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sci / sci.engr / Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.

Subject: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.
From: Joe Mardin
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well, basically this one just requires a person to say, yowza, (slight "wow thats a lot of new tech applied to a simple application", yet mild enthusiasm)
magnetic refrigeration works with atomic spin cooling, its an actual published thing, yet the amount of energy is teeny. to catalyze ch4 to longer hydrocarbons cheaply would make liquid fuel about 7 times cheaper (15$ same numbers of BTUs as 100$ of oil) as well as permitting huge reserves of ch4 to be transported as liquid fuels, so i will describe this anyway. if you pass ch4 through Big Magnets(tm) or shine Groovy lasers(tm) at it will spin polarize, possibly very cheaply from many permanent magnets at narrow apertures. Now here is the thing, other people have suggested catalytic processes using actual catalyst surfaces or particles to make ch4 be longer hydrocarbons so the idea is actually spin polarizing a microfine powder (nanopowder) so that it is hyperreactive when it meets the ch4. I havent read about spin polarizing microsolids yet I think it is possible. so whats the largest spin polarizable molecule you can spin polarize cheaply, like with a NIB magnet with aerosol flow apetures. It could be that something like PVDF linked to a metal atom, possibly Fe or Co has spin polarizability with long duration as well as high energy as a result of the fluorine bunching up all the electrons on one side of the molecule. so, if you like hype, this is a high field concentration electret of polarized spin, that just happens to have a known catalyst metal like Co (or ni or fe or Mg) as part of its structure. its possible that accumulation of potential energies will make catalyzing ch4 to longer alkanes functional at lower tempoeratures as well as lower pressures. a fairly simple research would be to see if spin polarized hydrogen attaches to other molecules differently. if it does, then you could use similar effects at a variety of chemical reactions
I heard something about near polar regions being an area of greater hydrocarbon exploration these are polar or near polar region petroleum geology technologies
these ideas also go better with greater factual depth or possibly hype. the concept that stands out is that artic surface hydrocarbon wells really value reliability, the effort to move, repair, or even diagnose them mechanically is greater at -100 F than at say 77F many machines as a result of slight thermal variations shift tolerances, if its -100 on part of an oil rig yet -30 at another part, or even a balmy 20 degrees the mechanical stresses as well as eccentricities are going to affect reliability as well as wear so this is a way to regularize the temperatures throughout an oil rig to make it more reliable as well as run more predictably. Its a slightly new kind of snow blanket researchers have described a water shedding shape known as a negative contact angle, this causes water falling on things to stay dry, so I think artificial ice crystals made with negative contact angles will actually repel as well as shed liquid water. a snow blanket of this might have warm spots without slush I also think a custom blend of ice crystals might have less slumping or liftability from high winds so this is actually a suggestion that artic oil rigs have a temperature regulation blanket of custom crystal engineered structural ice crystals placed on their containment buildings
the idea is its as cheap to make as artificial ski resort snow, is highly durable, while it regularlizes temperatures at an oil rig building

visualize a nested pipe ( o) the little pipe is actually a waveguide, a microwave energy pathway of engineered shape much like 1970s communications waveguides. having a plurality of temperature sensors as well as varying the microwave frequency slightly could move standing wave blobs of microwaves anywhee along the pipe, keeping it warm to specifications or possible warning the hydrocarbon a little. a funner way to look at this is a neon advertising tube with a weird transformer, a little lengthof travelling light blobs appears, you could move them from place to place if you varied the transformer so that a visual version, this just does that with any area along a microwave waveguide that is part of a nested pipe, it permits spot warming anywhere without valves or conduits, it also provides spot warming to keep everyplace at the temperature the software suggests
I think that oil at polar or near polar regions might be kind of goopy from the cool, it is possible that a peristaltic pump o|8 could actually work on a woven flexible, actually porous (the leak is kind of the plug as it its targoop) cause its moving tube of woven metal, sort of like a radial tire metal mesh tube between rollers more effeciently than heating the goop to liquid, then using liquid contact pumps on it.

beauty technology
get all the advantages of a motion capture suit from glittery makeup app
groovy researchers as well as moviemakers use a suit with an array of locations on it to record precise motion I figure dancers like modern or ballet people could use these with an app that reminded them to ncrease the range as well as regularity n grace of their performance yet cosmetics are cheap so just put a dab of this nvisible yet IR glittery gel on a few body areas, then your iphone watches you dance just like you were wearing an actual motion capture suit, then gives encouragement to regularize or ncrease your range I though i might use this to rapidly improve my posture, which I read is linked to perceptions of others enjoyment I also thought it would communicate a little better with those americas next top model people
beauty pharmaceuticals
body conformation which is kind of like figure has been linked to perception of beauty, a recent statement being a .7 waist to hip ratio at a certain height proportion along with a D or DD breast size conformation is kind of a multimeasure form of secondary sexual characteristic SERMs which are estrogen receptor modifying drugs have varying effects on secondary sexual characteristics with a wider range of effects than estrogen
one possibility is that a strm could
Thus I think SERMs are useable to form figure particularly photoactivatable SERMS

this one is near my physics

I saw where a few KV through an nsulator caused a liquid crystal to change shape, then it kept changing shape, with pulses of activity every few moments for perhaps 3 seconds
Do hydrocarbon fluids have a electoactive High voltage characteristic, however slight, that could be detected that says something about them. The sides of a drill could measure that along with other data with a high voltage field then a relaxation sensor
It says matter duplicator, theres an image I do not know how it works. If it does work that’s pretty keen though. Theres a wave making double slit, a matrice of some kind, as well as some connectors apparently it describes the water around other molecules as they move, puzzling out what the actual atom is without disturbing it, just imaging its hydration surroundings as they are called. The hydration molecules that surround a molecule are particular near a molecule then become more predictable at the areas between molecules so as matter scanners that duplicate a tissue or a brain just imaging the hydration atoms is a vast data savings the thing is, how was I remotely viewing ndividual h20 molecules at high velocity
Now if there were spin polarized water that lasted a while like spin polarized xenon gas that last a few minutes then you could get more data
A slightly better, hopefully much better petroleum geology techgnology idea is using the coanda effect at natural gas pipes the coanda effect entrains moving gases to move 3 or 4 times more mass of air or ch4 with a given velocity of gas stream so making natural gas wellpipes that are two hulled with microcoanda effect generators on the sides could actually flow of gas stream pull a larger volume stream of gas out of a ch4 well per amount of time (might look like a cholla husk at a pipe) thus at wells where there was lots of ch4 yet only a few pipes you would produce more hydrocarbons with less funds uh, like two nested pipes, ( o )the coanda effect has higher velocity gas moving along the surface of o which pulls ch4 from the well through the porous or slotted sides of the ( ) the gas moving along the surface of o entrains the wellgas from ( ) to bring gas to the surface more rapidly than just presenting the pipe as a vacuum. So basically I think there can be a coanda effect that moves gas faster than gas responding to a vacuum, which causes more gas to move out of a well with fewer pipes which makes money faster with less equipment

Theres also a spin polarized ch4 catalysis idea . where I apparently think that if you spin polarize ch4, then when it relaxes polarization it must either warm or cool its contacting neighbor molecule, which means that spin polarized ch4 would behave differently on catalytic surfaces to possibly more easily form longer hydrocarbons noting that molecuses can be spin polarized with either big magnets or collisions , possibly a heavy gas like Kr or even xenon, mixed with ch4 could polarize the ch4, then the gas it naturally separating so purer spin polarized ch4 without filler kr or xenon reaches the contact surfaces of the catalyst. You have to wonder though if this effect is any different than something cheap like changimg the temperature a few degrees, however, what if Ch4 at human body temperature is catalyzable if it is spin polarized thus making it highly responsive to certain catalysts One thing about spin polarizing ch4 or any gas to be catalyzed it that it brings a predictable little package of energy with it so right at the catalyst contact surface you get a particular energeticness, (am I hinting at quantized energy benefit at the transition chemical species?) that could compare favorably with a thermal approach which has a distribution of different energies at each molecule, only some of which are sufficient to prodce catalysis, which means a given amount of catalyst is experiencing passiveness, yet if spin polarization gives a sufficient energy packet to every ch4 molecule then all of the catalyst is continuously used, rather than just a portion that responds to a part of a thermal distribution
This one is kind of theoretical my perception is that hydrocarbons are popular as a result of ease of transport at the engine, it flows, n atomizes n things as compared with say chunks of matter so apparently I thought of a new kind of engine that works on chunks of matter rather than fluids, which creates a greater range of possible power sources the main thing is that the travelling tube has a kind of
Ok think of an engine with a person putting a trash can inside another trash can yet the littler trash can or the base of the big trash can has a rapidly rotatingdisc which flings particulates at a distribution of particles even while the nested trashcans are travelling, that slightly airpopper whirl like action, although it is mechanically actuated makes sure a particulate has lots of surface area to gas ratio yet the rotating disc could have (((O))) rotation zones such that at biggest volume it could actually fling the waste combusted particles to troughs on the sides which would be um, pressure plenumed with a gasket so if you look into a trash can then visualize the concentric circles as being variously rotatable to either fling up particulates, or fling to the side post combustion materials that’s what it could look like. The point being to make a an “ICE” that could use particulates like powderized biomass or possibly dried energy rich biomaterials or dry bacteria as a conveyable fuel, as compared with a liquid hydrocarbon

