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Today is National Existential Ennui Awareness Day.

sci / sci.environment / Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.

* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
`* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 +* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 |+* KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores thJTEM
 ||`* Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreBob F
 || +* Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreJTEM
 || |`* Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreBob F
 || | +* Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreJTEM
 || | |`* Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreBob F
 || | | +* Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreBob F
 || | | |+- Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on KellyJamaal Bowman
 || | | |`- Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreCitizen Winston Smith
 || | | `- Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreCitizen Winston Smith
 || | `- Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreCitizen Winston Smith
 || `- Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignoreCitizen Winston Smith
 |`* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 | +* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 | |`* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 | | +* He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 | | |+* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 | | ||`* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 | | || `- Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 | | |`* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 | | | `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 | | |  `- Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 | | `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 | |  `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 | |   `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 | |    `- Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 | `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 |  `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 |   `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 |    `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
 |     `- Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
 `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
  `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
   `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
    `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.R Kym Horsell
     `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith
      `* Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Janitor
       `- Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.Citizen Winston Smith

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 20:10 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 14:10:42 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/29/2024 1:02 PM, Ed P wrote:
> hat does not mean that what man does has no effect as we burn 100
> million tones of fuel every day.
> Your ignorance is incredible.

Compared to YOURS?!?!

Viewpoint: Get off warming bandwagon
Currents BBC
Changes in ocean currents may cause global warning
By Professor William M Gray of Colorado State University
As a boy, I remember seeing articles about the large global warming that
had taken place between 1900 and 1945. No one understood or knew if this
warming would continue. Then the warming abated and I heard little about
such warming through the late 1940s and into the 1970s.

In fact, surface measurements showed a small global cooling between the
mid-1940s and the early 1970s. During the 1970s, there was speculation
concerning an increase in this cooling. Some speculated that a new ice
age may not be far off.

Then in the 1980s, it all changed again. The current global warming
bandwagon that US-European governments have been alarming us with is
still in full swing.

Not our fault

Are we, the fossil-fuel-burning public, partially responsible for this
recent warming trend? Almost assuredly not.

These small global temperature increases of the last 25 years and over
the last century are likely natural changes that the globe has seen many
times in the past.

Human kind has little or nothing to do with the recent temperature changes

William M. Gray
Colorado State University
This small warming is likely a result of the natural alterations in
global ocean currents which are driven by ocean salinity variations.
Ocean circulation variations are as yet little understood.

Human kind has little or nothing to do with the recent temperature
changes. We are not that influential.

There is a negative or complementary nature to human-induced greenhouse
gas increases in comparison with the dominant natural greenhouse gas of
water vapour and its cloud derivatives.

It has been assumed by the human-induced global warming advocates that
as anthropogenic greenhouse gases increase that water vapour and
upper-level cloudiness will also rise and lead to accelerated warming -
a positive feedback loop.

It is not the human-induced greenhouse gases themselves which cause
significant warming but the assumed extra water vapour and cloudiness
that some scientists hypothesise.

Negative feedback

The global general circulation models which simulate significant amounts
of human-induced warming are incorrectly structured to give this
positive feedback loop.

Their internal model assumptions are thus not realistic.

As human-induced greenhouse gases rise, global-averaged upper-level
atmospheric water vapour and thin cirrus should be expected to decrease
not increase.

Water vapour and cirrus cloudiness should be thought of as a negative
rather than a positive feedback to human-induced - or anthropogenic
greenhouse gas increases.

No significant human-induced greenhouse gas warming can occur with such
a negative feedback loop.

Climate debate has 'life of its own'

Our global climate's temperature has always fluctuated back and forth
and it will continue to do so, irrespective of how much or how little
greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere.

Although initially generated by honest scientific questions of how
human-produced greenhouse gases might affect global climate, this topic
has now taken on a life of its own.

It has been extended and grossly exaggerated and misused by those
wishing to make gain from the exploitation of ignorance on this subject.

This includes the governments of developed countries, the media and
scientists who are willing to bend their objectivity to obtain
government grants for research on this topic.

I have closely followed the carbon dioxide warming arguments. From what
I have learned of how the atmosphere ticks over 40 years of study, I
have been unable to convince myself that a doubling of human-induced
greenhouse gases can lead to anything but quite small and insignificant
amounts of global warming.

The author is a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado where he is
an expert in tropical meteorology.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 22:16 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 22:16:52 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vfrmsj$o6t$>
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In sci.environment Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/29/2024 1:02 PM, Ed P wrote:
>> hat does not mean that what man does has no effect as we burn 100
>> million tones of fuel every day.
>> Your ignorance is incredible.
> Compared to YOURS?!?!
> Viewpoint: Get off warming bandwagon
> Currents BBC
> Changes in ocean currents may cause global warning

Global Warming means the net amount of heat on the planet is increasing.
So kinda "obviously" that heat has to come from outside.
And therefore is 99% likely from the sun.

Changes in ocean currents can at best move heat around like the
El Nino/La Nina cycles that it's been recently found are driven by
the gravity of Jupiter.

The moon and earth are at the same distance from the sun. The moon
is slightly darker (albedo) so *should* be warmer than the earth.
But it turns out the earth is around 30C warmer than the moon.
The reason for that 30C is the greenhouse gases in the atm.

In the 60s and 70s evidence was presented to the US Congress that
increasing CO2 levels in particular were a problem. CO2 acts like
the gas pedal in a car. It had a perhaps relatively small influence on
global tempereratures, but warming the earth by trapping more of the
sun's heat in the lower parts of the atm simply heats the oceans that
raise more water vapor. And water vapor "everyone agrees" is the
big greenhouse gas on earth.

60-70-80 years ago even Exxon scientists confirmed all the basic
findings of research done over the prev 100-200years. Greenhouse gases
trap heat near the earth's surface, humans are producing more co2 by
digging up fossil fuels that had been safely stored 10 mi underground
for the last 100 million years and burning them inefficiently (since
every $100 you spend on gasoline only goes to make $20 worth of power
delivered to the drivetrain) was simply returning earth's atm and therefore
the earth's surface to the state it was in during the "dinosaur era"
when temps were quite a bit warmer than that are now.

Like any business with a dangerous product that has killed 10s of millions
of people over the years through pollution and the growing effects of
disaterous climate events, the fossil bidness does not give a crap about
anything but enriching itself.

At this point it's probably realistic that nothing will stop them
at least burning down to the last drop of oil and gas that are
due anyway to run out in the next 50y or so.

