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sci / sci.engr / Spintronics, Electromagnetic Waves, Feasibility, Technology

Subject: Spintronics, Electromagnetic Waves, Feasibility, Technology
From: Joe Mardin
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Subject: Spintronics, Electromagnetic Waves, Feasibility, Technology
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Research that if corrobarated with more studies and controlled for coastal effects and metaanalysis, says something like: “States with higher taxes and more government expenditures tend to have lower mortality rates among middle-aged Americans, according to new research published in PLOS One.. An increase of one percentage point in state tax burden was associated with about a six percent reduction in mortality.” But the thing is how much lower mortality is produced; I have libertarian tendencies it could be that prescriptionless metformin, and development of new longevity drugs,which could be velocitized with less government regulation, could actually be an order or even orders of magnitude greater benefit to wellness, healthspan as well as longevity. Also, lower mortality amoung the middle aged could concentrate around things like vehicle accidents or cancer.

This says beneficial sleep is linked to 1/3 the cardiovascular problem(s), at stressed employed people, which strongly suggests I do things that cause unintterupted restful sleep; I read about sleep hygeine, perhaps I should see if that is effective.
Work stress and impaired sleep are linked to a threefold higher risk of cardiovascular death in employees with hypertension. The study included 1,959 hypertensive workers aged 25-65, without cardiovascular disease or diabetes.. It also says of just sleep effect, “those with only poor sleep had a 1.8-times higher risk”
“Sleep treatment can include:
Stimulus control therapy: training to associate the bed/bedroom with sleep and set a consistent sleep-wake schedule.
Relaxation training: progressive muscle relaxation, and reducing intrusive thoughts at bedtime that interfere with sleep.
Sleep restriction therapy: curtailing the period in bed to the time spent asleep, thereby inducing mild sleep deprivation, then lengthening sleep time..
Paradoxical intention therapy: remaining passively awake and avoiding any effort (i.e. intention) to fall asleep, thereby eliminating anxiety.”
Possibly zero drugs in the middle of the night could improve sleep as well. Tryptophan supplement might be beneficial as well. Probiotic that makes tryptophan, particularly a well engineered probiotic that just makes tryptophan in the evening, could be a harmless cardiobeneficial sleeping pill.

This makes me wonder if ambien, which might be bad for people’s brain might cause less cardiovascular disease; not a technology, just typing things.

A study online says that plump 7 year olds have greater risk of feeling nonoptimal when they reach 11 years old; that suggests a children’s diet pill could improve the lives of children; pediatric metformin is one beneficial thing where research supports metformin producing weight loss. Also, make a bunch of chemical variants of metformin and find out if any have weight loss effects greater than metformin’s ANother possibility, that would benefit from research, which might already exist, as to if ADD treating stimulants cause two simultaneous benefits to children: Heightened focus, and possibly higher school achievement among the mentally well (non ADD) population as well as beneficial weight loss and possibly mood lifting at the 7-11 year olds that are feeling nonoptimal. It is my perception that stimulant ADD medication is well tolerated among children.

Technology: magnetic coated wires could improve motor and generator efficiency is a possible new-to-me application of, “the scientists observed a quantum effect revealing the potential to control certain qualities of the metal’s magnetism by spinning electrons one direction or another.” … “Magnetic damping is responsible for the various qualities of a magnetic field engineers use to turn metal alloys into storage devices, drive magnetic motors, and operate certain kinds of braking devices. “ Noting that charge flows at the surface of wires, could magnetic coatings, noting magnets have macroscale organized spin, and magnets have the ability to induce particular spins in things near them, cause some improvement to the magnetic effects of wire winding, like those in electric motors, or power plant generators, or does the really big magnetic field produced at a motor or generator override the effect of a thin coating of supermagnet (like Neoydium Iron Boron) on wire, right at the surface where the electrons flow? Or, is it a square of the distance thing where the field from the coating is so intense at the top 100 atoms or the like (the especially conductive part) of a wire such that the general magnetic field produced at the motor or generator winding is actually orders of magnitude lower, being a macroscopic ambience, than that of the magnetic wire coating, and thus the macroscopic motor/generator is less effecting of the spin at the outer layer of the electrical wire, causing magnet coated wires to have novel beneficial function.

I may have previously written about applying spintronic to catalysts, if not, that could be a technology where the catalyst is at a magnetic field or laser illuminated; I may have even seen an entire university study group that does this.

Nifty thought: warmth is like low grade IR, can some kinds of warmth or low grade IR synchronize orientation of spins at a material? Possibly at material depth, as IR would be generated throughout the bulk of a warm material. I think I read about something like “coherent warmth” (Economist magazine possibly) so that internal IR/coherent warmth radiation might, like a laser, orient spins; this might have spintronic benefits as well; possibly spintronic warmth could effect catalysts at bulk application without application of external magnetic fields or laser illumination. My perception is that warmth usually stochasticizes spins (warmth zaps magnets) but coherent warmth, or IR emission at the interior of a material might have a spintronic effect. One thing notes that EM/photon fields spin is linked to circular polarization: “In addition, light can carry an intrinsic angular momentum, called spin, that is proportional to the degree of circular polarization (helicity), and aligned with the propagation direction.” That is not looking compatible with IR or even coherent warmth spintronics, unless, like the way almost anything will forms swirls or vortices, or possibly even eddy currents at actual materials.

