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Q: How many WASPs does it take to change a light bulb? A: One.

sci / sci.engr / Nanotechnology in medical diagnostics.

Subject: Nanotechnology in medical diagnostics.
From: Joe Mardin
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Notably at DQCE conception and reconception editing different versions of an optimized core genome can be produced and navigated. That is a way to make it so all of the 10,000 sperm and egg samples available at reconception DQCE all have a fully functional eugenics beneficial core shared source.

As previously described, concentrate genes, bulk produce, and sequence, a plurality of times, adding more and more eugenics beneficial genes to the sperms and eggs balstocysts and tissue cultures produced at each cycle of :sperm, egg, blastocyst, gene sequencing of blastocyst, Then accumulate and group these beneficial genes together to produce a multibeneficial sperms or eggs. Use stem cell technology to produce clonal sperm as well as clonal eggs; combine these eggs and sperm, grow to blastocyst, sequence the genes from blastocyst occuring at the new combination; then combine these eugenics concentrated gametes more times to produce sperm as well as eggs with all of the preferred genes. Then sort the created gametes on largest simultaneous number of beneficial gene versions, then stem cell clone the improved and concentrated gamete genetics of eugenics gametes.

Mathematics of DQCE reconception as well as genetics: One approach, previously described as finding the overlap of 99th percentile of optimized individual genetics with 99th percentile optimal societial, with societal specifiable as a society being a bulk effect of a group of phenotypes arising from genomes, genetics and genome, as an approach notes there is a mathematics of getting both right simulataneously.

Finding beneficial environmental goods, or good stock from as-yet-unmeasured genetics and phenotypic determinants: Besides 99th percentile individual genomes and phenotypes, and group-phenotype-formed-societies which could be good-stock sampleable as geographic areas at 99th percentile societies: it is possible the overlap of 99th percentile genome based individual well being and human behaviors frequent at almost all human beings could be basis for genetic sampling to find eugenics beneficial optimums. People who are at the 99th percentile of child well being and resulting child-outcome while being human physiological parents could have a genotypic and phenotypic basis for their optimality; this optimizes and benefits one area of physiological, phenotypic and genomic form doing something, having and raising children, that most humans do. Finding the phenotypes and genotypes of optimality of other things that almost all humans do could contribute to beneficial genetic optimization, eugenics, as well as DQCE reconception technology.

Humans, that is people, also sleep and have mental focus and attentiveness. Genomics of 99th percentile beneficial and enjoyable quality of sleeping as well as 99th percentile ability to focus and/or be receptively alert and attentive, could be areas of human-spanning benefit.

I perceive researchers have measured differences between humans, that is people, at measured quantity and character of moments of perceived enjoyable consciousness. So phenotypically and genetically there is published support that some people exist more than others, that is they have more moments, as well as possibly higher amplitude moments as well as sustained sensations or mental actuality of aware-mind, that they experience as enjoyable. 99th percentile genetics of voluntary enjoyment of presence of mind are a possible eugenics technology item as well; existing, like having children and sleeping is another area where the phenotype of a shared most-all-humans activity has an optimizable genetics.

That brings up an optimization opportunity for a person using DQCE gametes as part of reconception. As the effect of genes and particular genes and other physiological effectors of herditary phenotype and quantifiably measurable behavior, is cumulatively found, and as researchers and technologists think of new kinds of benefits, or features (like doing DQCE reconception to cause more moments of enjoyable awareness) the person specifying the gametes used at their reconception can DQCE modify their gametes retrocausally around those beneficial new features.

Noting the generation of new things, genomic improvement could come from more than enthused preference for better knownthings, as well as genomic solutions to non-optimal things (like DQCE reconception as genetically and phenotypically female dodges selective service at some countries), completely new features could be researched and technologized from the genome, notably the DQCE reconception sperm or other gamete list of choosables.