We might be able to stop the clock winding back more than 50-60 million
years if we stop burning coal.

It's possible of course they may develop scuples and backbones and
decide to start making gasoline and pastic out of the CO2 already in
the air using solar power. That will mean the price of gas will nosedive
and it will be indefensible to spend a big chunk of national incomes
propping up an industry that has technically been trading insolvent
for the past 100y (taxpayer support gloablly runs around 5-6x more
than the revenue).

Exxon Senior Scientist James F. Black (1978):
In the first place,
there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in
which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon
dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels. A doubling of carbon
dioxide is estimated to be capable of increasing the average global
temperature by from 1 [degree] to 3 [degrees Celsius], with a 10
[degrees Celsius] rise predicted at the poles. More research is
needed, however, to establish the validity and significance of
predictions with respect to the Greenhouse Effect. It is currently
estimated that mankind has a 5-10 yr. time window to obtain the
necessary information.

Exxon Environmental Affairs Programs Manager M.B. Glaser (1982):
Predictions of the climatological impact of a carbon dioxide induced
"greenhouse effect" draw upon various mathematical models to gauge the
temperature increase. The scientific community generally discussed the
impact in terms of doubling of the current carbon dioxide content in
order to get beyond the noise level of the data. We estimate doubling
could occur around the year 2090 based upon fossil fuel requirements
projected in Exxon's long range energy outlook. The question of which
predictions and which models best simulate a carbon dioxide-induced
climate change is still being debated by the scientific community. Our
best estimate is that doubling of the current concentration could
increase average global temperature by about 1.3 [degrees Celsius] to
3.1 [degrees Celsius].

Exxon Climate Modeler Brian Flannery And New York University Professor
Martin Hoffert (1985): Consensus CO2 Warming: Transient climate models
currently available, when run with standard scenarios of fossil fuel
CO2 emissions, indicate a global warming of the order of 1 [degree
Celsius] by the year 2000, relative to the year 1850, and an
additional 2-5 [degrees Celsius] warming over the next
century. However, the sensitivity of such predictions to known
uncertainties of the models -- that is, the robustness of CO2 warming
predictions -- has not yet been extensively explored.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 23:02 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 17:02:31 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/29/2024 4:16 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> In sci.environment Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
>> On 10/29/2024 1:02 PM, Ed P wrote:
>>> hat does not mean that what man does has no effect as we burn 100
>>> million tones of fuel every day.
>>> Your ignorance is incredible.
>> Compared to YOURS?!?!
>> Viewpoint: Get off warming bandwagon
>> Currents BBC
>> Changes in ocean currents may cause global warning
> ...
> Global Warming means the net amount of heat on the planet is increasing.
> So kinda "obviously" that heat has to come from outside.
> And therefore is 99% likely from the sun.


> Changes in ocean currents can at best move heat around like the
> El Nino/La Nina cycles that it's been recently found are driven by
> the gravity of Jupiter.

"This small warming is likely a result of the natural alterations in
global ocean currents which are driven by ocean salinity variations."

That's why the Bering Sea King crab fisheries are shut down. not enough
cold water at the bottom.

> CO2 acts like
> the gas pedal in a car.


The 30% decrease in our magnetosphere is letting more solar radiation in.

And it is visible very time the Auroral displays move south to states
like Florida and Arizona.

Oct 10, 2024
The northern lights made another appearance in Arizona Thursday night.

Subject: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: JTEM
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: Eek
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 23:43 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
From: (JTEM)
Subject: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and
ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 19:43:52 -0400
Organization: Eek
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Kamala Hamas sure made a fool out of us! Who could have
believed that in just a few short months we'd go from
demanding that Biden step down to screaming; "What the
hell is this hoe trying to say?"

The woman is retarded.

Could you imagine her hiking up her skirt, handing her drink
to an aid then spewing all that word salad at Putin? THE

....and then she'd just say he didn't and the media
would order you to agree.


Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 23:58 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 23:58:08 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vfrsqf$2v4b$>
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In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> The 30% decrease in our magnetosphere is letting more solar radiation in.


It's noted most places that global warming has been going in
the opposite direction of "solar radiation" for at least 50 years.
(The "quiet sun" and all that stuff).

"Global warming" refers to the global-average temperature increase
that has been observed over the last one hundred years or more.
-- Dr Roy W. Spencer, "Global Warming", 2008

Earth's atmosphere contains natural greenhouse gases (mostly water
vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane) which act to keep the lower layers
of the atmosphere warmer than they otherwise would be without those gases.
-- Dr Roy W. Spencer, "Global Warming", 2008

It has been calculated theoretically that, if there are no other
changes in the climate system, a doubling of the atmospheric CO2
concentration would cause less than 1 deg C of surface warming (about
1 deg. F). This is NOT a controversial statement -- it is well understood
by climate scientists. (As of 2008, we were about 40% to 45% of the
way toward a doubling of atmospheric CO2.)
-- Dr Roy W. Spencer, "Global Warming 101", 2008

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:12 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:12:32 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
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In R Kym Horsell <> wrote:
> In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
>> The 30% decrease in our magnetosphere is letting more solar radiation in.
> LOL.

The LOL is for the apparent confusion between light and charged particles.
Light from the sun heats the ground, not electrons and protons.
Magnetic fields do not affect light from the sun.
But, if anything, more charged particles coming in because of changes
in the megnetosphere would act as more nucleation sites
for water drop formation and therefore more clouds that would
reflect more sunlight back to space before it reached the ground
and therefore act to cool the earth.

I'm afraid you have tipped your hand as just another science outsider that
doesnt understand what they read.

We've seen off 100s of these in the past 30y on AGW.

"[Outsider art] could be by a mental patient, a hillbilly or a chimpanzee."
-- character Astrid Weller, "The Simpsons", 1999.

Subject: Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Bob F
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 02:37 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
From: (Bob F)
Subject: Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly
and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 19:37:55 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/29/2024 4:43 PM, JTEM wrote:
> Kamala Hamas sure made a fool out of us!  Who could have
> believed that in just a few short months we'd go from
> demanding that Biden step down to screaming; "What the
> hell is this hoe trying to say?"
> The woman is retarded.
> Could you imagine her hiking up her skirt, handing her drink
> to an aid then spewing all that word salad at Putin? THE
>       ....and then she'd just say he didn't and the media
> would order you to agree.

