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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Countercurrent flow gets rid of frostbite risk

o Countercurrent flow gets rid of frostbite riskTreon Verdery

Subject: Countercurrent flow gets rid of frostbite risk
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 07:27 UTC
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Subject: Countercurrent flow gets rid of frostbite risk
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penguins have coumtercurrent flow vasculature at their feet and can stand on ice and swim in 32-33° water without getting frostbite, that is a guide to the genetics of countercurrent flow, make it so human skin maintains its beauty and ceramic-like mm smooth translucent white appearance while having skin and deeper tissue vasculature do countercurrent flow, that along with making people not sense aversive cold, but continue to enjoy coolness benefits people, I may have read there is a specific skin sensor for cold, genetically engineering that to be less responsive also non-aversive is beneficial, it could also be engineered to produce peptides other cytes can sense to cause a more optimal reaction to cold

Making it so people, that is persons, that is humans, that is homo sapiens can stand outside in the wind, rain, and wet snow comfortably while nude and having only scalp hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, people without feeling cold would physiologically sense it was below 79 (nude) degrees, and as useful would utilize 14,000-20,000 or even more calories a day producing sufficient body warmth such that submerging them in a 32° ice bath felt neutral or pleasant like a tepid bath and could be continued beyond 72 hours to indefinitely, this could be accomplished with several technological physiological genetic enhancements to people, that is persons, that is humans, that is homo sapiens triple to sixteen times multiply the number of mitochondria per cyte then turn 2/3 to 15/16 of them off if it is not cold, some chemicals like ribose and I think NR cause notably larger amounts of mitochondria to form, better endogenously produced chemicals could be found that cause a 3-16 times increase in the number of mitochondria and the body's systems that, to my perception tell mitochondria how much energy to make could be linked to adjusted cyte communications networks or a very basic cybernetic system produced, like, with all cytes having continuous ability to detect an AMPK up regulating peptide, If the cold sensing cytes at the dermis produce AMPK peptide 200% the usual circulating amount Then activate the other 2-15 mitochondria that were not being used, this causes mitochondria to activate within 1-2 minutes of experiencing cold but has sufficient latitude to avoid the effect if just eating ice cream, one human response to cold that already exists is mitochondrial uncoupling, where the mitochondria omit making ATP and just make warmth, the 2-15 extra mitochondria per cyte could have this as their standard mode, or if preferred could be responsive to ATP utility at the body (perhaps the person wants to swim fast in ice water or go running through freezing rain), excess AMPK activating peptide supports longevity, and purposeful mitochondrial uncoupling at c elegans doubles their longevity so variations activating these systems are likely to be beneficial, cytes internal to the body like vascular cytes could produce a peptide if the body got above 98.7 °F, when cytes sensed that peptide they would reduce mitochondrial warmth activation and the two systems would maintain well comfortable body temperature even if the person went from an ice bath or freezing rain to indoors or even a warm bath

GABA peptides prevent heatstroke, I perceive that 2019 persons feeling tired, or even feeling unwell and losing consciousness from temperatures over 85°F is a prompt to reduce motion, reducing the risk of heatstroke, a technologically physiologically improved way to respond to warmth is genetically engineering people, that is homo sapiens, to make a sudden release of endogenous anxiolytic, cheerfulness producing, and at higher doses sleep or unconsciousness producing GABA peptides, thesecould make people too silly to do physical activities if it was too warm out, and if they reach a body temperature of 99.7 degrees would lose consciousness and sleep, reducing the body's other feelings of things being too warm is then beneficial, notably the perspiration response would continue, The GABA peptide amount would ramp up giving the person three minutes to find shelter (perhaps from the sun) or cool off rapidly when they first noted the pleasant benzodiazepene like effects of the GABA peptides

Genetically engineering people so body positions (perhaps harmless leg bouncing for three minutes, "foots alseep" (goes numb) for three minutes, or biting down hard, continuously for two minutes (but not chewing) releases beneficial medications, a breathing pattern or biting hard for two minutes releases mu opiod peptides making childbirth or injuries feel harmless

Energy technology
A common plant that when dried, ground up, and soaked in alcohol, the supernatant or bottom material dried produces a material that produces photovoltaic electricity when applied as a dippable film on a metal surface and either has metal contacts placed on it or drawn with a conductive ink pen or metal ink pen is beneficial


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