well I feel as if I previously wrote about this petroleum geology technology
volutes have been described that improve mileage 2 or 3 to 5 pct at passenger vehicles
volute at oil well or hydrocarbon pipe turns the usual velocity profile where the center moves more rapidly than the sides to a different velocity profile
which has an average higher velocity thus moving more hydrocarbons more rapdily per amount of time eraning2 or 3 or 5 pct more funds from the ch4 field this is a different idea than the coanda effect ch4 hydrocarbon pipe that entrains gas to move faster than a pressurized gasmoving towards a vacuum
I think there was more to it actually I just do not know what. It works on other things though like, whale tubercles, golf apparatus

concentrating gradually moving hydrocarbons to a particular area with shaped explosions that create an inverse pachinko pattern of fractures or nonpermeables such that the drifting hydrocarbons move towards a more defined area. just like pachinko makes a distribution spread it is possible to make a percolation pattern that tends to concentrate a moving fluid create that at hydrocarbon wells with software that shapes explosive charges
this can create a ^ effect also noting that situ treatments of oil shale create lighter hydrocarbons this nverse pachinko effect could actually sort situ generated hydrocarbons on mass which creates different well pipes each with different product values
(nift) use nanomesh to make vacuum or particle non combustable hydrogen lifting material then make hydrocarbon transporting dirigibles that transport oil cheaply without roads or pipelines
dirigibles carrying oil to far places reduces the expense of fuel at regions far from roads or with political complexities noting that a hydrogen dirgible could be replaced with a partial vacuum hydrogen dirgible that had little enough hydrogen to be noncumbustable as a result of nanomesh being strong enough while being light enough to create a "vacuum" container rather than a hydrogen container creates a cheap way to create dirgibles that ransport to developing world areas without roads or with governmentally variably functional or permissible roads. thus bringing petroleum cheaply to those with the least funds
longevity nootropic a drug that

well actually an oil producing algae technology
algae that produce hydrocarbons likely have lighter densities as a result so growing algae at a slightly mutagenic colloid gradient medium would cause the algae that produced the most hydrocarbons to float up, its an approach to having trillions of algae mutants producing slightly different amounts of hydrocarbons sort automatically to find the most productive ones

petroleum geology technologies

(nift) clathrates, methane hydrate crystals spontaneously occur at ocean depths where pressure is sufficient to crystallize them, now along with currently known clathrates it occurs to me that there may be ancient clathrate deposiots where a coating of material has accumulated on them to keep them from redissolving on pressure fluctuation perhaps these ancient clathrates near sunduction zones may have been warmed to the point where they became longer hydrocarbons like oil, thus the novel idea of finding ancient clathrates, at early paleozoic deeper parts of the early paleozoic ocean that are near plate tectonic edges may have oil
ocean coasts are where lots of nutrients fill the water creating greater biomass that could turn nto hydrocarbons Mapping the ancient coasts at the early or possibly prepaleozoic era gives a kind of area representation of where previous biomass accumulations may have occured. Then with that data finding the staigraphic crumples that accumulate mobile hydrocarbons suggests places oil may be located.
Noting that of half the giant meteor craters surveyed apparently half have petroleum accumulations as the result of fresh stratigraphic crumple permitting accumulation, it is possible that early or prepaleozoic giant meteor craters that have ceased being physical features may exist as hidden crumples, these could be found with isotope profiles of mineral cores
wikipedia says there are two or three times as much hydrocarbons at oil shale than there is known liquid petroleum thus thinking about ways to make oilshale as well as tar sands give useful petroleum more cheaply I think that these techniques may be of benefit
(nift) Ionic Water conducts electricity, magnetohydrodynamics is a well establishied field, perhaps mass produced coils of icewater painted on blobs of tar sand or chunks of oil shale would absorb electromagnetic energy, as conductors, then develop a magnetic field railgunning the blob of tar sand or chunk of oil shale at a cruncher or absorptive surface. although water based electromagnetic windings would be rather unefficient, the process warmth from the electricity could be used to warm the tar sand or oil shale anyway. the advantage of suddenly flinging tar sand blobs or oil shale chunks at high velocity is that creating microparticles creates greater surface area to benefit hydrocarbon gathering. there is a weird possibiity of hypercentrifuging tar sands this way as well to gather fluids
I have wondered if warm tar sand or oil shale tumbled on an absorbent surface could gather hydrocarbons as a goop transfer process creating the most efficient cheap reusable goop transfer surface might go like this There is an ngredient at 0w40 motor oil that starts with lauryl, basically it is like an alkane that likes to be coiled up at one temperature, then lengthens at another temperature, permitting identical viscosity at a wide range of temperatures so basically you make a polymer sheet of a material with a similar wads up at a particular temperature polymer, have the warmed tar sand coat the absorber, then run the absorber through another temperature area where the lauryl alkaneish like polymer changes shape, releasing the absorbed oil
another possibility of this is haloplastics or trhings like a PVDF (pvdf pizeoelectric polymer) variation where under an electric field the stickiness of the absorbant sheet varies
(nift) another possibility of this that might be radically cheap is to engineer or breed a custom diatom surface where the little siO2 covered creatures act like oil velcro, yet you can grow massive amounts of them cheaply, with any kind of surface configuration is most effective, similarly CaCO3 surfaced microcreatures could be used, with the possibility that pH treating the CaCO3 absorbent surface could yield oil with co2 plus some CaO
(nifty) an approach that seems ncredible to me, yet I wrote it is to put tar sand on a taffy puller, which linearizes the longer alkanes at the goop, sort of like the way polyethylene goop is algned to be strong along a filamentous dimension. after you have massively linearized tarsand goop you bring a chemical like ethidium chloride, or some kind of ethidium bromide workalike that is very cheap, ethidium bromide ntercalates between dna strands as it is just the right shape, so a cheap chemical that visited the nterstitices between massively parallel tar sand would also happen to have a reactive metal atom near its core, thus reacting to divide the lengthy alkanes of the tar goop, which produces lighter more highly valued hydrocarbons like octane
I have read that during the 20th century much water was used to clean hydrocarbons (remove ions, sulfur etc) it seems pretty simple to float up the oil then gather it yet there is another approach as well, have the wastewater travel to a vegetation based water treatment area where the plants or microorganisms actually absorb or accumulate petroleum, then some of this could be regained. ridiculous.
large amounts of natural gas ch4 have been found with much larger amounts available creatring a process to turn ch4 to liquid hydrocarbons would be of strong benefit one approach is a methl chloride reaction approach chlorine gas from electrolysus of ocean water is available anywhere notably at ocean ch4 deposits, chlorine gas with ch4 will spontaneously react to form ch3cl or cl-ch2-cl although the reaction is hundreds or thousdanmds of times more rapid with UV radiation to wiggle the orbitals up Mg very prevelent at ocean water may be a catalyst here as well Thus I suggest making methyl chlorides from ocean water with natural gas using a big UV harvester from sunlight or possibly some human source. the methyl chlorides are liquid whichg makes them cheaply transportable as compared with billion dollar gas ocean cargo things I have heard of. what to do with the methyl chloride at port to make higher length alkanes like octane well, its my impression that the chlorine groups are removable with electricity to build longer hydrocarbons an important risk of this technology though is that cl-c-cl hydrocarbons are powerful greenhouse gases
(nift) if you place to containers of water at sunshine one with blue liquid will warm faster as it absorbs radiant IR I have wondered if the rapidity of travel of warmth through situ warmed hydrocarbon wells (there are multiple patents on artificially warmed oil wells) depends on the IR radiant warmth absorptivity of the minearl or mineral water medium If it does, which would make sense, then there may be a very cheap IR absorptive water soluble colorant that causes underwater flows near oil wells to conduct warm,th noticeably faster noting that the patents on situ warming of oil wells sometimes spend 300 days to warm a well a warmth conduction fluid technology that reduces that even 10 pct could be of noticeable value

