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sci / sci.environment / Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplace

* Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplaceDe-Trois-Leaning
+- Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplaceÖrdög, your newsgroup devil
`- Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplaceMikeJ

Subject: Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplace
From: De-Trois-Leaning
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 16:38 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
From: (De-Trois-Leaning)
Subject: Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplace
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 09:38:32 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 144
Message-ID: <vhl3a9$67q8$>
References: <18095d0236beab1f$21614$96611$>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 17:38:34 +0100 (CET)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="b09d2e59b8a68f9465cc1d3bad857a8e";
logging-data="204616"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1+z5Alauab2A3hA/+OM7nsBGXxAC/Knelk="
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.19
Cancel-Lock: sha1:cx4L3YAuib081DEilruD8k7Henc=
In-Reply-To: <vhkqv9$4ikl$>
View all headers

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On 2024-11-20, Alexandria Ocasio-Mayorkis <> wrote:
>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On 2024-11-19, Greta Thongturd <greta.thongturd@nazi-climate-nutters.wef> wrote:
>>>> On OANN's Weekly Briefing this weekend, I saw a video clip of President
>>>> Trump and Joey Diapers having a chit-chat in front of a fireplace at the
>>>> White House.
>>>> The fireplace had a roaring 75k BTU gas log fire going.
>>>> Why do the democrat climate change nazis ban America's natural gas
>>>> stoves yet have a natural gas fireplace at the White House?
>>> They aren't banned. You can go right down to Home Depot and
>>> buy one for your hovel.
>> Yabbut the libturds tell us fireplaces cause climate change.
> "Yabbut" ? Is that what passes for rhetoric in your bubble?

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Study Shows Ketogenic Diet Shrinks Pancreatic Tumors
Knowledge is Power: The Corruption Behind Seed Oils
Funded by BARDA, Japan Approves Next-Generation Self-Amplifying mRNA Jabs
A powerful peer-reviewed scientific study delivers substantial evidence
that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere have zero impact
on the Earth’s global temperatures. The study concludes that even though
most publications attempt to depict a catastrophic future for our planet
due to an increase in CO2, there is serious doubt that this is, in fact,
the case. Instead, the study authors deduced that their research
unequivocally means that the officially presented narrative that human
activity is causing a detrimental CO2 increase on Earth’s climate is
merely a hypothesis rather than a substantiated reality.

The study, published in Science Direct in March 2024, confirms that the
warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally limited,
with the limit having been reached decades ago. The study also confirms
what climatologist Dr. Judith Curry has stated, which is that the
“manufactured consensus of scientists at the request of policymakers”
regarding climate change is all a ruse to push an agenda that has
nothing to do with climate change. She insists that “Earth has survived
far bigger insults that what human beings are doing.”

In a 2022 interview, Curry remarked that the basic facts of the climate
situation are clear—global temperatures have been warming, humans emit
CO2 into the atmosphere, and CO2 has an infrared emission spectra that,
overall, acts to warm the planet. However, after that, there is much
disagreement over the most consequential issues propagated to fuel the
climate change narrative, such as how much of the warming has been
caused by humans and how significant is human-caused warming relative to
solar-variability, ocean circulation patterns, and so on?

Why are politically active scientists exaggerating the truth for
political objectives? Many are now certain that, like the COVID-19
pandemic, the massive climate change scheme is about greed, power, and
control. Curry, Professor Emeritus and former chair of the School of
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology,
has become known as an outspoken scientist who doubts the “scientific
consensus” on climate change. Unsurprisingly, akin to the doctors who
dared speak up about the deadly mRNA COVID-19 shots, Curry was
“academically, pretty much finished off” and “essentially unhirable.”
But that has not stopped her from speaking up. When asked how far from
reality the picture of doom and gloom painted by those pushing the
climate agenda really is, Curry stated:

“It’s very far from gloom and doom. People are being sued left and right
over bad weather. Governments, oil companies, and everything because
they’re not doing enough.

