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Q: What is purple and commutes? A: An Abelian grape.

sci / sci.engr.chem / Even though i am very ignorant, can renormalization be utilized on just one of 3 spatial dimensions and a time dimension at 4D spacetime, what about with just one renormalized dimension at 5D published spacetime used to explain event horizons, could

o Even though i am very ignorant, can renormalization be utilized on just one of 3Treon Verdery

Subject: Even though i am very ignorant, can renormalization be utilized on just one of 3 spatial dimensions and a time dimension at 4D spacetime, what about with just one renormalized dimension at 5D published spacetime used to explain event horizons, could
From: Treon Verdery
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Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 04:03 UTC
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Subject: Even though i am very ignorant, can renormalization be utilized on
just one of 3 spatial dimensions and a time dimension at 4D spacetime, what
about with just one renormalized dimension at 5D published spacetime used to
explain event horizons, could
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Beneficial reconstruction and youthful phenotype growth or regrowth at any chronological age, including high chronological intervals of age, at and of all kinds of cartilage, connective tissue, joints, and spinal disks could be accomplished with using tissue and cyte highly Localized activity mRNA, or epigenetic modulators to highly heighten production of body produced regenerative and generative stem cyte attractants and stem cyte differentiation molecules produced as gene products, or even directly transported and Localized at spinal discs, connective tissues and joints utilizing anything from localization peptides, localizing chemical moieties or groups, photoactivated, or sono activated, photon, acoustic, EM RF, or also quantum attribute activate able molecules, epigenetic modifiers, mRNA, as well as new gene, or existing gene therapies utilizing a cofocal beam form, or 3D volumetric energy form activated molecules or high tissue, cyte, and cytostructure high particularity of location mRNA production, or also mRNA gene product production, epigenetic modifiers, and directly active stem cyte attracting molecules and differentiation factors are ways to regenerate and generate youthful phenotype connective tissues, spinal discs, and joints. This technology could also, at new human genes that have epigenetic modulators as gene products heighten human, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species from heightening the numeric amount of neurons at the neocortex or also other intelligence heightening brain areas and structures.

A person on the internet at 2022AD said photons omit experiencing time when travelling through a vacuum, it seems like a kind of quenched vacuum might exist between Casimir plates, of various geometries, those geometries could quell vacuum fluctuation Flux, making an even less there Ness vacuum which could be measured for different kinds of what the person described as photons experiencing time

Thinking of aquatic robots, or even a new form of atmospheric flying machine, could a piezoelectric actuator move at such a way that it's surface cavitates new water vapor bubbles and accelerates them down a tube, or traverses a non tube form to push material one direction causing propulsion towards the opposite direction, that could be 60% efficient like I read piezoelectric are 60% efficient, also, could an electrical, peltier, or chemical concentrator of liquid water from the atmospheric air then utilize the gathered liquid water as a piezoelectric cavitation driven propellant

Some laser diode wavelengths are 75-90% energy efficient at photon generation, make similarly efficient or higher efficiency light/photon emitters of wavelengths that are at the spectroscopy absorption wavelengths of precement, hydrated lime Cao, MgO with waters on it, then utilize some amount of that photonic energy to more energy efficiently drive off the water to make actual cement.

Driving rain and other weather might respond with the contact surface, like a painted surface having a microembossed, or roller pressed, or even laser embossed pressure diffusion bounce angle that breaks up forceful particles like raindrops, snow, or windblown particles directed at the surface to produce longer protective surface, like paint, protective interval

Comment on a meme, where lawns and sidewalks had homogeneity, That kind of suggests a technology that lawn seed have edible, regenerating, shape varied microgreensike like possibly branched microsugarcane grass or lantern grass to make it pretty, varied, edible, and mowable, and green.

Laser engraving could be used to put aesthetic detail on sidewalks, and roads, like textures, mica-flat nonmica reflectives, and colors.

I think i have written about this before at paper notebooks, but very specific cyte and tissue Localization stimulant molecules like possibly deprenyl and phenylethylamine, and methylxanthines that omit passing the blood brain barrier, minimizing CNS personality effects, omit being at cardiotissue and smooth muscle, then omitting blood pressure effects, could assist with voluntary mass reduction and svelteness. Peptide moieties could be used to do localization.

Comment on a sex video online site, Her sounds and vocalizations during vagina penis motion make it sound like she is enjoying sex with the man, that is wonderful as is lesbian, female bisexual and gay male and bisexual male sex between any and all persons who have developed 10 or more pubic hairs each, and is wonderful and beneficial between any and all persons having sex with each other who are all previous to developing 10 pubic hairs each. Yay actual sex activity sex.