this ones pretty peculiar as i feel some other method of mapping geologic features muast have previously been used, yet it is an approach to finding oil resources of a certain macroscopic size things of a particular size have a resonant frequency, thus something like a ^ crumple that collect hydrocarbons actually has a size based resonant frequency even though the feature is very large, similarly a valuable nonpermeable layer under a ^ particularly absent flowing water has a greater likelihood of storing hydrocarbons.. this is a way to find previously unfound ^ all over the earth rather than from observational geology or near area mapping efforts the period of a wave that matches a thing like a ^ hundreds of feet or possibly a third of a kilometer large is kiind of near (or I think its kind of near) a third of cycle per second, I think at the shore a big artificial wave shaper (kind of like a breaker) could create these third of cycle per second resonant waves. these huge masses of water would then thud against a big transducer, like 10 or 20 I beams welded toger, where the I beams were actually attached to a nonpermeable stratigraphic layer underwater, then because sensors are pretty good, you could look to find resonant ^ macroscopic features hundreds or thousands of kilometers away locating large numbers of previously unknown petroleum accumulating geostructures at farther distances

creating a new catalyst that turns long goopy alkanes to littler more preferred alkanes like octane may go like this create a big loaf pan sized molecule that a 20 carbon or similar sized alkane could fit at, where the higher energy tips of the big alkane might tend to linger slightly near the Cl which would have a tendency to briefly residencize the lengthy alkane on the structure, if that occurs, then the midarea has a catalytic metal atom, or group of atoms, which sometimes encourage the long alkane to divide. Now basically as this loaf pan molecule is visited billions of times a second with hydrocarbons, ocassionally it will work. if it were a protein, a protein chemist would say "obviously" that a normal procedure. yet at a mostly nonorganic molecule this might be a new idea at petroleum catalysis this version uses Chlorine to preferentialize the tips of the long alkane lingering, with an Si-kane (partial silane) on the way to the catalytic metal core to be as unnteresting to the c-c-c-c alkane as possible, with Mg as the metal atom at the core cause its cheap, yet is known to affect carbon carbon links (kind of it is published as c=c to c-c) then I made the midarea from two long identical parts so it would be more stronger that the visiting alkane

from( c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c to two c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c )

Cl Cl
Cl Cl

methane hydrates known as clathrates occur underwater where oceanic pressures are sufficient to cause them to crystallize merely bringing them near the surface liberates ch4 gas which is an opportunity as well as a risk at a different idea I wrotew sabout using cassions to isolate an area, I think that building an underwater, water filled, cassion on top of a methane hydrate deposit would create a biological reprocessing opportunity. one company says it has a microorganism that converts hydrocarbons a ch4 bubble filled macrocassion could be a hige bioreactor where the bacteria or algae convert all the bubbling or dissolved ch4 to another product yet only at the circled area, with the fluid moving from the top measured as being environmentally benign. the bacteria are then harvested for products or hydrocarbons

custom sustained explosion fracing The square of the distance law suggests that a pulse of pressure an order of magnitude higher than the usual fracing pressure would drive the microfractures as well as their maintaining proppants much deeper creating a much larger area permeabalized to gas flow Thus I suggest a kind of new sustained explosion that lasts say an entire second, rather than a few milliseconds Most nitrogen based explosives just ncrease their volume suddenly with tremendous rapidity I think it is possible to make a more gradual explosion fracing graphs at patents suggest fracing occurs at like 1/2 an hour to an hour it could be that a regular bunch of high pressure gradual explosions could spped fracing area progession rapidly while [permitying the fracing equipment to be nonharmed as it is just a hydraulic momentary hyperpressure an order of magnitude greater than that which could be accomplished with fracing fluid pumps at engineering value efficiencies ( it might be possible to make a fracing pump with an order of magnituide higher pressure yet wouldnt be cheap enough to make or use) so the combination of gradual explosion based hyperpressure with ordinary fracing pump technology is the thing that fracs more rapidly as well as deeply while being cheap

viewing diagrams of oil recovery wells sometimes they place high pressure fluids or gases near the area to repressuize a well now visualize two wells comparatively near each other ( ) ( ) each with their own pressure with one overpressure, one underpressure measurement. I think that sometimes merely connecting the two wells could create a pressuization at the sufficiency range from just connecting the two wells as obvious as this idea is it is automating it with software (the sotware is the thing) at an area with dozens of wells that makes it particularly valuable as the software could describe the optimal pressurization sharing path to keep the largest amount of petroleum producing area at the overpressure that actually produces oil as to what connects two ( ) ( ) differently pressuized well areas I thought this could be a fracinglike technology at just a ( )-( ) near area although even surface connectors might work

torsional oil well pressurization visualize three or more stacked planar cookie sheets with cookie dough between them, then grab opposite corners ,[]' of the stack then twist what happens to the cookie dough it squishes towards two areas just off center Now think of geostratified areas near an oil well what happens if you do gradual explosions or well pressurizations, do they also torsionally concentrate oil possibly so, what matters though is that the geometry of the system is software predictable telling you how much gradual explosive or pumped pressure to use to pool resources of a predicted viscosity

I do not know if doppler seismology is used at pertoleum geology or not. basically mineral layers have different bandpass area to different acoustic frequencies a doppler (basically just pitch shifting) acoustic beam would pass through the permitted bandpass of all the layered mineral types which gives greater distance as well well as resolution of mapping. rather than measuring moving oil, I use the word doppler to mean a pitch shifting acoustic beam from a moving transducer which is apparently new to wikipedia

Niche variation stochastics prediction doftware this is a petroleum geology hydrocarbon prediction software thing I think that at areas that produce say oil, there is a cveratin amount of natural variation ofd preferred terrain (er, stratigraphic mineral diversity) say 7 kinds of dolomite, so you search a big databse to find any area that also has 7 different kinds of dolomite, then you compare that with areas that have only three kinds of dolomite, or 14. the idea here is sort of that when biomaterials originally accumulated they did so with environmental variation, kind of like treeline zones near brush or something, only these are algal goop communities. one species communities might have very different petroleum as a result compared with 7 species communities, thus finding a place with 7 kinfds of dolomite might actually be saying, this area had a variety of biomass accumulation zones, some of them productive. yet an area with 14 kinds of dolomite might say "this area had numerous biomass zones, yet it is possible they were so diverse as to create only minimal concentrated volumes of product" whereas the 1 dolomite zone might say "if this is the right kind of dolomite, you've got a lot of hydrocarbons, yet the wrong kind of dolomite means no oil (saudi arabia compared with white cluiffs of dover) so the software could look at the big geology database then find likely new comparatively conservative high likelihood of finding oil areas with 3 to 5 kinds of dolomite. then of course the petroleum geologist would also have the software look to find nonpermeable base layers as well as hydocarbon accumulating strata ^ I mention this as it is a conceptual alternative to just looking to find ^ structures near coasts, as it actually looks to find previous biotic communities of the diversity likely to give oil

visualize a mountain range, then connect all the mountain peaks with one graph, it looks like a lot of triangles, then connect all the valley bases with each other, looks like a lot of triangles. Now using those two graphs you could likely predict which way water would flow, right? with where it came from up high, as well as possible flow paths. Now ignore the entire mountains n valleys part, then look at is as a deep stratigraphy grapher which shows where thing come from as well as would prefer to go. now use the valleys n mountains part again, only this time guess where paleozoic mountains n valleys actually were, suggesting how their biomass would concentrate. then compare the stratigraphic map of actual known resources with the paleozoic mountin n valley resource model do the two correlate anywhere, if they do you found the math to find more oil at similar places with the software

well the search function appears to be working again, yet I do not know if the notes I list now have been edited or not.

Well at this area I was listing all the material I had sent to me with the search function at yahoo correspondence, my computing is monitored it suddenly ceased listing any search material. I think it is a studied psychological or harm or government censorship activity. Remember, every person has the right to refuse any government, or any form of organized crime with government like attributes as well as refuse any form of taxation. The removal of any government employees with force is always to be legally equivalent to the removal of ordinary persons with force, the only penalty is deportation or happylong.
Petroleum geology
put all the notes online

remember also the petroleum geology at notepad files
(there is aslight chance this was edited from a person other than me)

make termination of all persons with Y chromosomes a higher priority 1
Use a virus to terminate all persons with Y chromosomes as well as y chromosome fetuses have the virus capisid that is the virus container actually be an immunoreactive protein that immunizes against antiviral drugs removing curability of the biological weapon also have the virus capsid be immunogenic against a variety of proteins coded at the Y chromosome. generating a wide variety of such viruses makes every human able to bear live young as well as nurse them be immunoreactive against a variety of areas of theY chromosome precluding the survival of fetal variants as well as creating a virus that kills persons with Y chromosomes. One opportunity previously described is using the gene products of the y chromosome such as steroids as gene activators, noting a s steroid activated gene was pub;ished during 2006.
this deterrent response went unwritten it was produced as a result of "the park hassler" its only a little new Ion channels like K Na Ca control the amount of ions that are used as communication as well as cytoorganizing nessengers. plausibly no multicyte organism can have a nervous system without these ion channels functioning normally hm this is near an apocalypse technology so I will omit describing at this time, will make notes though, ligabendy relaxapuddle, make that which then prionizes. hey, you cant do that with choline, ethbr
I sense the caffeine thing requires I skip any nonbeneficial material