People who think that they can control the climate… It’s just a pipe
dream. Even if we went to net zero, we would barely notice. It would be
hard to detect any change in the climate. The climate is going to do
what the climate’s going to do. And there’s a lot of inertia in the system.

If the carbon dioxide that we’ve put in is as important, as bad as some
people seem to think, those effects are going to be with us for a very,
very long time. And stopping now isn’t going to change that trajectory
very much.

So, we must look forward and try to understand what’s happened. But
thinking that we’re going to control the climate by going to net zero
very quickly is not good.”

Curry remarked that even when you look more recently at the weather in
the United States, for example, it was much worse in the 1930s by any
measure than it is now. When you look at the data, she insists that
period was inundated with forest fires, droughts, heat waves, and
hurricanes. It makes no sense to rapidly revamp our entire energy
infrastructure to rely on wind turbines and solar energy, which require
a massive land and water footprint.

According to Curry, the most significant danger is if “we do really
stupid stuff like destroy our energy infrastructure before we have
something better to replace it with.” She believes the biggest climate
risk right now is a so-called transition risk, the risk of rapidly
getting rid of fossil fuels. Dr. Curry is right. Even if society
transitions to all wind and solar, massive amounts of fossil fuels will
be needed to do all the mining, establish the supply chains, transport,
and everything else. So, in the near term, even if the plan is to use
all renewable wind and solar energy, we will need large amounts of
fossil fuels to get there. “People just repeat these mantras without any
thought,” Curry said, adding, “It’s not a good place.”

And now, following Dr. Curry’s sound advice and insight, we have the
Science Direct study reaffirming the madness bestowed upon humanity by a
despicable cohort of greedy souls. Conducted by researchers from the
Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology in
Warsaw, Poland, the study authors found that even if we dug up all the
world’s coal, extracted all the world’s oil, and burned it in one giant
pyre, the CO2 emissions from that endeavor would not heat up planet
Earth. Indeed, this is because carbon dioxide does not cause the Earth
to warm up indefinitely.

As reported by Slay News, much like a sponge, the Earth’s atmosphere can
only hold so much, meaning that carbon dioxide cannot increase
temperatures anymore since the saturation point was reached a long time
ago. The study uses a hypothetical concept of a fire inside a greenhouse
consistently emitting heat. The glass walls and ceiling can contain only
so much heat before emitting it outside. CO2 in the atmosphere is very
similar in that it can act as a “greenhouse” gas, but all the CO2
together can only contain so much heat, much like the hypothetical
greenhouse. The CO2 Coalition agrees with this conclusion as well. Thus,
amidst all the fearmongering around climate change—and the knowledge
that many things, including changes in solar activity heavily influence
Earth’s weather—Dr. Curry believes even if the Earth is warming, it is
not a dangerous thing, commenting:

“This whole issue of “dangerous” is the weakest part of the whole
argument. What is dangerous? Everybody has a different idea of what’s
good. The only harm from warming is rising sea levels. And that’s a slow
creep unless something catastrophic happens, say, to the West Antarctic
ice sheet. And if something catastrophic happens there, that’s as likely
to be associated with under-ice volcanoes as it is to be with global

Subject: Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplace
From: Ördög, your newsgr
Newsgroups: sci.environment
Organization: Eweka Internet Services
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 21:59 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
Subject: Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplace
Newsgroups: sci.environment
References: <18095d0236beab1f$21614$96611$>
<vhkqv9$4ikl$> <vhl3a9$67q8$>
From: (Ördög, your newsgroup devil)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.19
MIME-Version: 1.0
In-Reply-To: <vhl3a9$67q8$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <jZs%O.125941$57_b.36757@fx15.ams4>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 21:59:43 UTC
Organization: Eweka Internet Services
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 08:59:40 +1100
X-Received-Bytes: 1234
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De-Trois-Leaning proves that active life is possible beyond complete
brain death.brain death

> What is dangerous?