If I were a physicist I might immediately know if the bulk size (wavelength) of a circularly polarized (spintronics spin carrying) wave could be big, and possibly spintronic effects at large chunks of actual material; spintronic effects at the type of radiation, like 1mm microwave, might carry and impart customized spin at big 1mm or larger objects. It seems possible. One possibility is circularly polarized/spintronic producing microwaves improving catalysts, chemical reactions, or increasing or customizing chemical reaction yield at seperate products (like they a making a particular chemical, but the reaction produces three chemicals; Big 1mm microwave spintronics/catalysis/some other thing then effects the amounts of which chemicals are produced at a chemical reaction)

Noting there are people, scientists and technologists, on the internet that link spintronics to catalysis perhaps an electric spintronic vehicle catalytic converter might be possible; notably many things would be cheaper than precious metal catalysts

Nifty thought: evanescent wave producing structures might transport, distribute, or couple spintronics effects at two or more materials; I read two prisms slightly apart can share photons as an evansecent wave effect (I read about two wax prisms affecting microwaves with an amazing 1mm gap non-optical path between the wax prisms), so can spin effects travel as evansecent waves across actual air or vacuum gaps between materials? I just read that evanescent waves can have spin, “Researchers found that evanescent waves carry momentum and spin components that are orthogonal to the direction of wave propagation. Moreover, the transverse spin turns out to be independent of polarization and helicity, while the transverse momentum is proportional to the wave helicity”
New-to-me spintronic chemistry could be effected at millimeter or greater distances if evanescent spintronics is possible. novel catalysis at/from container walls imparting spin to chemicals as well as catalysts at the sides of a container which have something analogous to evanescent wave gap-passing energy; the spin customization magnets or lasers or some other thing would be on the exterior of the chemical container while using evanescent wave effects to do spintronics on the stuff in the container. There is a slight chance that bubble trays at petroleum refining could have some shape where the spintronic catalyst effect is evanescent-wave stimulated from photons or magnetics or some other thing at the interior of the bubble tray. The spintronic stuff migrates through the surface of the tray as an evansecent wave.

Mathematics is nifty, “light can carry an intrinsic angular momentum, called spin, that is proportional to the degree of circular polarization (helicity)” is an actual observed 3d+t effect, noting there is math of things like 4d hyperspheres, it seems like there is likely math of 4d helicity; would that carry even more information than electron/photon spin or have novel effects/characteristics? It seems possible to use math to predict what those novel effects of 4D helicity would be and then search for them at actual matter or energy materials. Noting that DQCE affects the t of 3d+t it is possible that a 4th dimensional effect of some kind could be found with the math of higher dimensionality at polarization of waves, among them circularly polarized waves. Another nifty math thing is whether waves and polarizations have different things like automatic nodality (like a circumference of a sphere might be nonself-interacting and absent automatic nodality, but a circumference on a blobby maxi pad (solid saddle curve) might automatically generate nodes or antinodes; along with different nodality there could be “size prescribes characteristics thing” or group of effects at different math shapes, like at a torus, or that wobbly thing that is not a sphere; sort of like along with the actual wavelength of the radiation/light travelling at it as amth thing, the diameter of the torus would impart a new defined thing about light or other energy “because it has to fit on the different simultaneous things at a torus”; the torus, unlike the sphere, having two or three different ways to have a circle wrapped around a diameter (circle the top of the torus with your finger; make the OK finger thing around the tube of the torus, and also the smaller diameter circle at the core of the torus), another math shape with a 4d version could be anything with “curl” like water spinning in a glass or a vortex, or even the U shaped two connected vortexes at a distance from each other I saw at a youtube video where a person made one moving a plate in water;
Technology applications of these things are: compared to a sphere model, at a torus there would be more intinsic separable states or characteristics at an actual physical material; magnetisim arises from chunks of spins, so chunks full of inner torus diameter actual optimized materials could be different from those materials optimized for outer torus circumference; there could even be materials modelled and created around the ration of inner and outer diameters at a torus; at a curl/vortex/ U or n shaped twin vortex there could be say the distance between the distal parts of the n shaped vortex as a modelled and created actual material characteristic.

Another possibility is that some of the nifty new math suggested physical effects of 4d versions of spin and helicity are 3d maps,possibly called projections, of 4d structures; sort of like that bubble-nested squares 3d thing that is one view of a 4d hypercube, there could be technologyizable actual 3d math shapes that are like the projections of 4d circular polarization or helicity. Rotini antenna: perhaps rather than a circular polarization antenna looking like a line or possibly a circle, the 3d projection of a 4d helicity might look like a rotini, notably having at least some of the beneficial technologyizable effects and characteristics suggested from the math of 4d circular polarization. Like perhaps the 3d projections of 4d hyper circular polarization could contain more bits of information, or has really good partial transmission-figure-out-what-is-says anyway; another nifty possible technology is the 3d projection of 4d helicity at laser tractor beams; I read that, something, possibly a volumetric shape made of circularly polarized light swirls and curls at physical particles to move them around, I might have read laser tractor beams were used on things near 1mm size; so is there a 3d projection of a 4d circular polarization that might do something technologically new at laser tractor beans? the 4d math of hypercircular polarization could suggest new characteristics or effect that could then be beneficial as technologies.

A new form of electricity might be possible; online it says, “Scientists already knew that light waves have an electric field that can rotate as they propagate, which is known as the polarization property of light, and that light waves carry momentum in their direction of motion. In new findings, researchers have discovered a "spin-momentum locking," meaning, for example, light waves that spin in a counterclockwise direction can only move forward, and vice versa.” ; electrons have spin, so if this directionalizing effect also affects electrons it might be possible to make unidirectional electrons; like getting the function of a diode without a diode, a technology and physics thing is that some kinds of computer logic can be built with diodes, so it is possible the electrons could be the computer. A spin-momentum-directionalizer that works at electrons might be possible to make sandwiches out of creating a new kind of transistor where the EM fields overlap and the electrons are the transistor; that makes the electrons the entire computer, and as frequently mentioned, multifunction turing complete computers are described previously.

Some kind of thing is already known at electrons, “momentum of light analogous in many ways to the case of spin-momentum locking which occurs for electrons”

Atoms have spin; what is the effect of spin-momentum-directionalizing on atoms? Groups of atoms? New materials; chemistry?