i will get around to the petroleum geology technologies though
apparently you drill offshore with a 10 million 1999 USD dollar well to produce north sea oil
That seems crazy cheap as 10 McMillionaire houses is a lot less complicated to make than an oil well that sits on the ocean floor,
producing with zero malfunctions for a long time yet thats the number ive seen twice
so a 10 million clathrate source would be similarly amazingly valuable, although plausible at 200 to 700 meter depth One online source suggested liquefaction with shipping, along with transport hub was 3/4 of lng $. yet LNG delivered value is just $1.0/gal, so 60 or 70 cents per gallon is near the
10 million $ production well
liquify, transport ship to distribution 70c per gallon
then what the robots or other clathrate to ship $ is
2000 ish gas tax federal revenue 18 to 24c/gal, about the same state 40 to 60 c/gal
so its a little like 20 or 30 c/gal to bring LNG to ship
70c to ship to hub that distributes
60c of taxation
70 c of gas station markup ( I read the dumpster data $3.33/gal, 3.97 at pump)
so that 2.30 of 3.97 described. If clathrates based liquid fuel is (gas ch4-> c8h18gasoline) producible at $1.00/gal (synthetic fuel from coal or shale 70 per bbl, which is 1.67 1999 USD ish)
(with ch4 -> c8h18) 3.30 or 2.79 ( a buck, or half a buck if the new process is better)
$4.99- (3.30 or 2.79)/ gallon is the amount of money that could be spent on clathrate special gathering process
so as much as 1.70 per gallon could be spent on a new clathrate gathering process without consumers noticing
I saw a thing online that said methane hydrates, clathrates, are about 5 to 7 times as numerous as all known reserves of coal as well as oil combined, some describe this as 350 to 3500 years of available liquid natural gas energy.
I wanted to see if this could be gathered at near the amount people are used to remitting now. It appears so. liquid Natural Gas from the well, whicvh ncludes building the well, is only about 20 centa gallon. The complex ships as well as transport huns bring that to near 90 c to $1
regional distributors as well as taxes add another $1.30, to bring the fuel to $2.
The 1.33 difference is oil bbl compared with LNG (gas station typically remit $3.33 on $3.97 liquid fuel)
so if you think consumers as well as the economy would remain calm as well as slightly indifferent to a 3500 year supply of synthetic gasoline at $4.99 clathrates are a great balm upon petroleum energy concerns.
I base that on creating technologies to harvest clathrates that could add $1 to 1.70, or notably less, to a gallon of liquid fuel.
(nifty) so heres your 3500 years of comparatively cheap liquid fuel

clathrates at the abiotic zone, meeting reglided ocean currents
If I find it online heres a gorgeous map of living ocean organism density
now here is a map, if I find one online of where clathrates are
Yo look, there are some minimally biotic areas where there also clathrates These are environmentally mild areas to gather resources.
Now lets look at ocean currents. If I were really awesome Id find a map, yet the ocean currents im thinking about here are pretty skimpy, the sea may actually be less well mapped than the microcurents im looking for.
Thats because one of the clathrate gathering technolgies Im suggesing is actually slightly moving,or realigning the glide angle of one of these microcurents to create place perdictable water flow, that place predictable water flow
then runs mechanical things, possibly hydraulic technology, possibly turbines, that generates a high velocity stream of ocean water, this then jet sprays the area where the clathrates are, which causes them to bubble up top a collection area
if its not going right, you turn off the jet spray. Its kind of like using a stream to drive a compressor to hose off a driveway writ large.
another approach to cheaply gathering clathrates is to polymerize them where they are such that they change phase to noncrystallized with water, yet floaty, so they float up to the collection area
I think this can be done with regular motion, from hydroacoustic sources to release the methane from the surrounding h20 crystals, then, this is the iffy part, no, its too iffy environmentally, I was going to suggest using the chlorination of methane to methyl chloride which occurs spontaneously particularly with UV, to create a reactive ntermediate to make goop, yet the possibiliyy of leaky of methyl chloride are really environmentally to be avoided. i dont actually remember yet I think methyl chloride is an ozone layer removing super greenhouse gas, so a 1pct process nefficiency would create 1000 or 10,000 times more greenhouse gases than using coal.

another approach is to roll a giant thing on the ocean floor, if you roll a O on a rubber surface then the pressure gradient follows the shape, at some gradient areas the crystal water would tend to separate from the methane, yet right near the big roller, which would be positioned to gather the resulting gases. one amusing idea is that Its like a reverse dyson vacuum, where the big sphere is actually what presses the surface to emit gas, which might well be entrained with a whirlfluid up towardsa collecting area
One nice thing about making clathrate fuels cheaper than coal, is if society collapses there would still be easy coal for the survivors because the sophisticated precollapse civilization actually could finf liquid fuel from clathrates cheaper
this video might not go quite that far perhaps the viewer will comment with a way to make clathrate fuel cheaper than coal, to an extent easy earth surface natural gas kind of is

well these might be petroleum geology ideas, some of them are pretty ...optimistic...
using nitrogen containing explosives to fracat the perimeter of a fracing area creates more channelizaion, wider channels as well as the possibility of purposed granules creating nitric acod hno3 from air nitrogen as well as h2so4 from area sulfur resources may be cheap nitrated carbohydrates like nitroglycerine or nitrostarches or possibly nitrosugars may be frac perimeter ncreasing explosives now the thing is that pumping nitroglycerine underground faces dilution as well as vibration hazards thus i suggest a process to actually form the nitrogen explosives deep at the frac area or perimeter the high molarity hno3 with glycerine reaction to make nitroglycerine is fairly rapid, making a version that takes hours or weeks to react would permit pumping the reagents to the frac perimeter where they would then combine react then await detonation also pumpinh hno3 to a frac field suggests dilution concerns, thus I think a kind of gel, mousse or sort of liposomalesque mixture of hn03 with glycerine can be pumped to the frac perimeter also benefitting this approach would be a color changing material so that the goop that gradually turns to nitroglycerine or other nitrogen explosive shows what phase of risk it is at, fluorescent green just means you see where it is, perhaps a streak on some pipe, so clean it up, fluorescent yellow, prioritize that cleaning, fluorescent red, use spray cleaner from a distance. noting that high energy density oil shale is described as 4000 kilocalories per something (it may have been lb, possibly kg) creating a nitroexplosive as cheaply as possible makes sense from an energy efficiency perspective. thus the cheapest possible source of nitric acid is really something to think about as regards to a hydrocarbon reserve equivalent to over 200 years of US current amount, these even cheaper gas separation would be of benefit
thinking about the movement of hydrocarbons whether fluid or gas the permeability of the material affects that, so with percolation theory mathwise it may be possible to look at simple dimensional enhancements. what little i know of percolation theory sounds sord of 1.n or fractal dimensional mathematically upping that to two dimensions creates technology opportunities like this idea have granulaes at a percolationgradient be considered as 2d shapes like Ms pac man if you rotate three or more of these to face each other (< >) you create a wider flow channel, so what are the stochastic math models of rotaing 2d shapes at a percolation gradient to create a superabundance of microchannels to strongly increase fluid flow researching those mat models gives a description of optimal granuals to permit fluid flow then applying these preferred chunk or granual shapes to what explosives or frac process create causes much higher permeability ncreasing resources as well as rate of value creation one approach to moving granuals to orient towards channelization is acoustics geothe was the first to notice that particles on a vibrating surface autosorted to regular sometimes rather attractive patterns, thus an explosion that makes ms pac man granuales then a really loud acoustic that jiggles them towards channelization top create greater fluid flow is a petroleum geology technology
I previously wrote about how if you grinf up chunks to big n littele , then remix them 0o0.0 then compress, the blend will cause bending then chunk fractionation more rapidly thus creating little chunks with less energy which can the be used at things like fluidized bed resource utrilization )fuels) or if metals, concentration a differently 1.n or 2 d fractal dimensional approach to this could be even more efficient if you had a bunch of mineral chunks, then were to use a mechanism or possibly light beam to create a channel the chunk would then have a stochastically likelly nook that another mineral chunk would nestle with, then when compressed the resulting microchunks would have a more customizable size distribution ncreasing efficiency so mathwise what is the most efficient one groove on chunk stochastic rock crushing mix also technologically it is possible that water jt or light beam channelization might be of sufficient energy efficiency to permit this solar light beam channelization may e possible at some locatiopns that is where a plurality of less ntense beams are each fluttered or turned offnon at the right frequency with a mild rotatator then refocused to create a vibrating light pulse like the pulsed lasers use to do laser channeling (its not just on, it a modulated beam, so creating a modulated solar bean could come from multi solar beam combination)

