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sci / sci.engr.chem / Klotho gene product protein when overexpressed at mice increases lifespan 24-31% while also increasing intelligence, and allele variants of Klotho genes increase intelligence at humans

o Klotho gene product protein when overexpressed at mice increases lifespan 24-31%Treon Verdery

Subject: Klotho gene product protein when overexpressed at mice increases lifespan 24-31% while also increasing intelligence, and allele variants of Klotho genes increase intelligence at humans
From: Treon Verdery
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Subject: Klotho gene product protein when overexpressed at mice increases
lifespan 24-31% while also increasing intelligence, and allele variants of
Klotho genes increase intelligence at humans
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Klotho gene product protein does not pass the blood brain barrier, but Klotho gene product making mRNA might, as a longevity technology or group of longevity technologies, an epigenetic modifier that upregulates Klotho gene mRNA production through acetylation, or decreases any decreasers of Klotho gene mRNA production from rnai methylation or hypermethylation of Klotho decrease genes could be longevizing and intelligence heightening epigenetic supplements or drugs, these epigenetic modifiers could be made as 11 century duration depot diffusion forms that diffuse Klotho epigenetic modifiers once each 28 multiples of 24 hours, continuously, or as messenger rna that code the production of epigenetic modulating gene products, and simultaneously code the production of more Klotho epigenetic modulating mRNA, or and as well as also, more actual Klotho gene protein product of the most longevizing and intelligence heightening genetic allele sequence form of the optimal molecule integer number of protein molecules, notably at different localized CNS, brain, and body cytes and tissues, and structures, also, as a longevity and intelligence heightening supplement or drug premanufactured optimal Klotho protein could have a moiety or group on it that causes it to be actively transported through capillary cytes, blood brain barrier cytes, external cytomembrane to reach the cytoplasm, nuclear membrane, endoplasmic reticulum membrane, golgi apparatus membrane, mitochondrial membrane, synaptic vesicle membrane or lipid structure, or other membrane active transport or Localization effect such as from peptide sequences that do Localization on and at the Klotho protein supplement or drug, or also lipophilic or hydrophilic combined with lipophilic moities or groups on the Klotho supplement or drug, as well as electronegative or electropositive moities, groups, peptides or other molecules or element atoms attached to the Klotho protein, where these variations cause particular cytes, neurons, body compartments, to have heightened optimized Klotho protein concentration that optimizes and heightens longevity as well as intelligence, notably, also enteric coated Klotho protein capsules that release blood brain barrier passing Klotho protein variants at the areas of the gi tract where it or they are least modified and most transported to the circulatory system are beneficial, as could also be the coutilization of an absorption enhancer like piperine, dimethyl Seoxide, vasodilators, such as possibly niacin related molecules absent a niacin flush or body sensation occurrence, ion with carbohydrate possibly with zinc active fluid transport molecule groups similar to oral rehydration therapy, ORT, heightened fluid transport causing molecule groups, where possibly an enzymatically separable carbohydrate, sugar, or alkali earth metal and halogen ion are attached to the Klotho protein supplement or drug to cause ORT like heightened active transport to the circulatory system could cause greater efficiency and dose potency, as well as putting the optimized Klotho protein or proteins at liposomes of various sizes, surface electropositivity, electronegativity, and liposomes surface moities, as well as Klotho supplementation with engineered multidecade interval of durability probiotic organisms that make optimized Klotho proteins, notably, at other physiogically beneficial proteins like lactoferrin partial protein fragments have even greater be benefit or also dose potency, testing a variety of Klotho protein fragments, dimmers, trimmers, quatromers at human tissue culture could find even more longevizing and intelligence heightening variations of Klotho, or, groups of different Klotho protein variants, it is also possible that an epigenetically active Klotho protein amount heightener that is a chemical made at plants could be engineered into plants, or mycorhizzial bacteria and fungi that benefit plants, and are actively transported to the parts of plants that numerous life forms and living organisms that ingest plants, ingest, heightening longevity at many life forms and living organisms simultaneously, and supporting Dave Pearce' Hedonistic Imperative, similar approaches an be utilized with other longevity, youthspan, health span, and well being enhancing physiochemicals, peptides, and proteins

