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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Longevity technology

o Longevity technologyTreon Verdery

Subject: Longevity technology
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 08:04 UTC
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Subject: Longevity technology
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Do enzymes make or regenerate NMN at the body? Genes for these could have SNPs that are high wellness phenotypes, gene therapy could be a wellness drug. Although NMN only made mice live 5% longer further study might find a longevity effect, notably from cardiowellnes and perhaps youthful liver function at removing xenobiotics and reducing cancer,

Are there naturally occuring body produced chemicals that contributed to more than half of 20th century cancers? (with the idea that xenobiotics, stress, possibly EM, sedentariness and food might have caused much of the rest) SNPs about these body occuring carcinogenic chemicals could be anti-cancer gene variations that people could optimize with genetic engineering and gene therapy. Insulin and growth factor genetics are possibilities, as is possibly sex hormone levels and SHBG (plasma fraction that gloms steroids); I think there are published systems approaches as well, like mRNA math distribution change with physiological challenges, epigenenetics, and mitochondrial number change.

Longevity chemical: It is my perception that some cytes have less than a dozen mitochondria, and other sites might have near 400; If you do gene therapy or modify the human genome to have mRNA for proteins that would otherwise be affected as to their amount from having fewer mitochondria per cyte from chronological duration effects produced at those cytes (and tissues) that have upper third of mitochondrial number quantity does more of the previously diminishing protein get produced, thus benefitting the body and causing youthful levels of protein to exist? Some proteins travel from cyte to cyte as neighbors as well as circulate at the circulatory system, the proteins that travel outside the cyte could be especially engineering effective at sharing benefit from the gene-therapied, many-mitochondiad cytes and tissues.

Genetic engineering biochemicals to be mRNA coded or produced at the ADP makes ATP cycle, which processes 90 lbs of ADP every 24 hours looks like higher volume production.

I think the ethics and engineering of making humanly intended (mind) physical or possibly neural activation alone, actions modify genetic expression and thus phenotype support the beneficial use of this technology. Prior to 2019 AD and I think anytime, It would have been nice and beneficial, and not that much effort if people had the ability to modify the output of their genes and voluntarily modify their phenotype from simple purposed actions. Things like skipping a day of food, drinking a gallon of water, or recieving a two hour pleasant massage could all be adressable gene switches to turn on beneficial effects while being just slightly unusual enough to omit unintentional activation. Would you like your beautiful personally appreciated hair to grow twice as fast? Get a two hour massage once every 6 months. Getting a massage, even massage at a specific body part to get a specific gene activating phenotypic effect is a possible way to adjust pehnotype voluntarily at the individual, without medical, chemical, social, or fiscally-linked activity based actions. You can give yourself a massage, become more socially fluent and have more fun. It is highly valuable to have previously heightened cognitive ability at all persons, people, humans to higher amount, I think genetically engineering persons, humans, that is people at the germline and thus phenotype to be three, four, or five times more intelligent than I am, with the persons, people, that is humans having the ability to make their beings more intelligent from that is beneficial and more optimal.

Another possibility is a minimal amount of exercise, possibly with different muscles switching on or off different genes, like if you prefer more responsive dopamine receptors (more fun!) then walk more. This increases the amount of mitochondria, the protein production of the cytes, and possibly the actual number of muscle cytes as well. Technologically among the things are the gene therapy or modified human genome concentrating the production of biochemicals or also proteins that can circulate, or possibly things like neuron-localized nerve growth factors produced at muscle that then increase growth of doapmine neurons. (the thighs, but only the thighs produce a chemical, that when it circulates increases a growth factor like NGF or BDNF at just dopamine neurons) So walking exercises the thighs, and that produces chemicals that cause the brain’s phenotype to improve to have more dopamine responsiveness and more dopamine. If you prefer less dopamine you could do sit-ups. wlaking is easier than sit-ups, to my perception, so people with this intentionally changeable phenotype genetic form might sort of have an automatic happiness fun physiological tenedency,although just genetically engineering people and germlines to be much happier is beneficial and I support Dave Pearce’ hedonistic Imperative.

