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Q: Why was Stonehenge abandoned? A: It wasn't IBM compatible.

sci / sci.environment / Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’s

* Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’sDe-Trois-Leaning
+* Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’sJanitor
|`- Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’sDe-Trois-Leaning
`* Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth?sPetzl
 `- Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’sDe-Trois-Leaning

Subject: Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’s
From: De-Trois-Leaning
Newsgroups:,, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 18:15 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
From: (De-Trois-Leaning)
Subject: Re:_Mars_Has_an_Unexpected_Influence_on_Earth’s
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:15:34 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Ed P wrote:
> What is the reaction of burning 100 million tons of fuel today?

Increased albedo leading soon enough to global cooling, rapidly.

> What about all the trees cut down?

25% more vegetation exists as a direct complimentary partner to
increased C)2 production.

In essence the "green" Oxygen balance has improved.

A quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant
greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the
journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight
countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from
NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount
of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening
represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area
to two times the continental United States.

Green leaves use energy from sunlight through photosynthesis to
chemically combine carbon dioxide drawn in from the air with water and
nutrients tapped from the ground to produce sugars, which are the main
source of food, fiber and fuel for life on Earth. Studies have shown
that increased concentrations of carbon dioxide increase photosynthesis,
spurring plant growth.

While rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the air can be beneficial
for plants, it is also the chief culprit of climate change. The gas,
which traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere, has been increasing since the
industrial age due to the burning of oil, gas, coal and wood for energy
and is continuing to reach concentrations not seen in at least 500,000
years. The impacts of climate change include global warming, rising sea
levels, melting glaciers and sea ice as well as more severe weather events.

Carbon dioxide fertilization isn’t the only cause of the increased plant
growth—nitrogen, land cover change and climate change by way of global
temperature, precipitation and sunlight changes all contribute to the
greening effect. To determine the extent of carbon dioxide’s
contribution, researchers ran the data for carbon dioxide and each of
the other variables in isolation through several computer models that
mimic the plant growth observed in the satellite data.

Results showed that carbon dioxide fertilization explains 70 percent of
the greening effect, said co-author Ranga Myneni, a professor in the
Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University. “The second
most important driver is nitrogen, at 9 percent. So we see what an
outsized role CO2 plays in this process.”

About 85 percent of Earth’s ice-free lands is covered by vegetation. The
area covered by all the green leaves on Earth is equal to, on average,
32 percent of Earth’s total surface area — oceans, lands and permanent
ice sheets combined. The extent of the greening over the past 35 years
“has the ability to fundamentally change the cycling of water and carbon
in the climate system,” said lead author Zaichun Zhu, a researcher from
Peking University, China, who did the first half of this study with
Myneni as a visiting scholar at Boston University.

Subject: Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’s
From: Janitor
Newsgroups:,, sci.environment,, can.politics
Followup: alt.morons
Organization: Cyber Maintenance Inc
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 21:44 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
From: (Janitor)
Subject: Re:_Mars_Has_an_Unexpected_Influence_on_Earth’s
Followup-To: alt.morons
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 08:44:12 +1100
Organization: Cyber Maintenance Inc
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De-Trois-Leaning wrote on 14/11/24 5:15 am:

> cooling, rapidly.

Not gonna happen!

Given the fact that your brain was well kooked at temperatures above
6000 degrees Celsius, that expected cooling down will certainly take a

Idiots unplugged and forever flushed!

Subject: Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth?s
From: Petzl
Newsgroups:,, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 21:51 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
From: (Petzl)
Subject: Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth???s
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 08:51:11 +1100
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User-Agent: ForteAgent/
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On Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:15:34 -0700, De-Trois-Leaning <>

>Ed P wrote:
>> What is the reaction of burning 100 million tons of fuel today?
>Increased albedo leading soon enough to global cooling, rapidly.
>> What about all the trees cut down?
>25% more vegetation exists as a direct complimentary partner to
>increased C)2 production.
>In essence the "green" Oxygen balance has improved.
Climate change is a snout and trotters in trough con game!
The BBC "Yes Prime Minister 2" gives a humorous satire of the truth
Yes, Prime Minister on Climate Change
Claire Hello? It’s the BBC again. I see. Thanks. (She hangs up.)
Piling on the agony. A big new story about global warming has just
broken, they’re adding that to the Sunday programme too. Global
warming computer models have been proved wrong.

Humphrey How shocking!
Claire It’s just that they’re going to add it to the catalogue of your
failures. (He gives her a look.) Alleged failures, I mean.

Humphrey Meanwhile, may I suggest that you don’t worry too much about
global warming?

Jim Right. I can’t do anything about that tonight, can I?