.... living on w/o even a single functioning brain cell clearly is.

Do yourself and the human race a huge favour: Just FOAD!


Subject: Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplace
From: MikeJ
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Organization: notme
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 04:26 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
From: goober@nospam.nospam (MikeJ)
Subject: Re: Joey Diaper's natural gas fireplace
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 04:26:32 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: notme
Lines: 160
Message-ID: <XnsB230CFF2E1A80MikeJnospamnospam@>
References: <18095d0236beab1f$21614$96611$> <vhibat$1t7b9$> <1809aa04e218d837$6888$1837046$> <vhkqv9$4ikl$> <vhl3a9$67q8$>
Injection-Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 05:26:32 +0100 (CET)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="3c09bda1c3c0111f085c5589cb496cb2";
logging-data="398926"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1+Im35mXolSBFPEs68cqbPA"
User-Agent: Xnews/2006.08.24
Cancel-Lock: sha1:2xXJT9LMG70HCuIimxxgc49eIO8=
View all headers

De-Trois-Leaning <> wrote in

> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On 2024-11-20, Alexandria Ocasio-Mayorkis
>> <> wrote:
>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> On 2024-11-19, Greta Thongturd
>>>> <greta.thongturd@nazi-climate-nutters.wef> wrote:
>>>>> On OANN's Weekly Briefing this weekend, I saw a video clip of
>>>>> President Trump and Joey Diapers having a chit-chat in front of a
>>>>> fireplace at the White House.
>>>>> The fireplace had a roaring 75k BTU gas log fire going.
>>>>> Why do the democrat climate change nazis ban America's natural gas
>>>>> stoves yet have a natural gas fireplace at the White House?
>>>> They aren't banned. You can go right down to Home Depot and
>>>> buy one for your hovel.
>>> Yabbut the libturds tell us fireplaces cause climate change.
>> "Yabbut" ? Is that what passes for rhetoric in your bubble?
> impact-on-climate-change/
> Share on Facebook
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> Popular
> Study Shows Ketogenic Diet Shrinks Pancreatic Tumors
> Knowledge is Power: The Corruption Behind Seed Oils
> Funded by BARDA, Japan Approves Next-Generation Self-Amplifying mRNA
> Jabs A powerful peer-reviewed scientific study delivers substantial
> evidence that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere have
> zero impact on the Earth’s global temperatures. The study concludes
> that even though most publications attempt to depict a catastrophic
> future for our planet due to an increase in CO2, there is serious
> doubt that this is, in fact, the case. Instead, the study authors
> deduced that their research unequivocally means that the officially
> presented narrative that human activity is causing a detrimental CO2
> increase on Earth’s climate is merely a hypothesis rather than a
> substantiated reality.
> The study, published in Science Direct in March 2024, confirms that
> the warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally
> limited, with the limit having been reached decades ago. The study
> also confirms what climatologist Dr. Judith Curry has stated, which is
> that the “manufactured consensus of scientists at the request of
> policymakers” regarding climate change is all a ruse to push an
> agenda that has nothing to do with climate change. She insists that
> “Earth has survived far bigger insults that what human beings are
> doing.”
> In a 2022 interview, Curry remarked that the basic facts of the
> climate situation are clear—global temperatures have been warming,
> humans emit CO2 into the atmosphere, and CO2 has an infrared emission
> spectra that, overall, acts to warm the planet. However, after that,
> there is much disagreement over the most consequential issues
> propagated to fuel the climate change narrative, such as how much of
> the warming has been caused by humans and how significant is
> human-caused warming relative to solar-variability, ocean circulation
> patterns, and so on?
> Why are politically active scientists exaggerating the truth for
> political objectives? Many are now certain that, like the COVID-19
> pandemic, the massive climate change scheme is about greed, power, and
> control. Curry, Professor Emeritus and former chair of the School of
> Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology,
> has become known as an outspoken scientist who doubts the
