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sci / sci.engr.biomed / It is possible that browsing and and causes every item to be acquired by every person at the MWI,

o It is possible that browsing and and causes everTreon Verdery

Subject: It is possible that browsing and and causes every item to be acquired by every person at the MWI,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 07:34 UTC
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Subject: It is possible that browsing and and
causes every item to be acquired by every person at the MWI,
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that suggests that searching for items that are good for you could benefit alternate versions of yourself, also beneficial would be to practice benefit and search for a gift to give another, a stochastic stranger, and a loved one, then get one of each and give them away, thoughtful people could discuss the stochastic stranger:loved one gift ratio, as well as what is likely to benefit a stochastic stranger as well as a loved one, some might even discuss whether you should give to stochastic strangers in need or whether getting a billionaire a book on life extension is likely to be more beneficial at more universes

At the MWI it is possible that there are MWI universes full of P-zombies as well as universes where humans have several orders of magnitude greater presence of being than the one I write from, what is an optimal amount of presence of being? Is more always better? There is likely a genetics of presence of being, people discussing this can advocate their perspectives, Reminded of David Pierce' Hedonistic Imperative perhaps only the 99.99999 percentile of simultaneous absence of sensation of any aversive physical stimulus and 99.99999 percentile of happiness should have presence of being, while the goal of the civilization is to use genetic engineering or other newer means to make 99999999 out of a billion persons have presence of being once , 99.99999th percentile of absence of sensation of aversive stimulus and 99.99999th percentile of happiness are available to all, freezing and precluding everything aversive until there is an absence of anything aversive, fMRI and positron emission tomography could be used on 21st century persons who say they do not have presence of being, compare the fMRI of people during non-dream sleep, and persons who are sedated and anesthetized to find shared positron scanning and fMRI between those with less presence of being (asleep or drugged) and those people who say they do not have presence of being or consciousness, those people most fMRI and positron or better scanning similar to dreamless sleep and sedation could, perhaps, be believed, and software tested for pattern awareness and recruitment, those absent pattern awareness and recruitment at age 60 could have a genetic basis for being pattern unaware P-zombies, then people could volunteer to have their presence of being removed, Dave Pierce supports everyone, and all organisms being P-zombies, from a pattern perspective making everyone P-zombies until they are 60 would likely result in, perhaps, less recruitment, and an upgrade in the "treats" they get, JY says "everyone regrets it" about the treats

The MWI could have humans that are much more technologically advanced, they might be able to detect things in other MWI universes, is there a way to attract those above median comparability? It is possible they might like the arts, seeking literature, music, and visual art they will like

Things that fill children with happiness
Perhaps books with wide margins children are encouraged to draw or write in would make many children happy, similarly web pages with big text are as that are also drawable could be part of webpages, this would go well with big monitors or multi monitor computers, the browser could index the child's content and then bring it up anytime they visited the webpage, not so different from comments some websites would opt to store and share children's contributions at their website showing them to other visitors, annotating social networking sites, meme sites, children's websites with immediately published or prepublication material might be fun

I read about Club Penguin, a kind of chat site for children, AI, or even human volunteers like education majors attending a university could prompt beneficial interaction and expand fun topic coverage

Kindetgarteners use computers before learning how to write, the educational software on these could have variations produced and screened to find the Deep water photonic brain scanning of hreatest enjoyment, or even just a slider bar ---------|-- child's review of the software after using it could find the most enjoyable happiness producing fun versions of educational software that met or exceeded the educational effects and benefits of the source software, globally, computer programmers are remunerated differently and it is possible 3-7 versions of some educational software could be produced offshore compared with one version produced at the developed world, rapid application development languages and environments also exist and a mixture of mild changes to entire rewrites of 4 year old to kindergarten to 11 year old intended software could be produced, this also benefits older children to adults


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