Humphrey Tell me, how do they know we’re all going to drown in years
when the weather forecast was so wrong last Friday?

Jim Because all the scientists agree.

Humphrey So they say. So do the computer models. I know. But why
should global warming computer models be any more accurate than
financial ones?

Claire It’s just that they’re going to add it to the catalogue of your
failures. (He gives her a look.) Alleged failures, I mean.

Humphrey Meanwhile, may I suggest that you don’t worry too much about
global warming?

Jim Right. I can’t do anything about that tonight, can I?

Humphrey Tell me, how do they know we’re all going to drown in years
when the weather forecast was so wrong last Friday?

Jim Because all the scientists agree.

Humphrey So they say. So do the computer models. I know. But why
should global warming computer models be any more accurate than
financial ones?

If in doubt kick them out!
Politician's are nothing more than a con game in insincerity!

Charlatanism is a necessary price of political freedom and if
a self-proclaimed politician, persuades others to believe in
a party which propounds, lack of sincerity or integrity on
the parties part, but is not incompatible with the parties
character or their beliefs, practices and observances and
being accepted by their voters, why not?

ALWAYS Vote oligarchies Coalition, Labor, "Greens"
*LAST*, Federal State and Council!

Subject: Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’s
From: De-Trois-Leaning
Newsgroups:,, sci.environment,, fl.politics, uk.environment
Followup: alt.usenet.kooks
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 22:24 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
From: (De-Trois-Leaning)
Subject: Re:_Mars_Has_an_Unexpected_Influence_on_Earth’s
Followup-To: alt.usenet.kooks
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:24:17 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.19
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In-Reply-To: <vh36jg$2denf$>
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Janitor wrote:
> De-Trois-Leaning wrote on 14/11/24 5:15 am:
>> cooling, rapidly.
> Not gonna happen!
> Given the fact that your brain was well kooked at temperatures above
> 6000 degrees Celsius, that expected cooling down will certainly take a
> while.
Betting on the pole migration led inundation cycle first?

Ya know that projects even closer:

Subject: Re: Mars Has an Unexpected Influence on Earth’s
From: De-Trois-Leaning
Newsgroups:,, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 22:30 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
From: (De-Trois-Leaning)
Subject: Re:_Mars_Has_an_Unexpected_Influence_on_Earth’s
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:30:49 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 84
Message-ID: <vh39ap$2dv1t$>
References: <>
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logging-data="2554941"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX18bsa740BkLcJs+Eedv87h0yfFPhfOahkw="
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.19
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In-Reply-To: <>
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Petzl wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:15:34 -0700, De-Trois-Leaning <>
> wrote:
>> Ed P wrote:
>>> What is the reaction of burning 100 million tons of fuel today?
>> Increased albedo leading soon enough to global cooling, rapidly.
>>> What about all the trees cut down?
>> 25% more vegetation exists as a direct complimentary partner to
>> increased C)2 production.
>> In essence the "green" Oxygen balance has improved.
> snip
> Climate change is a snout and trotters in trough con game!
> The BBC "Yes Prime Minister 2" gives a humorous satire of the truth
> <>
> Yes, Prime Minister on Climate Change
> Claire Hello? It’s the BBC again. I see. Thanks. (She hangs up.)
> Piling on the agony. A big new story about global warming has just
> broken, they’re adding that to the Sunday programme too. Global
> warming computer models have been proved wrong.
> Humphrey How shocking!
> Claire It’s just that they’re going to add it to the catalogue of your
> failures. (He gives her a look.) Alleged failures, I mean.
> Humphrey Meanwhile, may I suggest that you don’t worry too much about
> global warming?
> Jim Right. I can’t do anything about that tonight, can I?
> Humphrey Tell me, how do they know we’re all going to drown in years
> when the weather forecast was so wrong last Friday?
> Jim Because all the scientists agree.
> Humphrey So they say. So do the computer models. I know. But why
> should global warming computer models be any more accurate than
> financial ones?
> Claire It’s just that they’re going to add it to the catalogue of your
> failures. (He gives her a look.) Alleged failures, I mean.
> Humphrey Meanwhile, may I suggest that you don’t worry too much about
> global warming?
> Jim Right. I can’t do anything about that tonight, can I?
> Humphrey Tell me, how do they know we’re all going to drown in years
> when the weather forecast was so wrong last Friday?
> Jim Because all the scientists agree.
> Humphrey So they say. So do the computer models. I know. But why
> should global warming computer models be any more accurate than
> financial ones?


The Earth’s magnetic field, which protects our planet from harmful
cosmic radiation and charged particles from the sun, is not as stable as
it may seem. According to new research, the field’s intensity can
significantly decrease during events called magnetic field excursions,
leaving Earth more vulnerable to space weather.


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