Are you proud to be an ignorant raving asshole?

tRump can't complete any sentence without changing the subject 3 times,
and Kamala's speach at the Elipse today was something every American
should see before they vote.

Subject: Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: JTEM
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: Eek
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 04:12 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
From: (JTEM)
Subject: Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly
and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:12:06 -0400
Organization: Eek
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Bob F wrote:

> Are you

I'm a liberal Democrat. I volunteered for more than one
Democratic nominee, all of whom ran in a primary and had
more people vote for them than their opponents. KamelToe
was appointed.

As a liberal Democrat I am PAINFULLY aware of my party's
long & rich tradition of nominating idiots, and this hoe
beats them all! She'd retarded.

And are you old enough to remember when it was only under
fascism where the media was an extension of the ruling
elite? Or how about when it was only under military juntas
where political opponents were dragged into court and

Remember any of that, or are you still awaiting puberty?

As a liberal Democrat, I would GLADLY welcome a Trump
Presidency if it meant we had a shot at getting journalism
back, instead of this extension of the KamelToe campaign.
I'd cheer Trump if it meant we might depoliticized our
court system!

....can't even call it a "Justice" system anymore,
now can we?

And the saddest part? Give Hillary, give Al Gore or even
Mike Dukakis this shameless propaganda machine we now call
the media and they would have walked away with this election.
That retarded hoe is so bad, so retarded, so worthless that
they've got to steal the election. She can't even win an
unfair fight!

The only people dumber than her are the sheeple exactly
parroting the D.C. establishment & mainstream media, thinking
it makes them "Edgy" maybe even "Defiant."

Go eat some grass with the other sheep, you dumb twat.


Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 15:31 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 09:31:57 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/29/2024 5:58 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
>> The 30% decrease in our magnetosphere is letting more solar radiation in.
> LOL.

No, it is nothing to laugh about.

Skin cancer rates are way up as well.

> It's noted most places that global warming has been going in
> the opposite direction of "solar radiation" for at least 50 years.
> (The "quiet sun" and all that stuff).

We are in and approaching the high point of solar cycle 25.

You are a moron, a total deceit wrapped up in a peehole stretcher.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 15:34 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 09:34:35 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/29/2024 4:16 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> Global Warming means the net amount of heat on the planet is increasing.

Global "warming" is cause by the heater - our sun.

Any increase in particulate matter from humans increases albedo
(reflectance) and that decreases solar insolation (heating).

we could slightly force a mini ice age if we keep shooting enough
aerosols into the atmosphere.

And with solar cycle 26 due in a year, that puts us on an 11 year down
cycle for solar inputs.

You may intensely miss the recent and historically minor warming we
have had.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 15:36 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 09:36:23 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/29/2024 6:12 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> The LOL is for the apparent confusion between light and charged particles.

The radiation coning through the weakened magnetosphere poses one awful
risk to consider - a full on EMP/grid destructive event similar to
1859'd Carrington Event.

Only this time our electrical dependence isn't just telegraph lines.

You really are a malevolent disinformation agent.

Subject: Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 15:38 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: KamelToe Harris is the WORST candidate ever Re: He dumps on Kelly
and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 09:38:07 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/29/2024 8:37 PM, Bob F wrote:
> tRump can't

Shut the fuck up commie operative.

Subject: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:09 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:09:52 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vftspg$lko$>
References: <> <vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$> <vfm4ok$46uf$> <> <vfogu9$13blp$> <vfphpf$17shi$> <> <vfqjsj$1i2ck$> <67211731$1$16$> <vfrbg0$1m4ff$> <vfrfg1$1mpbd$> <vfrmsj$o6t$> <vfrpi6$1odlk$> <vfrsqf$2v4b$> <vfrtlg$b8n$> <vftjpn$26psu$>
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:09:52 -0000 (UTC)
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In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/29/2024 6:12 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> The LOL is for the apparent confusion between light and charged particles.
> The radiation coning through the weakened magnetosphere poses one awful
> risk to consider - a full on EMP/grid destructive event similar to
> 1859'd Carrington Event.
> Only this time our electrical dependence isn't just telegraph lines.
> You really are a malevolent disinformation agent.

Now you're just projecting.

[Trollin 9 to 5:]
Denialists are not honest brokers in the debate. They aren't
interested in truth, data, or informative discussion, they're
interested in their world view being the only one, and they'll say
anything to try to bring this about. [O]nce you've shown that what
they say is deceptive, or prima-facie absurd, you don't have to spend
a graduate career dissecting it and taking it apart.
-- Mark Hoofnagle,

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:17 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:17:38 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vftt82$1vr9$>
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In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/29/2024 6:12 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> The LOL is for the apparent confusion between light and charged particles.
> The radiation coning through the weakened magnetosphere poses one awful
> risk to consider - a full on EMP/grid destructive event similar to
> 1859'd Carrington Event.

We have looked at this over the years on AGW.
It turns out neither network outages nor power fails seem to
increase at times of large electron, proton, nor geomagnetic events.
If anything, the relevant companies are well aware of the relevant
alerts and the number of outages actually goes DOWN during those times.

So at best you are squeaking about a non problem that everyone handles
except the people that write headlines in the popular press.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:18 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:18:52 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vfttac$1vr9$>
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Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:18:52 -0000 (UTC)
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In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/29/2024 5:58 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
>>> The 30% decrease in our magnetosphere is letting more solar radiation in.
>> LOL.
> No, it is nothing to laugh about.

You are now attempting to divert. Cancer rates of all kinds are up
mostly due to fossil pollution.

If you believe skin cancer is related to magnetic fields just supply the
evidence. Your words are obviously not to be trusted.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:22 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:22:28 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vftth3$1vr9$>
References: <> <vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$> <vfm4ok$46uf$> <> <vfogu9$13blp$> <vfphpf$17shi$> <> <vfqjsj$1i2ck$> <67211731$1$16$> <vfrbg0$1m4ff$> <vfrfg1$1mpbd$> <vfrmsj$o6t$> <vftjma$26psu$>
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:22:28 -0000 (UTC)
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User-Agent: tin/2.6.2-20221225 ("Pittyvaich") (NetBSD/9.3 (amd64))
Cancel-Lock: sha1:IESJ6H/ucv/SlqvzFzujBvMhdZg= sha256:yJ2GSSX8+JLtNrcXn6vjqJyVF3ZyW+tK/Il9gNnkB70=
sha1:S9RkmFvuddhKEFE2q2Em2yz8s84= sha256:++NqQ1tUzN04k8n0UpCht7pVc4KI4WnaCeeroY2XbyM=
View all headers

In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/29/2024 4:16 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> Global Warming means the net amount of heat on the planet is increasing.
> Global "warming" is cause by the heater - our sun.
> Any increase in particulate matter from humans increases albedo
> (reflectance) and that decreases solar insolation (heating).

