths and velocities, and wellness benefit are describable.

Along with something like fMRI, which apparently looks at atoms, EPR measures electron spins. So, observations, from people or superobservers, that effect consciousness and presence of being might be shown to differ between the two (fMRI, EPR) suggesting different ways to technologize benefits, also, for Dave, thismight come up with two components to consciousness, or even reduce the likelihood ofoneof them mattering. I read there is an area the size of a quarter at the brain, and researchers “turned it off” at a humansubject who then acted like aP-zombie, she might haveeven said afterwards she was absent presence of being. So if EPR and fMRI are each used at separate procedures to observe, thatis possible quantumresolve, the quarter sized area of the brain, and fMRI does something but EPR does not, then a consciousness researcher could say, electron spin is absent a contribution to isness.

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) or electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is a method for studying materials with unpaired electrons. The basic concepts of EPR are analogous to those of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), but it is electron spins that are excited instead of the spins of atomic nuclei”

These quantum observer dopamine effects could all change the experience of conscious being, yet there is still no presence of being, unique sentience, and isness content! I just quantum resolved my dopamine receptors and they are now chemically more active so I feel different. It is possible I might think of something, possibly a mathematics thing, an eigenvalue is possibly a word for what is constant even if all the array components change; I should rereadwhat Dave Pearce thinks, what is the sourceof Dave thinking quantum superposition is linked to presence of being.

One thing I perceive Dave thinks is that the experienced being and mind is made up of uncollapsed quantum wave functions, that is a bunch of superpositioned thingies, likely at the CNS, are making an interpretation of various (potentially various, a planetfull of things could be one big quatum unresolved superposition) other superpositioned thingies, outside the body, and that as a continuously adaptive and adpating system, similar to a genetic algorithm, the uncollapsed wavematter of consciousness has accumulated preference among humans, that is people, for acting, and even believing, things outside the body have non-superposed, nonstatistical natures.

Noting the idea that fMRI of the brain could cause observer effects on what Dave might think of as superposed unresolved quantum states at hte human body, especially the brain, it is possible that neurotransmitter-receptor active drugs that have been radiolabelled to be visible to a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) brain imager could provide benefit. I think I read there are 30 neurotransmitters, if receptor-attaching and radio-labelling for each of these 30, then viewing and even storing the tomographic output has any measured perception and/or performance measurement difference from being dosed with the same amount of non-radiolabelled, unimaged neurotransmitter activator then it is possible that that particular neurotransmitter, or its neural type or connection, has something to do with presence of being. If the result happens that two of the thirty neurotransmitters are linked to observation-based mental effect change, then a map of all the neurons where those two neurotransmitters are together at one neuron, or where two neurons, each with one of the two effect-showing neurotransmitters, that would physically map at the brain the things where consciousness was modified with observations of a system, and Dave’s thought is that observing the system causes quantum resolution. An fMRI version of this might work with a contrast agent, like a gadolinium atom, attached to each of 30 different receptor-activating/attaching drugs. I perceive the resolution of fMRI is higher than PET, so the observer effect might work better at the higher resolution.

Like the AFM quantum resolution of the length of an alkane, do quantum physicists who described things larger than continets as being superpositions of unresolved states, have a highly functional explanation of 3d space packing? Like if there is a tree, and it goes unobserved, it still has seeds inside casings, so like quantum nondeterminacy seems to permit things to be various prepositions to each other like around, above, and It is my perception the human observer can observe just part ofthe tree as a system, resolving just some things about the tree if they like, yet there is a 3D thing going on,

(I read about a spin trap drug called PBN that heightens longevity. I do not know if it is a spin directing or conserving chemical; I do not know if it is a spintronic material. Being called a spin-trap it seemed like it but I do not know.) It might be that a beneficial Electron spintronic drug, like the longevity spin trap drug PBN, has different effects when spin at the human’s body is majoritized at a particular spin, possibly with an MRI sized magnet or possibly some other magnet, or a laser, for dermal youthfulness; Although there are spintronic chemical catalysts, it is possible that spintronic published things,like spintronic polymers, could be modified into pharamaceutical drugs; also vitamin B12 has a cobalt atom;it is possible that at MRI it gets spin polarized from a magnetic effect, even though it is only one atom and not a magnetic-domain sized thing; noting lengthy nucleic acid polymers, that can be macroscopically big and even visible to a human, is it possible that a harmless and beneficial metal containing amino acid polymer with like magnetic element Co, (or possibly Nd is physiologically harmless), on it could have a highenough AMU to produce durable magnetic domain effect locally, like at different areas of cytoplasm or intracyte fluids? The magnetizable metals might cause durable up spin at the nucleic acid polymer.

