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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Motors that are hyper durable 900 loop stepper motors, 2 of 3 electronics, longest lived watch (multi century) gearing and bearing forms,

o Motors that are hyper durable 900 loop stepper motors, 2 of 3 electronics, longeTreon Verdery

Subject: Motors that are hyper durable 900 loop stepper motors, 2 of 3 electronics, longest lived watch (multi century) gearing and bearing forms,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 02:25 UTC
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Subject: Motors that are hyper durable 900 loop stepper motors, 2 of 3
electronics, longest lived watch (multi century) gearing and bearing forms,
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internal prestressed pressure bearings keep shape longer, chemical vapor deposition diamond coated bearing raceways, at linear region of performance size motor to be at 24% of load, so it can adapt to the rest of the mechanism changing load, the deep nested can motor his higher torque and higher current

Is a high torque motor attached to a rapidifying geartrain more or less reliable than a high voltage low torque motor if geared for torque, which has fewer parts, is with theoretically identical, do the parts take up different amounts of space, could layered multiple windings produce different torque and rotation velocity at direct drive motors, likely stepper motors,
A 100 hour amount of electricity is 98 or 99 hours of activity with silver wire, but near 96 with Cu wire and possibly 94-96 with Al wire, making batteries .05% lighter or more efficient seems continuous, easy and constant so more affordable Am wire could be used, at higher currents, 3D printed aluminum or silver wire motors are possible and could be modelled and CAD defined to be 2-an order of magnitude more durable as well as have highly customized conduction pathways like branching and thousands of separately addressable conductors so that if one or a plurality of conductors shorts the motor keeps running, one thing magnetic field simulation software could do is find out if 3D printing magnetic focusers, pole pieces, right in a winding can customize the magnetic field to give more torque at less volume if the 3D printed motor is like a 10 milligrams of pole piece per gram of motor, also pole pieces can be made of supermagnetic materials to give greatest torque per gram, one thing to heighten motor life is 3D printing the wires insulation with a nondeforming at high velocities and sudden halts material like what I have read are called engineering polymers with a high dielectric, the highest dialectric wire insulators could make electric motors go from 99% efficient to 99.3% efficient

Greatest torque from smallest size and least vibrating, least bendy axle, least vibration could come from layered (multithousand 3D printed) conductor winding loops, and just those loops turned on that caused the least vibration (or compensates for the vibration the rest of the windings cause), it is possible a least vibration motor transmits less vibration to the axle making all the parts last longer, from an order of magnitude less vibration. I think vibration could be reduced with the addressible windings omitting beat frequencies, micro accelerations between steps at a stepper motor, and could also, at some modelled, CAD 3D printed motors have the conductive pathways (wires) able to make non circular driving magnetic fields, possibly that overlap that compensate when a bearing is out of function, or wear had caused eccentricity of motion, that causes the axle to have a high linear power output at all the radians of its output, from bearing or other wear compensation from using alternate conductive pathways at the windings, these technologies would also benefit electric generators

Has anyone made wobble and out of specification magnetic damper, like a pool noodle or torus you put on an axle that, durable machinery like excavators, elevators, washers, dryers, trucks, agricultural machinery, HVAC fans (quieter), and even piston rods, if just possibly 2times to an order or magnitude less eccentric wear, quieter operation, and greater intervals between maintenance is beneficial then a hundredth of

Gears with RFID on them and magnetic damping could wobble an order of magnitude or two less than regular gears, ambient RF would power the every 3D printed gear a little like an actuator or magnetism adhered to its linear region of performance and minimized vibration
Think of three gears on an axle at a stack with spacers between them, wobble causes some gears to lift away, some to traverse 180° from them, the edges of the gears that mesh are near the edge of their engineering linear area of behavior, they function but if the watch is jolted the gears could unmesh, a thing that causes the gears to always be at their optimal meshing midpoint would continue to function after the same jolt, so if each of the gears had a magnetic conductor winding printed on it they could attract or repel each other to maintain optimal distance that persists through jolts, avoids making high wear spots like the edges of gears, and with dynamic guidance can reduce vibration at the entire mechanism from broadening and smoothing actuation curves (tic toc, pawl, and clockwise/anticlockwise motion having smoother energy curves, and compensating for flexion note this is magnetically adjustable spacing and vibration damping, at robots or automobiles and some airplanes this causes longer lifespan and makes it so less maintenance is required


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