Thinking about ways to make spintronics devices and technologies super affordable: there are a couple things that occur: comminuting chunks of some material rather than growing them semiconductor style or reacting them quantum dot style is a thought. Is there anything that could be made that when ground up would have beneficial spintronic effects and applications? Another way to make spintronic things ultraffordable is spintronic polymers and plastics; it is possible that electret and piezoelectric plastics/polymers could be custom-structured to do something spintronic and super affordably mass produced; also when I think of the piezoelectric polymer PVDF it seems like a physical action causes electrons to pile up in one physical area; is it possible to make a piezoelectric polymer that generates concentrated charge from warmth fluctuations (like brownian warmth) alone without a mechanical stimulus? That could supply electrons, or at least a surface of charge, to be used at the spintronic part This is a spintronic technology/material without wiring, batteries, photovoltaic elements, or dissimilar elements. A spintronic part without wiring could be cheaper than one with wiring and lasers. Electrets are plastics with location-fixed electrical charge, could a =O bulb terminal or | planar thing concentrate charge so it is right next to another spintronic thing or device? Sort of plane of circular polarized electrons, or a bulb of oriented spin domains, I perceive arrayed spintronic polymer might be kind of like a magnet yet made of cheap polymer - very likely much weaker than a metal magnet but still a purpose made arranged spin material. So with these grindable polymer-super affordable piezo and electret plastics that have spintronic application, one possible application is catalyst granules that could just be added to a reaction to use less energy, go faster, or produce a better ratio of preferred products, or just possibly donate and maintain charge at a different catlyst material or molecule (sort of like that two chemical sunscreen after UV regenerator chemistry)

I have not read about materials where you put the spin-customized electrons into them.

spintronic proteins, or polymers could have cytoplasm uptake and do some spintronic thing inside cytes, possibly gathering data or normalizing some cytoprocess at young weller levels.

impression electron motion, notably at magnets comes from background warmth; static

..5b It has likely been studied : beneficial technology effect of a big magnetic fields on “crystal pulling” when growing crystals and things like pure Si or Ge wafer-source material synthetically. I have heard of things called paramagnetic effects and even at water diamagnetism is strong enough to visibly bend the water, so making the pulled crystal minimally bent could be possible with magnets at crystal pulling. Really high effectiveness at going non-bendy might give a smooth monotamic surface.

Do electret plastics (or even spintronic surface ultraffordable plastic granules) custom surface charge have any effect on the velocity of evaporation? wettability might be adjustable, if you give a 3 volt electret static field on a piece of plastic a 1 volt nudge, does some water-water dipole net disruption, or possibly particle (brownian motion-like) velocity that needs 4 volts of velocity for water to break free of a surface happen from water-water dipole disruption causing vapor to leave a liquid covered surface? One application could be drying things on electret polymer surfaces, or imagining a O=O electret or piezoelectric belt between two rollers, when a belt made of piezoelectric plastic meets the rollers the interaction causes electron mobility, giving the 1v nudge. It is possible this way of drying things could use less energy; applications at crop drying could be beneficial. The energy balance does not seem to make sense, but the 3 v base and 1v nudge thing seems like it could encourage water accumulation as well, possibly improving humidifying/dehumidifying machines. Perhaps a really really hydrophobic polymer (possibly even with negative contact angle surface) that is an electret that attracts water microdroplets, just like it would attarct dust, would keep shiny and drylike while streaming water from its surface, producing water, or just dehumidifying a space. Might functiona at swamp coolers as well.

saving energy at air coolers and refrigerators: If electrets repel one charge variety of dust but attract another then whichever electret that attracts the kind of dust that is less frequent could be coated on the radiative coils of the cooler so they would quantifiably gunk-up less.

Entertaining material: the 1 meter long quantum tunneling material: I read a thing online that mentioned quantum tunneling through an insulator with like 1 or 2nm mentioned online as having ok post-tunnel usable energy after tunneling. Now with a conductor rather than insulator the electron just traverses the bulk material, so it seems possible that between insulator and conductor there is a partial conductor, even a nanoarray of metal atoms (anything from spaced monoatomic to spaced clusters of a few hundred or thousand metal atoms) mixed with filler, possibly something better than a ceramic, such that at the combination material that would be such a poor conductor that the majority of electrons got to the distal side from quantum tunneling (Note the thing midway between conductor and insulator is electron mobility smooth; this is completely different than a bandgap semiconductor)

Although, rather than a metal-ceramic mix,which I kind of think would do a lot of non-tunneling quantum level elevating hops, something like a fancy polymer could be a meter-long quantum tunneling material; it seems like a pleasant moment to mention two electron systems like chlorophyll, so perhaps a chlorophyll mer-polymer would, completely without being a bandgap semiconductor, be a really mid-value insulator and conductor simultaneously; I do not know if it is plausible, but a polymer with niftily-spaced mer-molecules causing easy-short distance between polymer molecules that are then easy-short for multiple sequential hops of quantum tunneling to occur could be a way to make the quantum tunneling material that is sort of between, yet neither of, conductor and insulator. So at the meter long polychlorophyll meter-long form the polymer strings are really near each other for quantum tunneling and the stuff is neither a conductor or insulator, but would conduct electrons through many eentsy polymer string -to- polymer string quantum tunneling events sequentially. There is a thought though: why would the quantum tunneling occur in a particular direction, rather than just stochastically throughout the material? It could be that channel and lane anisotropy at the chlorophyll polymer, sort of like cross-country skis or a bunch of engineered polymer things where the polymer is quantum-tunneling bulky on the sides, and quantum-tunneling favoring thin at the preferred stream direction; something like a lane where the center stream has much higher quantum tunneling likelihood than the sides; as a polymer this reminds me of the trees produced at some linear computational automata images I have seen, a bunch of branched valleys that accumulate water (electrons) to produce a high volume single stream.

So the chlorophyll polymer thing might function, unless of course a vacuum is the least trouble to quantum-tunnel through thing, then the vacuum would be the long quantum tunnel material, and the math that says how far an electron is likely to hop in a vacuum gives the distribution of chronologically happening observable quantum tunneling events. It at least seems like the polychlorophyll might be less tunnelable than vacuum; then again I read something about how a published researcher looked at quantum effects propagating through DNA and found some, and that they were, to my perception, seeming high velocity to the researcher.

