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BOFH excuse #413: Cow-tippers tipped a cow onto the server.

sci / / (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...

* (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit onHeartDoc Andrew
+* Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy SpiriMichael Ejercito
|+- (Israel) Expertly: Walking by faith in love, Who is GOD the Holy Spirit, Who is HeartDoc Andrew
|`* Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy SpiriLoose Cannon
| +- Re: (Israel) Praying w/ fellow gook Miguel ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito for "much Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
| `- Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy SpiriLoose Cannon
`- (Israel) Expertly: Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) HolyHeartDoc Andrew

Subject: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
From: HeartDoc Andrew
Newsgroups:,,, soc.culture.israel, alt.christnet.christianlife
Organization: NewsDemon -
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 14:24 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: (HeartDoc Andrew)
Subject: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 10:24:52 -0400
Organization: NewsDemon -
Message-Id: <>
References: <v0oaut$1ptgl$> <> <v0qog7$2f4u8$>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 5.00/32.1171
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Lines: 90
Nntp-Posting-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 14:24:53 +0000
X-Received-Bytes: 5332
View all headers

Michael Ejercito wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>> Time for Some Ethical Clarity Regarding the Hamas-Israel War…
>>> APRIL 28, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL
>>> 1. Advocating for Gaza or Gazans is advocating for Palestinians and Hamas.
>>> 2. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is advocating anti-Semitism and
>>> genocide—of Jews.
>>> 3. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is also advocating for,
>>> rationalizing , enabling and encouraging terrorism.
>>> 4. Any public statements from President Biden or his administration
>>> critical of Israel’s handling of the war helps achieve Hamas’s
>>> objectives. Helping to achieve Hamas’s objectives as a consequence of
>>> its terrorist attack validates the use of terrorism as a means of
>>> achieving Palestinian ends.
>>> 5. It is basic radical revolutionary strategy to manipulate a foe into
>>> harming “innocents,” bystanders, and non-combatants. When such
>>> revolutionaries deliberately place such bystanders, and non-combatants
>>> in harm’s way, it is the revolutionaries who are accountable and
>>> responsible. Except for the children, whom their parents and other
>>> adults have endangered, there are no “innocents” in a population that
>>> knowingly hands its leadership over to violent and extremist leaders.
>>> The German people were not “innocent” in World War II; Japanese
>>> civilians were not innocent either. Rhetoric describing the Gazan
>>> civilians as “innocent” is capitulating to the strategy of terrorists.
>>> 6. The campus demonstrations against Israel assist and enable terrorist
>>> propaganda and encourage future terrorist attacks. Unsettling U.S.
>>> society is one of Hamas’s objectives (and Iran’s, and Hezbollah’s). That
>>> alone is justification for shutting down the pro-Hamas demonstrations on
>>> campus. In addition to interfering with Jewish students’ education (and
>>> non-Jewish students too: the campus protests when I was a college
>>> freshman, frequently stopped me from attending class.), these tell Hamas
>>> and other that terror attacks on Israel will have beneficial results to
>>> their cause. In short, these demonstrations will get people killed.
>>> 7. Biden’s two-faced, cynical waffling on the war…“We support Israel!”
>>> “We support Palestinian civilians!” “We support Israel!” “We support
>>> Palestinian civilians!”….
>>> …validates Hamas tactics and undermines Israel. The tactic is cowardly,
>>> unethical, immoral, and, as usual for Biden, stupid, irresponsible and
>>> incompetent.
>>> 8. Last week there was report that Biden was looking for ways to
>>> recognize a Palestinian state. Allowing Palestinians to get what they
>>> crave as a direct (or indirect) result of the October 7 terror attack
>>> justifies terrorism in their self- warped culture’s poisoned mind.
>>> 9. In the same vein, Biden, Harris and Sec. of State Blinken suggesting
>>> in public statements that Israel prosecuting the war vigorously to its
>>> conclusion—the end of Hamas—isolates the country or, as V.P. Harris said
>>> regarding the looming invasion of Hamas’s stronghold in Rafah, would be
>>> a “huge mistake” simply bolsters the terrorist’s cause. Sen. John
>>> Fetterman’s reaction was logically, ethically, and morally spot-on:
>> The only godly way to win the war on terrorism is as shown at
>> Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry for food right now (Luke 6:21a) and
>> hope you, Michael, and others reading this, also have a healthy
>> appetite for food right now too.
>> So how are you ?
> I am wonderfully hungry!

