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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Scientific American says IQ predicts longevity although I perceive it also says rapidness of response of pressing a button has better longevity predicting effect;

o Scientific American says IQ predicts longevity although I perceive it also says Treon Verdery

Subject: Scientific American says IQ predicts longevity although I perceive it also says rapidness of response of pressing a button has better longevity predicting effect;
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 02:30 UTC
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Subject: Scientific American says IQ predicts longevity although I perceive it
also says rapidness of response of pressing a button has better longevity
predicting effect;
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that suggests screening molecular variants of nootropics as well as stimulants could find new longevity heightening drugs and chemicals; longevizing nootropics as well as stimulants could function at different parts of a neuron; dendrites, synapses, myelin, like myelin sheaths, axons, as well as the large volume central area, also things transported to the cytoplasm, possibly aquapeorin could differ from receptor effects, I am not aware of any stimulant membrane lipids, there are nootropic lipids like phosphatidyl serine, all of these could have molecular variant libraries produced and then screened at c elegans, drosophila, 96 well plate fish, age batched mice, age batched marmosets, as well as age batched voluntarily human experimental participants

Wikipedia says delta Fosb is linked to deleterious effects of some 2019 stimulants, a yeast or fish screen for fosb to find stimulants that do not cause fosb effects could decrease risk; during 2019 a number of stimulants were deleterious and it is beneficial to make stimulants that have only beneficial effects;

Another approach to longevity genetics is to breed c elegans with twice as many neurons and twice the neural velocity response to beneficial stimuli and twice the memory capacity then measure any increases in longevity then trace them to genetics;

I had thought that putting mouse cytes in rats would cause an immune response, I read that mouse neurons transplanted into rats lived longer than at mice, it is possible the longevizing effects of connecting two rodent circulatory systems (younger and older) could be accomplished with rats and mice to find out if young rat circulatory fluid heightens the maximum lifespan of mice; if it does then rodents could be screened to find those with an order of magnitude greater longevity as well as an absence of immune response, mice and beavers, noting beavers live about 14 times longer than mice, if there are multidigit % gains then the beaver or other rodent circulary fluid could be characterized as to the lomgevity chemicals or cytotypes that cause the greater longevity, these could then be administered to age batched marmosets to find out if they heighten primate longevity; then at voluntary human experiments at age batched humans those chemicals could be administered to find out if they heighten human longevity;

Longevity technology:
Reaching as many people as possible with longevity technology is beneficial; it is possible that having mice do the 24 most physiologically deleterious things that humans do and simultaneously orally dosing them with longevity drugs (2019 rapamycin and rapalogs, Epithalon AEDG peptide, metformin, others) could find longevity drugs that cause any humans with deleterious behaviors or habits to outlive unmedicated humans, this is possible during 2019 AD and could cause humans to seek out longevity drugs;

Make a list of longevity drugs for Shay Stacer

A longevity drug compatible with the most prevalent distribution channels is beneficial; groceries are among the frequently visited locations, milk, peanut butter, near instant carbohydrate products, as well as the eggs of genetically modified chickens as well as other products could be longevity drug enhanced grocery products, items near the register the acquisition of which is often unplanned, like candy bars as well as 2-4 ounce energy drinks, are also often near the register; one or more doses a month increases longevity; metformin, made flavorless with microencapsulation, as well as 10HDA (10 H2DA), also enteric and liposomal Epithalon (AEDG) peptide, as well as palmitate versions, enteric coated flavoredless reishi active chemical component as well as the other chemicals could be physiologically compatible with human physiological children. It is valuable to have grocery foods be compatible with human physiological children.

Reishi is published as heightening yeast longevity, longevity heightening rf-3 may a longevity chemical, there are a numerous ganoderma species, it is of value to quantify the longevity effects of reishi as well as other ganoderma species at age batched mice preparatory to making them a high distribution grocery available food ingredient

Eggs with reishii longevity heightening active chemicals as well as Epithalon, possibly combined with thymosin peptide (four times more likely to be alive after 6 years) could be be an ingredient component or produced at genetically engineered chickens as well as milk cows, or other milk producing mammals

Immune system activity may or may not be associated with heightened longevity; immunizations like possibly BCG or others could cause 14 year old like immune system profile at persons of other ages


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