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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Things that fill childrens' lives with happiness

o Things that fill childrens' lives with happinessTreon Verdery

Subject: Things that fill childrens' lives with happiness
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 07:25 UTC
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Subject: Things that fill childrens' lives with happiness
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Longevity technology

Custom epigenetics,
Making a deacytlase protein note effective, make millions of molecular variants then screen to find some that function better and pass the blood brain barrier
Do all epigenetic drugs reach oocytes and sperm progenitor cytes well, create epigenetic drugs that are better at this

Are healing ability proteins in young children longevity drugs, concentrate chemicals from healing children of primates, multicentury lifespan clams, and tortoises to find out if they longevize c elegans and yeast

Verify the 40 something percent greater longevity effect from enterosorbemts at mice and then compare the electrophoresis chemicals of enterosorbent treated mice and regular mice to find out if there is any physiochemical difference in the unabsorbed remaining material, if there is, find out which chemicals GI tract bacteria produce, or decompose to make,, then see if GI tract bacteria that omit producing those toxins cause mice to live longer, axenic (bacterialess) mice exist but I do not know if they have been screened for greater longevity, screen axenic mice for greater longevity, if normal human GI tract bacteria are found to produce toxins then immunization against those toxins could cause greater longevity

Enyerosorbents are published as causing 40% something greater longevity, and at a dubious study mice fed LKM512 bacteria lived 95% longer and had remodelled GI tracts, at mice find out if there is s GI tract morphology difference between 99th percentile of longevity mice and median mice (diameter, length, membrane thickness, number of bends, transit interval) if there is a difference genetically engineer median mice to have the more optimal GI tract morphology, if there is one, do imaging of supercentenarians and well persons at the 60th, 70th, 80th, and 90th, and 99th percentile of longevity and see if there is a shape trend, that contributes to modifying the human germline to cause people to have the more longevizing GI tract form

Transit time and automatic hydration at the GI tract may also effect longevity, test the effect of drugs that hyperhydrate and underhydrate the GI tract as to longevity effects on normal mice, also test the effect of transit time rapidifiers on longevity at mice, GI tract only mu opioid antagonists might do this and some mu opioid peptides are active at microgram quantities,

Noting enyerosorbents ate published as causing greater than 40% greater longevity at rodents, test their effect on large mammals (cows, pigs, horses) then do 700 electrophoretic fractions of plasms, with each being tested on yeast or c elegans for longevity modulation effects, it could be that there is a longevizing chemical or that a deleterious chemical will be detectably strongly reduced when comparing normal large mammal plasma with enyerosorbent treated large mammal or rodent plasma, find out which body systems, possibly something in the liver, usually metabolize those deleterious chemicals then upregulate the production of that metabolizer molecule, drugs that upregulate that metabolizer molecule could be new longevity drugs

Enyerosorbents are published as increasing longevity, find out if much lower mass enterosorbents, possibly diaper-gel like 200-1000 times expansion molecular variants (acrylates) with different surface charges as enterosorbents, and screen 100 varieties of molecular variants with different surface charges, as well as completely different enterosorbent molecules to find a one pill per day enterosorbant longevity pill that functions at humans, c elegans may have a longevity increase response to enyerosorbents, if so, numerous thousands of different enyerosorbents and surface charges can be tested, it is possible screening some ion exchange resins as enyerosorbents like materials could find a longevity increasing oral material that functions at lower mass

Enterosorbents, it is possible these reduce inflammation, so topical fluorocorticoids modified not to pass the GI tract could have an effect, this could be tested on mice, or if c elegans respond to enterosorbents with greater longevity, c elegans. Longevity chemical 10HDA causes mice with dermatitis to itch(or actually scratch) five times less, screen molecular variants of 10HDA to find one with much stronger anti-itch, possibly antiinflammatory characteristics, find out if this has greater longevity increasing effects at c elegans and mice

Find out if mice that get a fecal transplant from 400 year lifespan clams, tortoises, and humans live longer, if they do then find out which bacteria either omit secreting or being toxic, and test those on age batched humans as probiotics after a course of antibiotics and a purgative clears their intestinal flora

Words about art
Art about "are you treating your children well"


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