Now you are flipping on what you said earlier.
Classic kook territory.

If an increase in solar particles has such a big cooling effect then
pick out the Carrington Event from the list of global temps below.
If you can't then you are busted again.

Global temps selected years 19th cent
relative to the 1850s:

Which is the year the earth's albedo was disasterously adjusted
so far upward the earth went cold.
Presumibly is must be one of those years where global temps
were LOWER then 1850.

Kruger and Dunning argue that for a given skill, incompetent people will:
1. tend to overestimate their own level of skill;
2. fail to recognize genuine skill in others;
3. fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy;
4. recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, only if
they can be trained to substantially improve [their own performance].
Dunning later drew an analogy with anosognosia in which a person who
suffers a physical disability because of brain injury seems unaware of
or denies the existence of the disability, even for dramatic
impairments such as blindness or paralysis.
Dunning & Kruger & others concluded that the root cause is that, in
contrast to high performers, "poor performers do not learn from
feedback suggesting a need to improve".
Ehrlinger, Joyce; Johnson, Kerri; Banner, Matthew; Dunning, David;
Kruger, Justin (2008). "Why the unskilled are unaware: Further
explorations of (absent) self-insight among the incompetent".
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 105 (105): 98-121.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:24 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:24:15 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 10/30/2024 12:09 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> Now you're just projecting.

Listen to me peehole stretcher - YOU ARE A PAID DISINFORMATION AGENT!

And everyone knows it.

The average global temperature on Neptune unexpectedly fluctuated during
a recent 17-year period, according to a new study published by the
American Astronomical Society in The Planetary Science Journal.

Researchers, including scientists from NASA, analyzed ground-based
images of Neptune taken in the mid-infrared range between 2003 and 2020.
The images reveal Neptune’s stratosphere appears to have cooled between
2003 and 2009, followed by a dramatic warming of the south pole between
2018 and 2020. Conversely, upper-tropospheric temperatures didn’t vary
much except for the south pole, which appeared warmest between 2003 and

Scientists had expected seasons would change slowly on Neptune because
it takes the planet so long to orbit the Sun – 165 years.

The discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's
upper atmosphere. The phenomenon has never before been seen in the solar
system. It's an unexpected interaction between Saturn and its rings that
potentially could provide a tool for predicting if planets around other
stars have glorious Saturn-like ring systems, too.

The telltale evidence is an excess of ultraviolet radiation, seen as a
spectral line of hot hydrogen in Saturn's atmosphere. The bump in
radiation means that something is contaminating and heating the upper
atmosphere from the outside.

An unexpected ‘heat wave’ of 700 degrees Celsius, extending 130,000
kilometres (10 Earth diameters) in Jupiter’s atmosphere, has been
discovered. James O’Donoghue, of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), has presented the results this week at the Europlanet
Science Congress (EPSC) 2022 in Granada.

Jupiter’s atmosphere, famous for its characteristic multicoloured
vortices, is also unexpectedly hot: in fact, it is hundreds of degrees
hotter than models predict. Due to its orbital distance millions of
kilometres from the Sun, the giant planet receives under 4% of the
amount of sunlight compared to Earth, and its upper atmosphere should
theoretically be a frigid -70 degrees Celsius. Instead, its cloud tops
are measured everywhere at over 400 degrees Celsius.

Looking more deeply through their data, Dr O’Donoghue and his team
discovered the spectacular ‘heat wave’ just below the northern aurora,
and found that it was travelling towards the equator at a speed of
thousands of kilometres per hour.

The heat wave was probably triggered by a pulse of enhanced solar wind
plasma impacting Jupiter’s magnetic field, which boosted auroral heating
and forced hot gases to expand and spill out towards the equator.

According to National Geographic: "Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the
St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the
Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being
caused by changes in the sun.

‘The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and
Mars,’ Abdussamatov said."

This scientific research regarding Mars and the Sun, follows another new
study about the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth’s climate. A release
from the Danish National Space Center details the latest research from
scientists from Denmark, Canada and Israel.

"Nir Shaviv of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, together with Ján
Veizer of the Ruhr University and the University of Ottawa, link
[Earth’s temperature] changes to the journey of the Sun and the Earth
through the Milky Way Galaxy," the release stated.

The leader of Sun-climate research at the Danish National Space Center,
Henrik Svensmark said, "The past 10 years have seen the reconnaissance
of a new area of research by a small number of investigators.'"

NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided
evidence of a relatively recent ice age on Mars. In contrast to Earth's
ice ages, a Martian ice age waxes when the poles warm, and water vapor
is transported toward lower latitudes. Martian ice ages wane when the
poles cool and lock water into polar icecaps.

The "pacemakers" of ice ages on Mars appear to be much more extreme than
the comparable drivers of climate change on Earth. Variations in the
planet's orbit and tilt produce remarkable changes in the distribution
of water ice from Polar Regions down to latitudes equivalent to Houston
or Egypt. Researchers, using NASA spacecraft data and analogies to
Earth's Antarctic Dry Valleys, report their findings in Thursday's
edition of the journal Nature.

"Of all the solar system planets, Mars has the climate most like that of
Earth. Both are sensitive to small changes in orbital parameters," said
planetary scientist Dr. James Head of Brown University, Providence,
R.I., lead author of the study. "Now we're seeing that Mars, like Earth,
is in a period between ice ages," he said.

Mars will continue to warm as the Sun heats up throughout its lifetime.

Mars will reach the melting temperature of water ice, and both CO2 and
H2O will be mobilized at the surface.

Mars could end up with a climate conducive to supporting life.

Results show the importance of processes intrinsic to a planet in
determining the climate and habitability of an exoplanet.