Perhaps really cold still liquid argon with some metal atoms in it might work as a noninsulator<-> nonconductor. Well it was entertaining to think about but I think I figured out why the footlong quantum tunneling material will not work: At a conducting metal none of the electrons are raised to higher emissions quantum levels, but at an insulator, at least the kinds I am thinking of now, they have a high energy “breakdown voltage” that is kind of like hopping up the energy (dubiously: electron volts?) which reminds me of the electrons hopping up to an emissions spectral level to where they saturate something like a crystal of ceramic causing electrons to flow anyway. um, dielectric breakdown might be a quantum-hop-up level for the insulator (crystal ceramic) until enough electrons are up there to move around. so the metal conductor might be thought of as omitting quantum level changing

Although, rather than a metal-ceramic mix something like a fancy polymer could be a meter-long quantum tunneling material; it seems like a pleasant moment to mention two electron systems like chlorophyll, so perhaps a chlorophyll polymer would, completely without being a bandgap semiconductor, be a really mid-value insulator and conductor simultaneously; I do not know if it is plausible, but a polymer with niftily-spaced mer-molecules causing easy-short distance between polymer molecules that are easy-short for multiple sequential hops of quantum tunneling to occur could be a way to make the quantum tunneling material that is sort of between, yet neither of, conductor and insulator. So at the meter long polychlorophyll meter-long form the polymer strings are really near each other and the stuff is neither a conductor or insulator, but would conduct electrons through many eentsy polymer string -to- polymer string quantum tunneling events sequentially. There is a thought though: why would the quantum tunneling occur in a particular direction, rather than just stochastically throughout the material? It could be that channel and lane anisotropic width at the chlorophyll polymer, sort of like cross-country ski surfaces or a bunch of engineered polymer things (morphologies) where the polymer is quantum-tunneling bulky on the sides, and quantum-tunneling favoring thin at the preferred stream direction; something like a lane where the center stream has much higher quantum tunneling likelihood than the sides; as a polymer this reminds me of the trees produced at some linear computational automata images I have seen, a bunch of branched valleys that accumulate water (electrons) to produce a high volume single stream.

another thing about the dendritic tree-like computation automata images is that at an engineered polymer you could have differently spaced branches for the electrons to quantum tunnel to at hops; the branches are nearer and further from the most recent electron-place, so at the near branch the likelihood is say 1/3, but at the far branch it is 1/9 all the polymer’s physical and actual distance of branches together as a probability would be engineered to be (near) one.

So the chlorophyll polymer thing might function, unless of course a vacuum is the least trouble to quantum-tunnel through thing, then the vacuum would be the long quantum tunnel material, and the math that says how far an electron is likely to hop in a vacuum gives the distribution of chronologically happening human perspective observable quantum tunneling events. It at least seems like the polychlorophyll might be less tunnelable than vacuum; then again I read something about how a published researcher looked at quantum effects propagating through DNA and found some, and that they were, to my perception, seeming high velocity to the researcher.

I think an actual physicist would say they are independent, but if you have something like a flash drive: quantum-tunneling container, but have two electrodes to it, to put electrons in the container, does the doubled number of electrons increase the actual amount of energy that gets tunneled. It seems like two 1 electron volt inputs (wires) to a container would still have the combined quantum tunneling energy output as well as quantity of electrons as a one electrode system, doubled. That is the two together are absent nudging the quantum tunneling easiness amount up or a reduction from bigger plurality of electrons. Then again, with more electrons there could be more actual electrons doing wave overlap effects, that could go nodal or antinodal. There are many things about probability that I do not comprehend, but things where you adjust estimated likelihood from previous data (bayesian?) might have some relation to a couple conductors in a flash drive container system. Actually the measured numbers from a quantum tunneling experiment, and the probability models that best describe then predict them, could bring new things to know and technologize, from finding ways quantum tunneling systems might be measured as having all sorts of novel things like bayesian-like system memory, or some unexpected time distribution (poisson distribution anomaly) of the tunneling events.

Mathematics is awesome, this quantum tunneling thing makes me wonder if you can observe a physics system to observe new math (I perceive 21st century things suggest that physics look to math for effectiveness, so the idea that new math could be found from physics is kind of nifty)

If there was some mathematically previously unpredicted amplification or even decrease in calculated quantum tunneled energy amount then that could provide more things to know about quantum tunneling systems and the technologies that can be produced with them. Who knows perhaps there are detectable wake effects or slipstreaming with more electrons at the same energy when quantum tunneling occurs.

It seems likely others have already thought about it, but if you coat the interior of a flash memory quantum tunneling container with a ultra-thin layer of a conductor does that change the shape of the electron probability distribution in the container? The change to the morphology of the “electron cloud” could effect quantum tunneled resultant voltage, or amount of tunneling events per chronological moment. Also rather than just a coat of conductor at the flash drive container technologists could put varied shapes on the sides of the flash drive quantum tunneling container, some kind of repeating “wallpaper” could have some sort of reliability increasing effect from shaping the electron cloud/3d spatial electron probability distribution. So besides flash drives, which I read are more a previous thing and that the physical structures of Intel’s Optane are better than flash memory.

nifty math thing to know would be 4d topology of these other forms.

I like non-cement building materials better, as a technology though it might be possible to make cement more affordably and with fewer emissions, as well as to mitigate the appearence of cement or premade cinder block construction.
Vertical grasscrete as a possible visually ameliorating, or if it worked well, actively aesthetically perceived as more appealing than vinyl/polymer siding on things made of, or having structural cement; grass and airplants; nutrient enriched cement at grasscrete would grow algae and or moss making the cement turn green and blend in with the actual living plants at vertical grasscrete.

