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sci / / 'A Failed Medical School': How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA

o 'A Failed Medical School': How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in CalifoVoice of REASON

Subject: 'A Failed Medical School': How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA
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Subject: 'A Failed Medical School': How Racial Preferences, Supposedly
Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA
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'A Failed Medical School': How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in
California, Have Persisted at UCLA

Up to half of UCLA medical students now fail basic tests of medical
competence. Whistleblowers say affirmative action, illegal in California
since 1996, is to blame.

Aaron Sibarium
May 23, 2024

Long considered one of the best medical schools in the world, the University
of California, Los Angeles's David Geffen School of Medicine receives as
many as 14,000 applications a year. Of those, it accepted just 173 students
in the 2023 admissions cycle, a record-low acceptance rate of 1.3 percent.
The median matriculant took difficult science courses in college, earned a
3.8 GPA, and scored in the 88th percentile on the Medical College Admissions
Test (MCAT).

Without those stellar stats, some doctors at the school say, students can
struggle to keep pace with the demanding curriculum.

So when it came time for the admissions committee to consider one such
student in November 2021--a black applicant with grades and test scores far
below the UCLA average--some members of the committee felt that this
particular candidate, based on the available evidence, was not the best fit
for the top-tier medical school, according to two people present for the
committee's meeting.

Their reservations were not well-received.

When an admissions officer voiced concern about the candidate, the two
people said, the dean of admissions, Jennifer Lucero, exploded in anger.

"Did you not know African-American women are dying at a higher rate than
everybody else?" Lucero asked the admissions officer, these people said. The
candidate's scores shouldn't matter, she continued, because "we need people
like this in the medical school."

Even before the Supreme Court's landmark affirmative action ban last year,
public schools in California were barred by state law from considering race
in admissions. The outburst from Lucero, who discussed race explicitly
despite that ban, unsettled some admissions officers, one of whom reached
out to other committee members in the wake of the incident. "We are not
consistent in the way we apply the metrics to these applicants," the
official wrote in an email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. "This is

"I wondered," the official added, "if this applicant had been [a] white
male, or [an] Asian female for that matter, [whether] we would have had that
much discussion."

Since Lucero took over medical school admissions in June 2020, several of
her colleagues have asked the same question. In interviews with the Free
Beacon and complaints to UCLA officials, including investigators in the
university's Discrimination Prevention Office, faculty members with
firsthand knowledge of the admissions process say it has prioritized
diversity over merit, resulting in progressively less qualified classes that
are now struggling to succeed.

Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a "failed medical school," said
one former member of the admissions staff. "We want racial diversity so
badly, we're willing to cut corners to get it."

This story is based on written correspondence between UCLA officials,
internal data on student performance, and interviews with eight professors
at the medical school--six of whom have worked with or under Lucero on
medical student and residency admissions.

Together, they provide an unprecedented account of how racial preferences,
outlawed in California since 1996, have nonetheless continued, upending
academic standards at one of the top medical schools in the country. The
school has consequently taken a hit in the rankings and seen a sharp rise in
the number of students failing basic standardized tests, raising concerns
about their clinical competence.

"I have students on their rotation who don't know anything," a member of the
admissions committee told the Free Beacon. "People get in and they

It is almost unheard of for admissions officials to go public, even
anonymously, and provide a window into confidential deliberations, much less
to accuse their colleagues of breaking the law or lowering standards.
They've agreed to come forward anyway, several officials told the Free
Beacon, because the results of Lucero's push for diversity have been so

"I wouldn't normally talk to a reporter," a UCLA faculty member said. "But
there's no way to stop this without embarrassing the medical school."

Within three years of Lucero's hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th
place in U.S. News & World Report's rankings for medical research. And in
some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed
standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal
medicine, and pediatrics.

Those tests, known as shelf exams, which are typically taken at the end of
each clinical rotation, measure basic medical knowledge and play a pivotal
role in residency applications. Though only 5 percent of students fail each
test nationally, the rates are much higher at UCLA, having increased tenfold
in some subjects since 2020, according to internal data obtained by the Free

That uptick coincided with a steep drop in the number of Asian matriculants
and tracks the subjective impressions of faculty who say that students have
never been more poorly prepared.

One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a
major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the
spot. Another said that students at the end of their clinical rotations
don't know basic lab tests and, in some cases, are unable to present

"I don't know how some of these students are going to be junior doctors,"
the professor said. "Faculty are seeing a shocking decline in knowledge of
medical students."

And for those who've seen the competency crisis up close, double standards
in admissions are a big part of the problem. "All the normal criteria for
getting into medical school only apply to people of certain races," an
admissions officer said. "For other people, those criteria are completely

Led by Lucero, who also serves as the vice chair for equity, diversity, and
inclusion of UCLA's anesthesiology department, the admissions committee
routinely gives black and Latino applicants a pass for subpar metrics, four
people who served on it said, while whites and Asians need near perfect
scores to even be considered.

The bar for underrepresented minorities is "as low as you could possibly
imagine," one committee member told the Free Beacon. "It completely
disregards grades and achievements."

Lucero did not respond to a request for comment.

Several officials said that they support holistic admissions and don't
believe test scores should be judged in isolation. The problem, as they see
it, is that the committee is not just weighing academic merit against
community service or considering how much time a given student had to study
for the MCAT. For certain applicants, they say, hardship and community
service seem to be the only things that matter to the majority of the
committee's 20-30 members, many of whom were handpicked by Lucero, according
to people familiar with the selection process.

"We were always outnumbered," an admissions officer told the Free Beacon,
referring to committee members who expressed concern about low grades.
"Other people would get upset when we brought up GPA."

Lucero hasn't been kind to dissenters. Speaking on the condition of
anonymity, six people who've worked with her described a pattern of racially
charged incidents that has dispirited officials and pushed some of them to
resign from the committee.

She has lashed out at officials who question the qualifications of minority
candidates, five sources said, suggesting naysayers are "privileged,"
implying that they are racist, and subjecting them to diversity training

After a Native American applicant was rejected in 2021, for example, Lucero
chewed out the committee and made members sit through a two-hour lecture on
Native history delivered by her own sister, according to three people
familiar with the incident. No applications were reviewed that day, an
official present for the lecture said.

In the anesthesiology department, where Lucero helps rank applicants to the
department's residency program, she has rebuffed calls to blind the race of
candidates, telling colleagues in a January 2023 email that, despite
California's ban on racial preferences, "we are not required to blind any

That alone could get UCLA in legal trouble, according to Adam Mortara, the
lead trial lawyer for the plaintiffs in Students for Fair Admissions v.
Harvard, the Supreme Court case that outlawed affirmative action nationwide.

Asking for information about an applicant's race when "no lawful use can be
made of it" is "presumptively illegal," Mortara said. "You can't have
evidence of overt discrimination like this and not have someone come
forward" as a plaintiff.

Click here to read the complete article

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