As the solar luminosity continues to increase over the next 6 billion
years, the Martian surface will heat up to above the melting temperature
of water ice.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:24 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:24:51 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 121
Message-ID: <vfttli$28k2t$>
References: <>
<vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 19:24:51 +0100 (CET)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="1172f25d0d86c7cf039de132e82d377d";
logging-data="2379869"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1/Tug0X8w60Zapsfoy28WZVfjHtaV3P4JM="
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Cancel-Lock: sha1:Z7A2zlEkr+wC3lB2OwL0dkgNVwk=
In-Reply-To: <vftth3$1vr9$>
Content-Language: en-US
View all headers

On 10/30/2024 12:22 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> Now you are flipping on what you said earlier.

The average global temperature on Neptune unexpectedly fluctuated during
a recent 17-year period, according to a new study published by the
American Astronomical Society in The Planetary Science Journal.

Researchers, including scientists from NASA, analyzed ground-based
images of Neptune taken in the mid-infrared range between 2003 and 2020.
The images reveal Neptune’s stratosphere appears to have cooled between
2003 and 2009, followed by a dramatic warming of the south pole between
2018 and 2020. Conversely, upper-tropospheric temperatures didn’t vary
much except for the south pole, which appeared warmest between 2003 and

Scientists had expected seasons would change slowly on Neptune because
it takes the planet so long to orbit the Sun – 165 years.

The discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's
upper atmosphere. The phenomenon has never before been seen in the solar
system. It's an unexpected interaction between Saturn and its rings that
potentially could provide a tool for predicting if planets around other
stars have glorious Saturn-like ring systems, too.

The telltale evidence is an excess of ultraviolet radiation, seen as a
spectral line of hot hydrogen in Saturn's atmosphere. The bump in
radiation means that something is contaminating and heating the upper
atmosphere from the outside.

An unexpected ‘heat wave’ of 700 degrees Celsius, extending 130,000
kilometres (10 Earth diameters) in Jupiter’s atmosphere, has been
discovered. James O’Donoghue, of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), has presented the results this week at the Europlanet
Science Congress (EPSC) 2022 in Granada.

Jupiter’s atmosphere, famous for its characteristic multicoloured
vortices, is also unexpectedly hot: in fact, it is hundreds of degrees
hotter than models predict. Due to its orbital distance millions of
kilometres from the Sun, the giant planet receives under 4% of the
amount of sunlight compared to Earth, and its upper atmosphere should
theoretically be a frigid -70 degrees Celsius. Instead, its cloud tops
are measured everywhere at over 400 degrees Celsius.

Looking more deeply through their data, Dr O’Donoghue and his team
discovered the spectacular ‘heat wave’ just below the northern aurora,
and found that it was travelling towards the equator at a speed of
thousands of kilometres per hour.

The heat wave was probably triggered by a pulse of enhanced solar wind
plasma impacting Jupiter’s magnetic field, which boosted auroral heating
and forced hot gases to expand and spill out towards the equator.

According to National Geographic: "Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the
St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the
Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being
caused by changes in the sun.

‘The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and
Mars,’ Abdussamatov said."

This scientific research regarding Mars and the Sun, follows another new
study about the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth’s climate. A release
from the Danish National Space Center details the latest research from
scientists from Denmark, Canada and Israel.

"Nir Shaviv of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, together with Ján
Veizer of the Ruhr University and the University of Ottawa, link
[Earth’s temperature] changes to the journey of the Sun and the Earth
through the Milky Way Galaxy," the release stated.

The leader of Sun-climate research at the Danish National Space Center,
Henrik Svensmark said, "The past 10 years have seen the reconnaissance
of a new area of research by a small number of investigators.'"

NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided
evidence of a relatively recent ice age on Mars. In contrast to Earth's
ice ages, a Martian ice age waxes when the poles warm, and water vapor
is transported toward lower latitudes. Martian ice ages wane when the
poles cool and lock water into polar icecaps.

The "pacemakers" of ice ages on Mars appear to be much more extreme than
the comparable drivers of climate change on Earth. Variations in the
planet's orbit and tilt produce remarkable changes in the distribution
of water ice from Polar Regions down to latitudes equivalent to Houston
or Egypt. Researchers, using NASA spacecraft data and analogies to
Earth's Antarctic Dry Valleys, report their findings in Thursday's
edition of the journal Nature.

"Of all the solar system planets, Mars has the climate most like that of
Earth. Both are sensitive to small changes in orbital parameters," said
planetary scientist Dr. James Head of Brown University, Providence,
R.I., lead author of the study. "Now we're seeing that Mars, like Earth,
is in a period between ice ages," he said.

Mars will continue to warm as the Sun heats up throughout its lifetime.

Mars will reach the melting temperature of water ice, and both CO2 and
H2O will be mobilized at the surface.

Mars could end up with a climate conducive to supporting life.

Results show the importance of processes intrinsic to a planet in
determining the climate and habitability of an exoplanet.

As the solar luminosity continues to increase over the next 6 billion
years, the Martian surface will heat up to above the melting temperature
of water ice.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:25 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:25:11 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 123
Message-ID: <vfttm7$28k2t$>
References: <>
<vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$>
<vfogu9$13blp$> <vfphpf$17shi$>
<vfqjsj$1i2ck$> <67211731$1$16$>
<vfrbg0$1m4ff$> <vfrfg1$1mpbd$>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 19:25:11 +0100 (CET)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="1172f25d0d86c7cf039de132e82d377d";
logging-data="2379869"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1/YSdfg1d4+5qwNcYJjemwoCGSuAroPz8A="
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Cancel-Lock: sha1:0wOWLFadBFuc16GdW/KctT6iAZo=
In-Reply-To: <vfttac$1vr9$>
Content-Language: en-US
View all headers

On 10/30/2024 12:18 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> You are now attempting to divert.

The average global temperature on Neptune unexpectedly fluctuated during
a recent 17-year period, according to a new study published by the
American Astronomical Society in The Planetary Science Journal.

Researchers, including scientists from NASA, analyzed ground-based
images of Neptune taken in the mid-infrared range between 2003 and 2020.
The images reveal Neptune’s stratosphere appears to have cooled between
2003 and 2009, followed by a dramatic warming of the south pole between
2018 and 2020. Conversely, upper-tropospheric temperatures didn’t vary
much except for the south pole, which appeared warmest between 2003 and

Scientists had expected seasons would change slowly on Neptune because
it takes the planet so long to orbit the Sun – 165 years.

The discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's
upper atmosphere. The phenomenon has never before been seen in the solar
system. It's an unexpected interaction between Saturn and its rings that
potentially could provide a tool for predicting if planets around other
stars have glorious Saturn-like ring systems, too.