While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Subject: Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
From: Michael Ejercito
Newsgroups:,,, soc.culture.israel, alt.christnet.christianlife
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 14:51 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
From: (Michael Ejercito)
Subject: Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13)
Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 07:51:44 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Injection-Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 16:51:45 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="c30bd6a551244397634d3af93ed46deb";
logging-data="3392041"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX18RHY60wkVI1JgHWMaV/OI+vOP5bHrZs8Q="
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Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/
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HeartDoc Andrew wrote:
> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>>> Time for Some Ethical Clarity Regarding the Hamas-Israel War…
>>>> APRIL 28, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL
>>>> 1. Advocating for Gaza or Gazans is advocating for Palestinians and Hamas.
>>>> 2. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is advocating anti-Semitism and
>>>> genocide—of Jews.
>>>> 3. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is also advocating for,
>>>> rationalizing , enabling and encouraging terrorism.
>>>> 4. Any public statements from President Biden or his administration
>>>> critical of Israel’s handling of the war helps achieve Hamas’s
>>>> objectives. Helping to achieve Hamas’s objectives as a consequence of
>>>> its terrorist attack validates the use of terrorism as a means of
>>>> achieving Palestinian ends.
>>>> 5. It is basic radical revolutionary strategy to manipulate a foe into
>>>> harming “innocents,” bystanders, and non-combatants. When such
>>>> revolutionaries deliberately place such bystanders, and non-combatants
>>>> in harm’s way, it is the revolutionaries who are accountable and
>>>> responsible. Except for the children, whom their parents and other
>>>> adults have endangered, there are no “innocents” in a population that
>>>> knowingly hands its leadership over to violent and extremist leaders.
>>>> The German people were not “innocent” in World War II; Japanese
>>>> civilians were not innocent either. Rhetoric describing the Gazan
>>>> civilians as “innocent” is capitulating to the strategy of terrorists.
>>>> 6. The campus demonstrations against Israel assist and enable terrorist
>>>> propaganda and encourage future terrorist attacks. Unsettling U.S.
>>>> society is one of Hamas’s objectives (and Iran’s, and Hezbollah’s). That
>>>> alone is justification for shutting down the pro-Hamas demonstrations on
>>>> campus. In addition to interfering with Jewish students’ education (and
>>>> non-Jewish students too: the campus protests when I was a college
>>>> freshman, frequently stopped me from attending class.), these tell Hamas
>>>> and other that terror attacks on Israel will have beneficial results to
>>>> their cause. In short, these demonstrations will get people killed.
>>>> 7. Biden’s two-faced, cynical waffling on the war…“We support Israel!”
>>>> “We support Palestinian civilians!” “We support Israel!” “We support
>>>> Palestinian civilians!”….
>>>> …validates Hamas tactics and undermines Israel. The tactic is cowardly,
>>>> unethical, immoral, and, as usual for Biden, stupid, irresponsible and
>>>> incompetent.
>>>> 8. Last week there was report that Biden was looking for ways to
>>>> recognize a Palestinian state. Allowing Palestinians to get what they
>>>> crave as a direct (or indirect) result of the October 7 terror attack
>>>> justifies terrorism in their self- warped culture’s poisoned mind.
>>>> 9. In the same vein, Biden, Harris and Sec. of State Blinken suggesting
>>>> in public statements that Israel prosecuting the war vigorously to its
>>>> conclusion—the end of Hamas—isolates the country or, as V.P. Harris said
>>>> regarding the looming invasion of Hamas’s stronghold in Rafah, would be
>>>> a “huge mistake” simply bolsters the terrorist’s cause. Sen. John
>>>> Fetterman’s reaction was logically, ethically, and morally spot-on:
>>> The only godly way to win the war on terrorism is as shown at
>>> Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry for food right now (Luke 6:21a) and
>>> hope you, Michael, and others reading this, also have a healthy
>>> appetite for food right now too.
>>> So how are you ?
>> I am wonderfully hungry!
> While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
> 8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
> 17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
> COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
> Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
> Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
> always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
> including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
> all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
> the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
> Laus DEO !
Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.