DQCE could also modify epigenetics, like the chemical environment at conception, in a retrocausally programmable way: another technology at the DQCE (Delayed Quantum Choice Eraser) retrocausal modification of conception, called reconception, is the DQCE gamete technology also having a, technologically derived from actual research, adjustable epigenetic component. If, either surplus or reduced ambient ATP during the blastocyst stage is found to have beneficial effects, then the DQCE mechanism could make it so humans, that is people, could specify the amount of ATP at their reconception, as conception environment. As a technology, not only could 100 studied epigenetic influences and/or chemicals be available for adjustment, it is possible a future addressing of a parallel photonic array form of DQCE could actually produce retrocausally created words or numbers. One reconception option is to have the reconception biology technician or the robot doing what the human biology technician would do, is to order that particular number chemical from a chemical supply company and make it a contributor to the retrocausally enhanced epigenetic environment. It is also possible that the parallel photonic DQCE array produced chemical number could be a generator of any IUPAC chemical structure, for use as a reconception biological technology active ingredient. It is possible that retrocausal epigenetics could provide even more options and customizable benefit to the person, like the 14 year old, modifying their biologically conceived being retrocausally.

Along with the custom chemical DQCE reconception technology, perhaps 100 different well researched chemicals or protocol variants,possibly effecting epigenetics, could be part of DQCE’s adjustability from observing a photon path and then retrocausally changing the path of the photon with a chronologically subsequent (possibly decades “later”) observation, where the photon path is linked at the dynamic moment of the apparatus to which particular gametes and epigenetic variables are then freshly optimized to be.

The math of how many persons, as MWI branch individuals, (versions of you) that experience benefit from DQCE reconception, when figured out, could support some notably beneficial, perhaps standard ways to use the technology. Just thinking, the presence of an artificial intelligence guided companion robot, or even just a (human, that is person), sentience utilized software companion, at that particular person’s life physically and chronologically prior to a reconception action, could cause the person to be re-befriended or raised, by that companion robot again, while the robots software and hardware might be math of MWI unlikely to change;

This thing where some context might be durable and conserved amonst MWI branches could be beneficial at the experience of preference and doing planning and actions. The 14 year old that would like to be socially fluent and talk to their romantic crush, where that crush is a person they actually know of at their MWI branch universe, could possibly structure things at their DQCE reconception so that their crush still existed accessibly to their personal being even after the DQCE reconception. One possibility is unique-genome online conversational addresses. A companion robot urges you to start online chat with the genetically identical person to the person you, prereconception, had a crush on.

Although I do not know MWI math, theoretically she, the romantic crush, would not change her genetics ; these seems particularly true when the 14 year old’s romantic crush is even 1 second older than them: genetically, the other person already exists at the reconceived person’s MWI branch, and could be sought out after reconception.

(A thing that could amplify appreciation for, and contribute to the actual production of reconception would be a popular treatment of an MWI reconception romance, it could get a lift from the popularity of the “groundhog day” movie genre, only the technology is functional, and there are actual things you can do to have things go well with the person you feel affectionate towards)

Technology: how much mutliplexed massively parallel delayed quantum choice eraser structure is possible? At some simple amount; the published first DQCE, you can produce a new output from a different observation of optical path; can you do enough path variation and quantity to code out an ascii sentence? If you can then you can send yourself a note in the past. I have not seen that supported or criticised at anything online or published that I have heard of though.

MWI branch durables: that person to person possible availability is qualitatively different than the general lift of “the romantic reconceived 14 year old going from 50th percentile extroverted to 70th percentile extroverted makes then twice as likely to have an active romantic life, regardless of who with” effect

The production of MWI branch durables, reminds me of math and electronics: If you have a conductor, and insultor, and a semiconductor you can make a variety of different things. Three kinds of things makes a construction kit.. The companion robot being a durable, could have system generating/engineering object generating utility. Another durable might be City. A person conceived at a city might be likely to see particular views, travel particular streetswith some likelihood, or even predictably attend one of a few different possible educational institutions.

One use of this durable object effect at reconception is having different physical locations a reconception could occur at. IVF like reconception versions, contrasting with the 2019 AD, fairly easy, “which tube of actual photonically lighted up sperm the woman grabs from a sampling”, could have the reconceived person specified to physically originate at new location. A person could use IVF technology DQCE reconception to be an IVF conceptus as Copenhagen or Stockholm instead of Seattle.