The telltale evidence is an excess of ultraviolet radiation, seen as a
spectral line of hot hydrogen in Saturn's atmosphere. The bump in
radiation means that something is contaminating and heating the upper
atmosphere from the outside.

An unexpected ‘heat wave’ of 700 degrees Celsius, extending 130,000
kilometres (10 Earth diameters) in Jupiter’s atmosphere, has been
discovered. James O’Donoghue, of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), has presented the results this week at the Europlanet
Science Congress (EPSC) 2022 in Granada.

Jupiter’s atmosphere, famous for its characteristic multicoloured
vortices, is also unexpectedly hot: in fact, it is hundreds of degrees
hotter than models predict. Due to its orbital distance millions of
kilometres from the Sun, the giant planet receives under 4% of the
amount of sunlight compared to Earth, and its upper atmosphere should
theoretically be a frigid -70 degrees Celsius. Instead, its cloud tops
are measured everywhere at over 400 degrees Celsius.

Looking more deeply through their data, Dr O’Donoghue and his team
discovered the spectacular ‘heat wave’ just below the northern aurora,
and found that it was travelling towards the equator at a speed of
thousands of kilometres per hour.

The heat wave was probably triggered by a pulse of enhanced solar wind
plasma impacting Jupiter’s magnetic field, which boosted auroral heating
and forced hot gases to expand and spill out towards the equator.

According to National Geographic: "Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the
St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the
Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being
caused by changes in the sun.

‘The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and
Mars,’ Abdussamatov said."

This scientific research regarding Mars and the Sun, follows another new
study about the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth’s climate. A release
from the Danish National Space Center details the latest research from
scientists from Denmark, Canada and Israel.

"Nir Shaviv of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, together with Ján
Veizer of the Ruhr University and the University of Ottawa, link
[Earth’s temperature] changes to the journey of the Sun and the Earth
through the Milky Way Galaxy," the release stated.

The leader of Sun-climate research at the Danish National Space Center,
Henrik Svensmark said, "The past 10 years have seen the reconnaissance
of a new area of research by a small number of investigators.'"

NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided
evidence of a relatively recent ice age on Mars. In contrast to Earth's
ice ages, a Martian ice age waxes when the poles warm, and water vapor
is transported toward lower latitudes. Martian ice ages wane when the
poles cool and lock water into polar icecaps.

The "pacemakers" of ice ages on Mars appear to be much more extreme than
the comparable drivers of climate change on Earth. Variations in the
planet's orbit and tilt produce remarkable changes in the distribution
of water ice from Polar Regions down to latitudes equivalent to Houston
or Egypt. Researchers, using NASA spacecraft data and analogies to
Earth's Antarctic Dry Valleys, report their findings in Thursday's
edition of the journal Nature.

"Of all the solar system planets, Mars has the climate most like that of
Earth. Both are sensitive to small changes in orbital parameters," said
planetary scientist Dr. James Head of Brown University, Providence,
R.I., lead author of the study. "Now we're seeing that Mars, like Earth,
is in a period between ice ages," he said.

Mars will continue to warm as the Sun heats up throughout its lifetime.

Mars will reach the melting temperature of water ice, and both CO2 and
H2O will be mobilized at the surface.

Mars could end up with a climate conducive to supporting life.

Results show the importance of processes intrinsic to a planet in
determining the climate and habitability of an exoplanet.

As the solar luminosity continues to increase over the next 6 billion
years, the Martian surface will heat up to above the melting temperature
of water ice.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:25 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:25:31 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 121
Message-ID: <vfttmq$28k2t$>
References: <>
<vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
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Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 19:25:31 +0100 (CET)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="1172f25d0d86c7cf039de132e82d377d";
logging-data="2379869"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1+OI/4dJaj5zMsMHSXb4BrfUjhrUjkuxBA="
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Cancel-Lock: sha1:+eTfkLwepnEm6p254BayY8n/a+g=
In-Reply-To: <vftt82$1vr9$>
Content-Language: en-US
View all headers

On 10/30/2024 12:17 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> We have looked at this over the years on AGW.

The average global temperature on Neptune unexpectedly fluctuated during
a recent 17-year period, according to a new study published by the
American Astronomical Society in The Planetary Science Journal.

Researchers, including scientists from NASA, analyzed ground-based
images of Neptune taken in the mid-infrared range between 2003 and 2020.
The images reveal Neptune’s stratosphere appears to have cooled between
2003 and 2009, followed by a dramatic warming of the south pole between
2018 and 2020. Conversely, upper-tropospheric temperatures didn’t vary
much except for the south pole, which appeared warmest between 2003 and

Scientists had expected seasons would change slowly on Neptune because
it takes the planet so long to orbit the Sun – 165 years.

The discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's
upper atmosphere. The phenomenon has never before been seen in the solar
system. It's an unexpected interaction between Saturn and its rings that
potentially could provide a tool for predicting if planets around other
stars have glorious Saturn-like ring systems, too.

The telltale evidence is an excess of ultraviolet radiation, seen as a
spectral line of hot hydrogen in Saturn's atmosphere. The bump in
radiation means that something is contaminating and heating the upper
atmosphere from the outside.

An unexpected ‘heat wave’ of 700 degrees Celsius, extending 130,000
kilometres (10 Earth diameters) in Jupiter’s atmosphere, has been
discovered. James O’Donoghue, of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), has presented the results this week at the Europlanet
Science Congress (EPSC) 2022 in Granada.

Jupiter’s atmosphere, famous for its characteristic multicoloured
vortices, is also unexpectedly hot: in fact, it is hundreds of degrees
hotter than models predict. Due to its orbital distance millions of
kilometres from the Sun, the giant planet receives under 4% of the
amount of sunlight compared to Earth, and its upper atmosphere should
theoretically be a frigid -70 degrees Celsius. Instead, its cloud tops
are measured everywhere at over 400 degrees Celsius.

Looking more deeply through their data, Dr O’Donoghue and his team
discovered the spectacular ‘heat wave’ just below the northern aurora,
and found that it was travelling towards the equator at a speed of
thousands of kilometres per hour.

The heat wave was probably triggered by a pulse of enhanced solar wind
plasma impacting Jupiter’s magnetic field, which boosted auroral heating
and forced hot gases to expand and spill out towards the equator.

