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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Things that fill children with happiness,

o Things that fill children with happiness,Treon Verdery

Subject: Things that fill children with happiness,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 07:25 UTC
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Subject: Things that fill children with happiness,
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CPU speakers or social companion robots could notice when adults and siblings were at 90th percentile of previously measured happiness and suggest that children interact with people like their oarents or siblings then. Timing could contribute to child snd adult hapoiness, so CPU speakers that amplify adult and sibling happiness could amplify child happiness.

Longevity technology
Sleep causes greater healthspan, wellness, and optmal amounts of sleep may have longevity increasing effects as well, they could find out what 1000 or 100 chemicals most increase from several hours of sleep, are newly produced, or are decreased from optimal sleep and find out if supplementing mice or c elegans with those chemicals increases lifespan, circulating chemicals as well as tissue specific chemicals like brain, cardiovascular system, liver and heart could be utilized, chemicals from tissue homogenates from optimally sleeping and awake primate monozygotic twins or other 8 hour sleeping mammals (cows? Horses? Pigs?) could be used

Do BDNF, NGF as well as other nerve growth factors have beneficial longevity effects or healthspan effects at non neural tissues, this could be tested at human tissue culture, age batched very elderly persons, and a BDNF version with a polyglycine, protein or other peptide attached to the BDNF or other nerve growth factor so the nerve growth factor does not pass the blood brain barrier (stable isotope verified), this could be tested at mice to find out if the nerve growth factors increase longevity, if they also increase longevity at yeast or c elegans a million molecular variants could be tested at yeast or 10k versions tested at c elegans (107 or a few hundred 96 well plates) to find a version with greater longevity increase, are there peptide nrtbe growth factors? Also, if nerve growth factors cause greater longevity this could be a gene therapy longevity or healthspan technology and could also be made part of the human germline

Marmosets are a primate that could be batched into 6 months, one year, two years, and four year prior to being previously alive groups and used to test longevity drugs and the effect of longevity drugs on progeny,

Divergence of physiochistry from that of humans approaching being previously alive: from age 11, circulatory system fluids and cheek swabs tissue samples could be used to characterized to show the gradual or sudden changes of people as they traverse the years from 11 to being previously alive, eight samples from each year of age are sufficient to get a p value, so from 11 to supercentenarians is not that many samples, the chemicals that gradually change, those that increase or decrease are then tested on c elegans and yeast to find those that lonhevize yeast or, at cumulative or sudden human physiological chemical change otherwise modulate c elegans and yeast longevity and wellness or healthspan, chemicals at the 97th percentile above at causing a change in any direction could be tested on mice,immunizations against deleterious chemicals could cause greater longevity as well as healthspan, and supplementing with beneficial chemicals could cause greater longevity and healthspan. Some of the physiochemicals may be symptomatic, others might be causative like the deleterious interleukin senolytics get rid of, a really rapid version of this study would use 9 circulatory system circulating fluids and actual tissue samples from rats or cows, pigs, or horses, identify and measure the physiochemicals, administer them to yeast then test the 97the percentile of physiochemicals that cause the greatest change on mice, if large animals are used (horses, cows, pigs) then the large animal plasma or tissues can be used as a plentiful source of test chemicals for the mice, another approach is just to get 7 discrete human year of age equivalent samples from large mammals, mass sort, or electrophoretically sort that into 700 different testable plasma fraction materials then test those 4900 different plasma fractions on c elegans (53 or hundreds of plates) and yeast to find out if pjysiochemicals from chemical change progression with age shows beneficial or deleterious chemicals, if there is an effect then that electrophoretic or mass sorted plasma fraction could be electrophoresis sized or mass sorted further and partitioned into another 900 groups to find the longevity and wellness chemicals with greater precision


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