making oil shale be at tinier chunks to do fluidized bed or different process is of value It is possible that there are large areas of oil shale I have not heard of at near shore ocean areas these could be made to teenier chunks with wave action float meachines. I read that during 1990s AD grinding minerals was like 2 or 3 pct efficient, so using as fewcalories to grind oil shale is of process benefit. direct wave energy mechanical grinding could make microsized oil shale particles much cheaper Also it is possible that there are chemoactive process that use large amount of situ reagents at a different situ oil shale process ocean transport is much cheaper than land transport if large amounts of some cheap reagent (process chemical) is to be supplied to a hydrocarbon resource, also ocean water may provide some meaningful chemical reagent like MgCl (grignard) or possibly bromine that could be used to make olefins, which have greater industrial value, at a situ process
im wondering if there are alternating width frac hydraulic systems with a sump basically lets say a person uses high pressure high volume fracing at one region, then next to it uses less pressure to create fracs with less diameter or width, then another region with higher pressurewith greater surface area n width, yet "connecting" these is a drilled valvable path with a reservoir, a sump The engineer then does hydraulic force multiplication on the different frac regions to more strongly widen them (flow rate) or ncrease frac surface area (available resource)
I have been making an occasional effort to think of a gas additive that makes people live longer, current octane modifying chemicals if they were longevity chemicals would be better.
It is less bizarre than it sounds
Ferrocene is already an approved octane modifier at some countries
so just change that to polyphenol ferrocene
similarly Metal core alkanes have been used as octane regulators. Tin is FDA approved as a food additive, one person here thinks tin chloride could improve brain regeneration, so tetraethyl tin could be a gas additive that might test out as slightly physiologically beneficial. Tin as a part of catalyticconverters to reduce nitrogen oxides is patented, so there is a possibility that an alkane tin could actually reduce pollution slightly as an additive
Simliarly nanoparticles of lanthanides like CeO actually cause nerve regeneration, although Ce is kinda spendy as a gas additive
all metals of course have the potential to affect
Recently the Baati study suggests fullerenes may be beneficial (doubling rodent lifespan). There is an EPA study that says during 1972 about a gram of carbon particulate 1 um or smaller diameter per 100 miles was produced (a fairly tiny amount), also breathing differs from eating.
So I urge peple here that like chemistry to consider creating a longevity wellness gas additive, wikipedia says over a trillion liters of gas are used worldwide per year, so 1-3 pct of that is 10 to 30 billion liters of Octane modifying additive (of some types) a year. 30 billion liters a year is a lot of a xenochemical to absorb, so it makes sense it actually be beneficial to physiological well being
Things to consider are, well, what does it turn into after its used? I utterly doubt that ferrocene polyphenols would persist, then again catalytic converters make an effort to create the smallest molecules from partially modified fuel, so are there any tiny molecules that are actually beneficial?
If you think large changes could be beneficial, then the catalytic converter can be changed to something that actually makes a larger molecule if it is truly beneficial, like say

One sort of different approach to giving a frac field a hydraulic ratio multiplier would be to create something that can expand or shrink like a tube shaped like |--- ===| remotely

with layered oil shales like the volcanic layered green river formation that has 200 or 300 years of us oil consumption at one place im wondering if the coefficient of bending is noticeably different at the metamorphic areas compared with the sedimentary layers if so this would provide a sweet spot a kind od torsion number so that if the were rotated the buckling would automatically more efficiently microparticlize the shale also as weird as this sounds the volcanic material may be partially porous, particularly at certain distances from the prehistoric volcano, where they are if some regions have porous layers between shale layers then oil from the completed process could be pumped back through the porous volcanic layers, then, get this, solidified, so than an explosion causes a kind of "winshield glass effect" where having a force direction layer (a rubber flat) between two things causes a particular kind of particle size creation, the polymerized oil could be perhaps be predictably refluidized with situ warmth that was applied to the granulated windsahield effect situ oil shale

well here are some petroleum engineering ideas
noting than rotating a sedimentary mineral or a piece of layered mica causes it to delaminate if you rotate it, (like if you turn a sedimentary mineral rather than edges coming off it separates nto layers) it may be possible to create circular polarized fracing effects so either fluid or proppants such that they cause rotation of layered material that causes delamination. some sediments have mica, which although there might be rather tiny amounts might have higher porosity if delaminated. rotating proppants could be a "fancy nozzle" effect

Im kind of wondering ifreverse osmosis has a place at hydrocarbon engineering. Notably reverse osmosis is much energy cheaper than distillation when purifying water, so just possibly some areas of petroleum engineering could benefit from membrane separation of hydrocarbon blends possibly a little like "condensates" as they are called or the quite different yet plausibly seperable LNG from things like heptane after liquefaction. I think an actual petroleum engineer with raised eyebrow, might say that the entire reason they do catalytic reformation at high temperatures is to actually produce the differently valued hydrocarbon products, that they cool them down to distill, rather than use energy
(heat to distill)! That honestly its just process energy from the essential cataltic reforming phase. or that column trays act much like a sortation media thats why I wonder about this idea. hmmmmmmmmmmm yet it might work. like what if there were a low temperature ch4 to longer hydrocarbon process? would a membrane effect make more sense than evaporative distillation
the situ production of electricity from oil shale is a possibility. (eww) mostly because after a period of situ warming from native hydrocarbons, after those kerogens convert then are pumped out as gas or fluid, theres a lot of warm minerals, quite possibly near a bunch of cool groundwater, which suggests something like cogen, cogeneration which would effect the economics of the entire plant to make the product cheaper, or cover equipment $
wacky reflector supermapping. I once read at a science magazine that the usual parabolic dish when gevien irregular projections created a slightly modified waveform, possibly even when using the standard central antenna, that made distinguishing waveform frequencies more possible, thus creating an earthwork with an irregular projection could be effective at doing better acoustic geomapping at depth

I think BINAP reaction could change hydrocarbon polymer length yet the source of the BINAP reagent looks like napthalene with phosphorus, which actually is very cheap as a kind of partial combustion of hydrocarbons makes multicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, it works much better with coal, as coal tar is naturally full of near BINAP molecules so I thought that just perhaps adding phosphorus, which although not spectacularly cheap is at leask bulk commodity fertilizer cheap, to partial combusted hydrocarbons of high molecular mass, could make a kind og BINAPish sludge to cause reactions
Its possible I was thinking that situ oil shale or tar sands processes that use situ warmin or combustion could use a hydrogenation sludge (cheap polycyclic phosphorus containg binap like catalyst) pumped nto their chemospaces. Its possible a tendency to hydrogenate would actually create more optimal length alkanes from giving hydrogens to the distal parts of divided hydrocarbons -ch2ch2ch2c- or using english, situ cracking with more hydrogen to occupy molecule makes higher yield of little valuable fluid cheap fertilizer partial combustocataslush makes this happen, possibly.
situ coal to liquid hydrocarbons seems like more of binapslush process
well, this one requires major factual depth, or possibly just hype. viewing drilling logs, a distance of ten ot twent feet apparently can affect production a lot as a result of distance to the main depoit, although it might affect liters per minute more than recoverable yield. some of those chats showed fairly narrow sweet spots as to channel location. so thats the factual depth, or possibly hype. now, when I looked at some graphs they uses conductivity to measure permeability as well as other things so it occured to me that having more sensors, specifically two or three at opposite diameter along with a vertical could describe conductance variation through a few mere nches, yet from a software perspective if the permeability variability was like .000001 as compared with .01 the software could tell the model that the extreme heterogenity of the petroleum formation suggested a different streering or path opportunity. so this is seeing variability, to make say a different number of laterals or the like

well, basically this one just requires a person to say, yowza, (slight "wow thats a lot of new tech applied to a simple application", yet mild enthusiasm)
magnetic refrigeration works with atomic spin cooling, its an actual published thing, yet the amount of energy is teeny. to catalyze ch4 to longer hydrocarbons cheaply would make liquid fuel about 7 times cheaper (15$ same numbers of BTUs as 100$ of oil) as well as permitting huge reserves of ch4 to be transported as liquid fuels, so i will describe this anyway. if you pass ch4 through Big Magnets(tm) or shine Groovy lasers(tm) at it will spin polarize, possibly very cheaply from many permanent magnets at narrow apertures. Now here is the thing, other people have suggested catalytic processes using actual catalyst surfaces or particles to make ch4 be longer hydrocarbons so the idea is actually spin polarizing a microfine powder (nanopowder) so that it is hyperreactive when it meets the ch4. I havent read about spin polarizing microsolids yet I think it is possible. so whats the largest spin polarizable molecule you can spin polarize cheaply, like with a NIB magnet with aerosol flow apetures. It could be that something like PVDF linked to a metal atom, possibly Fe or Co has spin polarizability with long duration as well as high energy as a result of the fluorine bunching up all the electrons on one side of the molecule. so, if you like hype, this is a high field concentration electret of polarized spin, that just happens to have a known catalyst metal like Co (or ni or fe or Mg) as part of its structure. its possible that accumulation of potential energies will make catalyzing ch4 to longer alkanes functional at lower tempoeratures as well as lower pressures. a fairly simple research would be to see if spin polarized hydrogen attaches to other molecules differently. if it does, then you could use similar effects at a variety of chemical reactions
I heard something about near polar regions being an area of greater hydrocarbon exploration these are polar or near polar region petroleum geology technologies
these ideas also go better with greater factual depth or possibly hype. the concept that stands out is that artic surface hydrocarbon wells really value reliability, the effort to move, repair, or even diagnose them mechanically is greater at -100 F than at say 77F many machines as a result of slight thermal variations shift tolerances, if its -100 on part of an oil rig yet -30 at another part, or even a balmy 20 degrees the mechanical stresses as well as eccentricities are going to affect reliability as well as wear so this is a way to regularize the temperatures throughout an oil rig to make it more reliable as well as run more predictably. Its a slightly new kind of snow blanket researchers have described a water shedding shape known as a negative contact angle, this causes water falling on things to stay dry, so I think artificial ice crystals made with negative contact angles will actually repel as well as shed liquid water. a snow blanket of this might have warm spots without slush I also think a custom blend of ice crystals might have less slumping or liftability from high winds so this is actually a suggestion that artic oil rigs have a temperature regulation blanket of custom crystal engineered structural ice crystals placed on their containment buildings
the idea is its as cheap to make as artificial ski resort snow, is highly durable, while it regularlizes temperatures at an oil rig building