Is this ethical: MWI autoreplicating increasor technology; how does crispr/cas9 work? If I think of a technology that puts MWI technology, possibly DQCE or a cool matter MWI branch or macro-branch (world), or even mini-branch, generator that is more branch producing abundant than warmth, like the sun, that causes more of itself to exist, can the numerics of math accumulations of new universes be made probabalistically near completely likely, or higher? It may be possible to do a paticular thing at a majority of MWI universes.

There might be something online already about how to do an action, or even think of things such that the number of MWI universes that contain the preferred effect or product is higher.

It is possible that humans customizing the MWI universes could be beneficial, the thing is that I do not know the effect of the lightcone on the MWI; if it matters then the sun could be causing so many MWI branches that human produced MWI events, while engineered to be highly beneficial, might not always be the majority MWI effect. Technology Modifying the amount of MWI universes produced; particularly figuring out a way to make something that produces more MWI branch unverses than the sun does: degrees of freedom, heightened dimensionality compared with electron spectral emission levels. Possible Dyson sphere could process the surrounded solar output at a physically new structure or possibly material, that has lots more MWI branch universe generation than quantum emission levels produce, like might be previously frequent at the sun. I saw electrons arranged as a fractal online, can electron systems with more dimensionality like that, possibly degrees of freedom, produce more MWI branches; simplistically could a fractal nuke make lots more MWI branches than another kind?

I may have read that things like electrons and photons are actually fields, and that observing them causes a kind of concentration measurable as presence, such as the presence of a particle or a wave arising from the field; so are there other things that can be done to existing fields to make more than electron-or-photon-produced quantities of MWI branches from perturbing, changing the shape of, merging or dividing, fields? One far out idea: Some molecule, when placed at an EM field, that causes much more field concentration than, or perhaps causative of multiple point or wave effects.

An very unlikely source of more-MWI-branches than the sun could be vacuum energy generation between two plates; the casimir effect; If a person puts a metal plate between Jupiter and Neptune, the casimir system between the jupiter plate and the neptune plate has half the diameter, so it produces some new amount of casimir-effect energy and particles, say it doubles or halves. So, does this work on stellar objects and interstellar distances? If you put a plate between the sun and stellar object rigel, do you get half or double the amount of casimir effect energy, and is it a really big amount of casimir effect energy because the other two plates are stellar sized big? I have a perception that the eentsier the distance the higher the casimir effect energy though, so rather than big far things, perhaps eentsy things near each other might make more energy and thus more MWI branches. It is possible that eentsy gravitational singularities, even though I think I read that they evaporate rapidly, might squish things together nearer than any other matter system; it could be that even though their contents are outside an observation horizon, that they have extremely high casimir particle and energy generation from things there being nearer to each other than, perhaps, the parts of a nucleus are from the other parts of nucleus. So, theoretically things like particle accelerators, or possibly some other technologies I have thought of, could generate eentsy gravitational singularities, and these could then mass-produce MWI branches from causing things to be near each other.

quantum entangled photons seem to possibly have *less* MWI branches as modifying one determines the other, whereas if they were non-dependent there would be twice as much quantum different occurence MWI branchability. So is there a way to make hyper non-entangled photons? These might have greater difficulty of observation; giant wavelengths bigger than a planet might not be “collapsible” with any human observation to go from being fields to being observed as waves or particles So perhaps then there is some new “multipoint” or “multiwave” field collapse of the bigger than a planet wavelength energy possible.

It might be possible to make a reflecting shape that causes fields, that when observed “cause” particles or waves, to be different shapes. Different shapes fields might make different amounts of MWI branches. Like a 1 cm thing wiggling at water, makes 1 cm waves. but if it is next to a wall, and you get the timing functional, can make, I think waves that are many cm tall, from reinforcement, also a little like pumping a recreational swing.