> “scientific consensus” on climate change. Unsurprisingly, akin to
> the doctors who dared speak up about the deadly mRNA COVID-19 shots,
> Curry was “academically, pretty much finished off” and
> “essentially unhirable.” But that has not stopped her from
> speaking up. When asked how far from reality the picture of doom and
> gloom painted by those pushing the climate agenda really is, Curry
> stated:
> “It’s very far from gloom and doom. People are being sued left and
> right over bad weather. Governments, oil companies, and everything
> because they’re not doing enough.
> People who think that they can control the climate… It’s just a
> pipe dream. Even if we went to net zero, we would barely notice. It
> would be hard to detect any change in the climate. The climate is
> going to do what the climate’s going to do. And there’s a lot of
> inertia in the system.
> If the carbon dioxide that we’ve put in is as important, as bad as
> some people seem to think, those effects are going to be with us for a
> very, very long time. And stopping now isn’t going to change that
> trajectory very much.
> So, we must look forward and try to understand what’s happened. But
> thinking that we’re going to control the climate by going to net
> zero very quickly is not good.”
> Curry remarked that even when you look more recently at the weather in
> the United States, for example, it was much worse in the 1930s by any
> measure than it is now. When you look at the data, she insists that
> period was inundated with forest fires, droughts, heat waves, and
> hurricanes. It makes no sense to rapidly revamp our entire energy
> infrastructure to rely on wind turbines and solar energy, which
> require a massive land and water footprint.
> According to Curry, the most significant danger is if “we do really
> stupid stuff like destroy our energy infrastructure before we have
> something better to replace it with.” She believes the biggest
> climate risk right now is a so-called transition risk, the risk of
> rapidly getting rid of fossil fuels. Dr. Curry is right. Even if
> society transitions to all wind and solar, massive amounts of fossil
> fuels will be needed to do all the mining, establish the supply
> chains, transport, and everything else. So, in the near term, even if
> the plan is to use all renewable wind and solar energy, we will need
> large amounts of fossil fuels to get there. “People just repeat
> these mantras without any thought,” Curry said, adding, “It’s
> not a good place.”
> And now, following Dr. Curry’s sound advice and insight, we have the
> Science Direct study reaffirming the madness bestowed upon humanity by
> a despicable cohort of greedy souls. Conducted by researchers from the
> Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology in
> Warsaw, Poland, the study authors found that even if we dug up all the
> world’s coal, extracted all the world’s oil, and burned it in one
> giant pyre, the CO2 emissions from that endeavor would not heat up
> planet Earth. Indeed, this is because carbon dioxide does not cause
> the Earth to warm up indefinitely.
> As reported by Slay News, much like a sponge, the Earth’s atmosphere
> can only hold so much, meaning that carbon dioxide cannot increase
> temperatures anymore since the saturation point was reached a long
> time ago. The study uses a hypothetical concept of a fire inside a
> greenhouse consistently emitting heat. The glass walls and ceiling can
> contain only so much heat before emitting it outside. CO2 in the
> atmosphere is very similar in that it can act as a “greenhouse”
> gas, but all the CO2 together can only contain so much heat, much like
> the hypothetical greenhouse. The CO2 Coalition agrees with this
> conclusion as well. Thus, amidst all the fearmongering around climate
> change—and the knowledge that many things, including changes in
> solar activity heavily influence Earth’s weather—Dr. Curry
> believes even if the Earth is warming, it is not a dangerous thing,
> commenting:
> “This whole issue of “dangerous” is the weakest part of the
> whole argument. What is dangerous? Everybody has a different idea of
> what’s good. The only harm from warming is rising sea levels. And
> that’s a slow creep unless something catastrophic happens, say, to
> the West Antarctic ice sheet. And if something catastrophic happens
> there, that’s as likely to be associated with under-ice volcanoes as
> it is to be with global warming.”



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