Subject: (Israel) Expertly: Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit in this thread &/or elsewhere ...
From: HeartDoc Andrew
Newsgroups:,,, soc.culture.israel, alt.christnet.christianlife
Organization: NewsDemon -
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 18:10 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
From: (HeartDoc Andrew)
Subject: (Israel) Expertly: Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit in this thread &/or elsewhere ...
Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 14:10:23 -0400
Organization: NewsDemon -
Message-Id: <>
References: <v0oaut$1ptgl$> <> <v0qog7$2f4u8$> <>
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 3
Nntp-Posting-Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 18:10:23 +0000
X-Received-Bytes: 917
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(Israel) 05/01/24 Again praying w/ Michael here ...

Subject: (Israel) Expertly: Walking by faith in love, Who is GOD the Holy Spirit, Who is the Oil of our Rapture Lamp, Who is the Blood of the Lamb, Who is the Living Water, Who washes away sin ...
From: HeartDoc Andrew
Newsgroups:,,, soc.culture.israel, alt.christnet.christianlife
Organization: NewsDemon -
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 18:13 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
From: (HeartDoc Andrew)
Subject: (Israel) Expertly: Walking by faith in love, Who is GOD the Holy Spirit, Who is the Oil of our Rapture Lamp, Who is the Blood of the Lamb, Who is the Living Water, Who washes away sin ...
Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 14:13:44 -0400
Organization: NewsDemon -
Message-Id: <>
References: <v0oaut$1ptgl$> <> <v0qog7$2f4u8$> <> <v0tku0$37gh9$>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 5.00/32.1171
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Lines: 100
Nntp-Posting-Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 18:13:44 +0000
X-Received-Bytes: 6000
View all headers

Michael Ejercito wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>>>> Time for Some Ethical Clarity Regarding the Hamas-Israel War…
>>>>> APRIL 28, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL
>>>>> 1. Advocating for Gaza or Gazans is advocating for Palestinians and Hamas.
>>>>> 2. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is advocating anti-Semitism and
>>>>> genocide—of Jews.
>>>>> 3. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is also advocating for,
>>>>> rationalizing , enabling and encouraging terrorism.
>>>>> 4. Any public statements from President Biden or his administration
>>>>> critical of Israel’s handling of the war helps achieve Hamas’s
>>>>> objectives. Helping to achieve Hamas’s objectives as a consequence of
>>>>> its terrorist attack validates the use of terrorism as a means of
>>>>> achieving Palestinian ends.
>>>>> 5. It is basic radical revolutionary strategy to manipulate a foe into
>>>>> harming “innocents,” bystanders, and non-combatants. When such
>>>>> revolutionaries deliberately place such bystanders, and non-combatants
>>>>> in harm’s way, it is the revolutionaries who are accountable and
>>>>> responsible. Except for the children, whom their parents and other
>>>>> adults have endangered, there are no “innocents” in a population that
>>>>> knowingly hands its leadership over to violent and extremist leaders.
>>>>> The German people were not “innocent” in World War II; Japanese
>>>>> civilians were not innocent either. Rhetoric describing the Gazan
>>>>> civilians as “innocent” is capitulating to the strategy of terrorists.
>>>>> 6. The campus demonstrations against Israel assist and enable terrorist
>>>>> propaganda and encourage future terrorist attacks. Unsettling U.S.
>>>>> society is one of Hamas’s objectives (and Iran’s, and Hezbollah’s). That
>>>>> alone is justification for shutting down the pro-Hamas demonstrations on
>>>>> campus. In addition to interfering with Jewish students’ education (and
>>>>> non-Jewish students too: the campus protests when I was a college
>>>>> freshman, frequently stopped me from attending class.), these tell Hamas
>>>>> and other that terror attacks on Israel will have beneficial results to
>>>>> their cause. In short, these demonstrations will get people killed.
>>>>> 7. Biden’s two-faced, cynical waffling on the war…“We support Israel!”
>>>>> “We support Palestinian civilians!” “We support Israel!” “We support
>>>>> Palestinian civilians!”….
>>>>> …validates Hamas tactics and undermines Israel. The tactic is cowardly,
>>>>> unethical, immoral, and, as usual for Biden, stupid, irresponsible and
>>>>> incompetent.
>>>>> 8. Last week there was report that Biden was looking for ways to
>>>>> recognize a Palestinian state. Allowing Palestinians to get what they
>>>>> crave as a direct (or indirect) result of the October 7 terror attack
>>>>> justifies terrorism in their self- warped culture’s poisoned mind.
>>>>> 9. In the same vein, Biden, Harris and Sec. of State Blinken suggesting
>>>>> in public statements that Israel prosecuting the war vigorously to its
>>>>> conclusion—the end of Hamas—isolates the country or, as V.P. Harris said
>>>>> regarding the looming invasion of Hamas’s stronghold in Rafah, would be
>>>>> a “huge mistake” simply bolsters the terrorist’s cause. Sen. John
>>>>> Fetterman’s reaction was logically, ethically, and morally spot-on:
>>>> The only godly way to win the war on terrorism is as shown at
>>>> Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry for food right now (Luke 6:21a) and
>>>> hope you, Michael, and others reading this, also have a healthy
>>>> appetite for food right now too.
>>>> So how are you ?
>>> I am wonderfully hungry!
>> While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
>> 8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
>> 17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
>> COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
>> Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
>> Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
>> always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
>> including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
>> all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
>> the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
>> Laus DEO !


> Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.

Just please do likewise as our LORD Jesus & I have done for you,
Michael, and (John 15:12).

Subject: Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
From: Loose Cannon
Newsgroups:,,, soc.culture.israel, alt.christnet.christianlife
Organization: NewsDemon -
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 20:14 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
From: (Loose Cannon)
Subject: Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 16:14:34 -0400
Message-Id: <>
References: <v0oaut$1ptgl$> <> <v0qog7$2f4u8$> <> <v0tku0$37gh9$>
User-Agent: ForteAgent/
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Advice: Don't be an asshole
Lines: 115
Nntp-Posting-Date: Wed, 01 May 2024 20:14:34 +0000
X-Received-Bytes: 6425
Organization: NewsDemon -
View all headers

On Wed, 1 May 2024 07:51:44 -0700, Michael Ejercito
<> wrote:

>HeartDoc Andrew wrote:
>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>>>> Time for Some Ethical Clarity Regarding the Hamas-Israel War…
>>>>> APRIL 28, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL
>>>>> 1. Advocating for Gaza or Gazans is advocating for Palestinians and Hamas.
>>>>> 2. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is advocating anti-Semitism and
>>>>> genocide—of Jews.
>>>>> 3. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is also advocating for,
>>>>> rationalizing , enabling and encouraging terrorism.
>>>>> 4. Any public statements from President Biden or his administration
>>>>> critical of Israel’s handling of the war helps achieve Hamas’s
>>>>> objectives. Helping to achieve Hamas’s objectives as a consequence of
>>>>> its terrorist attack validates the use of terrorism as a means of
>>>>> achieving Palestinian ends.
>>>>> 5. It is basic radical revolutionary strategy to manipulate a foe into
>>>>> harming “innocents,” bystanders, and non-combatants. When such
>>>>> revolutionaries deliberately place such bystanders, and non-combatants
>>>>> in harm’s way, it is the revolutionaries who are accountable and
>>>>> responsible. Except for the children, whom their parents and other
>>>>> adults have endangered, there are no “innocents” in a population that
>>>>> knowingly hands its leadership over to violent and extremist leaders.
>>>>> The German people were not “innocent” in World War II; Japanese
>>>>> civilians were not innocent either. Rhetoric describing the Gazan
>>>>> civilians as “innocent” is capitulating to the strategy of terrorists.
>>>>> 6. The campus demonstrations against Israel assist and enable terrorist
>>>>> propaganda and encourage future terrorist attacks. Unsettling U.S.
>>>>> society is one of Hamas’s objectives (and Iran’s, and Hezbollah’s). That
>>>>> alone is justification for shutting down the pro-Hamas demonstrations on
>>>>> campus. In addition to interfering with Jewish students’ education (and
>>>>> non-Jewish students too: the campus protests when I was a college
>>>>> freshman, frequently stopped me from attending class.), these tell Hamas
>>>>> and other that terror attacks on Israel will have beneficial results to
>>>>> their cause. In short, these demonstrations will get people killed.
>>>>> 7. Biden’s two-faced, cynical waffling on the war…“We support Israel!”
>>>>> “We support Palestinian civilians!” “We support Israel!” “We support
>>>>> Palestinian civilians!”….
>>>>> …validates Hamas tactics and undermines Israel. The tactic is cowardly,
>>>>> unethical, immoral, and, as usual for Biden, stupid, irresponsible and
>>>>> incompetent.
>>>>> 8. Last week there was report that Biden was looking for ways to
>>>>> recognize a Palestinian state. Allowing Palestinians to get what they
>>>>> crave as a direct (or indirect) result of the October 7 terror attack
>>>>> justifies terrorism in their self- warped culture’s poisoned mind.
>>>>> 9. In the same vein, Biden, Harris and Sec. of State Blinken suggesting
>>>>> in public statements that Israel prosecuting the war vigorously to its
>>>>> conclusion—the end of Hamas—isolates the country or, as V.P. Harris said
>>>>> regarding the looming invasion of Hamas’s stronghold in Rafah, would be
>>>>> a “huge mistake” simply bolsters the terrorist’s cause. Sen. John
>>>>> Fetterman’s reaction was logically, ethically, and morally spot-on:
>>>> The only godly way to win the war on terrorism is as shown at
>>>> Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry for food right now (Luke 6:21a) and
>>>> hope you, Michael, and others reading this, also have a healthy
>>>> appetite for food right now too.
>>>> So how are you ?
>>> I am wonderfully hungry!
>> While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
>> 8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
>> 17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
>> COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
>> Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
>> Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
>> always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
>> including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
>> all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
>> the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
>> Laus DEO !
> Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.