Highmountain phong shading/ray tracing neural networks faster way to find global and local maxima and minima at neural networks, software and AI

I do not know much, but I read things about fitting models to data at things like artificial intelligence and machine learning with names like “deep learning”; I perceive one of the ways data can be viewed, or mathematically considered is kind of like a topological map, with local maxima and minima that can sometimes make software not seek different more actual or accurate maxima or minima. Sort of like the software going to the top of a building instead of the top of a mountain because perhaps the software would have to notice and iterate through many things less tall than the building prior to reaching the mountain. That colloquial description, reminds me of the possible benefit to software and artificial intelligence of having a highest view so that a variety of possible paths can be looked at simultaneously to find an optimal one; as a human it is possible to visually view a topology and tell which parts are highest. Computationally I am reminded of the software grabbing a high vantage point then doing ray tracing on every feature at a landscape; from the high vantage point this would provide the actual maxima and minima of a topologically graphed data set, without the software nonoptimally perceiving a local minima or maxima as the system minima and maxima.

So there are some ways to computationally enhance or improve things like this thing I just described; ways to create a high ground from which to do something like ray tracing. There might be some mathematical value to just making a highest point; you could just think you know what you are doing and go with one vantage point with a Y value twice as high as any noted at the dataset. Then a person that knowsmore mathematics than I do can use this to do things like analog string-sort, lift everything, cover with liquid helium, or, dare to sometimes simplify to logic and shakeout a net

As a concept, that then gets described as a technology: Cheap liquid helium clings and flows faster all over the city and mountains and although a non-analog computed point cloud could map the topology; a possibly-instantaneous if the ICs support it: the amount and location of the liquid helium is analog-amount-mapped with a spectrography (helium noticing) laser with a wide illumination laser, possibly the spectrography instrument projects a a detailed smooth gradient (ramping) hologram everywhere all at once, or, less optimally, a planar scan laser rastering the helium covered landscape; then the results, or rather analog form-stream (urge is to just say data, but it is analog rather than digital so form stream is the word sequence) of the mass analog simultaneous chromatographic detection of concentration of liquid helium are optically-like concentrated (collimated/DCX lens) onto a thing that finds a sort of non-viewed/viewing optional map of saturation (the amount of liquid helium) then with an amplitude filter, the filter causes the maxima and minima to separate/be isolated from the rest of the analog information (like data but analog) coming through the collimater/DCX, and then the person or software or AI using the system has found the actual maxima and minima of the entire topological map.

So technologically, at an early 21st century data set that is digital, which might be supplanted with some new kind of analog data representations, methods and technologies, what is the computer equivalent to pouring liquid helium onto the landscape? New integrated circuits could do non-digital plural averaging and quite possibly analog forms of things that simulate physics. Some circuits could be based on flash drive quantum tunneling

Flash memory during 2019 AD, I perceive, had little containers with a plenum that electrons could tunnel through. It seems possible that coating the sides of those multibillion flash drive containers with a conductor, or an electret would change the shape of the electron distribution at each flashdrive unit object container;

If you think of coating the sides of the flash drive container unit object with a shape of conductor or electret, or micropatterning it like wallpaper, then each flash drive container unit can have something like a bulb shape on the container side or maxi-pad looking tennis ball parts that might combine to (have one larger than a single container) predictable cause an electron cloud shape across two unit containers or at an atrium; side coatings, wallpaper, and shapes on flash drives, analog flash drive effect, that might, or might not combine tomake geometrics that have consistenct or constructive way of “saying” a topological form or having a statistical profile of a material, like liquid helium. The coatings on the flash drive container sides and/or wallpaper and/or gradient slope plenum dividers do analog workaliketoliquid helium.
also the electron detecting side of the plenum could be analog rather than a 2019 AD 1/0 digit reporter

analog interactions, besides arising from custom flash drive container sides could be things like atriums, Hub and radiants, token ring networks, possibly even re-send-until arrives (TCP/IP like) geometries could be produced with semiconductor technology. People that are better at mathematics andcomputer science than I am could possibly describe parsimonious physical analog networks and container shapes and wallpaper that combine well to represent things; notably this might have some nifty geometry things like “kite and dart” penrose tiling, possibly networked.

There is a 1 terabyte quantum tunneling storage memory card so that is 8 trillion flash drive containers that are mass produced on an (or a thin stack) IC at 2019 AD; Note that this reshaping of quantum tunneling flash drive geometriesis different than the 2019 AD use ofthe word quantum computing

Artificial high ground math algorithms: I read about a thing where you get some branched strings, flip them twice, then it autosorts to find thelongest continuous path at the bundle of string; I perceive a person who is functional with mathematics can do this to an analog mesh representation of a group of data or a topology map, or with analog computing, an analog thing representation (like data only analog)

lift effect; analog simultaneously lift all to the height of the highest actual feature; distance or energy to lift describes minima / maxima; to find the other minima/maxima just down then lift up.

tennis ball parts; shapes on flash drives, analog flash drive effect, that might, or might not combine tomake geometrics that have consistenct or constructive way of “saying” a topological form or having a statistical profile of a material, like liquid helium. The coatings on the flash drive container sides and/or wallpaper and/or gradient slope plenum dividers do analog workaliketoliquid helium.

This seems to cause a perceptual thing where a person might think, is the resolution of the analog system the same as a digital characterization? At certain sytems it is possible that the physics-like behavior of the material the town and mountain are made out of brackets function without digitization; if you know, or the model permits, something like a statement like “a pile of minerals of a certain height and width if stacked higher than N units tall has a .99999999999999 likelihood of reorganizing to spread out; we are only doing this to .99999999999999 likelihood of accuracy” Then rather than the eentsiest distinguishable divisible resolution of the analog sensor, the resolution of the material behavior that the landscape is made out of then brackets possible heights at features of some width, and the height and width that the analog system can represent are higher than that. So it can do a functional thing.