Also, it is just that I have not read much about spin chemistry, I perceive there might be many nonmetallic organic chemicals with spin effects, possibly some with durable spin polarization; one possibility is if electret polymers have spin because they always have surface electrons at a particular charge; perhaps there is even a manufacturing technique that could spin polarize an electret or other polymer, besides a chemical technique; like if you are making an electret polymer from some melted plastic, and do the thing they do that makes it anelectret, while simultaneously having it cool illuminated witha laser or cooled at a magnetic field, perhaps that causes measurable durable spin at the electret polymer. If the lasers and magnets during cooling thing works it could also be a spintronic drug manufacturing basis, notably at polymer drugs.

I read about spin, electron spin is, at wikipedia, a free radical thing; atomic spin, which might be called magnetic spin, is a function of the nucleus. Technologists are able to make things like chemical catalysts and light emitters with what is called spintronics. Noting that chemistry is adjustable with spin it seemed possible that there could be spintronic medical chemicals, I feel doubnt about electron spin chemicals as free radicals, are, as far as I know, to be avoided physiologically, and nuclear spins, although MRI is published as affecting cehmical reactions, seem like the actual chemical behavior of the molecule on its own would be the largest biggest effect. Notably though, MRI does effect chemisry, and there are spintronic chemical catalysts.

Are there any spintronic chemicals that transfer or predictably modify spin at another chemical they react with, or at something like a protein, attach to? Spintronic chemistry and things like spintronic catalysis suggest: possibly. That would be like a spin donor, a synchronized spin donor enriching Up spin, if it somehow retains spin through aqueous digestion and membrane transport, possibly the longevity spin trap chemical PBNmight (or might not),

There could be physiologically active spin donor chemicals, therefore screening all the GRAS and FDA drugs to find out if any are spintronic chemically active or spindonors that are already immediately available without effort, could be beneficial.

Then, noting the previously published spintronic,notably chemical spintronic literature is a place where beneficial pharmaceutical development could find source molecules as well as previously published effects that could be modified, amplified, or adjusted to be new pharmaceutical drugs.

Is there any spintronic drug that effects cardiac function, blood sugar or prevents cancer or is a senolytic; cardiac: vagus nerve activity improver spintronic drug: could the longevity producing spin trap molecule be chemically linked to a neurotransmitter that concentrates at a beneficial physiological system, perhaps localized to the vagus nerve? that could bring spintronic chemistry and drug effects to the nerve that controls the cardiac thing.

occur, there is theentire previouslypublishedliterature on spintronic material, including chemicals.

Dave’s thing: although nuclear (nucleus) spintronic chemistry exists, it is possible spin customization of molecules, cytostructures, and possibly lipid rafts and membranes at various areas of the brain could be used to heighten observer effects, at resolving quantum systems, with the higher resolution produced at an fMRI from a spin effecting contrast agent. Also, seeing if Dave’s “schoedinger’s neurons” thing has experimental support, the rest of the fMRI of the brain, other than a region previously studied as linked to some ability, feeling or characteristic, would be purposefully scanned at non-quantum resolving digital resolution, so: at a aprticular person, everything but the nucleus accumbens has minimized fMRI data, that observes,possibly kind of superobserves the nucleus accumbens; does the person feel any diffferent; is there an effect if the human getting the fMRI views and guides the process,or is it quantitatively measurable as equally effective or functional if a researcher views it; for the non-human observer interpretation of quantum physics doing different scans, at different resolutions could come upwith graphable curves on fMRI resolution and quantitative measurables like the fMRIed human doing math, or new ideas per minute generated, or even subjective well being measures.

I do not know how it would go; technologically a superobserver, like a computer, that was able to raise human function even without the human being attentive would be easier and likely reach even more people than something where people had to pay attention to themselves.

The fMRI or particular CNS that is brain, at various regions, with heightened observer effect from the fMRI is distinguishable from the possible spintronic chemical effect of the spintronic contrast agent or other spintronic drug.

Quantum superobserver could also be a nootropic effect, superobserver observes the hippocampus optimally and that affects memory ability, if as Dave thinks, there is a “schroedingers neuron” thing going on.