But you DO have anal warts and monkeypox. You should make your johns
wear condoms when you're working the Queen Mary parking lot.

> Michael

Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.

Subject: Re: (Israel) Praying w/ fellow gook Miguel ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito for "much more" jew diarrhoea (Luke 11:13) and Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
From: Quack Andrew B. Chun
Newsgroups:,,, soc.culture.israel, alt.christnet.christianlife
Organization: NewsDemon -
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 13:16 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6
From: (Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN)
Subject: Re: (Israel) Praying w/ fellow gook Miguel ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito for "much more" jew diarrhoea (Luke 11:13) and Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
Date: Thu, 02 May 2024 14:16:27 +0100
Organization: NewsDemon -
Message-Id: <>
References: <v0oaut$1ptgl$> <> <v0qog7$2f4u8$> <> <v0tku0$37gh9$> <>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 3.1/32.783
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 71
Nntp-Posting-Date: Thu, 02 May 2024 13:16:27 +0000
X-Received-Bytes: 2311
View all headers

On Wed, 01 May 2024 16:14:34 -0400, Loose Cannon <>

>On Wed, 1 May 2024 07:51:44 -0700, Michael Ejercito
><> wrote:
>>HeartQuack Andrew wrote:


>>> Laus DEO !
>> Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.
>But you DO have anal warts and monkeypox. You should make your johns
>wear condoms when you're working the Queen Mary parking lot.





Right on, all counts.


Is there, any doubt?

Beyond, debate.

It's so, fucking obvious.

Like, totally.

He sure, should.

Damn, right!

Of, course.



Random, one-line drivel.

Me, too.

That is, right.

No doubt, about it.

You got, THAT right!

- -

Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.

Subject: Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
From: Loose Cannon
Newsgroups:,,, soc.culture.israel, alt.christnet.christianlife
Organization: NewsDemon -
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 22:11 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6
From: (Loose Cannon)
Subject: Re: (Israel) Praying w/ Michael Ejercito for "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit on 04/30/24 ...
Date: Thu, 02 May 2024 18:11:11 -0400
Message-Id: <>
References: <v0oaut$1ptgl$> <> <v0qog7$2f4u8$> <> <v0tku0$37gh9$> <>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Advice: Don't be an asshole
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Nntp-Posting-Date: Thu, 02 May 2024 22:11:09 +0000
X-Received-Bytes: 6664
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On Wed, 01 May 2024 16:14:34 -0400, Loose Cannon <>

