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sci / sci.engr.chem / Rail carried and ship carried chemical process industry chemicals like vinyl chhloride and many other beneficial high utility manufacturing chemicals can be transported in containers that cost less to manufacture and are structurally hardened with w

o Rail carried and ship carried chemical process industry chemicals like vinyl chhTreon Verdery

Subject: Rail carried and ship carried chemical process industry chemicals like vinyl chhloride and many other beneficial high utility manufacturing chemicals can be transported in containers that cost less to manufacture and are structurally hardened with w
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.chem
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 06:35 UTC
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Subject: Rail carried and ship carried chemical process industry chemicals
like vinyl chhloride and many other beneficial high utility manufacturing
chemicals can be transported in containers that cost less to manufacture and
are structurally hardened with w
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A very old pre 19th century AD technology, if verified, can make a pregnancy sex predictor, and beneficial pregnancy sex selector technology, apparently if either the seeds of wheat or barley were peed on from a person as little as 7 days after conceiving a fertilized egg, the barley is said to sprout in less than 7 days if the zygote or blastocyst has just two sex chromosomes, both of them x sex chromosomes, and will develop into a human female, girl, and woman. If the wheat sprouts in less than 7 days it is a fertilized egg with just two sex chromosomes, an x and a y sex chromosome, and can be beneficially aborted, aborting any nonpreferred or nonvoluntary pregnancy is beneficial. It is also beneficial to utilize abortion pills and drug molecules, localized Mrna, abortion producing voluntary probiotics, such as voluntary oral or vaginal probiotics, or even mRNA produced at an otherwise fertile, ejaculation capable man or boy, accompanying each ejaculation of sperm, produced on or at the surface of the sperm, produced as a component of seminal ejaculatory fluid, molecules, mRNA, proteins, or peptides, or lipids or cytokines that cause apoptosis at any fertilized egg, as well as cause absence of attraction or tropism of sperm to swim towards and be attracted to an egg, or to also have a much stronger attraction or tropism of sperm towards the exterior vagina, and non-oocyte vaginal epthelium, this modification is reversible if the boy or man is part of causing a voluntary pregnancy. Noting the possible 7 day sex chromosome specificity of the barley or wheat sprouting pregnancy sex chromosome test, it is likely possible to make this test more effective from breeding different barleys and wheats together, and also genetically modify them, to have higher validity with earlier results, as well as the ability to make it into a colorimetric antibody pee test.


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