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sci / sci.environment / Re: Glacial History of Michigan: How did we get our Great Lakes?

o Re: Glacial History of Michigan: How did we get our Great Lakes?clams casino

Subject: Re: Glacial History of Michigan: How did we get our Great Lakes?
From: clams casino
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 19:22 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: (clams casino)
Subject: Re: Glacial History of Michigan: How did we get our Great Lakes?
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 12:22:54 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 12/12/2024 9:39 PM, Bob F wrote:
> On 12/12/2024 9:26 AM, Ed P wrote:
>> On 12/12/2024 11:59 AM, Al Goar wrote:
>>> Did you know climate change started in Michigan over 2 million years
>>> ago, long before people had gas stoves and an internal combustion cars?
>>> great-lakes
>>> Looks like the fear-mongering Democrats are lying about the reason
>>> for climate change.
>>> If a Democrat's lips are moving, they're lying.
>> Of course climate has been changing.  That fact though, does not
>> negate the fact that man is affecting it too.
>> Burning 100 million tons a day of fossil fuels, cutting down rain
>> forests makes a difference.  If you opened your mind a but and looked
>> at the science, you'd understand it. You prefer not to though.
> trumptards are naturally immune to reality.

Y0U are among the most pig-ignorant leftards I have ever come across -

Not our fault

Are we, the fossil-fuel-burning public, partially responsible for this
recent warming trend? Almost assuredly not.

These small global temperature increases of the last 25 years and over
the last century are likely natural changes that the globe has seen many
times in the past.

Human kind has little or nothing to do with the recent temperature changes

William M. Gray
Colorado State University

This small warming is likely a result of the natural alterations in
global ocean currents which are driven by ocean salinity variations.
Ocean circulation variations are as yet little understood.

Human kind has little or nothing to do with the recent temperature
changes. We are not that influential.

There is a negative or complementary nature to human-induced greenhouse
gas increases in comparison with the dominant natural greenhouse gas of
water vapour and its cloud derivatives.

It has been assumed by the human-induced global warming advocates that
as anthropogenic greenhouse gases increase that water vapour and
upper-level cloudiness will also rise and lead to accelerated warming -
a positive feedback loop.

It is not the human-induced greenhouse gases themselves which cause
significant warming but the assumed extra water vapour and cloudiness
that some scientists hypothesise.

Negative feedback

The global general circulation models which simulate significant amounts
of human-induced warming are incorrectly structured to give this
positive feedback loop.

Their internal model assumptions are thus not realistic.

As human-induced greenhouse gases rise, global-averaged upper-level
atmospheric water vapour and thin cirrus should be expected to decrease
not increase.

Water vapour and cirrus cloudiness should be thought of as a negative
rather than a positive feedback to human-induced - or anthropogenic
greenhouse gas increases.

No significant human-induced greenhouse gas warming can occur with such
a negative feedback loop.


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