If presumably they figure out if, or what kind, of observers matter, if the observers do matter, could a superobserver (a computer/IC like technology, possibly vastly multiparallel that is more effective at observing than a human; previously described) or even just a human observer view a really big, rich, unresolved, or preresolution field, possibly as a group, “a glance”, to cause field identities, like photons or electrons, much larger in amount of MWI branches than some other object, like the sun. One vaugely weirds-a-person-out example is the 2019 AD photonic image of a gravitational singularity. Does observing that thing have an effect on all the mass it has previously absorbed? What is the effect on that mass and its MWI branches.

Previously described are nested MWI universe technologies (optical loop around radioactive blob, or two optical loops of different lengths); could an MWI nesting technology create a contingent effect on a massive pile of energy or matter somewhere, at a dsitance, like space? One clueless one: put the light from a quasar into an optical loop using a collimating lens, then have another optical loop with like one photon traveling physically around that at a bigger loop, where the time-to-detect the one photon is larger than the collimated quasar photon loop interval. The lighcone of the two loops overlaps, and part of the lightcones are outside each other; (I do not remember the rest of this)

Less weirding-out-of-a person is the possibility that observing something really white and big, perhaps a quasar, causes some topology of MWI branches to occur.

it is possible that the genetics of the 99th percentile of human well being, regardless of the society that human is located at could be combined with 99th percentile of societal well being to produce a physical location to gather gamete as well as stem cell culture samples at.

Other mathematical things that provide benefit:

If you encourage casual retrocausal usage of new gametes like sperm, eggs or tissue culture, then many more varities of improved well being branches occur.

Technology that enhances architectural objects:
I viewed a video about a three dimensional printer that printed what looked like a dwelling with cement coming out of a nozzle. A technological improvement to this could be producing cement-air foam at the nozzle, the cement foam would have higher R value from the air that is part of the cement foam. Another possible improvement to 3d printed archtectural objects is to print calcium sulfate from a nozzle, Calcium sulfate is the majority chemical in wallboard. 3D printing calcium sulfate shapes like sides of walls, curves, rounded areas would create better aesthetics at the architectural object while also being a building material with some known characteristics; also as wallboard is cardboard clad calcium sulfate, it is possible a 3d printer could, among its materials that are nozzle-capable, have a printable material, possibly a polymer, that would replace the cardboard-like cladding at the 3d printed calcium sulfate; it is also possible that 3d printed calcium sulfate items could have a central area with many air spaces, and then have a hole gradient that goes to 100% calcium sulfate at the outer surface. The benefit is that this produces a high R value calcium sulfate building material, improving dwelling or other architectural object comfort and increasing energy efficiency.

Technology that could improve swamp coolers, also known as evaporative coolers: I read about how, when making activated carbon, the carbon is soaked in a solution of calcium chloride then dried to crystallize the calcium chloride; the proliferation of the microcrystals at the carbon causes a big increase in the surface area of the carbon after the calcium chloride is rinsed out. Noting that swamp coolers have evaporative pads that evaporate water, it seems possible that the microsurface area as well as the total surface area of a cellulose material could be increased with the same ionic-crystal microtexturing treatment that produces more surface area at activated carbon. The benefit is that the new hyper surface area evaporative cellulose pad could wick away even more moisture at a smaller actual pad size. Smaller pad size could make the entire swamp cooler smaller, possibly making them slightly cheaper to produce.

Another possible technology at swamp cooler moisture pads is to microtexture/custom surface the cellulose pads with a laser to produce a very hydrophilic positive contact angle surface; a positive angle contact surface is kind of the opposite of a: negative contact angle surface, NCAS is a kind of a thing with superhydrophobic projections all over the surface. I saw an image of a hydrophilic positive angle contact
surface (PACS), it looked kind of like: \___/ \___/.

At a swamp cooler, whether the smaller improved moisture wicking pad is improved with crystal-caused activated carbon like treatment, or a laser texturing of the cellulose material to make PACS, the greater moisture wicking ability could support a new type of airflow: coanda air flow, and a variety of air sheet entrainment could cause much larger amounts of air to flow past the moist pad.

