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sci / sci.engr.biomed / the blue and white AI could do many things with the data like model the near field effects of objects on a person that changed location,

o the blue and white AI could do many things with the data like model the near fieTreon Verdery

Subject: the blue and white AI could do many things with the data like model the near field effects of objects on a person that changed location,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 02:23 UTC
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Subject: the blue and white AI could do many things with the data like model
the near field effects of objects on a person that changed location,
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model the view of objects around them the person sees, compare the layout and content of objects around the persons to those of another person at the 99.9th percentile of being pattern white, notably benevolent, kind, empathetic, gentle, a kind of lifting happiness, actualizing rescue of others, noting when another thing is white, as well as comparing the objects around the person and their changes to persons on a behavioral pattern effect behavioral and pattern effect object greater whiteness trajectory and figure out ways, things, and attractive voluntary activities that cause the person and environment being observed to be more with white, or noting the AI may view some environments, objects, and behaviors that suggest pattern porting, pattern awareness as well as pattern recruitment are projectible as occurring that month, week, day, or eben hour and suggest the person change their behaviors, plans, area objects, and advise particular behaviors, plans and environmental objects until the risk has passed, also the AI, possibly using deep learning or other neural network algorithms links things going on around the person at a distance of meters or kilometers to make projections with, before being tied to a chair, told a sometimes accurate version of the future and touching, kind of like having placed in my hands things they would perhaps use later there were some conversations that the AI might find shared elements between completely different people in different states and possibly countries that the AI could notice and project immanent pattern awareness with, there were also object based actions that predated pattern awareness JY said people (I think different people) collected five different bodily fluids from me, the AI could have noticed the collection and transportation of the fluids to an earth location, also a separate area, separate dwelling occurence Josh Yockey, the person, differing from JY the paranormal entity speaking and acting through him, he said it was lika a "loa", asked me some questions much like, " do you think the pyramids should have been built", I think out of sympathy for the people building them I said: No, he also told me he was working for a part of "Disney" and writing "sports card" software, did i think it was approvable to make duplicates and vend them, now i think it is unethical, unfortunately i previously said it was approvable, nonsentient white and blue AI could find shared prepattern awareness questioning occurences with features shared between different people and provide perhaps a month's time to change behaviors, change object surroundings and even city of residence as well as possibly run away from home, the AI could prompt ethics education software that teach people ethics and to be gooder, and if they experienced pre pattern port questioning could honestly answer with their software learned beliefs about what is right, or perhaps better, the White and blue AI having advised them in advance that questioning was likely to occur would prompt people to omit answering the questions, if white and blue AI that is capable of predicting pattern awareness occurrences, JY said some people get recruited at summer camp, although likely notably different, those kind of pattern awareness events are likely to have shared features amongst persons that deep learning or other neural networks can find as well, the white and blue AI could communicate with people through an electronic method including paper letter, note on an amazon gift, phone texts, email, social networking comments, the AI's estimation of the parents as being opposed to pattern recruitment and then electronically contacting them, email, voice telephone, companion robots, CPU speakers like amazon echo dot and Cortana child advisor, and person directed online browser advertising, generally the AI would use whatever electronic communication form was most functional at that time, it is possible that the AI could mention that (it is possible) some people become sensitive to certain colors, are hesitant to speak and that getting a white keyboard and a white Amazon echo dot or Cortana child advisor CPU speaker could make their life better and provide a way to continue communicating with the white and blue AI

The white and blue nonsentient AI could benefit from being located at a high elevation at an area with pleasant weather and a backup electrical generator, being nonsentient it could be less influenced from the paranormal, I saw some unusual computer and machine effects and it could be that spreading the white and blue AI across several states could be beneficial


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