According to National Geographic: "Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the
St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the
Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being
caused by changes in the sun.

‘The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and
Mars,’ Abdussamatov said."

This scientific research regarding Mars and the Sun, follows another new
study about the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth’s climate. A release
from the Danish National Space Center details the latest research from
scientists from Denmark, Canada and Israel.

"Nir Shaviv of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, together with Ján
Veizer of the Ruhr University and the University of Ottawa, link
[Earth’s temperature] changes to the journey of the Sun and the Earth
through the Milky Way Galaxy," the release stated.

The leader of Sun-climate research at the Danish National Space Center,
Henrik Svensmark said, "The past 10 years have seen the reconnaissance
of a new area of research by a small number of investigators.'"

NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided
evidence of a relatively recent ice age on Mars. In contrast to Earth's
ice ages, a Martian ice age waxes when the poles warm, and water vapor
is transported toward lower latitudes. Martian ice ages wane when the
poles cool and lock water into polar icecaps.

The "pacemakers" of ice ages on Mars appear to be much more extreme than
the comparable drivers of climate change on Earth. Variations in the
planet's orbit and tilt produce remarkable changes in the distribution
of water ice from Polar Regions down to latitudes equivalent to Houston
or Egypt. Researchers, using NASA spacecraft data and analogies to
Earth's Antarctic Dry Valleys, report their findings in Thursday's
edition of the journal Nature.

"Of all the solar system planets, Mars has the climate most like that of
Earth. Both are sensitive to small changes in orbital parameters," said
planetary scientist Dr. James Head of Brown University, Providence,
R.I., lead author of the study. "Now we're seeing that Mars, like Earth,
is in a period between ice ages," he said.

Mars will continue to warm as the Sun heats up throughout its lifetime.

Mars will reach the melting temperature of water ice, and both CO2 and
H2O will be mobilized at the surface.

Mars could end up with a climate conducive to supporting life.

Results show the importance of processes intrinsic to a planet in
determining the climate and habitability of an exoplanet.

As the solar luminosity continues to increase over the next 6 billion
years, the Martian surface will heat up to above the melting temperature
of water ice.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: Citizen Winston Smit
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:25 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
From: (Citizen Winston Smith)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:25:48 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 121
Message-ID: <vfttnb$28k2t$>
References: <>
<vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$>
<vfogu9$13blp$> <vfphpf$17shi$>
<vfqjsj$1i2ck$> <67211731$1$16$>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 19:25:48 +0100 (CET)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="1172f25d0d86c7cf039de132e82d377d";
logging-data="2379869"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1+T2CzYITrfec0vPe8REgMY7JDHKcVNkSc="
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Cancel-Lock: sha1:Ho75+xhFSE0sZm21CdHJUT4TiXU=
In-Reply-To: <vftspg$lko$>
Content-Language: en-US
View all headers

On 10/30/2024 12:09 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
> Now you're just projecting.

The average global temperature on Neptune unexpectedly fluctuated during
a recent 17-year period, according to a new study published by the
American Astronomical Society in The Planetary Science Journal.

Researchers, including scientists from NASA, analyzed ground-based
images of Neptune taken in the mid-infrared range between 2003 and 2020.
The images reveal Neptune’s stratosphere appears to have cooled between
2003 and 2009, followed by a dramatic warming of the south pole between
2018 and 2020. Conversely, upper-tropospheric temperatures didn’t vary
much except for the south pole, which appeared warmest between 2003 and

Scientists had expected seasons would change slowly on Neptune because
it takes the planet so long to orbit the Sun – 165 years.

The discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's
upper atmosphere. The phenomenon has never before been seen in the solar
system. It's an unexpected interaction between Saturn and its rings that
potentially could provide a tool for predicting if planets around other
stars have glorious Saturn-like ring systems, too.

The telltale evidence is an excess of ultraviolet radiation, seen as a
spectral line of hot hydrogen in Saturn's atmosphere. The bump in
radiation means that something is contaminating and heating the upper
atmosphere from the outside.

An unexpected ‘heat wave’ of 700 degrees Celsius, extending 130,000
kilometres (10 Earth diameters) in Jupiter’s atmosphere, has been
discovered. James O’Donoghue, of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), has presented the results this week at the Europlanet
Science Congress (EPSC) 2022 in Granada.

Jupiter’s atmosphere, famous for its characteristic multicoloured
vortices, is also unexpectedly hot: in fact, it is hundreds of degrees
hotter than models predict. Due to its orbital distance millions of
kilometres from the Sun, the giant planet receives under 4% of the
amount of sunlight compared to Earth, and its upper atmosphere should
theoretically be a frigid -70 degrees Celsius. Instead, its cloud tops
are measured everywhere at over 400 degrees Celsius.

Looking more deeply through their data, Dr O’Donoghue and his team
discovered the spectacular ‘heat wave’ just below the northern aurora,
and found that it was travelling towards the equator at a speed of
thousands of kilometres per hour.

The heat wave was probably triggered by a pulse of enhanced solar wind
plasma impacting Jupiter’s magnetic field, which boosted auroral heating
and forced hot gases to expand and spill out towards the equator.

According to National Geographic: "Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the
St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the
Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being
caused by changes in the sun.

‘The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and
Mars,’ Abdussamatov said."

This scientific research regarding Mars and the Sun, follows another new
study about the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth’s climate. A release
from the Danish National Space Center details the latest research from
scientists from Denmark, Canada and Israel.

"Nir Shaviv of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, together with Ján
Veizer of the Ruhr University and the University of Ottawa, link
[Earth’s temperature] changes to the journey of the Sun and the Earth
through the Milky Way Galaxy," the release stated.

The leader of Sun-climate research at the Danish National Space Center,
Henrik Svensmark said, "The past 10 years have seen the reconnaissance
of a new area of research by a small number of investigators.'"

NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided
evidence of a relatively recent ice age on Mars. In contrast to Earth's
ice ages, a Martian ice age waxes when the poles warm, and water vapor
is transported toward lower latitudes. Martian ice ages wane when the
poles cool and lock water into polar icecaps.

The "pacemakers" of ice ages on Mars appear to be much more extreme than
the comparable drivers of climate change on Earth. Variations in the
planet's orbit and tilt produce remarkable changes in the distribution
of water ice from Polar Regions down to latitudes equivalent to Houston
or Egypt. Researchers, using NASA spacecraft data and analogies to
Earth's Antarctic Dry Valleys, report their findings in Thursday's
edition of the journal Nature.