Air quotes: a modification to Twitter software, or other communication software, that causes more people to voluntarily enjoy tweeting, and to tweet more:

A popular tweeting person could be imagined as tweeting or retweeting quite a few tweets per day; thay have a bunch of followers; it is possible that the rapid feedback of seeing other people retweet their content and/or comment on recent tweets right away causes psychological reward, a feeling of fun, and behavioral psychology word: shaping that causes them to tweet more items even more frequently. That could be a popular twitter user. My perception is that (2019 AD) there are also some twitter users who get few views, retweets, or any kind of reinforcement-loop creating feedback.

If there was a feature at twitter that could increase the actual number of persons that are popular tweeters then beneficially quantitatively more high-participation people would tweet more things, more frequently. Such a feature could be: Air quotes. Air quotes at twitter would be little thing like an emoji “” immediately followed with the contents of a tweet that the popular tweeter did not write, but that another person wrote. A person who is not yet popular could ask a popular tweeter, “hey could you airquote this”, and then the popular tweeter puts the tweet they did not write into the air quote form/format. Then all the many followers of the popular tweeter can react to the airquoted content from the new, yet-to-be-popular writer. It is an easy software structure that allows people to easily share and ride on each other’s coattails when they like each other. If it works the popularity of the fresh material writer goes up causing a quantitative increase in the number of twitter users that have lively psychological-reward feedback cycles, aka people having fun while communicating.

My perception is that during 2018 AD Twitter had a very simple user interface. There is a simple user interface way to queue up airquotes material: A popular tweeter could just have a page next to their ID page, their airquotes page, that has say 8 textboxes on it, and anyone visiting their airquotes page could write anything they liked in one or more of the 8 textboxes. The view that the popular tweeter has of the multi-textbox page has a little “send” icon next to each one. All the popular tweeter has to do is to click “send” if they like what the airquote content says. Airquote suggestion textboxes are editable anytime by anyone, so itis really casual.

Note: although airquotes is a twitter technology I emphasize that there are many other intellectually and socially growthful sites and applications and software available online and even offline on phones and consoles. I think that research that compares something like the top 100 most popular communications and group participation sites and applications as to their effect on intellectual capacity maintenance and growth, cumulative drift or variations produced at a measure like the big five personality test, as well as the 100 most popular sites/applications effect on subjective well being (happiness) would have value.

cytoNucleus drugs. I read that nuclear transport proteins, peptides, and possibly even little organic molecules like melatonin may cause things to be preferentially moved across the nuclear membrane into the nucleus. Generally recognized as safe GRAS food additives are numerous, and there is a list; The list of all FDA, EU, Chinese approved drugs is another list. Take both of these lists then make a variation on each of the GRAS chemicals as well as all the pharmacopia drugs with a nuclear transport peptide, protein, or perhaps just melatonin molecule attached to it. That creates several thousand new testable drugs, of unknown effect, that can be screened as a library to find any, active at the nucleus, that do beneficial things. I perceive many things are published as having epigenetic effect, at least one thing in the nucleus though could affect “epigenetic silencing” so it is possible screening the GRAS/drug nuclear transport peptide/protein/little organic molecule drug library could find new drugs with epigenetic effects.

Another possible nuclear membrane passing drug that could reach the nucleus is a blob of lipids, like some lipid bilayer fragment, with just one chemical or drug attached to it. Theoretically the external cytomembrane as well as the actual nuclear membrane will take up the extra lipid bilayer fragment that has the drug attached to it, it might even be that the incorporated lipid bilayer fragment has an even chance of pointing the drug molecule into the cytoplasm or outwards towards the between-cyte space. (As to the drug attached to lipid bilayer becoming a part of the cytomembrane or nuclear membrane: hey it could work; radioactive labelled lipids swap out, i perceive, more than 1/3 of a cytomembrane’s composition in less than 1/2 an hour). I have heard of a lipid raft; a more sophisticated or possibly more effective thing than a bilayer blob with a drug attached to it could be a lipid raft with a drug attached to it that gets spontaneously incorporated into the cytomembrane.

I could think better if I knew more math.

If it does it might be easier to produce at new human genes, gene therapy or GI tract bacteria
engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o Nanotechnology in medical diagnostics.

By: Joe Mardin on Sun, 23 Jul 2023

0Joe Mardin

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