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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Things that fill children with happiness

o Things that fill children with happinessTreon Verdery

Subject: Things that fill children with happiness
From: Treon Verdery
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Most children like their names, perhaps software could take their favorite songs and say their names, psychologically quantified as fun, happiness causing and being beneficial or harmless
The wheels on the bus go round and round song is software modified to "when Treon's in the car we go go go, go go go, when Treon's in the car we go go go all through the town" or "head, shoulders knees and toes" is software modified to "head shoulders knees and toes, head shoulders knees and toes, Serina's eyes ears mouth and nose, head shoulders knees and toes"
The software encourages the child to sing along, perhaps listening through the microphone, cortana child advisor or amazon echo dot,
Also they could reconfigure the alphabet song to letter along with the person's name, pqr s,e,r,I,n,a tuv or qrs t, r, e, o, n, uvw or also a friend's name, or their crush's name if it continued to be popular all the way to junior high (tween) age

A couple of the children liked speaking from knowledge and certainty, one of the children liked telling me about things in his life, some of them were just naturally social

Teach children to navigate towards things that make them happy, I think children do this some already but maybe it can be learned,
Activation energy compared with habit or convenience

Things that move around on their own seem to attract enjoyment and comment, rats in 4th grade got lots of comments and attention, perhaps some self righting roomba like robots that you can give treats, or see see o playmate props

Hands in the air actually does lift up the fun at raves, it is possible that they could find physical motions that quantitatively make children happier like skipping, hands in the air, a certain kind of accomplished feeling when wiggling ears, moving hairline back and forth or curling tongue, happy running can be fun for some children, dance and gymnastics could have more of that

Optimizing the interval between taking turns could optimize fun for some children, in kindergarten we did a thing where everyone formed a circle, the group floated up the parachute and a person ran under the big white floaty thing and it was fun, it seems possible there is a middle of the distribution of how long between different children's turns it is to cause the most enjoyment and even happiness, when they find that interval out then they can utilize it at live amusements, voluntary dance and gymnastics components of choreography, and the intervals of activity at software and toys that entertain children; they could have utilized a plurality of parachutes and each child would get to go more times; also children amusing themselves practice their own intervals of fun, I might notice the same child running, walking, looking at something, and sometimes skipping at their own pace, an average of the changes of activity of children doing things at their own pace could be an interval to vary durations around, although I perceive most people like things slightly faster than their natural change of pace because it makes things more engaging and exciting;

They could also ask children what they look forward to and then make a list, and then do some of the things and find out if the children have fun

at Blossom Gulch Elementary school the children I share and teach reading with often look forward to activity changes, (the beep that says change groups, or the class going to lunch) there is something about this that is different than looking forward to the next activity, or non conscious behavioral reinforcement (I think a scientist might tell me people look forwards to lunch, automatically, without a rationalized version in their mind because of previous often pleasant reinforcements), perhaps having a transition between activities occur twice as often would cause enjoyment, also to benefit children that liked what they were doing each station could sometimes include the option to do what they were previously doing

Czickmenhalis flow idea, alththe children's version

A handheld light up bar graph where you tried, and usually succeeded, and sometimes made it into the "way to go" range when singing would give children singing in groups something more to do; I sang along enough to qualify as singing but not so much as to get noticed, it is possible that singing louder, but still in tune with the group, for some children, is more fun, a volume meter might provide feedback and rapt attention that replaces self consciousness, sort of like a pilot flying with their instruments, the meter could also sing in harmony with you, it could have in-tune width and vertical volume

Acoustic node quietization speakers on schoolbuses, children conversing on school buses is awesome, school bus noises are not, although electric school buses may instantly solve this


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