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sci / sci.math.symbolic / A rational integral in Rubi

* A rational integral in RubiSam Blake
+- Re: A rational integral in RubiNasser M. Abbasi
`- Re: A rational integral in

Subject: A rational integral in Rubi
From: Sam Blake
Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 04:06 UTC
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Subject: A rational integral in Rubi
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I was pleased to see the following concise result from Rubi

In[8203]:= Int[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
Out[8203]= ArcTan[u^2/(Sqrt[2] (1 + u))]/Sqrt[2]

My implementation of Bronstein's Risch algorithm (from Symbolic Integration I) returns two arctangents

In[8206]:= Risch[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
Out[8206]= (ArcTan[(-1 + u)/Sqrt[2]] - ArcTan[(2 + 2 u + (-1 + u) u^2)/Sqrt[2]])/Sqrt[2]

and Mathematica returns the naive form

In[8207]:= Integrate[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
Out[8207]= 1/4 RootSum[
2 + 4 #1 + 2 #1^2 + #1^4 &, (2 Log[u - #1] #1 + Log[u - #1] #1^2)/(
1 + #1 + #1^3) &]

FriCAS also returns two arctangents

(8) -> integrate((2*u + u^2)/(2 + 4*u + 2*u^2 + u^4), u)

+-+ 3 2
(u - 1)\|2 u - u + 2 u + 2
atan(-----------) - atan(-----------------)
2 +-+
(8) -------------------------------------------
Type: Union(Expression(Integer),...)

Perhaps there is still some room for improvement in the log to arctan conversions in symbolic integrators...


Subject: Re: A rational integral in Rubi
From: Nasser M. Abbasi
Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 04:29 UTC
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From: (Nasser M. Abbasi)
Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic
Subject: Re: A rational integral in Rubi
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 23:29:51 -0500
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On 10/10/2023 11:06 PM, Sam Blake wrote:
> I was pleased to see the following concise result from Rubi
> In[8203]:= Int[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
> Out[8203]= ArcTan[u^2/(Sqrt[2] (1 + u))]/Sqrt[2]

Fyi, the rules used are (3 rules)

TraceScan[Print[#/. Rubi`Private`ShowStep[i_,___]:>i]&,Int[(2 u+u^2)/(2+4 u+2 u^2+u^4),u],Rubi`Private`ShowStep[i_,___]]

Rule 1607 is

Int[(u_.)*((a_.)*(x_)^(p_.) + (b_.)*(x_)^(q_.))^(n_.), x_Symbol]
:> Int[u*x^(n*p)*(a + b*x^(q - p))^n, x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, p, q}, x] && IntegerQ[n] && PosQ[q - p]

2119 is

Int[((x_)^(m_.)*((A_) + (B_.)*(x_)^(n_.)))/((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^(k_.) + (c_.)*(x_)^(n_.) + (d_.)*(x_)^(n2_)), x_Symbol] :>
Dist[A^2*((m - n + 1)/(m + 1)), Subst[Int[1/(a + A^2*b*(m - n + 1)^2*x^2), x],
x, x^(m + 1)/(A*(m - n + 1) + B*(m + 1)*x^n)], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, A, B, m, n}, x]
&& EqQ[n2, 2*n] && EqQ[k, 2*(m + 1)] && EqQ[a*B^2*(m + 1)^2 -
A^2*d*(m - n + 1)^2, 0] && EqQ[B*c*(m + 1) - 2*A*d*(m - n + 1), 0]

Rule 209 is

Int[((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2)^(-1), x_Symbol] :>
Simp[(1/(Rt[a, 2]*Rt[b, 2]))*ArcTan[Rt[b, 2]*(x/Rt[a, 2])], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b}, x]
&& PosQ[a/b] && (GtQ[a, 0] || GtQ[b, 0])

> My implementation of Bronstein's Risch algorithm (from Symbolic Integration I) returns two arctangents
> In[8206]:= Risch[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
> Out[8206]= (ArcTan[(-1 + u)/Sqrt[2]] - ArcTan[(2 + 2 u + (-1 + u) u^2)/Sqrt[2]])/Sqrt[2]
> and Mathematica returns the naive form
> In[8207]:= Integrate[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
> Out[8207]= 1/4 RootSum[
> 2 + 4 #1 + 2 #1^2 + #1^4 &, (2 Log[u - #1] #1 + Log[u - #1] #1^2)/(
> 1 + #1 + #1^3) &]
> FriCAS also returns two arctangents
> (8) -> integrate((2*u + u^2)/(2 + 4*u + 2*u^2 + u^4), u)
> +-+ 3 2
> (u - 1)\|2 u - u + 2 u + 2
> atan(-----------) - atan(-----------------)
> 2 +-+
> \|2
> (8) -------------------------------------------
> +-+
> \|2
> Type: Union(Expression(Integer),...)
> Perhaps there is still some room for improvement in the log to arctan conversions in symbolic integrators...
> Sam


Subject: Re: A rational integral in Rubi
From: clicliclic@freenet.d
Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic
Organization: Killfiles, Unlimited
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 09:38 UTC
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Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic
Subject: Re: A rational integral in Rubi
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:38:59 +0200
Organization: Killfiles, Unlimited
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Sam Blake schrieb:
> I was pleased to see the following concise result from Rubi
> In[8203]:= Int[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
> Out[8203]= ArcTan[u^2/(Sqrt[2] (1 + u))]/Sqrt[2]
> My implementation of Bronstein's Risch algorithm (from Symbolic
> Integration I) returns two arctangents
> In[8206]:= Risch[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
> Out[8206]= (ArcTan[(-1 + u)/Sqrt[2]] - ArcTan[(2 + 2 u + (-1 + u) u^2)/Sqrt[2]])/Sqrt[2]
> and Mathematica returns the naive form
> In[8207]:= Integrate[(2 u + u^2)/(2 + 4 u + 2 u^2 + u^4), u]
> Out[8207]= 1/4 RootSum[
> 2 + 4 #1 + 2 #1^2 + #1^4 &, (2 Log[u - #1] #1 + Log[u - #1] #1^2)/(
> 1 + #1 + #1^3) &]
> FriCAS also returns two arctangents
> (8) -> integrate((2*u + u^2)/(2 + 4*u + 2*u^2 + u^4), u)
> +-+ 3 2
> (u - 1)\|2 u - u + 2 u + 2
> atan(-----------) - atan(-----------------)
> 2 +-+
> \|2
> (8) -------------------------------------------
> +-+
> \|2
> Type: Union(Expression(Integer),...)
> Perhaps there is still some room for improvement in the log to arctan
> conversions in symbolic integrators...

Bronstein's Risch algorithm presumably involves Rioboo's decomposition
of arc tangents to ensure continuity on the real axis (see chapter 2.8
in his Symbolic Integration I). Indeed, ATAN(u^2/(SQRT(2)*(1 + u)))/
SQRT(2) is discontinuous at x = -1. However, a user can easily change
this antiderivative to -ATAN(SQRT(2)*(1 + u)/u^2)/SQRT(2), but he then
needs a limit to evaluate it at x = 0.



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