When building water reservoirs, dwellings, commercial structures, gap traversing transportation pathways, and mine, mining, petroleum and hydrocarbon wells, engineers using computer software could find out the most affordable, highest utility, durability, and adaptability metal, polymer, ceramic, laser or other energy 3D depthy peened materials and polycrystalline materials, laser drill able and sculpt able materials and forms, as well as structural reinforcements and connective geometries that permit 4-128 multiples heightened length, width, elevation height or depth, area, volume, or also mass and cubic meters of utilizable volume at all forms of new and existing construction, such that, at a water reservoir or water transport channel used at urban area water supply or agriculture the reservoir can be heightened, deepened, or modified in area to encompass 8-128 multiples greater amount of water, such as from having metal reinforcements like rebar, metal mesh, I beams, geodesic connectors be at a plurality, density, and geometry that permits 4-128 higher physics unit tension and compression loads, vibration, movement, and earthquake dampening or anti resonance, as well as reduced chemical reactivity or corrosion, similar to having, at the perimeter of a reservoir of multiple k or millions of square meters a perimeter, or also the purposed production of mid area columns that can have additional heights of concrete, polymer, ceramic, or metal extend them from connecting with on upper and side surface location I beams, rebar, or other forms like 3D volumetric geodesic connectors, notably, laser peening of polycrystalline metals causes published greater than 14 or 19 multiples greater strength, with, possibly, depthy 3D rf EM field peening, thz or microwave, or x ray multimeter transmissivity photons doing multiple digits of centimeters of multiple digits of meters photonic 3D depthy Shockwave peening, geodesic Shockwave geometry producing photonic peening, and peening using element atom or nuclei or protons actualized as waves as peening energy, energy carriers, possibly raising peening strength heightening to 24, 32, 49, or 72 multiples greater strength from the entire 3 dimensional form being peened, at an engineer and software optimized geometry of tension and compression of polycrystalline crystals of engineer and software optimized 3D shape and diameter of nanometers, Pico meters, micrometers or even millimeters, where notably, at 32 or 72 multiples heightened strength from peening, just one quarter of the amount of rebar, I beam or geodesic support material causes 8-16 multiples greater load bearing strength, and that being a technology to save money on reinforcement materials while simultaneously building capability at physical height, width, length, and load bearing expansion ability

A new to me kind of 2 and 3d geometry or topology of a planar or volumetric tesselated or crystalline material like planar cyclic molybdenum Se atom planar molecule tesselated structures kind of like silicone, germaniumene, tinene, and graphene, or volumetric fullerene could be shapes that look like circular waves of heightening diameter from a center point like circular spreading pond ripples, that undulations of shape could have undulating wave height and slope go from high to less, or from less to high, or have alternation of high and less, or have particular ratios of high to less, or have, as an alternate to an undulating trigonometric wave, a pulsed all up bump, or all dip wave surface that omits undulations, or utilizes an undulations that is completely different than a trigonometric function undulations like a catenary curve undulation, a wavelet undulation, a nodal or antinodal undulation where the up bump and the dip have different odd, even, prime number factor multiple generative reinforcement or anti reinforcement that mathematically precludes antinodal effects between an up bump and a dip bump, causes, when waves are concatenated, nodal, or antinodal a remaining even or odd, or integer prime number factor, that represents data or information more effectively from any composite nodal wave being able to be split into component integer prime number factor waves, such that, at a waveform made up of the first 128 or 124 prime numbers as factors, all 128 or 1024 different prime factor waves can be generated or interpolated from partial reception, partial measurement, or partial depth of penetration through a material like, water, earth, buildings, human body tissues, the sun, physics plasma, quark gluon plasma, semiconductor materials, integrated circuits, volumetric spintronic technologies, volumetric fractional spin Heusler materials and multi element atom crystals, optical fibers carrying photons, where each pulse of 1024 prime number factor nodally concatenated light, pulsing at a femtosecond, or attosecond pulses per second then transmits 1024 multiples of a quadrillion bits per second, or at an attosecond laser transmits an exillion bits of data per second, and, as well as, or also rf EM photon fields, or photons actualized as waves, or prime number wavelength factor optimized dielectric materials, coatings, and topologies at optical fibers utilized at data transmission, or any laser power application like laser machining or drilling, laser peening, photocatalysis, inertial laser nuclear fusion reactors, or possibly quantum attributes of light being entangled or linked differently at different, discernable, reconstruct able prime numbers at photonic waves and other waves, sgeightcauses heightened lerenesmpossibly

A vacuum Flux duo particle Casimir effect monoparticle or photon or energy generator might use an effect I read about where if you drive a wedge between two planar tesselations at a crystal lattice, like driving a wedge between layers of mica, if there is a vacuum the crystal lattice just reforms itself, notably though, the nearer two Casimir effect plates are to each other the higher the energy of the vacuum Flux produced duo particles, so using a wedge driven between crystal lattice planes like mica could be very very thin, and generate high energy particles, then, if the wedge were driven and pulled back with the photonic pressure of a picosecond or attosecond laser then a trillion or a quadrillion different casimir plate narrowness events would occur each second, each with some possibility of generating or having remain, uncombined, a vacuum generated monoparticle that might be stationary like an electret, doing this might then accumulate generated particles

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