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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Pattern recruitment and awareness decreasing techmology, epigenetics modifying pill thatt moves the epigemtics of people towards those of adults,

o Pattern recruitment and awareness decreasing techmology, epigenetics modifying pTreon Verdery

Subject: Pattern recruitment and awareness decreasing techmology, epigenetics modifying pill thatt moves the epigemtics of people towards those of adults,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:14 UTC
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Subject: Pattern recruitment and awareness decreasing techmology, epigenetics
modifying pill thatt moves the epigemtics of people towards those of adults,
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Referably older adults, that software figures out are absent ever having experienced pattern awareness, parents might give these to their children because it would make the children even nicer and even more honest with 99.9th percentile of niceness and honesty or higher beneficial
Find the genes to honesty and niceness, then screen a library of epigenetic modifier chemicals on mice and then humans, (it is likely possible to find nice mice, humans could be the honesty epigenetics characterization organisms, perhaps while figuring it out give the adults an epigemetics modifying pill that combines multiple epigenetics benefits with honesty epigenetics. If they do not like it they can restore their previous epigenetics, combine this with epigenetics of greater cognitive ability, I think there is also epigenetics of greater longevity and healthspan so combine it with those as well

Software that decreases pattern recruitment and awareness
The software has a graphical 200 second pattern awareness diagnostic where the person sorts images into piles with emotion faces and color circles labelling each identity pile area, with either a next button to skip it, or it stochastically locates a graphic onto a pile if there is a 3 second delay of response at the person sorting the graphic, the person can then put the graphic back or at another pile, the software, possibly deep learning AI, matches their responses to previous learned responses and validated with 4 year olds, 5 year olds, 9 year olds, 11 year olds, 29 year and adults at the 99th percentile of career success and persons who pled guilty to a premeditated violent crime, looking at the data trend that traverses the chronological ages and adults, if there are graphics to pile making trends, find any that diverge with greater age, or successful adult and the premeditated violent

Pattern diagnostic memory match where they have the option of applying any of 20 graphics they most like to the memory match visual rememberable area, so pattern aware person tropisms pick certain things first a rememberable amount, deep learning characterizes trends, validate with 4 year olds, 5 year olds, 9 year olds, 11 year olds, 29 year olds and persons I perceive as particularly likely to have previously experienced pattern awareness, normal people at the 99th percentile of career success and persons who pled guilty to a premeditated violent crime, then look at the data trend that traverses the chronological ages and adults, if there are graphics to pile making trends find any that diverge with greater age, or occur strongly and gain homogeneity of preference with increasing age then persons using the software with pile sorting with tropisms that are farther from the tropisms of age shift, adults, career successful, and those that said they did something violent on purpose are more likely, from what i perceive and some things JY said about the pattern, to have pattern awareness and divergence on their pile sorting characterization

Words that always have only one meaning as well as new words (rurious, nurious, wigous, gurious, gotords, numerous new words possibly hundreds at my notes) are beneficially creatable

Longevity technology

Could running away from summer camp have or disrupt pattern recruitment as well as pattern awareness, making this harmless could be beneficial

White and blue AI that figures out if people have experienced pattern awareness or are absent having ever experienced pattern awareness has numerous benefits to people,
Double utility benefit from white and blue AI guidance, AI always prompts doing and getting things that are in their own right beneficial while also patten, white shoes, repainted freshened dwellings, white cars being $300 greater value (I read) if vended to another person sequentially, clean garments, high ceilings, building new construction with more bathrooms while minimizing kitchen square footage to sufficiency, favor above ground dwellings (eschew and omit building basement apartments) favor large round multi dwelling spaces raised on towers, things like putting beneficial things at the right side of a surface, rounded, possibly puffy furniture,

Then there are pattern beneficial things that might be neutral in their own right to people, using spoons rather than other utensils, drying on cool, cities, neighborhoods, and apartment buildings with particular names, white computer cases and media center things, things people decorate their cars with like color and shape of air fresheners, things people dangle from mirrors, automotive seat and steering wheel covers, make everything white,

There are sites online where scientists have their papers available and people leave comments, if I think of value I can leave comments and also provide a link to the longevity technologies I have thought of


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