So is it possible to do this imitation physics-like way of: bracketing resolution from the material behavior pattern at other systems. Yay logic, but I am trying to think of an analog complement, and I think a mathematician could do it, that describes the usable span and singular (math word singularity) regions of analog computing, particularly what the analog computers are actually built out of; Development of the flash drive topologically-process-linked (like undulating skate park atriums) quantum tunneling container technologies might physically make math things like a fourier equation statement of a waveform; I think fourier transform can do discontinuous waves and square waves; so can represent something like all the oscilloscope logic probes at a computer circuit board; that is digital computing can be represented as fourier equations Then perhaps combine a bunch of fourier equations into one equation, or just (dubious on this) make an array as a thing (kind of like a program) a person other than me can do great array-aware math on and with, as well as funtion as an egg carton full of program structures and instantly available oscilloscope map points. Note it is my perception that a fourier series can “say” even discontinuous functions and things like square waves. If a fourier equation can describe a square wave I think a few of them in a thoughtful pile can do the same thing as a computer program, so an analog computer would also have digital capabilities.

It is a little different, getting beyond: but one view of flash drive unit containers with shapes, wallpaper, and slopes on their sides as components could be having a mathematically aware person figure out you can use the electron dwelling (flash drive container) and electron flowing regions of an analog IC at some absence of risk of mutual overlap to minimize resolution decreasing (or said analog, at some applications or equations a fourier function going nondistinguishable from another) or nonoptimally filterizing, like bandpass filter, things at the computed solution or preferred optimal process range; Or the mathematician could come up with equations that represent reusable patterns the programmers could use to build actual working software.

That humans might be willing to make neural network analog ICs is possibly supported for what I think I read that some large companies are making neural network, perhaps massively multiparallel ICs

Those mathematically awesome humans, that is people, who can take a topological network, apply math to it, and sort of simplify it to a network, then

see if I can think of something better to replace cement, like really software optimized drones that can build things out of scraps, actual modules or components, parts of plants, and polymers with precision and software-forecast high durability. The appearance of the drone-constructed things could be highly detailed, higher resolution and quality than that a human artist could produce, so drones that paint well would benefit humans

Robots or other automated mechanisms, possibly including drones, could make polymer containerized water building things, like cinder blocks, yet better; The possibly rapid production of water containing building component units could make automation-built dwellings and other architectural objects at higher velocities and more affordable than some other appraoches to making an architectural product. I am thinking that ultrasonic welding of durable polymer film with water fill up during the manufacturing process could make the components at an automated mechanism or drone. It is possible that a multivesicle water building component could retain structural strength and durability even if there was a zapping occurence; Cornlike water vesicles with an external tube that becomes rigid is a possibility. Sort of like if you put an ear of corn in a tube, and the tube’s rigidity is increased because of the plurality of mini-water sacks that are the kernals of corn, and it makes the tube more rigid for structural purposes. So instead of an ear of corn in a tube, you have a roll of what is kind of like a scroll of water filled bubble wrap with a tube-making polymer cover surface. The automated mechanism or even drone makes a bunch of scroll-struts, and at the architectural object these are complemented with automated mechanism stackable shapes.
At cool climates water shapes could be structured to maintain function and not shift out of place even if frozen annually. Perhaps a soft polymer bag, full of air, part of each strut or stackable shape could harmlessly compress if the water froze,

Prenatal supplements, chemicals, or drugs that could be tested to see if they benefit babies and pregnant women, At quora I wrote, “There is some published material on use of arginine at veterinary food at raising birthweight, and creatine has numerous benefits at adult humans and may be harmless or beneficial during pregnancy.” Creatine causes muscles to be stronger and to grow in size, it is possible a pregnant woman taking creatine might have a stronger uterus for making effective contractions during labor of bearing children. Also, it is possible that prenatal creatine could be correlated with neonatal muscle strength and higher APGAR numbers, noting that high APGAR numbers predict lifetime well being of the person that develops from the baby. Pregnant lab mammal and monkey studies on NMN and NR could show benefit to both the pregnant woman and her baby. Also, why not see if curcurmin benefits pregnancy and the APGAR of the neonatal person, and possibly their mental and social development measured at age 5. No actual reason, I have just read curcurmin does a wide variety of beneficial things from improving healing to senolytically zapping cytes that are exporting toxins. On looking at pubmed there are studies showing benefits of curcurmin to (I do not remember) pregnant lab mammals or their babies.

I am a vegetarian to be nice to animals. I am opposed to humans, that is people, wearing fur. Imitation fur could be improved to be better feeling than any animal fur. Just engineer, perhaps iteratively, polymer imitation fur, and soft fabric material that is softer and snugglier than a particular sea otter pelt at the Charleston Marine Life Center; doing better than that pelt would create a thing anyone could have that feels really good. I read that it has one million hairs per square inch, so the synthetic could have 2-10 million strands per square inch, and from an engineering perspective viewing each hair or strand as kind of spring on a pole, those spring on a pole numbers at the sea otter fur could be duplicated at the polymer imitation fur. As an imitation of sea otter fur this would feel even nicer than 2019 AD “microplush” fabric products

peoples self help help
May 30th and April 2
Just for entertainment I could hire someone on fiverr to SEO optimize a realtor-getting-visits page to find a realtor gathering portfolio to get housing with at Santa Barbara with.

Write to Dave Pearce who wrote the online site:

MWI Many Worlds Intepretation of physics technologies and possible ideas and enhancements:

Dave Pearce: metallic porphyrins or photoactive proteins or photoactive lipids could do a thing where a numerous atom system at an aqueous environment (or cytosol like a neuron) has a photon-stimulable (linked (entagled) photons make this detectable without a reflection or lensed path) quantum decoherence effect. If different metallic porphyrins have different intervals of response (time to change shape) to the stimulating photon then the size of the molecule affects the duration of the quantum thing. Dave is concerned that things in neurons quantum-resolve at “femtoseconds” so different side metalloporphyrins might have longer, and photon measurable durations. At macromolecules like proteins or rubber tires critiques of the femtoseconds thing and could, at Dave’s “schoedinger’s neurons” idea give a quantum duration size of the size of consciousness different intervals.

Different chronological duration to resolution, “quantum intervals”, could be built up, or perhaps some are really long.