GRAS chemicals and all FDA drugs screened for existing nuclear spintronic character; molecules that favor or have a particular spin more than others could be listed out then math correlated with shared physiological effects; correlate spin at various physiostructures like lipid membranes with physiological wellness; feed the GRAS/FDA drugs that have spintronic preferentialization of concentration of a particular spin; find out if spintronic effects at c elegans at automatic process multiwell plates to see if some kind of spin effect affects physiological wellness, and longevity;

MRI fields are published as effecting biochemistry, so big magnets might be causing spin polarization at the physiological body causing effects, some of these effects could be beneficial.

[[Are there any naturally occuring physiological things that have a spintronic component? Noting that things like two photon things like chlorophyll exist, and that lipids might be customizable to be spintronically having of different characteristics, and noting that lipid membranes and lipid rafts could be spin-durable because they make their own insulation from aqueous fluids which might stochisticize spin; are there spintronic lipids that benefit humans?
]] (brackets because electron spin is free radicals and sometimes lasts half an hour, nuclear spin is responsive to big magnets)

Dave’s “schoedinger’s neurons” idea; previously described is a person, possibly other than (or and) the person being fMRI-ed observes brain and neuron things, as well as version where the person observes their own fMRI, as well as versions where a plurality of observers observe the fMRI (noting that human vision jumps around, there would be wider simultaneous coverage of an entire graphic if twenty people were watching it. (note wigner’s friend thing and DQCE to my perception, make a human observer a functional quantum resolver from superposition) The humans or human is observing the fMRI output at each of more than 30 neurotransmitters while the person indicates how much consciousness or isness they have, possibly some receptors fMRI observation effects being, and possibly also receptor activateability from a fixed dose of a receptor stimulating drug (perhaps observing a receptor modfies its chemistry activity); improving this, particularly as consciouness research has value, is, even complementing other continual improvements at imaging, is a fMRI machine that is 4 or 10 times higher resolution, I perceive that a bigger magnet, as well as possibly an annular scan tube that fits around the head that is narrower diameter than one that would do shoulder width and the entire body would increase resolution. Also, I read online that when you use a thoughtfully engineered magnet and sensors that less than millimeter MRI is possible, I perceive it might have been less than a tenth of a millimeter resolution, so a fMRI machine customized to brain and consciousness research could be much higher resolution. one tenth of a millimeter resolution with quantum resoloving observation would create a detailed map of what area of the CNS, when quantum resolved, does what.

likely a thing on laboratory mammals, or humans if its harmlessness is well researched and documented, could be immunolocalization of fMRI contrast agents ( I perceive one is gadolinium) to specific neurons. fMRI of say just that population of kind of neuron throughout the brain could also be measured (quantum resolved) as to effect on presence of being or isness. So an imitation dopamine like PEA could have a gadolinium attached to it, and it would activate pretty much just Trace amino acid receptors; a larger molecule would be an aptamer or antibody to say GABA neurons, and something like gadolinium phenibut or a gadolinium benzodiazepene would just concentrate there.

To create higher resolution quantum observability: the receptor active drug could also be localized: antibodies, or less immunoalerting, is aptamer localization, to particular neuron types, where the antibody or aptamer is linked to the activator drug. So if it was PEA, you could attach a gadolinium to it, and localize it to just one kind of aptamer-findable neuron. That way the observed fMRI, although the human viewed screen resolution (quantum observation mechanism) would be like it is like it is, would be making fMRI observations of some really specific things “point” things, rather than swathes of entire brain responding to a neurotransmitter receptor activbating drug. the fMRI would be looking at something like a splayed fiber optic lamp instead of whole room ambient lighting. This is to figure out if Dave’s idea that human tissue, like the CNS, is quantum superposed, and that, slightly different than his idea, resolving the quantum superposition, could cause effects.