>On Wed, 1 May 2024 07:51:44 -0700, Michael Ejercito
><> wrote:
>>HeartDoc Andrew wrote:
>>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>>> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
>>>>> Michael Ejercito wrote:
>>>>>> Time for Some Ethical Clarity Regarding the Hamas-Israel War…
>>>>>> APRIL 28, 2024 / JACK MARSHALL
>>>>>> 1. Advocating for Gaza or Gazans is advocating for Palestinians and Hamas.
>>>>>> 2. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is advocating anti-Semitism and
>>>>>> genocide—of Jews.
>>>>>> 3. Advocating for Palestinians and Hamas is also advocating for,
>>>>>> rationalizing , enabling and encouraging terrorism.
>>>>>> 4. Any public statements from President Biden or his administration
>>>>>> critical of Israel’s handling of the war helps achieve Hamas’s
>>>>>> objectives. Helping to achieve Hamas’s objectives as a consequence of
>>>>>> its terrorist attack validates the use of terrorism as a means of
>>>>>> achieving Palestinian ends.
>>>>>> 5. It is basic radical revolutionary strategy to manipulate a foe into
>>>>>> harming “innocents,” bystanders, and non-combatants. When such
>>>>>> revolutionaries deliberately place such bystanders, and non-combatants
>>>>>> in harm’s way, it is the revolutionaries who are accountable and
>>>>>> responsible. Except for the children, whom their parents and other
>>>>>> adults have endangered, there are no “innocents” in a population that
>>>>>> knowingly hands its leadership over to violent and extremist leaders.
>>>>>> The German people were not “innocent” in World War II; Japanese
>>>>>> civilians were not innocent either. Rhetoric describing the Gazan
>>>>>> civilians as “innocent” is capitulating to the strategy of terrorists.
>>>>>> 6. The campus demonstrations against Israel assist and enable terrorist
>>>>>> propaganda and encourage future terrorist attacks. Unsettling U.S.
>>>>>> society is one of Hamas’s objectives (and Iran’s, and Hezbollah’s). That
>>>>>> alone is justification for shutting down the pro-Hamas demonstrations on
>>>>>> campus. In addition to interfering with Jewish students’ education (and
>>>>>> non-Jewish students too: the campus protests when I was a college
>>>>>> freshman, frequently stopped me from attending class.), these tell Hamas
>>>>>> and other that terror attacks on Israel will have beneficial results to
>>>>>> their cause. In short, these demonstrations will get people killed.
>>>>>> 7. Biden’s two-faced, cynical waffling on the war…“We support Israel!”
>>>>>> “We support Palestinian civilians!” “We support Israel!” “We support
>>>>>> Palestinian civilians!”….
>>>>>> …validates Hamas tactics and undermines Israel. The tactic is cowardly,
>>>>>> unethical, immoral, and, as usual for Biden, stupid, irresponsible and
>>>>>> incompetent.
>>>>>> 8. Last week there was report that Biden was looking for ways to
>>>>>> recognize a Palestinian state. Allowing Palestinians to get what they
>>>>>> crave as a direct (or indirect) result of the October 7 terror attack
>>>>>> justifies terrorism in their self- warped culture’s poisoned mind.
>>>>>> 9. In the same vein, Biden, Harris and Sec. of State Blinken suggesting
>>>>>> in public statements that Israel prosecuting the war vigorously to its
>>>>>> conclusion—the end of Hamas—isolates the country or, as V.P. Harris said
>>>>>> regarding the looming invasion of Hamas’s stronghold in Rafah, would be
>>>>>> a “huge mistake” simply bolsters the terrorist’s cause. Sen. John
>>>>>> Fetterman’s reaction was logically, ethically, and morally spot-on:
>>>>> The only godly way to win the war on terrorism is as shown at
>>>>> Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry for food right now (Luke 6:21a) and
>>>>> hope you, Michael, and others reading this, also have a healthy
>>>>> appetite for food right now too.
>>>>> So how are you ?
>>>> I am wonderfully hungry!
>>> While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
>>> 8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
>>> 17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
>>> COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
>>> Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
>>> Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
>>> always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
>>> including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
>>> all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
>>> the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
>>> Laus DEO !
>> Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.
>But you DO have anal warts and monkeypox. You should make your johns
>wear condoms when you're working the Queen Mary parking lot.
>> Michael
>Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
>he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
>have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
>from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
>does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
>aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
>posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
>one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
>therapy room of his local nutfarm.


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