As an early 21st century longevity technology, producing more mitochondria, whether with chemicals, gene therapy, germline modification, or exercise, might increase the production of other proteins at the cytes from simply making more mitochondria, which makes more ATP available, at all of the proteins coded at the genome. It is imaginable that just light exercise could up cytolocalized biochemicals and circulating biochemicals 20%. During 2019 AD many people found it easy and enjoyable to actually double the mass of some of their muscles, so that might double the amount of a preferred protein or circulating biochemical. Different genome product directors and switches than exercise are likely to be more beneficial and popular than exercise. Drinking a gallon of water all at once, or getting a pleasurable massage once every six months is much less effort to do, and sustain, as a goal-seeking activity at consciousness than sustained exercise.

As a technology it is possible to do gene therapy on a just one body part, and then have growth of that part make more of the phenotypic chemical like a protein or other biochemical or chemical, to produce local effects (GFP output changes with tissue use which I think is published as increasing transcription at the utilized tissue, exercising should therefore make GFP at muscle tissue increase, and instead of GFP it could be different physiologically beneficial protein or other biochemical)

Surpisingly muscle, which coalesces to multinucleus cytes and can have its number of mitochondria heighten just with use, could be a location to produce beneficial proteins with go-everywhere-activity, although other gene directors and activators are likely to be more avidly used, like massage, skipping or eating an anomalous amount of food, or getting a massage, even massage at a specific body part to get a specific phenotypic effect.

(I may have read that 80 year olds might have only 40% of the mitochondrial numbers as 20 somethings); this affects how much energy there is to produce new proteins, how much is produced, and possibly if they are produced at all. I think I also read that the number of mitochondria, which goes with the amount of )

I read ATP might travel on actin filaments, somehow, even though ATP is an eentsy molecule. It is plausible that tubulin also effects ATP transport. If actin or also tubulin transport of ATP is actual, then drugs or genes that modify the ability of actin to transport ATP could be wellness drugs and possibly longevity drugs, or even treatment of illness drugs. Also as a possible wellness longevity drug or genetics is the effects on the actual location arrangement and network of the actin or also tubulin that transports the ATP. Multilane highways or dendritic branches? Concentrated depots and paths, or partially populated walkways? There is a possibility that a computer science approach to optimizing the mathematical network form of actin or also tubulin transport of ATP could benefit humans at the cytological level with drugs or genes that reprogram actin or also tubulin based transport to optimize human well being. I perceive I have heard about research on what actin and tubulin goes where during meiosis and why, so perhaps some of those techniques and research could benefit the technologization of actin and tubulin engineering for wellness and longevity.

I read about some chemical in Scientific american that is sometimes described as “exercise in a pill”; exercise increases the number of mitochondria at muscles, perhaps “exercise in a pill” at the circulatory system reaches more cyte types, even neurons and also tissue types and increases the number of mitochondria at them, increasing wellnes and possibly heightening lifespan from removing nonoptimal effects at linked dynamic systems.

Another thing that increases the number of mitochondria is branched chain amino acids, “Branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation increased mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle [4]. BCAAs are 3 of the 9 essential amino acids required for humans.” [not made at humans though]

Genetically engineering food crops to make BCAAs could have quantitative measurable wellness effects, and just possibly from more mitochondria, beneficial longevity effects. Soybeans, wheat, legumes all contribute to protein sources during 2019 AD, and these nd other plants could be engineered to make BCAA.

Developing a plant-based milk that tastes more delicious to the majority of humans than dairy milk would be a valuable ethical vegetarian technology. Among Europeans and Americans milk, which could be technologically improved to be better-than-dairy-milk plant based milk, provides much protein to many people. Genetically engineering plant based milk to have BCAA, possibly BCAA optimized to generate more mitochnodria is beneficial.

Technology that enhances vegetarian milk: Are there any good tasting surfactants? that would make the little globs customizable in size for flavor adjustment (improvement).

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