Also, from reading Dave’s material on Quora I perceives he entertains the concept that quantum superposition at tissue like the CNS might, to his thought, last “femtoseconds” That suggests making a list of body things, possibly those with less aqueous stochastic neighborness, which if superposed would last longer, up to seconds, minutes or days. I read about somewhat macroscopic vibrating wires, that lasted minutes, possibly hours as quantum unresolved matter. It is possible that the comparatively less water at the area areas like bone could have filamentous structures that would have longer quantum superposition durability. Also, the durability of what are called hydrations shells, when water next to a molecule takes its shapes, or controus around its shape; I perceive there are even layers of hydration shells surrounding the contoured first hydration shapes.. So, what is the quantum superposition durability of a hydration shell? (it could be that water lasts a long time around some molecules or cytostructures)

Another listable quantum durable: crystalloid bodies at cytes exist, although I might not know what they are called, I have viewed images of these as circle (presumably round 3d blobs or spheres) of protein so homogenous and tightly arrayed as to form what looks like a blob of crystal at images of cytes. Non-lipids, the interior of these is nonaqueous, and could have particularly durable quantum superposition, also noting they might be at the interior of almost all cytes, the effects of their quantum resolution or the durability of their superposition could directly affect the cytosol, proteins, their effects, and other cytosol things. So at neurons these crystal blobs, if resolved might have different chemistry, and groups of them might even form a distribution of the “amount” that each cyte, like a neuron, is quantum resolved or superposed (this neuron has 90% superposed, 10% resolved, that neuron has 90% resolved, 10% superposed; these amounts of superposition or resolution contribute to the actual chemistry that occurs at the cytosol. Quantum resolution would effect spintronic chemistry.. Supporting the idea that quantum resolution would affect chemistry differently than quantum superposition is that systems with electron spin, when the spins are synchronized (all up) have different spintronic effects (spintronic chemical catalysts are published). Also although it would be proton/nucleus emphasized, nuclear spin, which differs from electron spin, also changes chemical activity (MRI is published as effecting biochemistry). So, resolved or superposed molecules could, among numerous possible quantum resolvables, have spin that converts to a particular form, which is chemically differently active than a superposed molecule (say it goes to spin up, from spin unresolved that might be like “both chemical versions simultaneously” The unresolved molecule is still doing something, but on observation it does the spin-specific version of its chemistry.

(from reading about the researchers looking at the DQCE the next day DQCE quantum adjustability lasts many hours, it could last decades if the optical system goes unobserved, but I am absent knowledge of a published “longest interval” to change or resolve (DQCE: re-resolve) a quantum event, so, notably at crystalloids and bone, quantum unresolved things could be clustered, arranged, “domino effected” and insulated to produce quantum unresolved structures that had composite durability of greater length than any one molecule’s quantum durability. If we domino effect a trillion hydroxyapatite molecules in bone at a structure or even a distribution, then Dave’s “femtosecond” might be a 1 second durability of superposition, long enough to so something with his “schoedinger’s neurons” idea. Also, along with arrangements of molecules, previously described is another way to build chronological lengths and physical spans (like length and breadth) of quantum superposedness or resolvedness as positioned things, that retain their shape or form, through the generation of standing waves (just make a mirror out of atoms, and next to it occurs a concentration; two mirrors you have an etalon with standing waves, possibly regularly spaced as blobs, also some wave cavities and shapes of source-pushes, create solitons (a shape of wave with 100 or more times the durability and non-spead dissolution of a sine wave) Interestingly these can be treated as groupings of superposition, like superposition near other superposition, to produce things like solitons of superposedness; these as a slightly different kind of wave would have more than 100 times the non-spread and possibly durability compared with a one atom or one elctron sytem, So, to Cheer dave, Ithink there are possible human physiological quantum superpositions that last much longer than femtoseconds, and, if they have value, can be engineered and optimized to provide benefit to humans.

Also, for Dave, there is the possibility of looking at Hom much of a system, like a system with an eigenvalue, is both superposed and resolved, like the potentially possible 90% superposed, 10% resolved crysalloids making up a “kind of quantum resolved, still quantum superposition flexible” body cyte or neuron. It is my perception he is absent requiring the whole neuron be superposed (I think he thinks that if it were all resolved people would be p-zombies; just the “mechanicals” of chemistry and physics)

Noting a mix of reolved and superposed at an actual cyte or tissue, finding things at the body, where there are a group of them, where the proportions or, utilzing better math:distributions of some resolved and some unresolved could cause

eigenvalue math and a slightly substrate-independent consciousness source possibility: Note that electron or nucleus spin sort of just makes out the quantum states of an atom or molecule at a neurotransmitter receptor to have kind of have a chemical druglike effect, and drugs are already well known to have effects on consciousness, presence of being and isness;