At Dave’s “schoedinger’s neuron” idea, uncollapsed quantum states support consciousness. Stacks and arrays of nonresolved quantum effects could be affected, at the body and CNS/neurons with standing wave phenomena at a group of unresolved quanta, and simpler standing wave producible things like mirrors and resulting wave phenomena like mirrors, lenses and simpler solitons near other actual molecule based things, like proteins, neurons, or quantum-computer parts cause durability of structure from the standing wave phenomena holding things where they are, and causing concentration, reminiscent of stable location blobs of plasma, or those blobby electron diagrams like HOMO and LUMO. Standing wave phenomena as well as soliton-makers could be made from something like a standing wave version of a mirror could cause all kind of effects from Etalons that “big tune” something to solitons that have persistence and travel.. Generating new observales like these could make testing Dave “schoedinger’s neurons” thing easier and also represent combinable technological components to make new things out of. If Dave’s “schoedingers neurons” fostering aware sentience thing has function, then these components like solitons, etalons, lenses could be used to create or customize artificial actual sentience; isness as well.

MWI research might already suggest that the possible recombinations of possible MWI universes from a multiatom system is larger and different from a MWI amount based on monoatomic emissions quantitative MWI universe quantity. That suggests that the MWI amount from standing wave technologies or naturally ocurring things with novel nonresolved quantum durability and also quantum event structures and technologies could be larger than stochastic MWI generators like all-single-atoms or the big amounts of MWI universes from all the quantum resolution at something big like a stellar object. If chronologically durable and spatially structured quantum slow-to-resolvers are possible (and near macroscopic quantum computers with more than trillions of atoms support this) then that gives the possibility that something built on earth could outproduce something like the sun at purposefully making more hedonistic-imperative achieving sentiences, among those sentiences being people, that is people including humans, amount consciousnesses hosting MWI universes than other versions of MWI.

Another way to make more MWI universes, on purpose, than a big fusion reactor like the sun is to quantum resolve faster, or quantum resolve more electron, photons or atoms simultaneously. There is a physicist that says the first time a human, with an instrument, sees a blob of matter, like a moon or a stellar object, possibly (I do not remember) not ever previously observed, then that human observation resolves the quantum indeterminacy of that object. So purposefully seeing vast objects could the out MWI universe out generate the sun. So when something that is really supportive and trending of human and all sentience well being and supportive of hedonistic imperative and numerous (most, possibly all prescriptives and preferred effects) things described at humans, or computer based
An Software or an AI could scan the internet, when things are going well, notably supporting the hedonistic imperative, it could aim a telescope at a glaxy or a stellar object, and resolve many millions of sun-masses instantly, multiplying the number of MWI universes that have the up favoring future event; on a mediocre day the AI could omit looking at and finding a new galxay or stellar object to observe. That creates vast plurality of branch-earths where things have a good start and a good middle, and noting the transhumanism of the hedonistic imperative and the existence of time machines, it is possible to omit the clihe of “SME”.

At Dave Pearce “schroedinginer’s neuron” theory producing different size standing waves of quantum effects, as technologies and pre-existing CNS parts like proteins, tissues, neurons, dendrites, synapses, that can be searched for and possibly found would cause different sizes of consciousness structures that are producing consciousness.

Notably for Dave things like solitons, circular polarization, or standing-wave artificial atom from a focusing parabola of atoms, could cause different durations of a quantum neuron structure effect, each of these could have different technologically testable characteristics for scientists motivated by Dave (Or even Dave; Hey Dave, do an experiment and publish!); where these researchers or technologists make “Schroedinger’s neurons” duration and physical span variations supporting/refuting experiments, some of which could be easier than interferometry of part or whole neurons. So, modifying quantum resolution time with things like metallic porphyrins, standing wave structures, and

Testing Dave’s “schoedinger’s neurons” with spin polarized gas at neurons: Also, if you could prove something was not a drug, then engineer that to affect quantum duration resolution, then give it to a mammal, like a human volunteer, and see if their reports on what their consciousness was like, how it changed, then you would have a new type of pharmaceutical or treatment that affected mind from affecting quantum resolution durations.

Standing waves of photons,which might croup, concentrate, and thin quantum resoltions; the standing wave photons are projected on a neuron, this compared with the same amount of energy as a simple beam, might have different effects; although makign standing waves reminds me a lot of laer tractor beams or even just patterned warming (more molecular wiggles-> morereactivity->more neurochemistry->effects) to control for. Perhaps much less noisy would be utilizing a spin-polarized gas as a possible quantum resolution rapidifying or gradualizing effect at things like atoms, molecules, proteins and electron potential areas (reminded of blobby HOMO/LUMO images), at neurons and other things, so a spin polarized gas at the surface of a test neuron might cause different effects than the gas at its nonpolarized form. If there are effects on the neuron that would not be predicted from spintronics theory, then it could be that quantum resolution rapidifying or gradualizing could be affecting a part of a tissue, neurons, that can effect consciousness. Spin polarized gas would, as far as I perceive, less effect on the wiggle at the molecules,sois possibly a higher resolution easier test of the “schoedinger’s neurons” idea.

(Thinking of Dave doing an actual experiment: Hey Dave, do an experiment and publish! Build a delayed Quantum choice eraser (DQCE) and have it shine through a c. elegans neuron-filled head; the c. elegans is precheduled to learn something during the 24 hours before the photon path was later observed and changed and then see if the c. elegans either learns or has been made to have omitted ever learning something from the prior DQCE setup) That would, perhaps, show 1) c elegans can resolve, or fix a quantum state 2) It is possible to erase things with the DQCE, 3) there might be hints or novel results that affect “schroedingers neurons” theories.) Note: DQCE with c elegans is possibly spurious, noticeably noncomplete and could use improving to where it makes more sense and actually addresses Dave’s emphasis on testing the “schoedinger’s neurons” idea. Still if Dave can get a 24 hour modification of a neural learning, “thought” with quantum effects it might suggest new areas of productive, technologizable research.

it has occured that when I thinkof MWI, notably unitary MWI, the number of universes increases. It could also be that unitary MWI is even bigger from things like spherical emissions of photons from each sinlge photon emitted from a spherical-like electron-at-atom. AS the sphere coordinatesare continuous (emit from any angle at any (pretend latitude and longitude) rather than discrete,as far as I know. This could cause a nonfinite (infinite) number of sphere-coordinate possible photon paths being emitted from a single photon-electron event.