Polymer threads, forms, woven materials, fabrics, geotextile polymer films, greenhouse polymer panels or other polymer forms like films could have quantum dots as a % of the entire polymer volume, causing up conversion or downconversion of nonvisible wavelength photons to white light generating roygbiv separate wavelength groupings causing greater material white light emission, white hue, and white light perception effect at humans, that is Homo sapiens as well as branch species as well as all other life forms and living organisms that perceive white light, this also heightens agricultural productivity, notably, with a superaffordable to mass produce white light emitting physiologically beneficial like ZnSe, doped germanium, Si, or also with element P with Boron or nitrogen, at a quantum dot having sprayable felted fiber, sprayable polymer film microaggregate, or nano aggregate could be sprayed on crop plants or other photosynthetic organisms to heighten white light photosynthetic utilized light heightened photosynthetic activity increase.

Doing laser hardness peening on polycrystalline optical polymers and glasses, notably optical construction and laser safety glasses, or even new safety contact lenses could make them 14, 19,24, 29,49, or even 72 times stronger at the same amount of utilized material, or, at 8 times cheaper to manufacture, and 16 times lighter to wear using 16 times less polymer and metal at the safety and other glasses or contact lenses construction, also being able to be about 4-7 times stronger and 8-16 multiples more lightweight from laser peening, It is remotely possible that a safety glasses-like eye surface contact lens utilizable at construction and manufacturing environments at 30 days, such as at 2022AD continuous wear contact lenses to greater duration 180 days of continuous wear new contact lens forms is or are possible, from laser peening of the possibly prehydration polycrystalline contact lens polymer material that utilizes just 1/18th the usual volume of polymer made possible from laser peening of a nonrefractive polymer, or laser peening of a published 2 nanometer feature size silicone press molded or embossed contact lens diffraction grating with a computer generated diffraction grating lens optical lens attribute, or also a photonic frequency excluder, like laser tool laser wavelength eye protection capable laser frequency excluder, with the greater than 28 day continuous wear form having a high water %, or other high % highly physiologically beneficial liquid at the contact lens other than water. With some possible liquids being deliquescent liquids or polymers, or also healing peptide containing fluids

Noting that the amino acid magnesium supplement magnesium threonate, and magnesium taurinate do variously calming, or different, possibly cognitively enhancing things based on different CNS and brain tissue localizations of the threonate compared with the glycine taurinate, or taurinate, it is likely beneficial at longevity drugs, recreational drugs, and pharmaceutical drugs to try different 22-23 natural amino acid conjugate or amino acid moieties on these molecules to find those amino acid Localized versions that cause the greatest heightened longevization, highest beneficial and enjoyable cognition enhancing effect, as well as the most enjoyable, least deleterious, least habituating, recreational drug utilization form, as well as most medically beneficial localized form of pharmaceutical molecule.

Possible nootropic molecule as well as sex pleasure and multiple sex partner mutually sexually arousing heightening, sex pleasure focalizing sex enhancement supplement, molecule, or epigenetic modifier, find the particular brain and CNS neuron groupings and structures and localizations that cause the increased amount of sex pleasure language words and actual sex, sex activity vocalizations, both sex language words and sex vocalizations other than language words caused at and from a variety of recreational drugs, then use Localization moieties on new varieties of recreational drugs to increase the amount of synapse activity at those CNS, brain, neurons and neuron groupings to heighten sex communication content amount, after a woman, man, boy or girl tries the Localized recreational molecule they could then utilize the option of utilizing epigenetic modulators at that identical Localization to heighten lifelong sexual enjoyment and enjoyment of sexual activity with tand occuring at their sexual activity partners.

A beneficial form of software for passenger vehicles of all kinds is software that when other software or a phone is used to call for road service, rescue, towing, restarting, or even first responder 911 calls then makes a browser or other user interface experience with content that is friendly, highly calming and enjoyable as internet browsing and site menu, and or also a calming app topic area app with presorted content be made available as a result of Making a road service call.

A sex pleasure heightening lubricant can be made from and utilizing an oral probiotic bacteria, interior and exterior vaginal probiotic bacteria, as well as, or also, optional penis and head of the penis probiotic bacteria that makes a delicious tasting variation of the human body produced amino acid PCA, or also ionic PCA like potassium PCA, or possibly calcium or magnesium or lactic acid or bicarbonate ion PCA, where PCA is that molecule that pulls water from out of the air to make a fluid material liquid pooling amino acid utilized at produced 2022AD dermal moisturizers and beauty products, or could possibly be a completely new amino acid molecule related to PCA, such as a molecule with more oxygen atoms replacing C element atoms at the cyclic structure, or having a greater number of hydroxyl -OH moieties, or possibly being partially saturated with one or greater amounts of a C=C linkage, or even a probiotic produced noncyclic multiply branched alkane like version of PCA with 1.2 to 4 multiples as many element atoms, including highly deliquescent Polar Oxygens, hydroxyls, or other physiologically beneficial moieties at the highly deliquescent, more deliquescent than PCA branched alkane like, PCA-like molecule such that with the probiotic producing that molecule at vaginal mucous, saliva, the anal canal, and, optionally, the dermal surface of the penis is then able to be a multi hour interval of duration, 7-24 hour durable sexual lubricant during sex partner sex, as well as self pleasuring and masturbation.

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