I should reread what Dave has written, I think he is thinking of why people are not p-zombies and from what experienced consciousness arises from, rather than saying “quantum state can function like a drug” (as an aside, quantum things could be affecting the felt mind, but perhaps some unglamourous 3% heightening or lessening of some chemical system)

noting though that quantum superposition has nonfinite probability distances (the electron could appear a light year away, it is just statistically unlikely to) quantum superposition might have math representation with nonfinite elements at a math matrix; That matrix could have different eigenvalues; my perception of an eigenvalue is that it is what remians when you change everything out at a matrix, there is a colloquial thing, where if you swap out every part of a car, and it still drives, is it the same car? The carness persists, the things it is made of are swapped out. So an eigenvalue can be thought of that which persists. There could be content here, but I have no idea what it is. being seems, from some perspectives, to be a persistent chracteristic even thought

The things is that eigenvalues have math definitions, so there are logical “unfoldements” and rigorous pathways (operations) that can be performed on the matrices that generate the eigenvalues.
So, they could search to see if consciousness has any math-of-eigenvalue predictabilities (hypothesizables) then the more things at consciousness that do, or fit, the eigenvalue math easily, or perhaps even sructurally; that is eigenvalue math transformations and axioms which eigenvalue math is based on, can be found at consciousness, and then benefically perhaps even physically searched for at the brain. If consciousness has eigenvalue confirming math sourcings and predictable equational effects then huamns could find eentsy changes that change he eigenvalue of a marix tremendously and test them on nonhuman mammals and if harmless or beneficial, could do them at humans. Perhaps there is an equational unfoldement of math that can be translated to tissue, massively modifying the eigenvalue based, predictive model of consciousness form of being, isness and consciousness. One temporary adjustment could create voluntarily-modified duration of heightened isness, another math operation/equation/function could cause temporary P-zombie form.

So, if there are supported hypothesis that eigenvalue math
could be found to accurately, equationally-predictively, model and predict isness, or consciousness, that could be another source of consciousness, linkable to physiology, that is different than quantum things, that Dave might like.

and hey, I donot know if quantum superposition has some eigenvalue persistence thing although putting quantum states into an array, calling it a matrix, and calulating an eigenvalue would make one. Dave might like reading up on eigenvalues, and see if even a bubbly “femtosecond” or, as described above second or multiminute ar multiday, quantum effects when viewed as a math array can have a persisting eigenvalue, noting that eigenvalue is a way of mathematically naming something that arises and persists even as all the parts bubble into different forms.

There are things online where they do eigenvalue calculations with actual, or possibly models or emulators of quantum computers; these might have group-effect-swapout-persistence derived values arising from quantum systems. I
I am absent a basis to think that quantum effects are

There could be a a lot of things look like this at the human body snag: a turing machine can do matrices and support eigenvalues, so finding eigenvalue-compatible parts of human consciousness might require sifting out many easy-to-misimportancize eigenvalue generating systems at the human being. Even just syte/tissue/neuron feed-forward and feedback (Norbert Weiner:cybernetic) loops could be making turing machines all over the place at humans I appreciate that there is possible actual science value to finding eigenvalue generators and sustainers at human tissues, and what things they cause to persist, but is there any cause to think that just because consciousness might be one of them, that it is?

a mathematician might figure out what a matrix with nondecided array elements does. “nondecided elements” would, noting Dave’s idea, be Quantum states like superposition. I have read they make matrices of functions, and of course quantum superposition is likely writable as an equation to be placed in a location at a matrix. And hey, why use a 2d grid matrice; it seems likely that mathematicians have figured out calculations, solutions, and unique characteristics of 3D matrices, spherical matrices, and matrices with and without “edge wrap”, So, there are some mentally groovy variations on predicting eigenvalues, generating eigenvalues of superpositioned quantum things, persisting effects, and specific math forms together.

“Duck!” or the anthropic principle: Then there is also the possibility at the MWI, as well as unitary MWI with adjustability came up with a source branch with consciousness, and that consciousness then propagated at its further branches, and just possibly figured out how to traverse to other previously unvisited branches. This is a little like the anthropic principle being used as a generator and screen, this time of conscious being, but so what? It has entertainment value.