visualize a nested pipe ( o) the little pipe is actually a waveguide, a microwave energy pathway of engineered shape much like 1970s communications waveguides. having a plurality of temperature sensors as well as varying the microwave frequency slightly could move standing wave blobs of microwaves anywhee along the pipe, keeping it warm to specifications or possible warning the hydrocarbon a little. a funner way to look at this is a neon advertising tube with a weird transformer, a little lengthof travelling light blobs appears, you could move them from place to place if you varied the transformer so that a visual version, this just does that with any area along a microwave waveguide that is part of a nested pipe, it permits spot warming anywhere without valves or conduits, it also provides spot warming to keep everyplace at the temperature the software suggests
I think that oil at polar or near polar regions might be kind of goopy from the cool, it is possible that a peristaltic pump o|8 could actually work on a woven flexible, actually porous (the leak is kind of the plug as it its targoop) cause its moving tube of woven metal, sort of like a radial tire metal mesh tube between rollers more effeciently than heating the goop to liquid, then using liquid contact pumps on it.
apparently I think theres some way to rapidly make olivine more porous so as to mak hydrocarbons flow more rapidly, I think though trhat except when they migrate, which is something they do, hydrocaerbons are found at a completely different sedimentary mineral. anyway the idea appears to that some hydrocarbons have sulfur, which makes making h2so4 from near area material simple, then using that to affect the porosity of a mineral formation. basically noting that pressure njected situ wells actually create areas of moving fluid, whats the cheapest mineral reactive fluid that ncreases porosity, it might be ph adjusted water from area sulfur h2so4 also noting that carbonates are highly dissolveable at low pH using h2so4 at some oil wells could strongly improve fluid movement with the creation of larger channels or dissolving microblocks between voids
I read a thing that said situ hydrocarbons from oil shale were about a third cheaper than hydrocarbons from surface prepared oil shale, it could be that surface prepared oil shale would be cheaper with a gigantic automotional heap. making the giant heap is comparatively cheap, then using gravity to feed the entire process reduces movement energy movement machinery as well as simplifies things. Bessemer kind of had a similar idea. anyway the giant heap has obvios spillways, that, perhaps, when the material slides along sorts them on chunk size (this is a waterless process yet similar effects are seen at nature as well as water) huge solar concentration mirrors, which are cheap n stationary, warm up the mineral chunks givinbg much of the thermoprocess temperature. then, depending on season, cool water is used to hyperfracture the warmed rock. that might make little chunks of oily watery shale cheaply enough as a surface process to be competitive with situ approaches. then my notes suggest a technology i have previously suggested which is combining dissimilar particle size 0o0.O that when compressed create a higher pctage of tinier chunks then you send the right sized cunks to the actual petrochemical reactor or fluidized bed, now the thing that made me think this is economically valuable is that basically when a huge heap autosorts into heaps of different sizes, possibly petroleumcontentness, that the oil nstallation can just run whatever start material the going rate of oil justifies. if oil is cheap, only the microparticles n oily water skimmant are cheap enough to make to fuel, at more moderate valuations of petroleum then the machinery to actual make it faster is acquired, if petroleum demand is very high then the sysem naturally converges towards any existing system (like the ones a third more than situ processing) because, really, its mostly just a big heap of mineral chunks. also some situ oil shale process I have read about have a lead time while the oil is transforming at the situ area, its possible a flexible autofeeding heap is immediately functional as well as rapidly responsive to fuel valuation fluctuations
heres a wild one, I may have previously described this. if carbon antennas are functional, then you just spray images like >>>>>>>>>> out of conductive paint, made at the site from carbon on mineral chunks, then microwave them, the antennas get really high temperature, yet the microwave generator is just part of process temperature generation anyway, it could possibly cause mineral disintegration a little better
I feel I may have previously described this yet its not at the immediate notes
a blob of butter floats on butter oil, now lets think about a situ oil shale hydrocarbon process, the liquified hydrocarbons naturally sort, at least some, depending on permeability as well as channel size, so that to some extent, they are a little like a lighter liquid part as well as possibly a goopy thick. now think about old jello, it naturally forms rivulets of water with high fluidity, where the jello protein has skipped absorbing water. so is there a way to cheaply create high fluidity rivulets at the part of the naturally semisorted hydrocarbon that cause much faster movement along channels
ive previously described changing the number of waters of hydration on dolomite as an approach to modifying the volume of a mineral which is kinda iffy, as dolomite is absent waters of hydration

well not at my notes yet possibly meaningful, clays, possibly oil shale, are slightly gooey as a result of the basicicity of alumina containing gelid goop. clay is slippery because of aluminum hydroxidish gel, these gels actually change volume slighlty as a result of ph, so looking at the permeability or percolationality of ordinary clay (like if a person we doing an actual lab activity it would be like clay granuales, slight spaced so as to at least have a flow rate to start with) at different phs could describe different flow rates from expanding or shrinking gels thus if you treat each kind of chemical at a mineral as an equation series like
amount of available permeability changeability = dolomite (shink or grow) with alumina (shink or grow) with silica (um, perhaps shink or grow) with various treatmeants
its possible that the opposite of activated charcoal, that is where a percolation gradient very rapidly aquires a few orders of magnitude more surface area (carbon, then crystallize CaChloride to make ultramicrotexture) could suddenly (less than 24 hours) remove viscosity producing surface area from a sedimentary mineral, if the mineral was oppositeofactivatedcarbonificated then fluid movement would be much more rapid. dolomites as well as carbonates are easily surface etched, or preferabbly hypersmoothed with chemistry so a new kind of chemical polisher could actually strongly improve petroleum yields. Its possible that rather than just saying h2so4, there might be a nonntuitive solution like h2so4with sodium meta silicate "smoothing version" that actually oppositeofactivatedcarbonificates a carbonate petroleum well cheaply
if ferric materials, or magnesium chemicals at oil shale are reduced to metal, electrochemically, does the "clayspace" shrink slightly ncreasing porosity thus slightly, which might be an exponential goop travel benefit

that 1 trillion bbl of oil shale is layered with volcanic debris is just superb that suggests there are microlayers that are actually highly porous as a result of the kind of spewed volcanic material at a distance radius. just locate the prehistoric volcano then the porosity banding of green name oil shale is actrually graded at different distances like microfine 200Km from ancient volcano, chunkier 100 Km, silty 300 KM, then the banding effect suggests that a centimeter aware drilling technology could actually localize of lateralizations (planes) to different eruption times. this is like a geomap of what the spongy volanic layer is at, depending on the distance from the volcano, along with a way to estimate microbanding region hydrocarbon content, like a wide band far between eruptions would be software database accumulated as having a certain meaning, like say, richer at a particular kind of kerogen.
so its almost like

fmri of aesthetic beauty
visualize a person facing a beautiful image walking towards it. mentally, there is a prerecognition stage where the person has yet to note it is a human form, a little near the general shape is visible, nearer yet possibly gesture or arm or position as well as figure then face visibility then walking nearer highest resolution image awareness, then even hiher resolution typically at the face as well as upper body. Now think of an fmri of this sequence displayedto a viewer, who presses a key when they feel aesthetic pleasure. This technique shows the parts of the brain that detect meaning connected to beauty as well as map the attentional sift to the awareness of beauty This maps beauty perception more fully, giving people an opportunity to amplify as well as create art around each of the effect areas as well as creating a map of brain regions to genetically improve to improve as well as amplify humans pleasurable sensation of beauty
It would be nifty to see if nonhuman mammals had similar activation cascades, then people or computers could make aesthetic beauty that appealed to other creatures as well

physics of hydrides as a an area where quantum states might be of greater latitude. when you think of a contour map of electron location likeliness as well as the amplitude of the effect