"Of all the solar system planets, Mars has the climate most like that of
Earth. Both are sensitive to small changes in orbital parameters," said
planetary scientist Dr. James Head of Brown University, Providence,
R.I., lead author of the study. "Now we're seeing that Mars, like Earth,
is in a period between ice ages," he said.

Mars will continue to warm as the Sun heats up throughout its lifetime.

Mars will reach the melting temperature of water ice, and both CO2 and
H2O will be mobilized at the surface.

Mars could end up with a climate conducive to supporting life.

Results show the importance of processes intrinsic to a planet in
determining the climate and habitability of an exoplanet.

As the solar luminosity continues to increase over the next 6 billion
years, the Martian surface will heat up to above the melting temperature
of water ice.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:36 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:36:36 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vftubk$2e1a$>
References: <> <vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$> <vfm4ok$46uf$> <> <vfogu9$13blp$> <vfphpf$17shi$> <> <vfqjsj$1i2ck$> <67211731$1$16$> <vfrbg0$1m4ff$> <vfrfg1$1mpbd$> <vfrmsj$o6t$> <vfrpi6$1odlk$> <vfrsqf$2v4b$> <vfrtlg$b8n$> <vftjpn$26psu$> <vftspg$lko$> <vfttke$28k2t$>
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:36:36 -0000 (UTC)
logging-data="79914"; mail-complaints-to=""
User-Agent: tin/2.6.2-20221225 ("Pittyvaich") (NetBSD/9.3 (amd64))
Cancel-Lock: sha1:7bM9I+QQW5F0GoI32BmpufR0D1E= sha256:uPVm1t6tom9mUq1SCqmuE9+6uSCN1YnBkUs/YtKiXLQ=
sha1:1bxVhu3rZx9Ydi7njS6zFjP2PGg= sha256:It59ANjAe+IKrn4bvolmLpH6A7HgafE7D5sSJi9Oxig=
X-Received-Bytes: 2377
View all headers

In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/30/2024 12:09 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> Now you're just projecting.
> Listen to me peehole stretcher - YOU ARE A PAID DISINFORMATION AGENT!

Paid disinformers are generally nym shifting dimwits. I.e. you.
So, provably, you are projecting.

I CAN use 100s (not 1000s) of IPs, IF I WANT, but I don't. I
don't feel the need for anonymity, like you skeered little basement
dwelling children.
-- Serial Dimwit & 100s of 1000s of other nyms,
01 Dec 2018 10:56:40

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:37 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:37:11 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vftucn$2e1a$>
References: <> <vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$> <vfm4ok$46uf$> <> <vfogu9$13blp$> <vfphpf$17shi$> <> <vfqjsj$1i2ck$> <67211731$1$16$> <vfrbg0$1m4ff$> <vfrfg1$1mpbd$> <vfrmsj$o6t$> <vfrpi6$1odlk$> <vfrsqf$2v4b$> <vfrtlg$b8n$> <vftjpn$26psu$> <vftspg$lko$> <vfttnb$28k2t$>
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:37:11 -0000 (UTC)
logging-data="79914"; mail-complaints-to=""
User-Agent: tin/2.6.2-20221225 ("Pittyvaich") (NetBSD/9.3 (amd64))
Cancel-Lock: sha1:pSMvKyf4IWcwls6LeXSakx1Bx9Q= sha256:Eqp25OGPJAvGs2Hxo44LQ2I6WBlJpkuiByveRy4eTTc=
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View all headers

In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/30/2024 12:09 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> Now you're just projecting.

More diversions.
Pick out the Carrington Event from the list, dimwit.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:37 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:37:38 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vftudi$2e1a$>
References: <> <vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$> <vfm4ok$46uf$> <> <vfogu9$13blp$> <vfphpf$17shi$> <> <vfqjsj$1i2ck$> <67211731$1$16$> <vfrbg0$1m4ff$> <vfrfg1$1mpbd$> <vfrmsj$o6t$> <vfrpi6$1odlk$> <vfrsqf$2v4b$> <vfrtlg$b8n$> <vftjpn$26psu$> <vftt82$1vr9$> <vfttmq$28k2t$>
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:37:38 -0000 (UTC)
logging-data="79914"; mail-complaints-to=""
User-Agent: tin/2.6.2-20221225 ("Pittyvaich") (NetBSD/9.3 (amd64))
Cancel-Lock: sha1:6PazpdwNmRXRTaQlYadr/Sgr2wI= sha256:SoPvX6UTV64uHKi1UcOGmd3cVWBXZPXXoF0wFj0BatA=
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View all headers

In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/30/2024 12:17 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> We have looked at this over the years on AGW.

Less squeaking and more picking, dimwit.

Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
From: R Kym Horsell
Newsgroups:, sci.environment,, can.politics, aus.politics, nz.politics
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:38 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
From: (R Kym Horsell)
Subject: Re: He dumps on Kelly and ignores the elephant in the room.
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:38:02 -0000 (UTC)
Sender: R Kym Horsell <>
Message-ID: <vftuea$2e1a$>
References: <> <vff123$2rdqd$> <vfgf2r$17bp$> <vfm4ok$46uf$> <> <vfogu9$13blp$> <vfphpf$17shi$> <> <vfqjsj$1i2ck$> <67211731$1$16$> <vfrbg0$1m4ff$> <vfrfg1$1mpbd$> <vfrmsj$o6t$> <vfrpi6$1odlk$> <vfrsqf$2v4b$> <vftjhd$26psu$> <vfttac$1vr9$> <vfttm7$28k2t$>
Injection-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:38:02 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; logging-data="79914"; mail-complaints-to=""
User-Agent: tin/2.6.2-20221225 ("Pittyvaich") (NetBSD/9.3 (amd64))
Cancel-Lock: sha1:HceG1fkv8BmcKY5bbeAMblxoCjw= sha256:0tX43x829Fn7fGImRgr0jgeecvOVbFHZ81kR4Wy16zk= sha1:18Eq8nrHqLkRHW94YOovtStJkWk= sha256:OY2ai1rOvJXPJCM+28TCqBFC9m4q4NW99HA9njXQ1Js=
Lines: 10
View all headers

In Citizen Winston Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/30/2024 12:18 PM, R Kym Horsell wrote:
>> You are now attempting to divert.

Less squaking and more picking, dimwit.


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