(I have no Idea how I could have thought of a way to make unitary MWI adjustable, but I thought it)

Naming seems to kind of do things at human comprehension. I am confused as to why Dave thinks naming a thing “quantum unresolved neurons” (or some other cytes or tissues at a human) (schoedingers neurons) has a basis for producing something like the ability to be.
I perceive from his writings that he ponders the idea that all things are actually quantum superposed and unresolved, including the observer, like a human, and that then (Dave) noting we are actually running sketches or simulations of what folks together call reality, and noting the least fancied up or elaborate interpretation of the schroedinger equations, could be all superposition all the time, Dave might be looking for consciousness in quantum effects, possibly because at the least elaborate interpretation (MWI, and/or all superposed everything) consciousness would seem to be psudo-invetiably made up of quantum stuff. The thing is, I think there can be non-quantum stuff. So it might be valid to find testable hypothesis about presence of being, isness, consciousness in that stuff which is non-quantum, just as much as hypothesizing sources of isness at quantum things.
So far I mentioned eigenvalue math, another one might be those things about the observed universe that are nonfinite and analog (spherical coordinate photon emission direction)

The thing is that ging for the most parsimonious statement of quantum mechanics and its way of structuralizing and hypothesizing about what it would do, and then testing those hypothesis goes with occams razor, “simplest supported explanation”

Occams razor and parsimony might only describe some systems, particularly systems with fewer parts: But do statistics math actually support occams razor? It is possible that humans note, and can mathematically find, things, systems, and explanations-likely to be right, that is true, outside of occams razor. Occams razor makes sense as a basis for doing science, but might be improvable with math, even giving the ability to assist in generating strengthened hypotheses that treat data and gather data in a way that causes occams razor to have greater applicability and productivity.

So the thing that to my perception causes occams razor to be sometimes, possibly predictably, nonapplicable is: If you think of distribution, the likelihood that the distribution will be mathematically identical as its fit of an equational curve, depends on not just number of samples, it

If you look at 10 or 300 individual distributions, some of them are likely, that is mathematics of probability supported, to have some variance between each other.

Some math shapes amplify, so if at some pile of distributions, there is also a distribution of which of that list of previously measured distributions items gets amplified, then that would generate at least some large, observationally prominent anisotropies (anomolous assemblages), where if you tried to describe them with the simplest thing (occams razor), that is the equation that fits the aggreagate of the 300 measured separate distributions, you would actually have described it wrong, with something that has has high prediction value yet misses predicting the giant blobs from the aggregates...

So someone who knows math could take a system with n as measured variable, and K repetitions, and find the quantity of non-identical to model distributions, and then look at the effect of the combined effect of grouping the new distributions together, perhaps as a simple combinatoric, to mathematically describe a system where Occams razor was only functional say 2/3 of the time; then at actual things at the observable universe, scientists and other researchers and technologists could look for statistical/distributional features that suggest some particular thing or phenomena might only be 10% likeley (or perhaps 90% likely) to have an occams razor basis, parsimoniousness, for saying how it works.

So is there any physics experiment that would look for anisotropies at what the schroedinger equation predicts, not as a means of finding an exception that produces a new physics thing to explain, but measuring the variance of the shroedinger equation’s predictions, noting that when you clump variance together large anisotropies predictably arise.These might be really varying as to distributions (noting that arranging the distributions, possibly where they can amplify each other, producing anisotropies, anisotropies better explained with something less parsimonious than the schroedinger equation)

At some technologically doable experiment, then doing the thing where if there are a million measurements of that variance, a few will be really big, and, at another round of piling up or sorting, will look like, or be, big anisotropies, and then those anisotropies would have an alternative mathematical statement. That alternative mathematical statement would appear non-parsimonius while still being higher in accuracy.

Note: I thought of an exception: If there are a million pieces of data, one equation that predicts them with precision is just to have each and every number of the million things listed as an array element, or the element of a set, reminds me of FEA… so it would be fully descriptive yet not predictive.

So the variance at a group of distributions sometimes regularly creating a nonparsimonious explanation from being more predictive structure of thinking about things says: There are predictably occasions where an occams razor apporach is less functional than another equation.

So is it possible to sift sideways or replace the bottom-up thing follows thing occams razor with a different approach, well occams razor, with its sequetial-seeming thing reminds me of a compare two, favor one, bubble sort. There are other sorts at computer science. One of them that I do not really comprhend it heap sort, it starts at the middle, and then, perhaps alternates sides, anyway I think I remember it was twice as effective (possibly fast or half the steps) as bubble sort. So, what would a human or software do with a heap of tested hypothesis that they wanted to come up with an equation to explain? There might be the scientific method equivalent of the heap sort (or some even more advanced computer science sort) And, beneficially if the human or software knew it was going to come up with a descriptive equation (explanation) using a heap sort scientific method (compared with going linear/bubble sort from axioms), then it could suggest completely new kinds of experiments. If I were more thoughtful I might be able to think of some versions of these experiments.