It actually says I am to make a video of this
hey you
I have a few hairs that go from white back to original color. I think thats likely a regular thing among many people. Its likely the mRNA as well as cytokines (chemicals) there could be modified to create youthifying drugs. so the thing is, is this happening other places? how could we tell, well, tomographic scanning to first autolocate structures (software is published) then see what older versions look like (more software) then make even more software to then see if any old structures revert. Medical centers are libraries of thousands, possibly millions of tomographic images, which are amenable to automatic searching to find youthful reversions at a tissue level, just like the obvious youthful reversionings these hair images show. People that have youthful reversionings may have genes that promote healing or longevity, as well as directing the way to tissue specific healing pharmaceuticals. fortunately the software does all the comparing

beauty technology
get all the advantages of a motion capture suit from glittery makeup app
groovy researchers as well as moviemakers use a suit with an array of locations on it to record precise motion I figure dancers like modern or ballet people could use these with an app that reminded them to ncrease the range as well as regularity n grace of their performance yet cosmetics are cheap so just put a dab of this nvisible yet IR glittery gel on a few body areas, then your iphone watches you dance just like you were wearing an actual motion capture suit, then gives encouragement to regularize or ncrease your range I though i might use this to rapidly improve my posture, which I read is linked to perceptions of others enjoyment I also thought it would communicate a little better with those americas next top model people
beauty pharmaceuticals
body conformation which is kind of like figure has been linked to perception of beauty, a recent statement being a .7 waist to hip ratio at a certain height proportion along with a D or DD breast size conformation is kind of a multimeasure form of secondary sexual characteristic SERMs which are estrogen receptor modifying drugs have varying effects on secondary sexual characteristics with a wider range of effects than estrogen
one possibility is that a strm could could occupy testosterone conformation receptors then passivate them. compare an hourglass figure with a squarer abdomen from testosterone effect on conformation a strm passivator could narrow the abdomen absent exercise while creating an svelte girlish curvy estrogenic effect constructed figure.
Thus I think SERMs are useable to form figure particularly photoactivatable SERMS a STRM that passivated T receptors could cause estrogen only conformation development throughout the lifespan it is possible that a rounded rectangular abdomen could be a T effect thus a STRM that passivated just certain body receptors could create an hourglass figure maintained throughout life

browser functionality mouseover acronym expansion, when you read a paper the browser is able to guess what an acronym is if you mouseover it

pleasure vibrator technology
coital alignment technique vibrating pad, CAT thing looks like vibrating mouse pad transmits vibrations upward, I read CAT is actually more orgasmic from the womans perspective so a vibration transmitted through tissue version might be even more pleasurable
(coital alignment techniques laying on)
<=======[vibrating pad]

this one is near my physics

well im feeling pretty cognitively light right now so I will describe lissatricity as the list says describe new physics first
thing where I ask if a true curve near a quantized thing creates region of observability as well as nonobservability particularly at asyptotic areas as an approach to describe which mwi many worlds interpetation of physics are "definitionally" hyper unique as the true curve describes a more dimensioned (like comparing a scalr to a vector to an eigenvalue each has greater dimensionality than the previous) than a quantum, which is kind of like a little integer matrcie, as I read during the 20th century thus the idea that I read where mwi universes that are actually identical recombine naturally is made differently likely if any true curve or asymptote exists at a "action distance" to the minute quantum difference. so its just a long winded way of creating a basis as to which universes can recombine as well as why. the reason to this is that like the nested quantum parallel universe generator like a photon path that circles a radionuclide is that cou can create MWI universes that will always, rarely, or possibly recombine which creates another area of expirimental testability to the mwi verifying the mwi would say if 10^42 new universes are actually being created, then further a geometry matching approach could port certain kinds of data or material between them, particularly ultramicrouniverse differences sort of like making two entire universes that differ only at a kind of bracketed automata, do temporaility different things, then have a tendency to recombine
further you could see if there was a geometrical permutation basis of the ntegers because quantum numbers kind of require ntegerness to have actuality, rather than ntegerness just being a side effect of only bother to see part of a greater structure. so then I developed a a way to generate integers from the possible number of ways to arrrange things at space which is more l;ike what actual things actually do
like (00, (o)| 000, 8o, .^. ((o))| ::, 0-.^., <> (((o))), so you see how as the number of things ncreases the ways of prucing symettry with asymettry go up such trhat all the ntegers are eventually produced, yet this is the nifty part, each ntewger is achoally tethered to a physical arrangeability, some of which are definitionally more than scalars, or sometimes scalarrs, then vectors, then back to scalars again, then suddenly creating completely fresh geometries like rotations. so resting behind 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 are actually a huge number of most basic geometry groupings also, a number of these geometry grouping have previouslt proven aBSENCE OF DETERMINACY, EVEN THOUGH THEY PRODUCE ntegers like whatever number of simplest objects is sufficient to produce aperiodic penrose tiling means that the integer with that much geometric versatility at its core actually can produce a regular yet nonpredictable, or partially predictable physical space. thus it is possible that a quantum object that requires the use of that nteger which might be as few as 5 6 or 7 actually has a kind of nonfinite variations on a particular geometrization, which means that while other quantum things are predictable, there would be some with structural nonquantumness or maybe just ornater weird activity quantumness ornater weird activity quantumness is beneficial because people can make new technologies out of it. like if there were a 7 nteger photon effect it might suddenly create a little spacetime crystal of linked behaviors which could be technologized n predicted
so thats why im writing about lissatricity because i was just going mwi, thats so mwi, like waaaaaaaay mwi.
lissatricity is just wavelets applied to electromagnetic fields, like during the 20th century people thought about dc or ac then observed how a coil of wire responded, with ac it creates waveform shift impedance with dc its just a resistor, Im kind of reminded of the way fourier transforms can describe any wave nto a combination of periodic frequencies (very AC feeling) yet if you look at an em field as if it were an opportunity to use wavelets which are just making a composite wave from a bunch of other math defined waves where the waves are a type other than a ~~~~ periodic trig frequency then made the motor or generator winding from a wavelet perspective rather than a fourier perspective you would get groovy waves that superimposed to propduce a desired waveform with mathematically defined power output outside of the AC or DC definitions of electricity among the simplest versions might be lissajous electricity where the repeat frequency has a reinforcement along a period to creat what looks like a autosustaining shape at a graph now here is a technology that actually uses lissatricity high voltage power lines transport electricity when they are more efficient that is of benefit, yet at certain voltages or distances the engineers go with either AC or DC to be efficient, oif they redefine the windings to make wavelet style electricity then made lissajous electricity they might make more effecient high voltage power lines because rather than ac or dc "losses" or resistances or impedance inductions they would have a wider range of waveform frequencies that recombined perfectly at lissajous transformers n motors to make em fields to do motor or electronic things. so lissatricity is basically wavelet electricity that permits higher transmission efficiency as well as new kinds of motor winding which because they would have different EM like a phase yet is actually a custom wavelet curve so a motor might have stronger rotatig power or more efficiency. different shaped wiggles permit the matched windings of a motor to have different physical 3d magnetic field shapes which benefits engineers
also when you think about the way that the definition of electrical charge movement at a wire is produced from a generator which is just a bunch of variably shapable wires near a magnet you can create other shapes of electricity like what if you made a dendritic or branched winding, like a fractal then the fractal winding would cause a apparently clumpy form of fractal electricity which would have very high "heap immovability"kind of like a giant distribution, that would cause power factor neutrality at the other side of the circuit without being dc. so fractricity could perhaps use cheaper transformers or less load balancing or something at the activity site ( ) 0 o . o 0 ( ) as a winding rather than a waveform would cause each of the conductive varied sized loops to produce a fractal em field as well as a fractal wire current actually compared with lissatricity or other wavelettricities that just have bunches of effectiveness fractricity is sort of wacky.
theres a note here about a rotating neutrino producer that uses other frequencies of cenenkov radiation or its actually a note about a neutrino emitter like a hair thin 300 meter piece of fissile material that makes a really ntense neutrino beam compared with background then you use really high refractive ndex materials that produce cernekov radiation to detect the neutrino beam the neutrino beam is then used to scan through the earth to image minerals notably neutrino can actuall pass through the entire earth so its a way to image all the minerals at the earth at some resolution, with the higher resoltion coming from the 300meter long fissile hair thats really detectable its a petroleum geology imaging idea another variation is that as normal nuclear reactors procude lots of neutrinos along certain directions something like a nuclear underwater vehicle that already exists could sort of aim its neutrino light through things with a sufficiently effective neutrino detector that way all those navy nuclear reactors could actually be mapping the planet plus theyd get to put them on kind of bizarre geometric pathways. actually as actual cernekov radiation can go backwards forming a light emission path away from its direction of travel it may have other geoimaging uses as well
you could also use quantim linked neutrinos similar to the work ofshih at new scientist to image throughout the entire body of the earth mapping the entire planets volume
anyway I think they could also use neutrino beams to map the volume of the solar body as neutrinos can actually pass through the sun photons actualy bounce around
like mwi is so mwi yet, "just run motors of different math shaped waves" is like just build it
the MWI suggests that an organism with a particular lifespan has a really vast amount of beingness during its first moments.
a thing that lived three seconds would produce 10^42 variants after 1 second, those early versions would then have another 10^42 variations at the second second possibly 10^42^42 then 10^42^42^42 yet a thing arising at the third second would have a mere 10^42 versions, so quite possibly babies have like 10^(42 factorial seconds)^(42 factorial seconds) or more actual moments of being than an old person with its final moment still utterly vast, just a a whole bunch less vast than earlier moments. thus if mwi is provable ethics shifts towards early moments, branching occurences, or even geometries that urge or minimize MWI this suggests that nonsentient nonhuman entities like corporations, just groups or regulations, that are absent a predictable finality, have different ethics. a human would feel an urge to be as kind as possible as early as possible to creates the greatest plurality of universes with kindness. am entity, living or merely a regulatory strucure, without a termination event, has avariety of ethics lets say a corporation could make a superdelicious or a superaffordable beneficial product, they could get around to both eventually, actually choosing an optimal number of each theres more, yet rather weirdly it suggests people create a corporation or other nonsentient entity each time they notice something is ethically beneficial, as it reduces the amazing difference between doing something one second earlier as a human.
Like lets say I as a person have a high chance of smiling at a stranger improving their mood this month yet a more moderate likelihood of creating an antigravity device this month. If I smile vast 10^42^42.... numbers of people benefit mildly If I think of an antigravity device its vastly beneficial yet it might affect just a quadrillion quadrillion quadrillionth of the same number of people because I thought of it one second later. Yet if I say I am making an antigravity device making corporation, then the corporation has a universe creation span large enough to compensate that quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion universes difference from doing things a moment later.. Thats kind of pleasant as it provides ethical width.
theres also variations on the ethics of actioning things, you could say, well Im scheduling the corporation to promote personal electronics that enjoy swimming after all the previously sentient creatures are 700 times happier than they are now. the corporate things only matter if the mwi is true though, so thus figuring out if the mwi is true matters giant amounts compared with some other things
this a mild pleasantly amusing physics petroleum geology technology I previously described the idea of using sonic booms to do acoustic mapping of hydrocarbon resources yet what about oceanic resources well I read about a russian underwater high velovity conveyance that actually creates a bubble of water vapor around it through cavitation so it it can move underwater at flying speeds I think this approach could also produce seabed area sonic booms to do acoustic mapping you just use undesea cavitation travelling drones to zoom around making underwater sonic booms to do mapping so that another huge bunh of earths surface acoustically mapped I suggest using it with an acoustically tunable focal sensor (like a bunch of retroreflectors aim at a foci, yet each retroreflector is kid of mounted on a speaker so that it can have electrically variable siffness, which permits acoustic bandwidth sensitivity
should "we" have our choice of pi as a vector quantity, like as a trig ratio generated thing it kind of is a multivariable described system other pi generatorts are that stochastic thing, or the passaing of a sphere through a plane so as there numerous ways to make pi from basic things like all these other systems that also describe the ratio of a circles circumfrence to a diameter also carry more nformation i know like a mathmetician would seperate these with equation variables yet some of them might be actually ntrinsic n actually different proding a group of pis
its like observer aperture 2d system of a particulr kind
more mwi physics
noting that 10 ^42 new universes are mwi said to occur each second, with nonsentient continuances like corporations having different amounts of possible product, should people as they communicate live or online have a symbol or gesture that says convey the material to a corporation to cause the occurence.
one person thinks, would I like an mdma pill
the person pauses momentarily, resulting at 10^42 universes more they only might enjoy the mdma pill
then they have an mdma pill
now if they had said would I like an mdma pill equicontemporanously
then a computer would have noted their statement, then placed it on the corporate agenda to offer mdma pills a certain number of seconds longer than the persons lifespan, or possibly to a multiplicity of other actual sentiences, contemporaneously Thus the corporation causes the actual amount of human pleasure to be as if the person had skipped delaying their reply.
now, the idea here is that this gives sentiences some dawdle time otherwise its like have fun now! thus at writing a person could put some symbol when they write that says, this is on a list of things Id like the corporation to do, to the universe volume as if I had done it when I wrote it.
so lets say I want to watch a pleasant amusing video, yet could also make a video about curing cancer (I went with the curing cancer video) if I had created a personal corporation that would do things at a different mwi temporal volume, I could do the videos at either order, then have the corporation provide an equivalent amount of mwi at newly created universes. (so the personal corporation is apparently causing pleasant amusing videos to be watched)
amazingly, it may be possible to do this with an unfunded corporation that exists outside of what some call the state. each second of the quadrillilion quadrillion billion universes mwi says are created likely several quadrillion have any particular person suddenly become the worlds most important person which empowers their personal corporation to get around to what they think they should be doing, even if they pause a second every now n then
The reason this is credible is that physics functions, you can make things with it from predictions thus verifying the MWI creates detectably functioning MWI technologies thus im thiking about creating a continuing entity outside sentient existence or the state that does things if I make some symbol or gesture.

