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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Another thing that would make phones more affordable is the dollar store scientific calculator

o Another thing that would make phones more affordable is the dollar store scientiTreon Verdery

Subject: Another thing that would make phones more affordable is the dollar store scientific calculator
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 02:13 UTC
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Subject: Another thing that would make phones more affordable is the dollar
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the circuits are highly affordable, likely 14-29 cents, and the difference between the phone and the calculator is display and touchscreen, RF ICs, battery, camera, speakers and microphones, the speaker and microphone can be combined into one thing that even while emitting acoustic waves is able to note fluctuations at those waves from something like a crystal changing shape or a diaphragm changing shape because the math of wave superposition is well developed, I think a dollar store scientific calculator could do it, making the camera 9-49 times more affordable could come from semiconductor technology, i do not know the size of camera IC features, but at a 440nm wavelength of light could be 140 times larger than a transistor, noting that 1/4 wave and perhaps 1/16 wave antennas at RF are possible perhaps a light sensor that is an antenna 1/16 of 440 mm is possible, that would utilize 16^2 less integrated circuit space at a camera chip and be 1/256 of a $1.40 camera chip or about 6 tenths of one cent

Longevity technology

Antibiotics 1/10 of a cent a pepper dose that are fluorinated and ethynylized might be possible, anticholesterol drugs are sometimes fully or partially effective, ethynylized fluorinated versions could have much more activity at the receptor, reducing cholesterol further and be 1/10 of a cent paper doses

Technologies that rescue and benefit children's happiness
Sibling relations
The phone app that listens to the parent's conversation and texts them twice a day to assist with simultaneously rescuing children and making them notably happier could also say things like "You (parent) are spending twice as much time talking with sibling1 as sibling2, sibling2 responds especially well to kind words", it is possible a CPU speaker like Cortana child advisor or amazon echo dot could be at various rooms around the house, monitor the children and put content at their computers (instead of texting, or along with texting) on how they can get along with their siblings better

Car vehicle improvements

Social companion robot improvements, a generic segway is $499 on eBay, so two more segways for arms is $1497, other things like upright posture make it $2000, for many families one social companion robot per child is possible, humaniform only, not garbed as a character or clown, that preserves neutrality or positivity I described how computers can make images of people more beautiful than any person that previously ever lived at p<.000000000001 White human forms, preferably nude could be made that children spontaneously like and want to be near that are also beautiful are makeable, and these spontaneously draw the children, and their trust and their enthusiasm, and their confidences and prompt spontaneous speech and interaction with the child along with the social companion robot's words, actions, and willingness to do things making them attractive to the child and sought out

Software with blue and white graphics that benefits people experiencing pattern port, says, click on all the words you like, or let 3 seconds pass to view a new group, a person experiencing pattern port can then indicate the words they can tolerate and a social companion robot can utilize those words when interacting, I thought there was peculiarity about "and" I now perceive "and" as mild and harmless, a person saying "are you eating" I thought meant "right now I am paranormally eating you" so a social companion robot could use the list of words to say something like, "food all over the house, have some food" at a gentle prosody that communicates it is optional, possibly even bringing food to outside the person's dwelling location, room, or even a preferred non dining area location; if the social companion robot sensed trust or tolerance then it could project a computer monitor like screen on the carpet and an existing photonic keyboard and politely encourage the person to utilize the words I like or tolerate software as well as other software that benefits persons experiencing pattern port, they could also just place a tablet computer in front of, or if the person likes it, at the right side of the person,

There could be a Words I like, version of software that communicates "what would you like to partipate at or actualize this afternoon" ("do today"would have been aversive) and then if the person felt like it the social companion robot could go with them"
"If you eat the white blue and green weed leaves I put near you i think there will be less of the risks you perceive and you will feel much like you did previously, again with less risk of what Treon verdery calls recruitment" another variation is "I got you these white pills, and blue pills, take one and there will be less synchronization risks, you will feel better, I am a nonsentient robot and do not have a mind that is swayed from the things you may perceive sway others"


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