There are a bunch of different sorts at computer science, humans, or possibly software and AI could look to see if shared midrange features, rather than axiomatic like bases could generate models that are more predictive. Notably, some sorting algorithms are parallel, and although humans think widely, I perceive with unenuciated parallelism and wide scope, they might enunciate in their minds and their writings, sequential explanation. It is possible that the existence of a ariety of computer science sorting algorithms could, to a mathmetically literate mechanisms of science studying person, suggest new ways to do and look at things.

MWI testing technology: From Dave’s possible perspective then, what if there is a math computer science basis for finding a nonparsimonious axiom-like origin, yet more predictive thing than the schroedinger equation and its MWI and quantum superposition products from occams razor? This could be an MWI testing technology.

What happens to MWI if its parsimonious basis is one of many equally explanatory math statements consistent with actual measurments:What if software generates a million alternate, fully explanatory, testable (mid-range of distribution math sort-based descriptive) explanations, then MWI parsimony thus perceived at 219 AD as being likely, would be one of a million and one predictive eqaution systems. A science person might be able to say if you increase the state space from one equational description to a million different equational descriptions, does any one particular thing at the state space have highest likelihood of being the actual thing? Going with the alluring and possibly slightly overconvenient idea that there might be a most actual out of the million and one equations, It could be a different one than schreodinger’s equation

example: muliply everything at schoedinger’s equation with .5 then double it after you plug in the numbers, it is more elaborate, less parsimonius, but it has the same predictive ability.

The thing is though that various instances of the million predictive equations could do testable yet unparsimonious stuff: it ( adiffrent solution) might take a different amount of shannon information to represent, or require the universe to have integers, or generate a causally specific, thus one result ignorable “two solutions simultaneously, at the actual measured universe just one solution is actually what it is”, yet perhaps the non-descriptive extra solution has some discernable value, like at N^4 = 32, the version where N is negative or positive, you might learn from the extra solution that the other solution is less than 40 and more than 10, even though the actual accurate measurable thing is N=2 rather than -2.

One of the benefits of going to computer science sorting algorithms compared with: (base to higher development) from axiom elaboration is that stuff from the middle might sometimes be easier to test hypothesis of, that is technology might sometimes be awesome at testing hypothesis from the middle of the sort algorithm. So there could be entire new branches of experiment creation based around the math of nonparsimonious descriptions generating predictive results that match what is measured.

(two flip branched string)

having ideas about eigenvalues, at an actual matrix, and the metaphor version with the car that moves forwards being the persisting thing that causes people to keep thinking it is car, even though you swap out all the parts,

Also, another eigenvalue thing is the math part where functions having some common feature can swap for each other and have the eigenvalue remain, notably then along with the matrix generation of and math rules that generate eigenvalues; there is an eigenvalue manipulability of “essence” (you could apply math transformations and equations to platonism), so, at a “swap all the parts, which or where is the car; you still have carness” metaphor that is also describable as a math parsimonious description as an eigenvalue, then at the “carness” a person can even swap out some of the thingness (platonically or noun/function unique parts) as component systems: “carness” is still a voluntary person visitable thing that moves forward even if you replace a wankel engine with a straight 8)
So, then an eigenvalue statement of consciousness would have mathematical basis for not just swapping out all the parts, but replacing entire component systems, as long as the

Can you run an eigenvalue backwards, that is describe the eigenvalue of a matrice you think of as ok and something you like, then perhaps have software generate a million different numbers or functions to put in the matrix array that will generate the same eigenvalue? If so, and if hypothesis and math unfoldements from probing conscious being are tested and predictive, then this could inform people that like creating technology of artificial sentience. So rather than nondistinguishability from a human, an AI could have persisting eigenvalue as a human, as well as high fidelity to all the eigenvalues math unfoldements. That might be deeper or thicker than just imitating a human really well.

What is the simplest eigenvalue generator: some things. Like literally a set. That’s it. Then you also have to have some sort of thing to run the matrix math on.

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All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o Quantum Physics and Consciousness Research

By: Joe Mardin on Sun, 23 Jul 2023

0Joe Mardin

rocksolid light 0.9.8
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