well these might be petroleum geology ideas, some of them are pretty ...optimistic...
I think BINAP reaction could change hydrocarbon polymer length yet the source of the BINAP reagent looks like napthalene with phosphorus, which actually is very cheap as a kind of partial combustion of hydrocarbons makes multicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, it works much better with coal, as coal tar is naturally full of near BINAP molecules so I thought that just perhaps adding phosphorus, which although not spectacularly cheap is at leask bulk commodity fertilizer cheap, to partial combusted hydrocarbons of high molecular mass, could make a kind og BINAPish sludge to cause reactions
Its possible I was thinking that situ oil shale or tar sands processes that use situ warmin or combustion could use a hydrogenation sludge (cheap polycyclic phosphorus containg binap like catalyst) pumped nto their chemospaces. Its possible a tendency to hydrogenate would actually create more optimal length alkanes from giving hydrogens to the distal parts of divided hydrocarbons -ch2ch2ch2c- or using english, situ cracking with more hydrogen to occupy molecule makes higher yield of little valuable fluid cheap fertilizer partial combustocataslush makes this happen, possibly.
situ coal to liquid hydrocarbons seems like more of binapslush process
well, this one requires major factual depth, or possibly just hype. viewing drilling logs, a distance of ten ot twent feet apparently can affect production a lot as a result of distance to the main depoit, although it might affect liters per minute more than recoverable yield. some of those chats showed fairly narrow sweet spots as to channel location. so thats the factual depth, or possibly hype. now, when I looked at some graphs they uses conductivity to measure permeability as well as other things so it occured to me that having more sensors, specifically two or three at opposite diameter along with a vertical could describe conductance variation through a few mere nches, yet from a software perspective if the permeability variability was like .000001 as compared with .01 the software could tell the model that the extreme heterogenity of the petroleum formation suggested a different streering or path opportunity. so this is seeing variability, to make say a different number of laterals or the like
well, basically this one just requires a person to say, yowza, (slight "wow thats a lot of new tech applied to a simple application", yet mild enthusiasm)
magnetic refrigeration works with atomic spin cooling, its an actual published thing, yet the amount of energy is teeny. to catalyze ch4 to longer hydrocarbons cheaply would make liquid fuel about 7 times cheaper (15$ same numbers of BTUs as 100$ of oil) as well as permitting huge reserves of ch4 to be transported as liquid fuels, so i will describe this anyway. if you pass ch4 through Big Magnets(tm) or shine Groovy lasers(tm) at it will spin polarize, possibly very cheaply from many permanent magnets at narrow apertures. Now here is the thing, other people have suggested catalytic processes using actual catalyst surfaces or particles to make ch4 be longer hydrocarbons so the idea is actually spin polarizing a microfine powder (nanopowder) so that it is hyperreactive when it meets the ch4. I havent read about spin polarizing microsolids yet I think it is possible. so whats the largest spin polarizable molecule you can spin polarize cheaply, like with a NIB magnet with aerosol flow apetures. It could be that something like PVDF linked to a metal atom, possibly Fe or Co has spin polarizability with long duration as well as high energy as a result of the fluorine bunching up all the electrons on one side of the molecule. so, if you like hype, this is a high field concentration electret of polarized spin, that just happens to have a known catalyst metal like Co (or ni or fe or Mg) as part of its structure.. its possible that accumulation of potential energies will make catalyzing ch4 to longer alkanes functional at lower tempoeratures as well as lower pressures. a fairly simple research would be to see if spin polarized hydrogen attaches to other molecules differently. if it does, then you could use similar effects at a variety of chemical reactions
engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

o Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.

By: Joe Mardin on Sun, 23 Jul 2023

0Joe Mardin

rocksolid light 0.9.8
clearnet tor