Just one integer-size (atom, one electron, one photon) nonfinite electron spectral photon emissions would cause each atom to have a nonfinite number of MWI universe generated occurences based on photon angle of heading out.

Technologically demonstating that a larger sized (1cm photodetector size area compared 1 mm sized photodetector) should detect (enumerate) more actual photon-events from one rubidium atom that is laser cooled, that is experiencing a 1 photon laser at an experiment supports an every possible photon path version of MWI.

Sphericalcoordinates as analog,rather than discrete making plural photon paths causes the emitted photon to meetup with completely different surrounding atoms or far stellar objects, thus is a unique event,likely an MWI univrese generator,even only if onabsorption rather than emission.

Noting the number of MWI universes from an analog spherical coordinate is notably bigger than an every photon from a simple 1-electron one photon thought-of-event, then of course every emitted from an electron at spherical coordinates makes every possible photon path, factorial (or some other math thing), to be a MWI-universe quntity idea of the moment. Although, it is actually possible, I do not know the math though, that the combinatorial effect of every analog spherical coordinate path photon on every photon re-emitter, absorber, or even possible photon-photon interaction interacting with every other of these could be my size-perception of MWI universe amount at this moment, at what might causually get called the “20th century observable universe”. At quora Dave mentions a paper I have not read and he says something slightly like “it [MWI universe amount] is even bigger than you think”

An area of math I have read about, but do not know the equation-manipulating mechanics of, is aleph numbers that refer to diffent forms or size of nonfinite (infinite) things. If it were as simple as saying aleph2 * aleph3 is aleph3 mapped onto something with an extra dimension (for example if you mulitiply a set called “all the integers” times a set called “all the square roots of all the rational numbers” perhaps this is somehow algebra-geomtry compatible with saying, “although the equation’s aleph numbers are 1 dimensional, the calulation of that big, or form of, an infinity should be representable on a 2d plane, or a plurality of them at a 3d volume.” So if there is a geomety-algebra connection between adding, subtracting, and doing statistical calculations on aleph numbers (MWI aleph numbers being a notable thing), where it translates to a geometry stated way of comphrending, like, possibly a 2d space or 3d space could contain and represent that aleph number equation’s result, then that would be beneficial, and might make MWI universe amount easier to do calculations on, thoughfully visualize, compare, and even do simple math on like, add subtract, multiply, divide, matrices, exponents, and support statistics equations; a mathematically functional way to use geometry and dimensionality to represent and be an statement of, aleph-number calculations and formulas, could cause new things which might be awesome and amazing.

Thinking geometry, what if some geometric equational statements of aleph numbers have vertices or even a radius? A vertex at some combination of infinities from aleph eometry equations could be some superstructure, or its own mathematically groupable and equationable thing. At MWI nonfinity ideas, perhaps a vertex could be a Branch that is very likely to happen, or even a precluded branch; a geometric representation with a few or numerous vertices might be a math and physics basis for things being synchronized, or physics connected, that during 2019 AD would be thought connectionless.

Popular mathematics seems to support geometricization of aleph number equations: Although I think Cantor’s generation of different sizez of infinities was kind of 1 dimensional, the paper I sawlookedlike a square. I think I read that Cantor coming up with different sizes of infinities was linked to extending each number at a set with another number; on a piece of paper it looked like a bunch of diagonals at a square, so popping up a dimension, possibly volume, capable of nonfinite number of vertical layers, could perhaps functionally be a geometric base for a higher aleph number, and what you do to the 3d volume could be equations that utilize aleph numbers to do things like MWI statistics as well as much other mathematics.

Other mathematics has many possibilities for seeking, finding, and making order at the MWI, and possibly the unitary MWI. Perhaps when aleph3 is divided with aleph 2 you get a geometic 2.5d fractal, and so could predict repetitions of an object or theme at a nonfinite distribution that was happing to produce the aleph number. That might be a basis for explaing why there are of lot of things that are much the same, like atoms, yet in different arrangements. Technologically, When having noticed that happy is better, you could customize an aleph number fractal to generate more instances of more frequent, more optimal happiness durations, with higher neighbor happiness also heightened happiness causation; so since this is writable with MWI equations, you can figure out how to move the entire MWI distribution towards a happier MWI, or possibly unitary MWI, possibly with changing one thing, like a variable, or amount of the variable at the equation, which is easiest to adjust with physics, or, noting this is equationally based MWI modification effecting human experieince, a thing, different than physics, like possibly a pocket guide, or a web browser that always starts up with tabs that have happiness-accumulation/almost chemical engineering word:reflux effects. If the mathematics got really advanced the MWI equations, possibly some of which might be fractal, that can guide near-term, beneficial human experience while optimizing the MWI distribution of resultant futures, could be considered as to “things that are easily comprehensible, things that can be comprehended with thought, learning,or amount ofmoments spent thinking, and things that work, that are less comprehensible, although I suppose since the geometrization of aleph numbers applied to the MWI, with the optional benefit of purposefully creating beneficial anisotropies, sometimes with duration anisotropy, some with bayesian predictability from self-similarity at a aleph number math based fractal is comprehendable; so a beneficial thing not comprehendable to a 2019 AD human might be a software or AI generated list of activities, plans for objects to make, suggested optional physical relocations and other things. Itis possible that with some of these the software could be producing the most optimal MWI branch universes it is capable of (perhaps always better than undirected MWI) thus benefitting humans, that is people, during their lives while also benefitting future humans and sentiences.

engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o Spintronics, Electromagnetic Waves, Feasibility, Technology

By: Joe Mardin on Sun, 23 Jul 2023

0Joe Mardin

rocksolid light 0.9.8
clearnet tor